Every time you go shopping,the vegetables and fruit look so tempting that you wish you could buy all of them.Some people are lucky and can grow the fruit and vegetables in the gardens that they have.While getting fresh vegetables,they can also achieve great cost cutting.
Mushrooms are expensive and can also go bad very quickly.Mushrooms can also be grown easily in a dark environment.In fact it's better than growing other vegetables since you really don't need an outdoor space.A special type of soil that is good for growing mushrooms is easily available.
Actually mushrooms aren't even vegetables; they are fungi(菌类)and for this reason,you don't even require sunlight to grow them.Well how does one go about growing mushrooms?You could always Google"growing mushrooms"and you will find a number of mushroom growing kits(工具) available online that area effective and not very expensive either.
Mushrooms can be added to any dish that you cook.Simply use them in pizzas,salads and anything that you pretty much fancy.Grow mushrooms in your own house and use them whenever you want.Fresh mushrooms are tastier than the ones that are stored in your refrigerator.
If you have had a really good crop of mushrooms,then you can even store them.Ideally you should use the white variety of the mushrooms.Simply pick them,slice them and put them on a cookie sheet in a freezer.When they are frozen,you can use them when you want to.Remember to thaw(解冻)them before you use them,and they will give a really great taste to the dish that you are making.

33.What can we know about growing mushrooms?C
A.It takes much attention.
B.It needs lots of sunshine.
C.The soil is easily available.
D.The environment is demanding.
34.What is the author's attitude towards growing vegetables in gardens?B
35.What could be the best title for the text?B
A.Simple to Cook Mushroom Pizzas
B.Fun and Easy to Grow Mushrooms
C.Expensive to Buy Mushrooms Online
D.Important to Eat Fruit and Vegetables.
3.1 If your in-box is currently reporting unread messages in the hundreds or thousands,you might have a hard time believing the news:e-mail is on the decline.
At first blush,that might seem to be the case.The incoming generation,after all,doesn't do e-mail.Oh,they might have an account.They use it only as we would a fax machine:as a means to communicate with old-school folks like their parents or to fulfill the sign-up requirements of Web sites.They rarely check it,though.
Today's instant electronic memos-such as texting and Facebook and Twitter messages-are more direct,more concentrated,more efficient.They go without the salutation(称呼语)and the signoff;we already know the"to"and"from."Many corporations are moving to messaging networks for exactly that reason:more signal,less noise and less time.This trend is further evidence that store-and-forward systems such as e-mail and voicemail are outdated.Instead of my leaving you a lengthy message that you pick up later,I can now send you an unobtrusive,easily-consumed message that you can read-and respond to-on the go.
The decline of e-mail corresponds neatly to the dawn of the mobile era.Instantaneous(及时)written messages are different.These are neatly tailored to fit in just about any time:before a movie,in a taxi,waiting for lunch.And because these notes are invariably brief,they're a natural for smartphone typing.With these formats,you also have control over who can correspond with you,which you usually don't in e-mail.And especially on Facebook,instant messaging can take on the character of a chat room,where several people can talk at once.
Does this mean e-mail is on its way to the dustbin of digital history?Not necessarily.E-mail still has certain advantages.Whereas tweets and texts feel ephemeral-you read them,then they're gone,into an endless string,e-mail still feels like something you have and that you can file,search and return to later.It's easy to imagine that it will continue to feel more appropriate for formal communications:agreements,important news,longer explanations.
So,e-mail won't go away completely.Remember,we've been through a transition like this not so long ago:when e-mail was on the rise,people said that postal mail was dead.That's not how it works.Postal mail found its smaller niche,and so will e-mail.Technology rarely replaces an institution completely; it just adds new avenues.
E-mail down,messaging up.Now go clean out your in-box.
62.What would the incoming generation like to do with their e-mail accounts?C
A.Contact close friends
B.Send long messages
C.Fill in some forms
D.Communicate with their colleagues
63.Paragraphs 3-4 are important to the passage in that theyB.
A.illustrate the preferences of the young generation
B.explain the possible reasons behind the decline of e-mail
C.reveal the rapid development of e-communication channels
D.offer evidence about the uncertain future of easily-consumed messages
64.What does the underlined word"ephemeral"in paragraph 5 mean?D
A.Conveniently-sent          B.Randomly-written
C.Hardly readable               D.Short-lived
65.What does the author think of e-mail being replaced?A
A.Negative            B.Indifferent         C.Ambiguous        D.Doubtful.
