【题目】根据文章内容, 从下框A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。

A. Heat food thoroughly

B. Store food properly

C. Cook food thoroughly

D. Serve food safely

E. Prepare food safely

F. Shop smartly

Food Safety in the Home


Prevention food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket. Pick up your packaged and canned foods first. Buy cans and jars that look perfect. Look for any expiration dates on the labels and never buy outdated food. Likewise, check the use by or sell by date on dairy products such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, and sour cream and pick the ones that will stay fresh longest in your refrigerator.


After shopping, get home as soon as you can. Then put food into the refrigerator or freezer right away. Make sure to set the refrigerator temperature to 40℉ and the freezer to 0℉. Check temperatures with a thermometer. Place raw meat and seafood in containers in the refrigerator to prevent their juices from dripping on other foods. Eggs always go in the refrigerator.


Wash hands and surfaces often. Bacteria can be spread throughout the kitchen and get onto cutting boards and counter tops. To prevent this, wash hands with soap and hot water before and after handling food, and after using the bathroom or handling pets. Wash everything else before and after it touches food. Wash cloths before you use them again for anything else.


Cook food thoroughly until it is done. For example, cooked red meat looks brown inside. Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of meat, poultry, casseroles and other food. Use a thermometer with a small-diameter stem. Insert the thermometer 1 to 2 inches into the center of the food and wait 30 seconds to ensure an accurate measurement. Check temperature in several places to be sure the food is evenly heated.


Use clean containers to store and serve food. When a dish is empty or nearly empty, replace with fresh container of food, removing the previous container. Place cold food in containers on some ice. Place the container inside a deep pan filled with ice to keep food cold. Once food is thoroughly heated on stovetop, oven or in microwave oven, keep food hot by using a heat source. Place food in chafing dishes, preheated steam tables, warming trays and / or slow cookers.

【题目】Christmas in the United States is traditionally a time of gift-giving and family gatherings. But small towns across the country have their own traditions.

Middleburg,a small town in the state of Virginia,is known for its horses. For more than 50 years, Middleburg has organized a yearly Christmas parade(游行). Men and women ride horses through the woods and fields.They follow hunting dogs as they search for a wild fox.But first,these hunters ride in the yearly parade, wearing their bright red hunting clothes and hats.

John Hale, a citizen of Middleburg says many city people visit his town. “We have a lot of people from an urban area that come to visit,but it involves a lot of the old traditions.” The nighttime hay ride is one such tradition.Small groups gather under the moonlight on an open wagon filled with hay. The passengers sing as farm horses pull the wagon slowly across the fields.

There are some newer traditions, too. Trey Matheu works at the nearby Salamander Resort. He says a visit to Middleburg is a chance to slow down for a day. He says Middleburg can be a calming, peaceful place without tension.

“Middleburg is an opportunity to take a step back, to take a deep breath, and understand that even though life is moving on at a very fast pace, there’s really an opportunity where you’re allowed to step off for a little bit.”

Parade organizers say more than 13,000 people attend even in below-freezing weather. But if you ask,you will hear many different reasons why people come to watch the parade:

“I come here because I’m from a small town. I like how everybody comes together.”“I live right down that street; right there. And that’s my dog.”

Middleburg looks its best at Christmastime. That may be why so many people return each year.

【1】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Middleburg Christmas parade

B. A small town known for horses

C. Christmas traditions in Middleburg

D. Newer traditions at Christmastime

【2】At Christmas, people in Middleburg usually ___________.

A. visit friends and families

B. feed farm horses with hay

C. hunt for dogs in the woods

D. ride in the yearly parade

【3】According to Trey Matheu, why do people visit Middleburg?

A. To relax themselves.

B. To enjoy the fresh air.

C. To escape competition.

D. To challenge themselves.

【4】What do we know about the small town Middleburg?

A. It makes a large profit from tourism.

B. It attracts many people each year.

C. It is a good place for family gatherings.

D. It doesn’t respect Christmas traditions.

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