【题目】Scientists are fond of running the evolutionary clock backward, using DNA analysis and the fossil record to figure out when our ancestors stood straight and split off from the rest of the primate evolutionary tree. But the clock is running forward as well. So where are humans headed? Here's a thoughtless assessment of possible paths, ranging from similar humans to alien-looking hybrids bred for interstellar (星际的) travel.

Different populations of a species have to be separated from each other in order for those populations to diverge into separate species. Populations are increasingly in contact with each other, leading to greater gene-mixing. It's believable that separate species would appear. Evolution is still at work and the trend may well be accelerating. Cultural diversity is fading as human society becomes more interconnected globally.

The radical king of evolution moves much more quickly than biological evolution. High-tech improvements are ranging from Supermen, to camera-equipped flying drones(遥控飞机), to pills that keep soldiers going without sleep or food for days. To date, genetic medicine has focused on therapies that work on only one person at a time. The effects of those therapies aren't carried on to future generations. Tinkering with the germline could conceivably produce a superhuman species in a single generation-but could also conceivably create a race of monsters.

Today the rapid pace of cybernetic(计算机控制论的) change has led to worry that artificial intelligence may outpace human’s natural smarts. In some fields, artificial intelligence has already bested human. We're already making machines that can be assimilated (同化) including artificial limbs, mechanical hearts, and artificial retinas (视网膜).

If humans survive long enough, there's one sure way to grow new branches on our evolutionary family tree by spreading out to other planets. If humans established a permanent settlement on other planets, the radically different living conditions would change the evolutionary equation (方程式) What will be inconceivable millions of years from now? Two intelligent species, human and machine, definitely work together to spread life through the universe.

【1】Scientists study the evolution according to .

A. different populations of a species

B. DNA analysis and the fossil record

C. cultural diversity and greater gene-mixing

D. high-tech enhancements and biological evolution

【2】 Which is NOT true about human beings' evolution?

A. New species will appear.

B. Human's evolution is faster than biological evolution

C. Cultures will become more colorful.

D. The evolution might create a race of monsters.

【3】What might bring threat to human beings?

A. Supermen. B. Monsters.

C. Alien. D. Artificial intelligence.

【4】Which of the following must happen in the future?

A. Humans survive long enough.

B. Humans spread out to other planets.

C. Human and machine work together.

D. Living conditions change the evolutionary equation.

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