10.After my brother died in an accident,my mother was very sad.I was only 4years old at the time,but I still understood the(41)Bin my mom's attitude toward safety.(42)D,everything around us was potentially(43)D.
I grew up with a lot of(44)Aand rules that were meant to(45)Cme.For example,I was not(46)Ato walk home from school by myself,even though everyone I knew already did.I couldn't(47)Bevening parties or go to summer camp,(48)Dwhat if something happened to me?
As I got older,the list of things to(49)Bgot longer.I became natural(50)AI was concerned about things like getting cancer,losing my wallet,and being caught in car accidents and earthquakes-(51)Dbig and small,real and(52)C.The funny part is that you'd never know it by looking at my life,because I'm constantly(53)Cmyself to do the things that frighten or worry me.In fact,I've developed a(54)Afor myself:If it scares me,then I have to do it(55)Donce.I've done lots of things that would have(56)Bmy mom:I've ridden motorcycle,I've traveled alone,and I've performed stand-up comedy.
Courage isn't a natural attribute(品质)of human beings.I believe that we have to practice being courageous.The more(57)CI do things that scare me or that make me(58)B,the more I realize that I can do a lot more than I originally thought I could do.
Even though I inherited(经遗传获得)my mother's cautious(59)A,I've also come to believe that fear can be a good thing,if we(60)Dit.Believing that has made my world a less scary place.
55.A.in allB.at mostC.after allD.at least
9.★Play-Chimtewale Baba
Event Description:Catch Bengali adaptation of Lalit Mohan Thapliyal's award winning play Chimtewale Baba,produced by Shapno Ekhon.The play discloses the weakness of human minds and explores the mystery of the inner ability in finding solutions to one's own problems.
When:Saturday 27 November 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Where:Muktadhara Auditorium Banga Sanskriti Bhavan 18-19,Bhai Veer Sangh Marg
Entry:adult﹩50; child﹩30
Contact:Shomik Ray 9873224365
★Film-The Godfather
Event Description:Screening of the film The Godfather,directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Marlon Brando,Al Pacino and James Caan.The film is about an aging patriarch(元老)of an organized crime dynasty who transfers his control to his son.
When:Sunday 28 November 8:00 p m-10:00 p.m.
When:Select City Walk Mall A-3,District Centre Saket
Entry:adult﹩45; child﹩20
Contact:Rose White 8876223367
★Painting Exhibition
Event Description:Sanaugavut,an exhibition of Inuit masterworks from the National Gallery of Canada,Ottawa.
When:Friday 26 November 11:00 a.m.
Where:National Museum,Raj Path Crossing Janpath Lane
Contact:Mark Smith 8899266369
★Music Performance
Event Description:Samaparner Caan Songs & Narrations on Thakur Ramakrishna & Swami Vivekananda by Sudeb Chattopadhyay & Anupurba Roy.
When:Sunday 28 November 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Where:India Habitat Centre,Max Mueller Marg Lodhi Colony
Entry:adult﹩76; child﹩40
Contact:7756266111 or 7756266112
★Japanese,Food Festival
Event Description:Enjoy authentic Japanese cusine featuring dishes like Hosomaki,Sake Maki,Grill Sake Maki,Maguro Maki,Nigitoro Maki,Edi Maki,Kani Maki,California Maki,Tomago Maki,Teriyaki and more.
When:25 November-30 November 12:00 p.m.-11:59 p.m.
Where:Tao Restaurant E-8 Connaught Place

32.If you want 10 enjoy yourself with the least money on Sunday,you will go toC.
A.Music Performance
B.Painting Exhibition
C.Film-The Godfather
D.Japanese Food Festival
33.Where will you go on the last Tuesday of November?A
A.Tao Restaurant.B.India Habitat Centre.C.National Museum.D.Select City Walk Mall.
34.If your son prefers music to anything else,you will callD.
A.8899266369    B.9873224365    C.8876223367    D.7756266112
35.We can learn from the text thatB.
A.Kani Maki is a kind of dish made in California
B.Chimtewale Baba is a play full of education
C.Marlon Brando is a famous director
D.Sudeb Chattopadhyay is a hose of a film company.
8.Losing weight has become a major concern for so many people.People try different weight loss methods all the time,some of which will never work,while others provide just a temporary solution.It is important to note that there are some green ways to lose weight that are not only healthy and effective but also good for the environment.Let us look at some of these green ways to lose weight.
Growing your own vegetables is a good way to ensure that you are eating healthy foods.The process is even better if you can use organic manure(肥料).Planting your own vegetables is not only a good way to go green;it also provides you with plenty of physical exercise.Preparing a garden,including planting and taking care of the vegetables,is a great way to achieve a healthy weight.
If you usually eat meat on a daily basis,you should consider replacing that meat with more vegetables.If you have no idea what vegetarian diets are like,you can do some research on the Internet,and you can also get information from vegetarian magazines such as Vegetarian Times Magazine.By reducing your intake of meat,you will he able to reduce your intake of fats,and hence,it will he easier for you to get rid of some weight.
Reduce periods of driving and try walking or cycling instead.If you are used to driving your car to get to wherever you are going,it would he great for you if you substituted walking or cycling for driving.Cycling and walking are good workouts that will ensure that your body burns excess fat and calories,and therefore,you will he able to lose weight.
It is important to know that there are so many ways in which we can turn our had habits into good ones.Most of these good habits will not only benefit our bodies;they will also make the world a better place for all of us.Let's go green,and let's lose weight!

