4.Booking a trip on an online travel site is convenient,but comes with its own set of problems.
◆They know who's gong to spend more.
Last year,U.S travel research company Orbitz tracked people's online activities to test out whether Mac users spend more on travel than PC users.It turns out that on average,Mac users lay out US $ 20~30 more per night on hotels.The reason is that online travel sites show these users more expensive travel (选项) first.To avoid paying more,sort results by price.
◆Their software doesn't always link to the hotel's system.
A guaranteed reservation is almost impossible to come by anywhere 一 but the risk of your flight or hotel being overbooked increases with third-party providers.The middleman's software isn't immune(防护作用的)to system errors,so always call the hotel or airline to make sure your booking was processed.
◆You could miss out on loyalty (积分)points.
Third party providers can get between you and frequent flyer miles or points.Many hotel loyalty programs don't recognize external sites,others award only minimum points without special offers,like double points on hotel stays.
◆Don't be fooled by packages:Often,they're low-end items grouped together.
Ever notice how travel sites recommend a hotel,a rental car,and tour package all in one click.These deals usually feature travel that no one wants,like flights with multiple layovers(中途停留).Check the fine print.
◆Once your trip is purchased,you're on your own.
An online travel agency can't provide assistance the same way an agent can if a flight is cancelled or a room is substandard.Basically,when you arrive at the airport or hotel,you're just another customer who booked at the lowest rate.

28.What does the writer mainly intend to tell readers?C
A.Tips of how to reserve flights on line.
B.Problems of reserving a hotel on line.
C.Notices about reserving a trip on line.
D.Traps in reserving hotels and flights on line.
29.Why do people probably spend more on their online reservation for trips?A
A.They book at prices offered first by travel sites.
B.They are shown less expensive travel options first.
C.Some of the travel expenses are earned by Mac users.
D.Their flights or hotels are overbooked by tourist agencies.
30.Which of the following can replace the underlined"fine print"?A
A.Detailed items.
B.Discounted prices.
C.Good deals.
D.Special services.
31.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.The third parties will provide good travel services on line.
B.Few people book trips on line because of possible troubles.
C.Travelers'interests may not be guaranteed with booking on line.
D.Those booking trips on line will benefit much from loyalty points.
2.Aerial(空中的)performer Jennifer Bricker was born without legs,but she never let it stop her.
Wrapped in a loop(圈)of red silk hung from the ceiling Jennifer Bricker climbs and twists to the music.Her head hangs down and her strong arms let go as she balances on her back,high above the ground a move-that's all the more daring because she has no legs.
Jennifer was a few months old when she was adopted by Sharon and Gerald Bricker.She had big brown eyes,a bright smile,and huge amounts of energy.When a doctor advised her adoptive parents to carry her around in a kind of bucket(桶),they refused.
Jennifer soon learned to walk-and run-on her hands and bottom,and grew up fearlessly climbing trees and bouncing on the trampoline (蹦床)with her three older brothers."My parents didn't treat me differently so I didn't grasp the concept that I was different.I knew I didn't have legs but that wasn't stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do."
At the age of three she was fitted with artificial legs,but she never really took to them-she moved more freely without.
In 1996 the Olympic Games took place in Atlanta.Jennifer loved to watch the women's gymnastics team,and especially adored the 14-year-old Dominique Moceanu who competed for the US.When Moceanu and the women's team won gold,Jennifer decided she was going to be a gymnast,too.She took up power tumbling,which involves performing floor exercises down a runway.But Jennifer did not want any allowances to be made for her disability.
At the age of 10 she took part in the Junior Olympics and by age 11 she was tumbling champion for the state of Illinois.
Jennifer now travels the world as an inspirational speaker and acts as an aerial performer.

21.What do we know about Jennifer Bricker?B
A.She felt embarrassed without legs.
B.She was brought up as a normal child.
C.She was carried in a bucket as a baby.
D.She lost her legs when she was adopted.
22.Why did Jennifer determine to be a gymnast?D
A.She knew that she was different from others.
B.She wanted to make allowances for her disability
C.She was eager to participate in the Junior Olympics.
D.She was greatly influenced by Dominique Moceanu.
23.Which of the following can best describe Jennifer Bricker?A
24.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.The sufferings of a gymnast.
B.The memory of an aerial performer.
C.The experiences of an adoptive family.
D.The growing process of a disabled person.
1.A student from the High School Affiliated to Fudan University,Wu loves wearing outfits similar to those worn during the Han Dynasty (206BC-AD220).With her straight black hair,arched eyebrows (眼眉) and almond-shaped (桃核状的) eyes,Wu is widely seen as the"perfect image of a talented woman from ancient times."
Apart from her perfect knowledge and understanding of various lines of poetry,what has earned Wu the most praise was her calm and modest behavior during the competition.
During a part of the show on February 1in which she went up against the previous round's champion,Wu recited a line of poetry that her opponent (对手) had used earlier.After the hostess pointed this out,Wu quickly recited another line from the Classic of Poetry,the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry,without hesitation.This quick and calm reaction made her famous overnight.
This part of the show was based on Feihualing,an ancient drinking game often played by scholars in ancient China.Added this season,the game has the hostess select a Chinese character and the two remaining competitors will then have to recite a piece of poetry that contains this character.
"Her heart has absorbed the power of poetry.Wu is also modest.She just stands there,calm and relaxed.She makes you feel a poetic feeling just by being there,"Meng Man,an associated professor at Minzu University of China and one of the show's judges,said.

