【题目】 Indeed,” George Washington wrote in his diary in 1785, “some kind of fly, or bug, had begun to eat the leaves before I left home.” But the father of America was not the father of bug. When Washington wrote that, Englishmen had been referring to insects as bugs for more than a century, and Americans had already created lightning-bug(萤火虫). But the English were soon to stop using the bugs in their language, leaving it to the Americans to call a bug a bug in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The American bug could also be a person, referring to someone who was crazy about a particular activity. Although fan became the usual term, sports fans used to be called racing bugs, baseball bugs, and the like.

Or the bug could be a small machine or object, for example, a bug-shaped car. The bug could also be a burglar alarm, from which comes the expression to bug, that is, “to install an alarm”. Now it means a small piece of equipment that people use for listening secretly to others’ conversation. Since the 1840s, to bug has long meant “to cheat”, and since the 1940s it has been annoying.

We also know the bug as a flaw in a computer program or other design. That meaning dates back to the time of Thomas Edison. In 1878 he explained bugs as “little problems and difficulties” that required months of study and labor to overcome in developing a successful product. In 1889 it was recorded that Edison “had been up the two previous nights discovering ‘a bug’ in his invented record player.”

【1】 We learn from Paragraph 1 that __________________.

A.Americans had difficulty in learning to use the word bug

B.George Washington was the first person to call an insect a bug

C.the word bug was still popularly used in English in the nineteenth century

D.both Englishman and Americans used the word bug in the eighteenth century

【2】What does the word “flaw” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Explanation. B. Finding.

C. Origin. D. Fault.

【3】The passage is mainly concerned with__________________.

A. the misunderstanding of the word bug

B. the development of the word bug

C. the public views of the word bug

D. the special characteristics of the word bug

【题目】Scientists are learning new things about Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth. For example, the Antarctic ice sheet is shrinking. A new study found that summer ice loss in parts of Antarctica was at its highest level in 1,000 years. The study showed that Antarctic ice was melting mostly from below ice shelves, where the water is warmer than the ice.

Eric Rignot is an earth system expert at the University of California, Irvine. He also works for the American space agency, NASA. There he serves as senior research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, also in California. He says ice melting from below is responsible for 55 percent of the shelf loss from 2003 to 2008. That is a much higher rate than scientists thought earlier.

Professor Rignot and his team used satellite observations, radar and computer models to measure features above the ice to learn what was going on below.

The measurements show differences from one area to the next around the continent. The major ice shelves are called Ross, Filchner and Ronne. They make up two-thirds of Antarctica’s ice shelves. But they are responsible for only 15 percent of the melting ice.

The professor says even small changes, like changes in ocean flow driven by wind, can make a huge difference in the melting of the ice shelf.

Sixty percent of the Earth’s fresh water is held in the huge Antarctic ice sheet. Professor Rignot says the study will help experts predict how the continent reacts to warmer ocean waters and helps to cause rising sea levels around the world. The study was published in the journal Science.

【1】 What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. the Antarctic ice sheet is shrinking

B. the coldest place on earth

C. the major Antarctica’s ice shelves

D. the Atlantic Ocean are changing

【2】How did Eric Rignot and his team do the research?

A. He serves as senior research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

B. Small changes, like changes in ocean flow driven by wind, can make a huge difference in the melting of the ice shelf.

C. They used satellite observations, radar and computer models to know the things happening below the ice.

D. They melted 55% of the Antarctica’s ice to prove their theory is right.

【3】Which is true of the following statements?

A. Ice melting from below is responsible for 35 percent of the shelf loss from 2003 to 2008.

B. Sixty percent of the Earth’s fresh water is contained in the huge Antarctic ice sheet.

C. The major ice shelves are called Ross, Filchner and Ronne, which make up one-third of Antarctica’s ice shelves.

D. Summer ice loss in Antarctica was at its highest level in 1,000 years.

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