25.What does the first paragraph imply?B
A.Most people have good ways to lose weight.
B.Most weight loss methods don't work well.
C.People don't like the taste of healthy food.
D.People don't care about the environment.
26.What does Vegetarian Times Magazine offer?B
A.It introduces people who prefer vegetables.
B.It tells readers about vegetarian diets.
C.It describes different kinds of popular meat dishes.
D.It shows ways to lose weight in a short time.
27.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.It is easy to lose weight if you've developed good habits.
B.Walking or cycling is the best way to lose weight.
C.Almost no one has developed good habits.
D.A green environment is good for your health.
28.What is the passage mainly about?A
A.A few green ways to lose weight.
B.The environment and children's health.
C.A few benefits of losing weight.
D.The importance of staying in shape.
7.Once again,the Christmas season was upon us and my daughter Tania was asking,"What do you want for Christmas,Dad?"
In the small town where we lived,life had a certain rhythm,and the festival season was full of ritual(仪式).But this particular year,my daughter,Tania,changed all that.
Every day for two weeks before Christmas,unable to contain her excitement,she repeatedly said,"You'll never guess,hut you're going to love what we got you for Christmas!"She was determined that I should be impressed.
On the 24th,my wife and I were asked to join the kids for some last-minute shopping.We chose to stay at home.Four hours later,the kids were back at the door,shopping mission completed.
"We have your gift out in the car,Dad,"Tania exclaimed,"and it's getting cold!"
We were then ordered to leave the room.No,not just to another room,but upstairs and out of sight.So,obediently,we went upstairs.
A few minutes later,we heard them calling,"Okay,you can come down now!"
Immediately,my excited daughter said,"Open it now!"
By now,my daughter was about to explode with excitement,and I,too,had passed the stage of mildly curious,feeling somewhere between inquisitive(好奇的)and demanding.
Finally,we arrived at the unveiling."Okay,"Tania instructed us,"on the count of three both of you grab a corner of the blanket."She stood by with the camera,and even though I was trying my best to remain unimpressed.My wife and I lifted the blanket,and the gift was exposed.
I thought,I can't believe my eyes!Perhaps I am delusional(妄想的)!This is just not possible!The flash of my daughter's camera went off,when rising up out of that heap of blankets and wrapping me in an enormous hear hug was none other than my six-foot-two (1.89 meters),175 pound (79 kilograms) son Greg,home for Christmas for the first time in 19 years!

21.What does the word"contain"mean in Paragraph 3?A
A.keep s feeling or yourself under control
B.consist of
C.have or hold something within
D.prevent a problem from spreading
22.What is the daughter's Christmas gift for her father?C
A.A camera.B.A big hug.C.His son's coming hack home.D.A blanket.
23.Before the gift was exposed,how did the father feel?A
24.What's the best title for the passage?B
A.The Christmas Season
B.A Special Christmas Gift
C.A Big Surprise
D.Home for Christmas for the First Time.
6.All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years.It's the age when we have to deal with the most(41)Bin our life.This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is(42)Afor some,but rough for others.The most important thing about being a teenager is (43)D.When we are teenagers,we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.
Though it's not so (44)Aabout being a teenager,we don't have to have our (45)D take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn't go before.We can have (46)A with friends or even alone,which we couldn't have because we were too(47)Cto know what pleasure is!It's a very enjoyable time of life.During this age,we are old enough to (48)Dwhat is good for us,and make decisions without (49)Dothers.
But like the saying goes,"All good things must come to an end,but all bad things can continue(50)C."During this period,we are having much(51)Afor our studies.If we don't pass,we won't get jobs,and things will take a turn for the(52)D.With the present world economy in(53)A,we have to do really,really well in our(54)B for a job.Adults say that their(55)Dis the hardest part of life.But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much(56)B than being already an adult.What we do in our teenage years will(57)Cwhat we become and how we lead our life in the future.
In conclusion,it is quite(58)Dthat parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager.If they realized that,living conditions for teenagers would be much better.(59)Cfor the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us.What's more,we should understand the right(60)B of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.
60.A.experien ceB.wayC.conditionD.power
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