【题目】Since the 1970s,scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers. Braincomputer interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send commands to machines.

Recently,two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne,Switzerland,demonstrated (展示) a small robotic wheelchair directed by a persons thoughts.

In the laboratory,Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thougts.

Our brain has billions of nerve cells.These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓) to the muscles to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles, Tavella says. “Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external world and also to control devices.”

The researchers designed a special cap for the user. This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp (头皮) and sends them to a computer. The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair. The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify objects in its path. They help the computer react to commands from the brain.

Prof.Millan,the team leader,says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands. The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two categories:communication,and controlling devices. One example is this wheelchair.

He says his team has set two goals. One is testing with real patients,so as to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from. And the other is to guarantee that they can use the technology over long periods of time.

【1】How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?

A.By controlling his muscles.

B.By talking to the machine.

C.By moving his hand.

D.By using his mind.

【2】Which of the following shows the path of the signals described in Paragraph 5?





【3】Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Switzerland,the BCI Research Center

B.New Findings about How the Human Brain Works

C.BCI Could Mean More Freedom for the Disabled

D.Robotic Vehicles Could Help to Cure Brain Injuries

【题目】Norm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australias northern city Darwin, was praised on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodiles back to save his wife Wendy at Litchfield National Park, a popular tourist spot southwest of Darwin, a local newspaper reported.

Ms Pethrick was standing on a river bank Wednesday afternoon when the saltwater crocodile lunged (扑), locking its jaws on both her legs as it tried to drag her underwater.

Norm Pethrick, who with his wife had been collecting water, immediately went to help her. He jumped onto the back, poked (戳) the eyes of the crocodile and finally got his wife free.

Ms Pethrick was later taken to Royal Darwin Hospital for a medical treatment. The doctors said she was suffering eight puncture wounds (伤口) in her right leg, a puncture wound in her left leg and a serious cut to one of her fingers.

This could have been a fatal and tragic situation,” said the general manager of Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH), Dr Len Notaras, according to a local report.

He said Ms Pethrick was saved by her husband’s “quick and diligent actions”.

Dr Notaras also said she would remain in hospital for three to four days and have an operation to clean the wounds, which are easy to get infected because of bacteria (细菌) on the teeth of the crocodile.

【1】 This passage is most likely to be found in _____.

A. a travel guide B. a newspaper C. a textbook D. a novel

【2】The crocodile attacked Ms Pethrick when she was ______.

A. swimming in the river B. standing on the river bank

C. watching the crocodile D. fishing in the water

【3】Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ms Pethrick?

A. Her eyes were badly poked.

B. She had eight wounds altogether.

C. One of her fingers also got hurt.

D. One of the crocodile’s teeth was found in her leg.

【4】According to the passage, Norm Pethrick can be described as following EXCEPT ______.

A. brave B. diligent C. quick D. Humorous

【题目】Alibaba started taking the lead in China, simply enough, by connecting big Chinese manufacturers(制造商)with big buyers across the world. Its business-to-business site, Alibaba.com allowed business to buy almost everything. Alibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to identify size. Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards. Its marketplaces attract 231 million active buyers, 8 million sellers, 11.3 billion orders a year—and Alibaba is just the middleman. It encourages people to use its markets—not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale.

If you want a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on daily Chinese life, take my experience. I moved to Beijing almost a year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores across the crowded, polluted city of 20 million people in search of new electronics, bathroom furnishings, and anything else my wife wanted. “You’re looking for what exactly? Why not try it? ” my Chinese teacher asked me one day. With that, my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began.

Alibaba’s original business-to-business model now is secondary to consumer buying. Chinese retail(零售)buying makes up 80% of Alibaba’s profit, and leading that group is Taobao, with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things you’ll ever find. TMall.com is Alibaba’s other big site, where you can find brand name goods from Nike and Unilever near the lowest prices.

What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the U.S. is how China has gone beyond traditional shopping—big-box retailers especially —in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sites. In smaller towns than Beijing, where big retailers have not yet traveled, shopping online is shopping, and shopping is Taobao.

I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how extensive the marketplace is. Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shopping. I’m not even a big buyer, because I need friends to help me search the Chinese-language site. When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teacher’s iPad, which helps me buy goods, I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine.

【1】Alibaba’s advantage mainly lies in ___________.

A. its big size

B. its business-to-business service

C. its not charging small sellers

D. its low price

【2】What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the passage?

A. Alibaba is of middle size among all the online sites

B. Alibaba will continue to develop.

C. Alibaba stands out as the best online site.

D. Alibaba acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers.

【3】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. a new store B. Alibaba

C. a business D. a foreign website

【4】What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The author’s Chinese teacher is also an online purchase lover.

B. Taobao has no obvious advantage over other similar online sites.

C. Alibaba’s business-to-business service earns more money than retail now.

D. TMall.com provides more profit than Taobao.

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