33.The underlined word"outfits"in Paragraph 1 meansC.
34.What's the author's purpose of writing about Wu's performance in Paragraph 3?B
A.To show her good understanding of all poems.
B.To prove her calmness during the competition.
C.To describe her beauty in most people's eyes.
D.To share her wisdom and talent with the readers.
35.Which description about Wu Yishu is right?D
A.She is a girl with short hair,long eyebrows and big eyes.
B.She corrected her opponent's mistake during Feihualing.
C.She was considered a woman coming from ancient times.
D.She seems to have made poetry part of her characteristics.
20.I used to think that studying abroad would be the trip I could tell my family about later in life.However,it was the trip of a lifetime.
With my two large suitcases checked and my boarding pass in my hand,I tearfully said good-bye to my family and boarded that plane.For the next six months,life was an adventure and would never be the same.
As a German major,my destination was Heidelberg,Germany,home of the oldest university in Western Europe.The University of Heidelberg,with the American Junior Year Abroad program,offered me not only a term of challenges,but also one of great learning.After experiencing 13hours of instruction in German,I got a chance of doing an internship (实习) at a local primary school.Working with a class of 30American kids is one thing,but working with that many German 2nd graders who speak faster than I could follow brought a new meaning to patience.
This study abroad opportunity also offered me a chance to make lifelong friends.Fifteen of us in the same situation created bonds of support and friendship that have carried on till now.Whether its quick text messages or long phone calls at 2am,I still think about the past and daydream about the future with these amazing people.
My favorite part of my study abroad experience was my chance to travel and sightsee most of Europe!With my new friends,a few family members and a good high school friend,I had seen 13different European countries.I saw sights from Italy to Ireland.
My opportuity to study in Germany has truly given me an eye-opening experience that has changed my view on life.

25.Where does the author come from?C
26.Why did the author go to Heidelberg?B
A.Because he liked travelling abroad.
B.Because he was part of a program.
C.Because he received a job offer there.
D.Because he decided to take a risk.
27.Which is not part of the author's experiences in Germany?A
A.Teaching American kids.
B.Making some lifelong friends.
C.Working in a primary school.
D.Travelling to European countries.
28.What is the author's attitude to his study abroad?A
19.For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at music students,(41)Dacross the campus with their heavy instrument cases.(42)Dat school for practice hours(43)Aanyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to(44)Cmusic,as he hated getting to school extra early.
(45)B,one day,in the music class that was(46)Aof his school's standard curriculum,he was
playing idly(随意地)on the piano and found it(47)Dto pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually(48)C  doing it.He tried to hide his(49)Bpleasure from the music teacher,who had(50)Dover to listen.He might not have this particularly well,(51)Athe teacher told Gabriel that he had a good(52)A  and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room ti see if any of the instruments there(53)C him.There he decided to give the cello(大提琴)a(54)B.When he began practicing,he took it very(55)C.But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was(56)A to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.
This(57)D,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,(58)B his heavy instrument
When you need to someone,don't do it in your own office.(59)B.it's much easier to case across the campus to the(60)C  looks of the non-musicians he had left.
42.A.rising upB.coming upC.driving upD.turning up
53.A.occurredB.took toC.appealedD.held to
18.A buld-it-yourself solar still(蒸馏器) is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available.Developed by two doctors in the U.S.Department of Agriculture,it's an excellent water collector.Unfortunately,you must carry the necessary equipment with you,since it's all but impossible to find natural substitutes.The only components required,
though,are a 5'×5'sheet of clear or slightly milky plastic,six feet of plastic tube,and a
container-perhaps just a drinking cup-to catch the water.These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.
To construct a working still,use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep.Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catcher's productivity.Place your cup in the deepest part of the hole.Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs up-and out-the side of the hole.
Next,cover the hole with the plastic sheet,securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet's center down with a rock.The plastic should now form a cone( 圆 锥 体 ) with 45-degree-angled sides.The low point of the sheet must be centered directly over,and no more than
three inches above,the cup.
The solar still works by creating a greenhouse under the plastic.Ground water evaporates (蒸发) and collects on the sheet until small drops of water form,run down the material and fall off into the cup.When the container is full,you can suck the refreshment  out through the tube,and won't have to break down the still every time you need a drink.