2.Did you hear what happened at yesterday's meeting?Can you believe it?If you find those sorts of quietly whispered questions about your so-workers irresistible,you're hardly alone.But why are we drawn to gossip?
A new study suggests it's because the rumors are all about us."Gossip receivers tend to use positive and negative group information to improve,promote,and protect the self,"writes a research team led by Elena Martinescu of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.In the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,the researchers describe two experiments testing the personal value gossip receivers get.
The first featured 178 university undergraduates who had all previously worked on at least one course assignment with a group of four or more students.Participants were asked to recall and write a short description of an incident in which a group members shared with them either positive or negative information about another group member's secret.They then reported their level of agreement with a series of statements.Some of these measured the self-improvement value of the gossip ("The information received made me think I can learn a lot from X"); others measured its self-promotion value ("The information I received made me feel that I am doing well compared to X").Still others measured whether the gossip raised personal concerns ("The information I received made me feel that I must protect my image in the group").
In the second experiment,122 undergraduates were assigned the role of"sales agent"at a major company.They received gossip from a colleague that a third person either did very well or very badly at a performance evaluation,and were then asked about the emotions that information caused.They also responded to the above-mentioned set of statements presented to participants in the first experiment.
In each experiment,participants found both negative and positive gossip to be of personal value with different reasons."Positive gossip has self-improvement value,"they write."Competence-related positive gossip about others contains lessons about how to improve one's own competence."On the other hand,negative gossip has self-promotion value,because it provides individuals with social comparison information that justifies self-promoting judgments which results in feelings of pride."
In addition,the results"showed that negative gossip elicited self-protection concerns,"the researchers write."Negative gossip makes people concerned that their reputations may be at risk,as they may personally become targets of negative gossip in the future,which generates fear."Fear is hardly a pleasant sensation(感觉),but it can be a motivating one.As researchers put it:"Gossip conveniently provides individuals with indirect social-comparison information about relevant others."
58.Why are we drawn to gossip according to the researchers?A
A.We need evaluative information about others to evaluate ourselves.
B.We are interested in the news that arouses our personal concerns.
C.We tend to gain a sense of pride from judging others.
D.We are likely to learn lessons from others'mistakes.
59.According to the first experiment,which of the following shows self-promotion value?A
A.I've done better than Mary according to what Tom said about her.
B.I should behave myself in case of being gossiped about like Mary.
C.I have to learn from Mary according to what Tom said about her.
D.I have no comments on what Tom said about Mary.
60.What's the critical difference of the second experiment compared with the first one?D
A.The identities of the participants.
B.The number of the participants studied.
C.The time during which the experiment lasted.
D.The role-play technique used in the experiment.
61.What role does"negative gossip"play according to the researchers?C
A.A fear killer     B.A motivator  C.A protector    D.A subject provider.
Subject:My school
Hi,Li Zijun,
Thanks very much for your email.I really enjoyed reading it.I think we have a lot in common.I wonder if our school life is similar too.
I go to a big high school in Sydney called Maylands High School.There are about 1000 students and 80 or so teachers.My class has 25 students in it,which is normal for a Year 11class.In the junior school there are about 30 students in a class.
In the senior high school we have lots of subjects to choose from,like maths,physics,chemistry,biology,history,German,law,geography,software design,graphic arts and media studies.(Different schools sometime have different optional subjects.) English is a must for everyone and we have to do least three other subjects in Year 11 and 12.At the end of Year 12 we sit for a public exam called the High School Certificate.
As well as school subjects,most of us do other activities at school such as playing a sport,singing in the choir or playing in the school band.We can also belong to clubs,such as the drama club,the chess club and the debating society.
We have a lot of homework to do in senior school to prepare for our exam,so unless I have basketball practice,I usually go straight home and start studying.I arrive home about 4pm,make myself a snack and work till 6.Then I help the family to make dinner and we all eat together.I'm usually back in my room studying by 8pm.I stop at about 10o'clock and watch TV or read a book for half an hour to relax.On Saturdays,I usually go out with my family or with friends and I sleep in till late on Sunday morning.Then it's back to the books on Sunday afternoon.
