
(2012年沈阳模拟) They're so young! What sets apart (区别) the new TV adaptation (改编) of the classic novel A Dream of Red Mansions is the youthfulness of the players.

The producers made a great effort to bring in young actors. Most of them were born in the late 1980s and 1990s. At the same time, a team of 20somethings was given responsibility for adapting the novel for TV screens.

It is unusual for a director to pick a group of young people with little scriptwriting (写剧本) experience to take on such a big task. Most would expect the job to be given to more seasoned (经验丰富的) writers.

“I understand why director Li Shaohong has taken this unusual approach,” writes movie critic Raymond Zhou in China Daily. “She wants the drama to resonate (共鸣) with today's young people.”

Besides giving the remake a youthful flavor, Li also wanted to go back to the original. The popular 1986 adaptation left out many important parts of the novel that were considered superstitious (迷信的) back then. For this adaptation Li wanted strict faith to A Dream of Red Mansions, to make sure young audiences will get a real sense of the novel.

However, since people know the 1986 adaptation so well, they compare the old and new shows. The costumes, makeup and scenery in new drama are controversial (被争论的). Nie Lina, 16, of Yantai No.1 High School in Shandong Province, believes it is a bad idea for actors to have such strange hairstyles. The actors remind me of Peking Opera performers, not people living in Qing Dynasty time. Li Youran, 16, of Nanjing Foreign Language School, complains the music is strange and some scenes are scary. She also believes the actors are not playing in the spirit of the characters.

But Zhou defends (捍卫) the remake as an attempt at faithful adaptation. The value of the adaptation of a novel should be judged (评价) by how faithful it is to the novel—it shouldn't be judged against another adaptation. However, Zhou also argues that a director has the right to make his or her own work of art:an artist has the right to interpret (阐释) a classic based on his or her own understanding...You may not like it, but you cannot deny (否认) him or her that right.

【1】Which of the following statements is the difference between the new adaptation and the old one?

A.The actors are very famous.

B.The actors are very young.

C.The director is very famous.

D.The producers are very young.

【2】According to Zhou,a movie critic,the director Li Shaohong picked young players because ________.

A.she wanted today's young people love the new drama

B.she wanted to train young actors

C.she liked to attempt a new unusual approach

D.she thought the new drama is fit for young players to act

【3】Besides the youthfulness,the director wants to make the new adaptation ________.





【4】What does the underlined word in the third paragraph mean,according to the passage?





【5】According to the audiences,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Mostspan> audiences are satisfied with the new drama.

B.Lina believes the music in the drama is strange.

C.Zhou thinks it is right to be faithful.

D.Li Youran thinks it is wrong for players to have strange hairstyles.


Ten, nine, eight, seven...zero—lift off. These words____like music to an astronomer's ears. As the countdown progresses, the rocket's engines____and give it the required push to tear through the atmosphere and____the earth's gravitation.

These rockets take astronauts and manmade satellites into____. The satellites are used for communication, weather monitoring and research. But how do satellites____up without falling down, you____ask?

Take a strong rope. Tie a small stone to one____to make a sling. Rotate the sling using one hand, you will____that the rope straightens out and becomes____as the sling rotates. As soon as you stop rotating, the rope slackens again. ____does the rope tighten on being rotated?

The answer to this question will____the answer to our query(疑问)how satellites remain in space without____down. When the sling is rotated, there are two____acting on the stone. The force of rotation, which tries to take the stone away from you and the force applied by your hand, which tries to____the stone towards you.

____you are rotating the sling, the two forces balance each other out and____the stone keeps going round and round. If you____the sling midway, the sling will fly off.

A satellite works in the same way. One of the two____forces acting on the satellite is the force of gravitation. ____force is that which is created by the rotation of the satellite____the earth. An orbiting satellite has these two forces balanced out so the satellite doesn't fall down to the earth.

