19.The writer Margaret Mitchell is best known for writing Gone with the Wind,first published in 1936.Her book and the movie based on it,tell a story of love and survival during the American Civil War.Visitors to the Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta,Georgia,can go where she lived when she started composing (创作) the story and learn more about her life.
Our first stop at the Margaret Mitchell House is an exhibit area telling about the writer's life.She was born in Atlanta in 1900.She started writing stories when she was a child.She started working as a reporter for the Atlanta Journal newspaper in 1922.One photograph of Ms.Mitchell,called Peggy,shows her talking to a group of young college boys.She was only about one and a half meters tall.The young men tower over her,but she seems very happy and sure of herself.The tour guide explains:"Now in this picture Peggy is interviewing some boys from Georgia Tech,asking them such questions as"Would you really marry a woman who works?"And today it would be"Would you marry one who doesn't?"
The Margaret Mitchell House is a building that once contained several apartments.Now we enter the first floor apartment where Ms.Mitchell lived with her husband,John Marsh.They made fun of the small apartment by calling it"The Dump".
Around 1926,Margaret Mitchell had stopped working as a reporter and was at home healing after an injury.Her husband brought her books to read from the library.She read so many books that he bought her a typewriter and said it was time for her to write her own book.Our guide says Gone with the Wind became a huge success.Margaret Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize for the book.In 1939 the film version was released.It won ten Academy Awards,including Best Picture.

24.The book Gone with the Wind wasC.
A.first published on a newspaper   B.adapted from a movie
C.about love and survival in the war        D.written in 1936
25.The underlined phrase"tower over"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning toB.
A.be very pleased with             B.be much taller than
C.show great respect for           D.show little interest in
26.We can know about Margaret Mitchell from the passage thatC.
A.her height made her marriage unhappy
B.writing stopped her working as a reporter
C.her interest in writing continued as an adult
D.her life was full of hardship and sadness
27.Which is the best title for the passage?D
A.Gone with the Wind:A Huge Success.
B.Margaret Mitchell:A Great Female Writer.
C.An Introduction of the Margaret Mitchell House.
D.A Trip to Know Margaret Mitchell.
18.Here is a leaflet (传单) to introduce different foreign destinations for Chinese students to further their study.
A.The US
The US has always been on the top destination list for Chinese students,with its high education standardsand enough scholarships.
Good news:It is easier to get a US student visa nowadays.Last year,the refusal rate was only 20% to 30%,much lower than a few years before,according to US Embassy.
Concerns:There are a lot to prepare,such as the TOFEL,GRE,etc.It's a longer time to apply to US universities than schools in the UK or Australia.
B.The Netherlands
Tulips,windmills and wooden shoes:these were the image (形象) that once attracted tourists.But Holland has more to offer.
Good news:From 2012,Holland and China started recognizing each other's education certificates (证书).And from 2013,the government provides?4 million for scholarships to Chinese students every year.
Concerns:Not many Chinese know about Dutch education.Speaking Dutch sounds not easy.
C.The UK
Easier access to visas and international environment are the UK's great attractions for Chinese students.
Good news:There are many new scholarships this year,both from the government and universities,such as the Scotland International Scholarship.
Concerns:It's expensive to study in the UK,with an average cost of¥200,000 to¥300,000 a year.
Good climate,high quality education,favorable (有利的) immigration policy:these make Australia one of the most popular choices to live in.
Good news:A new E-visa policy ensures a quick application process (four weeks compared with 12 weeks before).
Concerns:Tuition fees have risen in past years.The total cost is about¥200,000 to attend a university located in big cities like Sydney or Melbourne.
21.Which country has recognized China's educational certificate?B
A.The US B.The Netherlands C.Australia D.The UK
22.If you want to live in a country after graduation,which one may be the best choice?C
A.The US.B.The Netherlands.C.Australia.D.The UK.
23.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the leaflet?B
A.The UK offers various scholarships and tuition free programs.
B.The US has always been on the top destination list for Chinese students.
C.The government-funded universities in Holland are tuition free.
D.The new Australia visa policy will last twelve weeks in application.
16.Four Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain
When we think of summer,most of us think of outdoor fun.So it seems like we should naturally lose weight over the summer.In reality,summer isn't all beach volleyball and water sports.Therefore,we can gain weight easily in the summer. (31)GHere are four ways to beat summer weight gain.
1.(32)AWhen we don't have a plan,it's easy to spend summer moving from the couch to the computer,with regular stops at the fridge.Avoid this by aiming for a specific goal,like volunteering or mastering a new skill.Just be sure to plan for some downtime (停工期) so you can relax a little!
2.Stay busy.When we're bored,it's easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and then feeling low on energy.In addition to helping you avoid the cookie jar,getting loads of stuff(事情) to do can give you a sense of accomplishment.(33)D
3.Beat the heat.Don't let summer heat put your exercise plans on hold.(34)F if a gym isn't your scene,try howling or an indoor climbing wall.If you love being outdoors,try swimming or a regular run in the early morning or evening.
4.(35)Cwith school out,we lose our daily routines(日常工作).If you don't have a specific job or an activity to get up for,it's easy to sleep late,watch too much TV,and snack more than usual.Make sure your summer days have some structure-like getting up at the same time each day.Plan activities for specific times,like exercising before breakfast.

