My dad always collected coins. He would walk to his long-time bankers and______they put at least some new coins aside for him______coins were issued. He gave them to every______member. It gradually became a special family______to get coins from Dad.

When my dad died, I felt a sense of______. My father and I had been so close. I was lost without his______ and support. I wondered if I would ______feel my dad around me again, watching over me. It was right after Hurricane Katrina. At the end of a motivational meeting, I felt so ______as I looked at these devoted volunteers. To my surprise, when I glanced at the ______, I saw a coin from the state where my dad was_____ and raised.

Later, I went to the bank to ______ a check. The bank manager, who had known me, called me into her office, showing me the coins for all the states my dad had ______.

Ever since that time, I have always______coins at the most extraordinary times, when I needed support the most.______, nowadays when I need emotional support during a tough time, a coin will always ______in a strange place.

Now every time a coin appears in our house, one of my______ says, “Oh, it’s Grandpa! ”We all feel a sense of ______ every time a single coin turns up in a (n) ______ place. We have all accepted it as a ______ of love, guidance and support from Dad — and ______ coin makes us smile.

1.A. point out B. talk about C. look at D. make sure

2.A. because B. when C. since D. until

3.A. club B. bank C. family D. team

4.A. principle B. tradition C. discovery D. memory

5.A. relief B. duty C. guilt D. emptiness

6.A. promise B. belief C. guidance D. expectation

7.A. ever B. just C. already D. even

8.A. nervous B. anxious C. disappointed D. grateful

9.A. ceiling B. floor C. playground D. wall

10.A. played B. saved C. born D. chosen

11.A. write B. post C. cash D. print

12.A. shared B. ordered C. received D. collected

13.A. found B. counted C. dropped D. collected

14.A. Unluckily B. Gradually C. Amazingly D. Obviously

15.A. break out B. end up C. fade away D. show up

16.A. students B. colleagues C. kids D. friends

17.A. comfort B. achievement C. pride D. loss

18.A. unexpected B. fixed C. similar D. distant

19.A. support B. message C. result D. record

20.A. another B. every C. either D. other

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