8.Tens of thousands of South Africans have joined dozens of world leaders for the national memorial service for former President Nelson Mandela.The service was held in front of a noisy crowd in the FNB stadium in Johannesburg.
US President Barack Obama said Mr Mandela was a"giant of history",describing him as the last great liberator of the 20th Century.The former South African president died last Thursday,aged 95.
The country is observing a series of commemorations(纪念) leading up to the funeral on Sunday.The memorial service,which began at about 12:00 (10:00 GMT),lasted about four hours.It was one of the biggest gatherings of international dignitaries(高层) in recent years,with more than 100 current(现任的) or former heads of state or government attending.
There had been fears people would be turned away.But with heavy rain,security and transport issues,and the fact that Tuesday was not declared a national holiday,areas of the 95,000-capacity stadium remained empty.Introducing the proceedings,the master of ceremonies,Cyril Ramaphosa,said that Mr Mandela's"long walk is over…and he can finally rest".
Current South African President Jacob Zuma made the keynote address but was booed (喝倒彩)in some parts of the ceremony.He said Mr Mandela was"one of a kind…a fearless freedom fighter who refused to allow the cruelty of the apartheid(种族隔离) state to stand in way of the struggle for the liberation of his people".Mr Zuma announced he was renaming the Union Buildings in Pretoria,where Mr Mandela will lie,as the Mandela Amphitheatre.
Earlier Mr Obama delivered his address,carried on the White House web site,to huge cheers.He said:"It is hard to eulogise(颂扬) any man…how much harder to do so for a giant of history,who moved a nation towards justice."He said Nelson Mandela had taught the world the power of action and the power of ideas,and that it had taken a man like Mr Mandela to free not only the prisoner but also the jailer.
60.Why was the memorial service said to be one of the biggest gatherings of international dignities in recent years?.D
A.Because large amounts of money had been spent.
B.Because everyone in the country had been asked to attend.
C.Because Nelson Mandela had taught the world the power of action.
D.Because more than 100 current or former heads of state or government attended it
61.The memorial service for Nelson Mandela took placeB
A.on Sunday 
B.on Tuesday 
C.on Thursday
D..on the day the passage doesn't mention
62.When Mr.Obama said"It is hard to eulogise(颂扬) any man…how much harder to do so for a giant of history…",he meantB.
A.We don't need to eulogise Nelson Mandela
B.It is much harder to eulogise Nelson Mandela 
C.We shouldn't eulogise Nelson Mandela in a hurry.
D.It is much easier to eulogise Nelson Mandela
63.It can be inferred thatC
A.Nelson Mandela only used the power of action to win his struggle.
B.Nelson Mandela paid much attention to the power of ideas to win his struggle.
C.Nelson Mandela used both the power of action and the power of ideas to win his struggle.
D.Nelson Mandela refused to use the power of ideas to win his struggle.
5.It was 1:30 a.m.Monday at London's Savoy Hotel and,with autograph books and cameras,a group of brighteyed tennis fans of all ages were waiting for just a glimpse of Maria Sharapova(莎拉波娃).
    The 17-year-old girl defeated champion Serena Williams(威廉姆斯) 6-1 6-4 in the Wimbledon(温网)final on Saturday in London to become the first Russian to win a single title at the championships.
    A silver lining to a depressing,rain-hit Wimbledon,she has raised heated passion.
    Nobody was complaining,though,for the 1.83-metre Sharapova has created a welcome wave of interest in tennis,something missing in recent years.
    Not even Anna Kournikova(库尔尼科娃)evoked(唤起) such passion when she broke on to the scene.To look good on court is one thing,but Sharapova can actually play the game too.Extremely well.
    She proved it over 13 days at the world's most prestigious tournament.Playing tennis of the highest quality throughout,the Russian's triumph not only lifted the tournament from fits of rain-induced depression but also salvaged(拯救;挽回) the season for the woman's tour.
    Sharapova was given no easy ride in the tournament,having to beat 1999 champion Lindsay Davenport(达文波特)in the semifinals and twice-champion Serena Williams for the title.Neither caused her much concern.
"I don't remember too much about the final,"Sharapova giggled."I was in my own place."
    She will find it increasingly hard to find any place to call her own from now on after advertisers identified her as the most marketable woman in sport.
    In Russia she is sensational news.She headlined the news bulletins and was telephoned by former Russian President Boris Yeltsin after her triumph.
   Sharapova will return to her adoptive Florida home knowing life will never be the same again.
    But the girl who arrived in the US aged seven with her father and just US$700 is determined not to let fame and riches detract from her number one love,tennis.
"I know things will start coming up and that many more things will want to get involved,but I want to keep my head cool and play tennis,"she said.
61.Why is Savoy Hotel mentioned in the passage?C
A.Because the good-looking Kournikova would break on to the scene.
B.Because the fans wanted to take a picture of Sharapova.
C.Because Sharapova was expected to appear there.
D.Because it gave the fanatics shelter from the rain.
62.Who has won the most times in Wimbledon?C
A.Sharapova.B.Kournikova.C.Serena Williams.D.Davenport
63.Before Sharapova,there was(were)DRussian(s) who had won the title.
64.Which of the following statements about this year's Wimbledon is RIGHT?A
A.The rain caused depression in the tournament.
B.Sharapova beat the 17-year-old Serena Williams with a silver lining.
C.Sharapova won the title without effort.
D.Lindsay Davenport met Sharapova in the final and lost the title.
65.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin will phone Sharapova for her success.
B.It's not easy for Sharapova to keep herself away from the advertisers.
C.Sharapova doesn't like fame or riches.
D.Sharapova will continue to live a quiet life in her second homeland-Florida.
2.Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music.They may start as a group of high-school students,for whom practicing their music in someone's house is the first step to fame.Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs,for which they are paid in cash.Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires!
However,there was one band that started in a different way.It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.The TV organizers had planned to find four rock musicians who could act as well as sing.But they could only find one who was good enough.They had to use actors for the other three members of the band.
As some of these actors could not sing well enough,during the broadcasts they just pretended to sing.Anyhow their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups.They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.Each week on TV,the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians.However,after a year or so the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band.Then they produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music.In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more records.The band broke up about 1970,but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.They produced a new record in 1996,with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.
71.Which of the following are the normal stages that a band might go through?B
A.Form a group.→Make records.→Make advertisement.→Play in theatres.
B.Practise in one's house.→Play to passers-by.→Play in pubs or clubs.→Make records.
C.Play for passers-by.→Form a band.→Advertise for advisors.→Make their own music.
D.Advertise for musicians.→Form a band.→Study their own advantages.→Make records.
72.How did the Monkees start?B
A.It started by some students
B.It began as a TV show.
C.It started by fans of the Beatles
D.It began as a rock music band.
73.At the beginning of their show,how did they solve the problem of lacking good musicians?A
A.They had actors sing for them
B.One sang while others just performed.
C.They broadcast songs by the Beatles
D.They played jokes instead of singing.
74.What were the Monkees most famous for?D
A.Their unique rock style
B.The record for their reuniting.
C.The clubs by their fans
D.Their humourous performance.
75.Which of the following is NOT true about the Monkees?C
A.They started in an unusual way
B.They broke up around 1970.
C.They always played their own songs
D.They reunited in the mid-1980s.
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