12.If you have a cat,you already know that a cat isn't a dog that doesn't have to be walked.If you're about to bring a cat into your family,you need to understand that basic fact.The common wisdom is that dogs are friendlier than cats.
In recent years,scientists who have done DNA studies have offered a better way to understand cats.Unlike other animals that people feed,cats domesticated themselves,and,in a way,trained humans.Cats decided to live close to humans because doing so benefited the cats themselves.
Studies show that cats have lived with humans for about 12,000years,since people first settled down and started farming.When people started storing grain,mice arrived and started eating the grain.Clever cats figured out that the mice settlements where people stored grain were easy for hunting,so they started hanging around.Cats did what they needed to do to get the people to let them stay,but they kept up their independence.Over time,cats allowed humans to get a bit closer to them.Later,the farmers did befriend the cats.Certainly,it didn't do them any harm because they could see that the cats were really helping them out by eating mice.
Today,about a third of American families have cats.In most of those homes,the cats are still more interested in pleasing themselves than in pleasing their human families.A dog may do anything it can to make you happy,but kitty will teach you to make kitty happy.

33.Compared with dogs,cats areA.
C.more warm-hearted
D.more frightening
34.According to the text,why do cats decide to stay close to humans?D
A.To keep up their independence.
B.To protect grain from mice.
C To rely on humans for food.
D.To be useful to themselves.
35.What may be the best title for the text?D
A.A common point between dogs and cats.
B.The reasons why people like dogs.
C.A disadvantage of raising cats.
D.The basic fact about cats.
11.There are few habits as annoying as someone making us wait.However,some punctually-challenged people have no intention of offending anyone.They still want to keep friends,family and bosses happy.They are often painfully aware and ashamed of the damage their lateness could do to their relationships,reputations,careers and finances.
Johnson,a doctor in New York,says his reputation for being unpunctual can sometimes be attributed to a misunderstanding of opinion."A friend will ask me to come over,and he'll say'come anytime from seven.'But if I do turn up at eight or later,he will be annoyed."
Joanna a teacher in London,for whom the most distressing thing is writing school reports,never makes the deadline for herself."I always spend weeks carefully considering everything about the reports,"she says,"just for fear that any error arises."

Different countries adopt different tolerance towards one's lateness.Actually,some people are late not deliberately but because they misunderstand others'opinions or pay too much attention to details.
As we all know,frequent lateness will have negative effects on one's daily life.On the one hand,unpunctual people tend to leave a bad impression on those who have made the appointment with them.Others usually regard being punctual as a sign of keeping the promise.On the other hand,lateness sometimes brings about much trouble in solving urgent problems.
Asfor those who are unintentionally late,like Johnson and Joanna,I have two suggestions as follows.First,whenever you make appointments with others,make sure you have understood all the details and try to get there a few minutes before the appointed time.Second,make good preparations for the appointments but never become too particular about every detail..
10.It is promoted that we should all prioritize some simpler life improvements to live better lives.The explanations for how and why they better our life serve as powerful reminders that we might be prioritizing the wrong things,and undervaluing what makes life worth living.
Smoking drinking,exercise and even heart problems are not predictors of a person's longevity-a person's close relationships and social integration are.Our human connections have the positive impact on all aspects of our well-being,including our physical health.Those with intimacy(亲昵)in their lives,and those with frequent face-to-face interactions were not only physically and emotionally healthier,but they also lived longer.
It's why women,who tend to prioritize spending time with their friends more than men,live an average of six years longer.It's not enough to text or email.The actual health benefits of socializing are only achieved through in-person contact because face-to-face contact releases chemicals that protect you now and well into the future like a vaccine.
People who spend time on social networks,dating apps and even online news sites are found less happy.Most things we do for pleasure,like reading a book or watching a movie,have an end.But scrolling(卷动)on the phone is endless and we don't know when to break away.And those who do set limiting rules for their technology use are able to enjoy life more.Life becomes more colorful,richer,when you have better conversations with the person who is there with you.
The chase for happiness doesn't make us happy.In fact,constantly evaluating our own happiness is actually contributing to feelings of hopelessness and depression.Happiness is a fickle(变幻无常的)emotion,based on a moment or an experience.It's not a lack of happiness but lack of meaning that's really making us feel sad.
Meaning can be obtained in four forms:belonging,purpose,transcendence (卓越)and storytelling.The first is having people in your life who truly love and care about you.The second is having purpose.Most people find purpose through work because it's how we feel like we're adding value or contributing.So finding something to drive you forward is a crucial slice of having meaning.Transcendence is about finding something like art or church or doing yoga that can take you outside of yourself,that can make you feel like you're part of something bigger.With storytelling,that's all about our personal narratives.We're the author of our stories,and we can change how we're telling them.Your life isn't just a list of events.
In order to live longer and more happily,we should prioritize the(71)right/correct/proper/appropriatethings.
Face-to-face social interaction(72)predicts/indicates/means/promisesa longer life.Our close relationships and social integration(73)improve/better/polishour mental and physical health.
Women live six years longer than men on average because of more(74)communication/talks/socialization/conversations/interaction(s)with their friends.
Face-to-face contact produces chemicals that(75)function/serve/actas a vaccine.
Knowing when to turn off our smart phone enriches our life.Most entertainments have an end but using the smart phone is an(76)exception.
Life becomes more enjoyable when we limit the(77)useof mobile phones.
Chasing meaning,not happiness,is what really(78)matters/counts.We will find our life more meaningful by developing a sense of belonging.
It is vital to find a(79)purposeto drive us forward,which will add meaning to our life.
Things like art and church help us go beyond usual limits and feel you are(80)important/something/somebody.
We should tell our own stories in a creative way to inspire ourselves.
9.How to drivegreenerBuying green can produce great benefits and so can small changes in your driving behavior.The following advice can help you save gas and contribute to the well-being of our planet.
1.void aggressive driving.Sudden starts and aggressive driving not only wastes your gas but this type of driving behavior adds to pollution.(16)G
2.low down.A lot of us like to push the speedometer(时速表) up to 75 miles per hour on the highway.However,slowing down to 65 miles per hour can increase your fuel economy by up to 10 percent and reduce the amount of the pollution coming from your car.
3.Plan ahead.(17)E And remember to pack all of your tsks into one trip since a warmed-up engine produces fewer emissions(排放物).
4.(18)BDon't overfill your gas tank or try to top it off because spilled gas changes into mixture of fog and smoke and can pollute groundwater.When you're finished filling up,be sure you tighten your gas cap.In this way you can save as much as 30 gallons(加仑)a year!
5.Park smart.Parking your car in the shade not only helps you avoid feeling very hot in your car,but it helps minimize evaporation(蒸发) of fuel.(19)F
6.Leave your car at home.By walking,cycling or public transport,youll make a big difference for our planet.(20)D And you'll help cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1,500 pounds a year!