How about you?What's your school life like?Do you have a lot of homework?What do you do to relax when you're not studying?I'm looking forward to finding out.
Your Australian friend
Terrie21.How many subjects do the students have to do at least in Year 11and 12?C
A.11     B.3    C.4    D.6
22.What does the underlined phrase"sit for"in Para 3 mean?B
A.pass     B.take    C.go for    D.hold
23.On Sunday afternoon,Terri usuallyA.
A.read books
B.play in the school band
C.play basketball
D.helps her family to prepare dinner.
18.Feet help us walk,run,dance,and jump.The wards feet and foot are also used in everyday speech.
To be under someone's feet means to be troublesome.In other words,you are standing too close to someone and are getting in their way.Some adults criticize(批评)children for being under foot.
Speaking of children,if someone says their home will soon have the pitter-patter of tiny feet,it means the family is expecting a baby!
Now,people who are active do not let grass grow under their feet.They are never in one place for very long.People who can think and take action at the same time are said to be able to think on their feet.
Some people appear to have it all.They have money,a good education,good looks,a great family and a large circle of friends.You could say they have the world at their feet.This means whatever they want seems to be there for them.
People who have both feet firmly on the ground are realistic and practical.They are not dreamy.You might say such a person is well grounded.If you are a bad dancer,you might be described as having two left feet.To dance well,it is better to have a right foot and a left foot.
Sam loves skiing.He thinks that it would be fun to own a ski resort(滑雪场)high in the mountains.But he knows nothing about running a business.So,he decides to get his feet wet.In other words,he wants to get used to a new situation.
He joins an organization for resort owners and attends their meetings.He travels to ski areas all over the United States.This helps Sam get his foot in the door.Having a foot in the door is a starting point.This expression comes from people selling things door-to-door.They would block the door with their foot so people couldn't close the door on them.

31.What would you say to someone who is"under your feet"?D
A.Oh,I'm terribly sorry.
B.Take off your feet!
C.Sorry for the trouble.
D.Excuse me,you are in the way.
32.Which of the following describes people who keep moving about?D
A.They are always under foot.
B.They can think on their feet.
C.They have the pitter-patter of tiny feet.
D.They never let grass grow under their feet.
33.What should you try to avoid if you want to succeed in doing something?A
A.Having two left feet.
B.Getting your feet wet.
C.Getting your foot in the door.
D.Having both feet firmly on the ground.
34.What do we know about Sam's new business?B
A.It's a big success.
B.It's not started yet.
C.It lies high in the mountains.
D.It opens only in winter.
35.What may be the best title for the passage?A
A.Use your feet properly.
B.Feet help us walk and run.
C.How to be a good dancer.
D.Ready for a new business.
17.Troubled by the poor performance of their investments,many people are taking steps to stop decrease of their savings and rethink their financial plans.They are not sure what to do to maximize returns in light of stock market fluctuations,new tax laws,low interest rates and skyrocketing real estate values."People are afraid of making a mistake and losing more money,"says financial counselor Denise Hughes."The doityourself investor of the 1990s is more comfortable now doing nothing."But doing nothing isn't better than doing something smart.Here's what financial advisors are recommending to their clients:
Plan for financial aid.Most parents don't save nearly enough for children's education.They assume that investing in a 529 plan is the best place for your savings.While a 529 plan offers taxfree growth and withdrawals for college costs,colleges look at these savings when evaluating their qualification and how much they will hand over.Do save aggressively for college in a taxable account in your name if your household income is below﹩100,000.In this case,your child will likely qualify for some financial aid.Do invest in a 529 plan if your income is higher than﹩100,000 and will likely remain at or above that level when your child enters college.In this case,the 529 plan is great because you probably won't qualify for financial aid anyway.
Expect ups and downs.Annoyed by three straight years of stock market dlines,many people have been shifting to lowerrisk investments.But just astaking too much risk can hurt your portfolio's(投资组合) growth rate,so can hiding out in excessive safe investments.Do consider investing in funds that you'll hold on to for more than a year.Under the new tax law,longterm capital gains are taxed at a maximum of 15%,down from 20%.Do look at stock funds that pay dividends(红利).Dividends on stocks used to be taxed at your personal income tax rate.Under the new law,they are now taxed at no more than 15%.Investing in these funds will not only hold down taxes but also sustain your portfolio's value in tough times.
