15.Claressa,now 17,started boxing when she was just 11.She was inspired by her dad,who had been a fighter when he was younger.But when she first told her dad that she wanted to box,he said,"No!No!Boxing is a man's sport."It made Claressa so mad.
   Claressa wouldn't back down."I wanted to fight.I knew that whatever I put my heart and my work into,I was going to be successful at it,"she says.
   Finally,her dad took her to the boxing gym to start training.She was the only girl.
   Claressa now has a boxing record of 23 wins and zero losses."I think you're right,"her dad told her not long ago.He's proud that she proved him wrong.
   Boxing can be dangerous.How does Claressa feel when she steps into the boxing ring(拳击场)?"I'm not nervous.And I've never got into the ring thinking that a girl can beat me,"she says.
   But Claressa takes the competitions seriously."I always tell myself it's going to be harder than I think,"she says."I fight them all like they are world champions.If I think it's going to be easy,I'm done!"
   Claressa will need all her confidence this month.From May 9 to May 20,she will be in China.There,she'll fight in the Women's World Boxing Championships.
   Claressa must place in the top eight in her weight class out of all the women boxers in the world.Otherwise she can't go to the Olympics,even though she's on the U.S.Olympic team.
   We asked Claressa to imagine stepping into the ring at the Olympics.Would it feel any different from her other fights?"No,"she says."Just a fight.Just another girl in my way."
26.When Claressa first told her father she wanted to be a boxer,heD.
A.kept silent                             
B.gave her some useful advice  
C.took her to start training                  
D.didn't support her
27.The underlined phrase"back down"in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by"A"
A.give up        B.take off                 C.get up                   D.set off
28.When Claressa steps into the boxing ring,she isB.
A.violent and wild                            
B.confident and calm
C.serious and patient                             
D.proud and r elaxed
29.What can we learn about Claressa from the textD?
A.She loves China greatly.
B.She will take part in the Olympics.
C.She has the best boxing record in the world.
D.She is a member of the U.S.Olympic team.
30.What's the best title for this text?B
A.A fashionable lifestyle                         
B.Fighting for her dream.
C.Being a successful woman                    
D.A future Olympic champion.
13.He had travelled thousands of miles in the hope of earning some money,but 18-year old Lin Kongming never knew danger was waiting for him.
He and six other migrant workers from Fujian Province spent 36hours in Iraq as international hostages(人质).But luckily,they were set free last Tuesday morning,unharmed by the people who had taken them hostages.
After hard work by Chinese diplomats(外交官) in the region,the Iraqi kidnappers(绑架者) agreed to hand them over to a local religious group."The friendly relations between the Chinese and Iraqi people have played a key role in the release(释放) of the hostages,"said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan.China refused to join the US-led coalition(联军) in the Iraqi war.
Since April 4,over 60hostages from 12countries,including America,Italy and Japan,have been taken in Iraq.Some have been released,others were killed.
The Iraqi resistance groups have started taking foreigners hostages in an attempt to force the US-led troops out of their country.As a result,many foreigners have left,fearing the situation will get worse.Some nations are also considering removing their troops from Iraq.Thailand has ordered its forces not to leave their camp and may bring them home before September as originally planned.New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is considering similar action.
But Dan Senor,spokesman for the US-led coalition in Baghdad,said that it would not negotiate(谈判) with"terrorists(恐怖分子) or kidnappers"to get hostages released.

56.The seven workers from Fujian were set free mainly becauseC.
A.they were too poor to pay anything
B.kidnappers didn't know they were Chinese
C.China didn't take sides with the US-led coalition
D.kidnappers were friendly to the Chinese
57.Why did the Iraqi resistance groups start to take foreigners hostages?C
A.To show their anger towards the occupation of foreign troops.
B.To tell the world they would fear nothing.
C.To make foreign armies leave their country.
D.To resist the American troops.
58.The author talks about Dan Senor to show the USA.
A.wouldn't give in to Iraqi terrorists or kidnappers
B.had enough power to station in Iraq
C.wouldn't give up unless it could get something
D.had no plan to bring its troops home
59.The passage mainly tells usA.
A.the hostage crisis(危机) in Iraq
B.foreigners were not welcome in Iraq
C.the Chinese hostages were set free
D.keeping away from Iraq is a wise choice.
12.Sit-down habit is killing us
How many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day?Eight hours in the office plus three hours in front of the TV after work is the norm for many people.You probably don't need an expert to tell you that sitting too much is not good for your health---from an increased risk of heart disease and obesity(肥胖) in the long term,to reduced cholesterol(胆固醇)maintenance in the short term,not to mention the strain(拉紧)on your neck and spine.
To make matters worse,a growing body of research finds that negative effects of sitting too much cannot be replaced with a good diet and regular exercise,according to an article in The New York Times.
The article reported that a 2010study of nearly 9,000Australians found that for each additional hour of television a person watched per day,the risk of dying rose by 11percent.
Another study tracked the health of 123,000Americans between 1992and 2006.The death rate for men who spent six hours or more per day sitting was about 20percent higher than for men who sat for three hours or less.The death rate for women who sat for more than six hours a day was about 40percent higher.In other words,sitting is killing us.
Stand up for health
So what can we do about it?Health experts suggest we break up those many hours spent sitting with more hours spent standing.
The BBC and the University of Chester in the UK conducted a simple experiment with a small group of 10volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting.They were asked to stand for at least three hours a day.The researchers took measurements on days when the volunteers stood,and when they sat around.When they looked at the data there were some striking differences,the BBC reported on Oct.16.
Blood glucose leveled off (呈平稳状态)after a meal much quicker on the days when the study subjects stood compared with the days they spent in a chair.Standing also burned more calories-about 50calories an hour.Over the course of a year that would add up to about 30,000extra calories,or around 3.63kilograms of fat."If you want to put that into activity levels,then that would be equal to running about 10marathons a year,"said John Buckley,a member of the research team."Just by standing up three or four hours during your day at work."
Buckley said that although doing exercise offers many proven benefits,our bodies also need the constant,almost imperceptible(感觉不到的) increase in muscle activity that standing provides.Simple movement helps us to control our all-important blood sugar.
The researchers believe that even small adjustments,like standing while talking on the phone,going over to talk to a colleague rather than sending an e-mail,or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator,will be of great help to us.
Sit-down habit is killing us
Negative effects caused by sitting too muchBesides(71)increasing the risk of heart disease and obesity in the long term,sitting too much also leads to(72)reducingcholesterol maintenance in the short term.
It will keep our neck and spine strained.
(73)Resultsof many researchesA good diet and regular exercise cannot74replacethe negative effects of sitting too much.
The more hours one spends watching TV,the(75)higherthe death rate will be.
(76)Comparedwith the days one spent in a chair,blood glucose levels off after a meal much quicker on the days when they stood.
The amount of calories that are (77)burnedby standing is equal to that by running about 10marathons a year.
(78)Suggestionsmade by experts,We should break up those many hours spent sitting with more hour spent standing
Simple movement helps us to keep our all-important blood sugar under(79)control.
We should start from small adjustments,which will (80)helpus greatly.
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