【1】A. look B.seen

C.feel D.sound

【2】A. hire B.fire

C.break D.rush

【3】A. escape B.reach

C.increase D.decrease

【4】A. universe B.world

C.space D.stars

【5】A. stay B.put

C.keep D.take

【6】A. should B.might

C.dare D.ought

【7】A. side B.top

C.middle D.end

【8】A. watch B.notice

C.examine D.observe

【9】A. loose B.strong

C.tight D.short

【10】A. What B.How

C.Which D.Why

【11】A. provide B.make

C.receive D.accept

【12】A. lying B.falling

C.breaking D.turning

【13】A. forces B.powers

C.strengths D.energy

【14】A. push B.drag

C.throw D.pull

【15】A. Though B.While

C.Unless D.Until

【16】A. however B.otherwise

C.therefore D.instead

【17】A. release B.tie

C.fasten D.interrupt

【18】A. familiar B.important

C.opposite D.possible

【19】A. The other B.Another

C.Other D.Others

【20】A. through B.into

C.above D.around



During the fourth China Beijing Hightech Industries Week, exhibitions, feature presentations, technological exchanges and trade talks, and other events are organized.


China International Exhibition Center

Section for China's Key Science and Technology Achievements of the Ninth FiveYear Plan(1996~2000)

Environmental Protection and Energy Section

Section for Exhibition from Other Provinces and Municipalities(自治市)and Regions of China

China World Trade Centre

Exchange and Trade Fair for Science and Technology Books and Sports Information Media

The Trade Fair for Modern Intelligent Houses and Beijing Urban Real Estate

China Millenium Monument

Forum(论坛)and Exhibition of Foreign Scitech Universities

China Agricultural Culture Centre

Hightech Construction Products Exhibition

Feature Presentation:

Science and Education

Science Forum on the New Century

Hightech Industry

Forum on Environmental Protection

2001 Forum on Biotechnology on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine

Technical Exchanges and Trade Talks:

Trade Talks on Financial Capital Transformation

SinoItalian Forum and Trade Fair for the Development of IT and Communications Technology.

【1】If you want to know more about the hightech achievements of different parts of China, you should go to________.

A.China World Trade Centre

B.China Millenium Monument

C.China International Exhibition Centre

D.China Agricultural Cultural Centre

【2】These sessions mark the achievement of mankind in the fields of________.

A.electronic communications, energy and education

B.sports technology, filmindustry and environmental protection

C.network technology, hightech industries and traffic

D.medicine, weather broadcast and finance

【3】The advertisement is mainly about________.

A.the major activities of the hightech week

B.the timetable of hightech week

C.the names of the meeting places

D.the topic of trade talks



I’ve been keeping an English blog for many years. These practical tips have helped me over the course of my blogging.

Read quality books, blogs, journals, etc. which are written in English. Blogging is not always about writing. 【1】 Reading also improves your English comprehension, grammar, spelling, vocabulary and writing.

Practice helps, so continue writing. 2 Trying to make a perfect post (帖子) free from grammar and spelling mistakes is good but you’re not making use of your time efficiently.

3 Think about the main points you want to raise. I prepare an outline of my post and a list of the points I want to talk about. Doing this has helped me stay on track and focus on my main points. The outline and the list of points I want to write about serve as my guidelines when I’m writing.

When writing, use simple words and sentences. Using simple sentences makes your job as a blogger easier. 4 Always remember this: The aim of your writing is to get your message across and the only way to become an effective writer is successfully conveying your message to your readers.

Write your posts ahead of time. 5 To free yourself from the pressure of making a post on daily basis, which might affect your writing, consider making your posts ahead of time.

A. Also, it makes your posts more understandable to your readers.

B. Welcome comments from your blog reaers.

C. There are benefits of daily blogging but if it becomes tiring, forget about it.

D. Don’t be scared of making mistakes.

E. Mistakes can be reduced with the help of your readers.

F. You need to read to be able to write fluently.

G. Prepare an outline of your post.

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