Forget high fees.Over the next ten years,achieving the kind of doubledigit returns we experienced over the past 20years will be much harder.In the 1990s,the average rate of returns for aportfolio allocated 60% to stocks and 40% to bonds was 13.2% after taxes and transaction expenses.Over the coming decade,this rate is expected to be closer to 5.5%.Don't pay unnecessarily high investment costs and fees.For example,if you can save half a percentage point on your fund expense ratio(the fee that funds charge you each year to manage your money),your average investment return could be 6% instead of 5%.
Title:How to Manage Your Money
Introduction to the topic●Many people become passive investors for (71)fearthat
 they make mistakes and suffer a loss of more money
●In face of the trouble,doing something smart makes  
Tips/Suggestions/Adviceon managing
your money
Plan for
financial aid
●(74)Assumptionsare made that a 529 plan is the best choice for     
  everyone's savings
●If your family earns less than $100,000,save aggressively for college in a taxable account in your name and chances are that
your child will have (75)accessto some financial aid
●If your family earns more than $100,000 and will possibly remain at or above that level when your child enters college,a 529 plan (76)suitsyou best because you probably won't have the qualif ication for aid anyway
Expect ups
and downs
●Excessive safe investments as well as (77)riskyones hurt your portfolio's growth rate
●Invest in funds that you will hold on to for more than a year,for under the new tax law longterm capital gains are (78)less
●Invest in stock funds that pay dividends,which can not only hold down the taxes but also make your portfolio's value (79)sustainablein tough times
Forget high
(80)Avoidingpaying unnecessarily high investment costs and fees,you will increase your average investment return
16.Jobs quickly became bored with college.He liked being at Reed,just not taking the required classes.In fact he was surprised when he found out that,for all of its hippie aura,there were strict course requirements.When Wozniak came to visit,Jobs waved his schedule at him and complained,"They are making me take all these courses."Woz replied,"Yes,that's what they do in college."Jobs refused to go to the classes he was assigned and instead went to the ones he wanted,such as a dance class where he could enjoy both the creativity and the chance to meet girls."I would never have refused to take the courses you were supposed to,that's a difference in our personality,"Wozniak marveled.
Jobs also began to feel guilty,he later said,about spending so much of his parents'money on an education that did not seem worthwhile."All of my workingclass parents'savings were being spent on my college tuition,"he recounted in a famous commencement address at Stanford."I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out.And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life.So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out okay."
He didn't actually want to leave Reed; he just wanted to quit paying tuition and taking classes that didn't interest him.Remarkably,Reed tolerated that."He had a very inquiring mind that was enormously attractive,"said the dean of students,Jack Dudman."He refused to accept automatically received truths,and he wanted to examine everything himself."Dudman allowed Jobs to audit classes and stay with friends in the dorms even after he stopped paying tuition.
"The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me,and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting,"he said.Among them was a calligraphy class that appealed to him after he saw posters on campus that were beautifully drawn."I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces,about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations,about what makes great typography great.It was beautiful,historical,artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture,and I found it fascinating."
It was yet another example of Jobs consciously positioning himself at the intersection of the arts and technology.In all of his products,technology would be married to great design,elegance,human touches,and even romance.He would be in the fore of pushing friendly graphical user interfaces.The calligraphy course would become iconic in that regard."If I had never dropped in on that single course in college,the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.And since Windows just copied the Mac,it's likely that no personal computer would have them."
In the meantime Jobs decked out a bohemian existence on the fringes of Reed.He went barefoot most of the time,wearing sandals when it snowed.Elizabeth Holmes made meals for him,trying to keep up with his obsessive diets.He returned soda bottles for spare change,continued his treks to the free Sunday dinners at the Hare Krishna temple,and wore a down jacket in the heatless garage apartment he rented for $20 a month.When he needed money,he found work at the psychology department lab maintaining the electronic equipment that was used for animal behaviour experiments.Occasionally Chrisann Brennan would come to visit.Their relationship sputtered along erratically.But mostly he tended to the stirrings of his own soul and personal quest for enlightenment.
"I came of age at a magical time,"he reflected later."Our consciousness was raised by Zen,and also by LSD."Even later in life he would credit psychedelic drugs for making him more enlightened."Taking LSD was a profound experience,one of the most important things in my life.LSD shows you that there's another side to the coin,and you can't remember it when it wears off,but you know it.It reinforced my sense of what was important-creating great things instead of making money,putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could."