A.Get going with goals
B.Relax by walking outside
C.Stick to a schedule
D.That's especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
E.We usually stay at home in summer
F.Move your workout indoors
G.However,it's easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.
15.Silence is unnatural to man.He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness.In between he does all he can to make a noise in the world,and he fears silence more than anything else.Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence.If he is introduced to another person,and a number of pauses occur in the conversation,he regards himself as a failure,a worthless person,and is full of envy(妒忌) of the emptiest-headed chatterbox(喋喋不休的人).He knows that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly,but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure(蜡塑人像).
The aim of conversation is not,for the most part,to communicate ideas; it is to keep up the buzzing sound.There are,it must be admitted,different qualities of buzz; there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito.But at a dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person.Most buzzing,fortunately,is pleasant to the ear,and some of it is pleasant even to the mind.He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.
Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not to know the reason why human beings wish to talk.Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new.Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears,though they have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel.At the end of an evening,during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time.They just prove themselves to be successful conservationists.

27.According to the author,people make conversation toD.
A.exchange ideas
B.prove their value
C.achieve success in life
D.overcome their fear of silence
28.By"the buzzing of a fly"(Para.1),the author means"C".
A.the noise of an insect       B.a low whispering sound
C.meaningless talks       D.the voice of a chatterbox
29.According to the passage,people usually talk to their neighborsB.
A.about whatever they have prepared
B.about whatever they want to
C.in the hope of learning something new
D.in the hope of getting on well
30.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?D
A.To discuss why people like talking about weather.
B.To encourage people to join in conversations.
C.To persuade people to stop making noises.
D.To explain why people keep talking.
14.King's College Summer SchoolKing's College Summer School is an annual(一年一度的)training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English.Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York.Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.
More information is as follows:
Application date
•Students in New York should send their applications before July 18,2015.
•Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16,2015.
•Foreign students should send their applications before July 10,2015.
•English Language
Spoken English:22 hours
Reading and Writing:10 hours
•American History:16 hours
•American Culture:16 hours
•A letter of self-introduction
•A letter of recommendation
  The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.
•Daily lessons:$200
•Sports and activities:$100
•Hotel service:$400
You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.
Please write to:
                   1026 King's Street
                   New York,NY 10016,USA
24.You can most probably read the text inD.
A.a travel guide   B.a textbook    C.a telephone book    D.a newspaper 
25.Which of the following is true about King's College Summer School?C
A.Only top students can take part in the program.
B.King's College Summer School is run every other year.
C.Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.
D.Only the teachers of King's College give courses.
26.If you are to live with your relatives in New York,you will have to pay the schoolC
A.﹩200          B.﹩400         C.﹩500             D.﹩900.
13.We spent a day in the country,picking wild flowers.Our car looked like a flower shop inside!On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights,and then my wife noticed the cupboard.It was tall and narrow,and it stood outside a furniture shop."Buy it,"she said at once"We'll carry it home on the roof rack (行李架).I've always wanted one like that."What could I do?Ten minutes later I was $20 poorer,and the cupboard was tied on to the roof rack.The police even stopped traffic to let us through.Carrying furniture was a good idea.
After a time my wife said,"There are a line of cars behind.Why don't they overtake(超车),I wonder?"
In fact a police car did overtake.The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed.But then with great kindness,they led us through the rush-hour traffic.The police car stopped at our village church.One of the officers came to me.
I was puzzled."Thanks,officer,"I said."You've been very kind.I live just down the road."
He was staring at our load:first at the flowers,then at the cupboard."Well,well,"he said,laughing,"It's a cupboard you've got here!We thought it was…er,something else."
My wife began to laugh.Then the truth hit me like a stone between the eyes.I smiled at the officer."Yes,it's a cupboard,but thanks again."I drove home as fast as I could.

21.The writer writes the story in order toD.
A.praise the police officer                B.thank the other drivers
C.show people are kind to each other       D.tell us their funny experience
22.The drivers behind didn't overtake becauseA.
A.they wanted to show their special kindness
B.they were afraid the cupboard would fall down
C.they were admiring the flowers in the writer's car
D.they wondered what was inside the cupboard
23.The writer's wife began to laugh becauseD.
A.she thought the police officers were foolish
B.she was interested in what the police officer said
C.she was glad they were treated kindly
D.she had realized the truth.
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