A scientist believes he has discovered a direct link between people's favourite sleeping position and their personality.Professor Chris Idzikowski has described six different positions and what each one says about a person's character.The professor,who did the research for a hotel group,said,"We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this is the first time we have been able to see what our position says about us when we are asleep."At the moment,Professor Idzikowski is trying to sleep in a yoga position that involves crossing your legs around your neck.He says there is no perfect position for sleeping.


"Starfish" sleep flat on their back with their arms raised.They are good listeners who make friends easily but do not like to be the centre or the attention.


"Yearners" sleep on their side with their arms raised.They are doubtful and have a very sensible approach to life.


The most popular position,particularly among women.They sleep curled(蜷缩)up on their side,holding on to the pillow.They appear to be tough but are actually sensitive and shy.


Only 6.5% of people prefer to sleep on their front,making this the least popular sleeping position."Freefallers" seem very confident,although this hides a nervous personality.


The "log" position is similar to the "yearner" but with arms by the sides."Logs" are easy-going and sociable,but can be seen as too gullible,easily to be victims.


"Soldiers",who sleep on their back with their arms by their sides,are quiet and reserved.They set high standards for themselves and do not like noisy social situations.

1.Which of the following sayings about the sleeping position is correct?

A. "Starfish" like to be the focus of the attention.

B. "Yearners" sleep on their back with their arms raised.

C. "Foetus" seem to be strong but sensitive.

D. "Soldiers" sleep on their side with their arms by their sides.

2.Which sleeping position suggests a seemingly confident but nervous personality?

A. "Starfish". B"Freefaller".

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A. People's sleeping position determines their personality.

B. People don't know their body language when awake.

C. The yoga sleeping position is the best one.

D. Professor Idzikowski shows great interest in sleeping positions.

4.What does the underlined word "gullible" mean in paragraph 6?

A. Easily tricked. B. Easily approached.

C. Easily satisfied. D. Easily annoyed.

If you go to the Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago,you will see someone working to help patients.The job, which takes patience and skills,helps people do more.These persons are Physical Therapists.And I'm glad to be one of them.

I work closely with people who have hurt themselves.Their injuries may be as mild as having a painful shoulder, knee or back,or as severe as having paralyzed legs and/or arms.It's my job to evaluate what their problems are and come up with ways help make them better and stronger.

I need to be able communicate well with people of all ages and backgrounds every day.I need to be able to talk to people I’ve never met and ask them personal questions that help me to understand what is wrong with them.

I chose to go into physical therapy because I love to be with people and talk with them.I decided that I didn’t want to use the computer all day or answer the telephone or be in a lab doing experiments.

To prepare to become a Physical Therapist,I had to finish college and then went to graduate school for 3 years, attaining the master degree.In that time,I learned all the muscles in the body and all the organs and how they work.I mastered as much as possible in biology, chemistry, math, physics,physiology and psychology.

What I like about my job is that it is always very interesting and never boring.I like that I am never alone but surrounded by people all the time.They tell me that I have made a difference in their lives and when I go home at night,I know that I have touched someone else’s life and they appreciate the work I did for them.

1.According to the text,what dose a Physical Therapist do?

A. Curing patients of their severe diseases.

B. Helping patients know more about the hospital.

C. Offering tips to make patients better in their life.

D. Making patients solve their problems independently.

2.What dose a person need most to be a Physical Therapist?

A. Good communication ability. B. Good experimenting ability.

C. Good computer ability. D. Good observing ability.

3.What can we know about the author?

A. The author just finished his college. B. The author acquired all-round knowledge.

C. The author thinks his job is boring. D. The author likes doing experiments.

In most parts of Britain,the black cat is a symbol of good luck and owning a black cat may bring good luck to the family.But recently,black cats can no longer enjoy so much favor.

The British Royal for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(英国防止虐待动物协会)announced a rise in the number of black cats being abandoned by their owners,due to not looking good in selfies(自拍).According to the RSPCA,more than 70 percent of the cats in its care are black.The biggest reason for that is black cats tend not to photograph as their lighter and brighter-colored fellows with more obvious markings.An RSPCA spokesman said, “This has become a national problem.And we are urging people to never judge a cat by its color but look at its personality instead.”

The Millwood Cat Rescue Centre has taken in nice black cats in the past two weeks.The founder of the rescue centre said,“We have had a lot of black cats because people don’t like black at the moment.Other look at the black cats and then just say ‘Oh,have you got anything else?’

Animal lover Gabriella Fletcher owns a 16-year-old black cat,Susie.She regularly takes selfies with her pet.She said,“It is hard to get a good picture as you can’t really see how beautiful Susie is.She is just as special as any other cat.”

1.Why are black cats less favored by people?

A. They are rising in number. B. They don’t bring good luck anymore

C. They are banned by RSPCA. D. They don’t look good in photos.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply?

A. People want more black cats. B. People want to have something to eat.

C. People want more pet animals. D. People are unwilling to see so many black cats.

3.In Gabriella Fletcher’s eyes,black cats are_______.

A. Disgusting B. Unlucky

C. Ordinary D. Attractive

4.Which of the following can be the best title of this text?

A. Black cats out in “selfies”. B. Black cats abandoned in the UK.

C. Black cats in need of caring. D. Black cats favored again.

The key avoiding a cold be as simple as keeping your nose warm with a scarf when you go outside in winter.

Research shows that low temperatures make it harder for the body to fight off the virus that causes half of the colds in adults and almost all colds in children.The finding backs up the popular idea that people are more likely to catch a cold if they feel freezing,perhaps by putting on a coat in winter or going out with wet hair.

The U.S. Researchers looked at how well rhinovirus(鼻病毒),the biggest cause of the common cold,grew in cells kept at different temperatures.The virus found it easier to breed(繁殖)at 33℃-the sort of temperature typically found inside the nose-than at the 37℃ found deep inside the body.

Researchers also found that the body’s initial immune response(免疫反应)to the cold did not work as well at 33℃,the same temperatures.The virus was followed to cause damage.The experiments were carried out on cells taken from mice,but the result may also be relevant to humans-including the one in five who carry the rhinovirus in their nose at any given time.

Ron Eccles,a leading British expert on the common cold,suggests that those anxious to avoid a cold try taking vitamin D because we tend to be low on it during the winter.

1.Which of the following is more likely to cause a cold?

A. Wrapping a scarf around the nose in winter. B. Putting on a coat in winter.

C. Going out with wet hair. D. Taking vitamin

2.What is the percentage of people who carry the rhinovirus in their nose at any given time?

A. 10%. B. 20%

C. 50% D. 80%

3.Why does Ron Eccles suggest taking vitamin D in winter to avoid a cold?

A. Because human bodies contain less vitamin D in winter.

B. Because human bodies contain more vitamin D in winter.

C. Because many people avoid taking vitamin D in winter.

D. Because many people favor vitamin D in winter.

4.What can be learned from the text?

A. It is easier for the body to fight off cold virus in low temperatures.

B. The finding may be easily accepted by the public.

C. The typical temperature inside the nose is 37℃.

D. The virus is very likely to do harm at 37℃.

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