65.Jobs and Wozniak differed inB.
A.approach to freedom                 B.attitude to requirements
C.appetite for knowledge               D.affection for college life
66.One factor in Job's decision to leave college is thatD.
A.his family was in absolute poverty
B.he wanted to be independent of his parents
C.the college couldn't prepare him for his set goal
D.he wouldn't have his parents'money wasted
67.From Jack Dudman's statement,we can see that Jobs wasB.
A.rather difficult to get along with         B.very serious about existing beliefs
C.quite good at solving problems          D.too stubborn to change his mind
68.The underlined word"audit"in paragraph 3 means"C".
A.give successfully
B.miss occasionally
C.attend informally
D.conduct irregularly
69.Jobs worked on typefaces while suffering from a hard lifeA.
A.to bring something great into existence
B.to prove his value to the whole wo rld
C.to make himself wealthy for a better life
D.to show college was unimportant to him
70.Which of the following can be the proper title for the passage?D
A.Stay Out          B.Work Out         C.Hold Out          D.Drop Out.
15.When a big boat,like a cruise ship,goes through the ocean,it often creates waves.This happens when the large engines on the back of the cruise ship cause the water on the ocean's surface move up and down violently.These waves move out from the boat in both directions.If you are captaining a smaller boat,you'd better steer clear of a ship's wake,so that your boat is not surfing on the waves,causing it to overturn.
A wave is a pattern of motion.When you look at a wave,it may appear as simply water moving across the surface of the ocean.In fact,this is false.The water is actually not moving in the same direction as the wave.While the wave itself-the pattern of motion-is moving across the surface of the ocean,the water is actually moving in a circular motion,which brings the water molecules back to their original position.The water merely gives the appearance of moving forward.
If this is confusing,think of the kind of wave you do at a baseball stadium.Viewed from a distance,the wave is clearly moving across the stadium.But the thing that makes up the wave-the people-are not moving across the stadium,they're just moving up and down in their seats.This is just like the water in an ocean wave.A lot of water is moving up and down,which gives water the appearance of moving along with the wave.
Surfers pay a lot of attention to waves.If you're not in an area where the waves are suitable for surfing,then you can't surf.Usually,surfers gather in areas known for big waves-waves that rise high off the ocean's surface.If the wave is bigger,then the surfer is often able to surf for longer distances and perform more tricks.The height of a wave is known as its amplitude.If you could make a wave freeze,then you could measure the wave's amplitude by running a tape measure from the ocean's surface to the very peak of the wave.
All waves can be measured using amplitude and wavelength.While the waves created by a boat have very small amplitude-sometimes as small as a few centimeters-the wavelength can be very short,as lots of waves are being generated.By contrast,a tsunami has very high amplitude,sometimes more than 100 feet,but a relatively long wavelength,as it's a high wave.
Waves generated in the same way can have great differences in amplitude and wavelength.For example,think back to the cruise ship.While each ship creates waves caused by the movement of the boat,the properties of each of the waves may be very different.For example,a larger cruise ship,with powerful engines,may create a wave that has high amplitude and a short wavelength.However,if the ship's engines slow down,they may then start creating less powerful waves at a slower rate.This would cause the waves'amplitude to decrease,but its wavelength to increase.

61.What does the phrase"steer clear of a cruise ship's wake"in the 1st paragraph mean?D
A.Keeping awake while steering a ship.
B.Getting a clear view of what is ahead.
C.Following the cruise ship very closely.
D.Keeping away from the cruise ship.
62.The author gives an example of wave people do in the stadium in order toC.
A.illustrate how excited people are in a basketball stadium
B.clear the confusion over measuring the wave's amplitude
C.explain why the water appears to move along the waves
D.demonstrate how to make waves in a basketball stadium
63.The last paragraph gives us the impression thatC.
A.the wave's amplitude may vary,but its wavelength remain the same
B.the amplitude of a wave depends on the direction the water moves forward
C.the more powerful the ships'engines are,the higher the waves they generate
D.measuring the amplitude and wavelength of waves is not quite easy
64.What is this passage mainly about?D
A.What makes the sea water move forwards.
B.How to steer a cruise ship in the rough sea.
C.Why people create waves in the stadium.
D.How waves are created and measured.
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