32.What do we know about the solar still equipment from the first paragraph?B
A.It's delicate.
B.It's portable.
C.It's complex.
D.It's expensive.
33.What does the underlined phrase"the water catcher"in paragraph 2 refer to?A
A.The still.
B.The tube.
C.The hole.
D.The cup.
34.What's the last step of constructing a working solar still?D
A.Dig a hole of a certain size.
B.Put the cup in place.
C.Cover the hole with the plastic sheet.
D.Weight the sheet's center down.
35.When a solar still works,drops of water come into the cup formC.
A.the plastic tube                                                          
B.outside the hole
C.beneath the sheet                                                   
D.the open air.
17.Some of the world's most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day.UNESCO( United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music,its significance,and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.
Despite the celebrations,though,in the U.S.the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older,and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.
It's Jason Moran's job to help change that.As the Kennedy Center's artistic adviser for jazz,Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz,make the music more accessible,and preserve its history and culture.
"Jazz seems like it's not really a part of the American appetite,"Moran tells National Public Radio's reporter Neal Conan."What I'm hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and write anymore.It's actually color,and it's actually digital."
Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost."The music can't be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958.It has to continue to move,because the way the world works is not the same,"says Moran.
Last year,Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Waller's music for a dance party,"Just
to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music,"says Moran."For me,it's the recontextualization.In music,where does the emotion(情感) lie?Are we,as humans,gaining any insight(感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts?Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context,"says Moran,"so I want to continue those dialogues.
Those are the things I want to foster."

28.Why did UNESCO set April 30as International Jazz Day?C
A.To remember the birth of jazz.
B.To encourage people to study music.
C.To recognize the value of jazz.
D.To protect cultural diversity.
29.What does the underlined word"that"in paragraph 3refer to?C
A.The jazz audience becoming larger.
B.The production of jazz growing faster.
C.Jazz being less popular with the young.
D.Jazz becoming more accessible.
30.What can we infer about Moran's opinion on jazz?A
A.It should keep up with the times.
B.It remains black and white.
C.It will disappear gradually.
D.It changes every 50 years.
31.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?D
A.Celebrating the Jazz Day.
B.The Rise and Fall of Jazz.
C.The Story of a Jazz Musician.
D.Exploring the Future of Jazz.
16.It was a cold March day in High Point,North California.The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for the next turns at bat during practice,stamping their feet to stay warm.
English-grader Taylor Bisbees shivered(发抖)a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play.
The two didn't know each other well---Taylor had just moved to town a month or so before.
Suddenly,Paris fell to the ground,"Paris's eye rolled back,"Taylor says."She started shaking.I knew it was an emergency."
It certainly was,Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure.Without immediate medical care,Paris would die."Does anyone know CPR?"
CPR is a life-saving technique.To do CPR,you press on the sick person's chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs.Without oxygen the brain is damaging quickly.
Amazingly,Taylor had just taken a CPR course the day before.Still,she hesitated.She didn't think she knew it well enough.But when no one else came forward,Taylor ran to Paris and began doing CPR,"It was scary.I knew it was the difference between life and death,"says Taylor.
Taylor's swift action helped her teammates calm down.One girl called 911.Two more ran to get the school nurse,who brought a defibrillator,an electronic devices(器械)that can shock the heart back into work.Luck stayed with them:Paris's heartbeat returned.
"I know I was really lucky,"Paris say now."Most people don't survive this.My team saved my life."
Experts say Paris is right:For a sudden heart failure,the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.
Today,Paris is back on the softball team.Taylor will apply to college soon.She wants to be a nurse."I feel more confident in my actions now,"Taylor says."I know I can act under pressure in a scary situation."

21.What happened to Paris on a March day?B
A.She caught a bad cold.
B.She had a sudden heart problem.
C.She was knocked down by a ball.
D.She shivered terribly during practice.
22.Why does Paris say she was lucky?C
She made a worthy friend.
B.She recovered from shock.
C.She received immediate CPR.
D.She came back on the softball team.
23.Which of the following words can best describe Taylor?B
Enthusiastic and kind.
B.Courageous and calm.
C.Cooperative and generous.
D.Ambitious and professional.
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