17.Japan's post-World War II value system of hard work is changing.Recent surveys show that Japanese youth have become a"Me Generation".
"Around 1980many Japanese deserted the values of economic success and began searching for new sets of values to bring them happiness,"writes sociologist Yasuhiro.Japanese youth are placing more importance on the individual pursuit of happiness and less on the values of work,family,and society.
Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work,unlike their peers in the United States and Korea.In a 1993survey,only 10% of the Japanese regarded work as a primary value,compared with 47% of their Korean peers and 27% of American students.A greater percentage of Japanese preferred easy jobs without heavy responsibility.
Family values are losing among younger Japanese as they pursue private satisfaction.Data shows that only 2304of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting their aged parents.It appears that many younger-generation Japanese are losing both respect for their parents and a sense of responsibility to the family.
Individualism among Japanese is most pronounced among the very young.According to 1991data,50% of Japanese youth can be labeled"self-centered"To earn the label,the young people reply positively to such ideas as"I would like to make decisions without considering traditional values"
Diminishing social responsibility is tied to individualism.A study comparing society-conscious youth found that the Japanese had slipped far behind American and Australian students.Only 11% of Japanese youth said they get personal satisfaction in doing something on behalf of society while four limes as many Americans said so.
The New (71)Generation in Japan
They are searching for new sets of values that could make them(72)happywhile deserting (73)traditionalvalue system,such as:Work:They,unlike their peers in the U.S.and Korea,become less (75)patientwith work and (76)preferredeasy jobs without heavy responsibility.
(74)Family:Data shows many younger-generation Japanese are not (77)respectfulto their parents and losing a sense of responsibility to the family,and some even wouldn't(78)supporttheir aged parents.
Society:Japanese youngsters have (79)slippedbehind American and Australian students in social consciousness because they are"self-centered".(80)Threetimes more Americans than Japanese can get personal satisfaction in doing something on behalf of society.
13.71.A bully is a person who enjoys hurting other people.A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them.85% of children in the UK have been bullied (欺负) at least once.
     How can I tell if a person is a bully?
     He or she will…
*try to find your weak point--perhaps you are shy,nervous or easily made worried.
*make fun of (取笑) you in front of your friends.
*borrow money then won't pay you back.
*Tell the bully to leave you alone.
*Do not be afraid to ask other people tor help,even though the bully tells you not to.
*Do not feel ashamed (羞愧) because you have been bullied.You have done nothing wrong!The bully should feel ashamed.
*Do not believe the bad things a bully says about you.
*Help people who are being bullied,even though you don't know them.
*Be a friend to people who are bullied.
*Tell a teacher if you see bullying.
*Tell bullies to stop,Sometimes bullies are afraid,too.
      Why do some people become bullies?
       Some bullies…
*have never learnt to think about other people's feelings.
*don't like themselves,so they are sad.72.They think they will be happy if they make another person sad.
*have been bullied themselves by other bullies.
       Can bullies change?.
       Yes!Bullies can change when they learn to think about other people's feelings.
       Sometimes bullies must be punished (惩罚) before they understand.Sometimes,bullies just need friends.
71.What does the underlined word mean?欺凌弱小者/仗势欺人者/惹事生非者/土霸
72.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.如果能使其他人伤心的话,他们会感到很快乐.
73.How to change bullies according to the passage?They must be punished before they understand.Sometimes,They just need friends
A.What should I do if I see a bully bothering someone?
B.What can I do if a bully bothers (骚扰) me?
C   What should I do to stop bullies?
75.Give the best title to the passage.Bullying Around UK/How to deal with Bullying?.
12.Have you ever taken photos by using mobile phones with selfie sticks(自拍杆)?(66)E.
However,a pair of US artists from New Mexico,Arie Snee and Justin Crowe believe theyhave invented a better one and they call it"selfie arm".(67)D It makes those people in the pictures seem to be holding hands with a loved one.The pair say it offers a far better experience than using a straight stick.The selfie arm
makes people feel they are not alone when they take photos.
(68)C.They think their invention solves the main problem that the selfie stick has-people look alone while they are taking pictures of themselves with great interests.The product,at present,just an art project and a model conveniently provides you a welcoming arm.(69)F.The pair say they are fascinated by these new ideas.
The"selfie arm"is made of fiberglass.(70)A.The project that they work on shows the growing selfie stick.
Phenomenon (现象) directly and the increasing nee d for narcissism (自恋) and Internet agreement.

A.It is lightweight and easy-taking.
B.Thousand of"selfie arms"have been made.
C.It seems that they are together with their friends.
D.For better or worse,they have taken the world by storm.
E.Tis new invention is a small,useful,and clever-designed tool.
F.And better yet in the future,it'll talk in a friendly way and never get angry or upse.
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