【题目】Nothing is as precious as one's freedom. Dreams, aspirations and ideals mean nothing if one does not have the freedom to pursue them.

A lot has been done in the name of freedom. A lot has been said and written about freedom. In the past six months, the world witnessed Tunisian uprising, Egyptian revolution and Libyan civil war. Thousands of people fought for freedom; hundreds of people lost their lives (for freedom); people are craving for freedom. But, what exactly is freedom? We are fighting for it, we are ready to die for it, we are craving for it, but, can we really define it?

Albert Camus thinks freedom is a chance to be better. Abraham Lincoln calls it best hope of Earth. Epictetus says it's the right to live as we wish. For Moshe Dayan it's oxygen for soul. According to Urban Dictionary it's everything. And going by Oxford Dictionaries, it's power of self determination attributed to the will.

Everyone has different views about freedom. But somehow I am still not convinced because we can't really be fighting for a chance or hope. And the concept of everything is full of uncertainties. I don't think we are fighting for power of self-determination either. And as for the right to live as we wish, if we have the right to fight, then, how can we be denied the right to live as per our wish?

But the question still remains unanswered, what is freedom?

For me, freedom has a deeper and greater meaning. I think freedom is much more than just a right. It's a responsibility of doing what you think is good, not only for you but even for society. It is a state when one realizes their duties and starts respecting others' freedom.

Freedom is when we realize that we can do absolutely anything except force another person to follow us in our madness or our desire for life. Freedom is when we are no longer slaves to our desires, society, its expectations, luxury or slaves to a life we did not choose.

Freedom is when we have the courage to speak out what we know is true, do what we feel is right, and fight for what we think is unfair. One shouldn't really fight for freedom; rather, they should try to achieve it.

【1】How many famous peoples definitions of freedom are mentioned in the passage?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

【2】Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _____________.

A. Everyone longs for freedom

B. Everyone is fighting for freedom

C. People have different views about freedom

D. Famous people have a deeper understanding of freedom

【3】Which of the following will the author agree with?

A. Freedom is a chance to live better.

B. Freedom is our best hope in the world.

C. Freedom is the right to live as we wish.

D. Freedom is a responsibility of doing what is good.

【4】What is the authors purpose of writing the passage?

A. To show different views about freedom.

B. To express his understanding of freedom.

C. To encourage us to pursue our dreams and aspirations.

D. To argue against some famous peoples understanding of freedom.

【题目】Walt Disney and Shanghai government have formally agreed to open up a Disney theme park in China's commercial capital.

Just days after the World Expo was closed, they agreed on plans for a joint venture(合资企业)to manage the project, expected to cover nearly eight square miles for the entire resort(度假胜地), the city government said in a statement. The cost is reportedly estimated at 25 billion yuan.

Plans call for the theme park to be a strong international tourism resort with a pleasant, low-carbon environment, the city said.A joint venture between local companies and Disney will be responsible for construction, management and operation of the Disney theme park,it said.

Some villagers were long ago moved off farmland in Chuansha, a part of Pudong district near the city's main international airport,to make way for the park.

Disney issued a statement confirming its discussions with the Shanghai government, saying, We can confirm the statement from the Shanghai government that we have taken another step forward in the approval process.

But the company said it was still awaiting final approval of the joint venture by the central government and completion of necessary procedures.

The sixmonthlong World Expo,which ended on Sunday,drew a record of 72 million visitors,mostly Chinese tourists.That event made it necessary for the city to build nearly a dozen new subway lines,new highways,airport upgrades and other modern facilities.

With the Disneyland project due to start,the city appears likely to continue its building boom(激增).

The agreement on Friday came exactly a year after China's natioal planning agency approved the plans for the parka major step toward getting the project started.

The park will give Shanghai,the mainland's main financial and commercial centre,a new showcase.While the city is one of China's most modern and wealthy cities,it has relatively few big historic landmarks compared with ancient capitals like Beijing and Xi'an.

Disney has said the Shanghai resort will include a MagicKingdomstyle theme park with characteristics tailored to the Shanghai region.

Disney has been expanding its presence in mainland China after opening a theme park in Hong Kong in 2005.That venue, which has suffered from disappointing attendance,is in the midst of Disneys expansion as it intends to compete with the future theme park in Shanghai.

【1】What do we know about the Disneyland project to be built in Shanghai?

A.The cost is more than 25 billion yuan.

B.The design is environmentally friendly.

C.It will be built by Walt Disney Company.

D.It is as large as the World Expo Garden in area.

【2】What can we learn from Disney's statement?

A.The construction of the theme park is in process.

B.They need approval from the central government.

C.The joint venture has completed necessary procedures.

D.Disney didn't think their discussions with the Shanghai government was helpful.

【3】We can infer from the last paragraph that________.

A.visitors often go to Hong Kong Disneyland these days because of its expansion

B.the Shanghai theme park should learn from Hong Kong's

C.Hong Kong Disneyland will face more challenges

D.Hong Kong Disneyland is well managed

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