A.Change the oil.
B.Pay attention at the gas station.
C.It will help your car last longer.
D.Leave your car at home just two days a week.
E.When possible,plan your trips to avoid the stop-and-go of rush hour.
F.Parking in your garage when possible to cut down on summer heat and keep off frost in the winter.
G.That's because just one second of high-powered driving can produce the same level of CO as 30minutes of normal driving.
8.Max Vernon Mathews has been called the father of computer music.He created electronic tools so that people could use computers as musical instruments.He had a huge influence on the development of electronic music and how it is written,recorded and played.
In 1957,Max Mathews wrote the first computer program that enabled a computer to create sound and play it back.At the time,he was working as an engineer at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey.His computer program was called Music.It enabled a large IBM computer to play a seventeen-second piece of music that he had written.
The computer was so slow that it would have taken an hour to play the piece of music in seventeen seconds.For that reason,Mathews moved the work to a tape player,which could be sped up to play the music at a normal speed.He later said that the sound quality of the musical notes was not great,but the technical importance of the music was huge.
The science fiction writer Arthur C.Clarke visited Bell Laboratories in the 1960s.He heard a computer"sing"the song"Daisy Bell"on devices and programs developed by Max Mathews and other engineers.Clarke noted this technology in his book"2001:A Space Odyssey,"which was later made into a movie.
Mathews continued creating other versions of the Music program.He became interested in how computers could help musicians outside recording studios.
Max Mathews had a long and productive career.He worked with composers like John Cage and Edgard Varese.He helped create a center for research in computer music in Paris.And he taught at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics in Stanford University in California.
Mathews believed modern musicians were not making full use of the power of computer music.He said a violin always sounds like a violin,but with a computer,the way a violin sounds is unlimited.He said he did not want computer sounds to replace live music.But he said he hoped laptop computers would one day be considered serious instruments.

66.How did the program Music work according to the computer?B
A.It helped design a computer program.
B.It made sound and play it on a computer.
C.It could record a seventeen-second piece of music.
D.It enabled a large IBM computer to work faster.
67.Mathews was likely to think thatA
A.the first computer music was technically important.
B.the first piece of computer music was too short
C.the IBM computer was fit for creating slow music
D.the first piece of computer music wasn't music indeed
68.Which of the following is true?C
A.Clarke helped develop computer music.
B.Mathews became a character in a movie later on.
C.Computer music was mentioned in Clarke's book.
D.Clarke saw Mathews operate a singing computer.
69.It is implied in the last paragraph thatC.
A.Mathew wanted computers to take the place of live music.
B.a violin does make much better sounds than a computer
C.a computer can help improve sounds of traditional musical instruments
D.laptops are more suitable to be used as serious musical instruments
70.Which of the following statements best describes Mathews?D
A.He is the father of music.
B.He is influential as a musician.
C.He is more of a musician than an engineer.
D.He is creative and inventive.
3.Weight loss is a hard topic.Lots of people aren't satisfied with their present weight,but most people aren't sure how to change it.You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines or on TV,but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you.(36)B
So what should you do about your weight control?
(37)FThe best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian.(38)GIf it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.
(39)APeople who lose weight quickly by crash(速成的)dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost,because they haven't permanently(永久地)changed their habits.Therefore,the best weight management ways are those that you can maintain for a lifetime.
Small changes are a lot easier to keep than large ones.Try reducing the amount of what you eat.Try cutting down the fat in your daily meals.(40)C.Once you have kept that down,start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.
It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because health is most valuable to us all.

A.Weight management is about long-term success.
B.Besides,no magical method will make you look like someone else.
C.Try giving up junk food for a week.
D.Choose different kinds of food to eat so as to keep healthy.
E.Changing from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.
F.Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.
G.They will compare your weight with healthy standards and help you set goals.
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