How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their lives.I would expand that expression by adding that most people spend more time"thinking"about their vacation than they do thinking about what's important in their life.
While rest and relaxation are a must in living a balanced life,it's not what we were created to do.After all,the Master Creator took his R&R (Rest and Recreation) on the seventh day,only after six days of"definitely directed thought."
Wallace D.Wattles,wrote"There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and continuous thought; it is the hardest work in the world."And yet it is the first and primary labor of achievement.
What is your life's purpose or your personal mission statement?Is it written down?Do you review it and think about it often?Is your life organized around your purpose and a set of goals that support that purpose?
Without purpose and goals-definitely directed thought-you are like the proverbial"ship without a rudder(舵)."There is power in your purpose and in your goals.It is the power that takes you over obstacles,the fuel that pushes you toward the life you expect.
4.A.Facebook's advertising
B.Typical activities on Facebook
C.Suggestions about the future of Facebook
D.Problems with trust in personal information
E.Product purchase following Facebook's friends
F.People's attitude towards the development of Facebook

Facebook(脸谱网)is a communicating tool similar to QQ in China,shortly after its coming in to being,it became popular with tens of millions of clients(用户).Being one of them,Jane is talking about Facebook.The following sareher descriptions about it:
The most common activity I use Facebook for is to see what people are up to.I like to look through friends'photo albums to see where they've been and who they're with.It's also a nice way to message friends casually.I created a Facebook group for a certain club,so I just send out messages to the group when a meeting or event is coming up.
When Facebook was first started,everyone in my age wanted to be on it.The first version didn't have any of the fancy things-we could just message,play poke and befriend.It was too flat.When they started to add new features like the wall,photo albums,video capabilities,and groups,people became more interested.But then Facebook took it too far.Now I find Facebook has quite a few useless features.I prefer an older version of just the basics-messaging,walls,photos and groups.
I don't add anything too personal to my profile.My only concern is that friends can post pictures of me that I don't want to share.I download them but they will still be on the Internet.I don't think that's a good idea.I think when you don't want a photo to be shared,it should be deleted from the photo album.
It wouldn't bother me one bit.It's the same as any other recommendation method.I think it's a good place to sell/buy.You see your friends are into it,so you feel the connection right there-it seems like a great time to make a purchase.If Facebook had this service setup,people could just go on to see what new songs their friends are listening to-one click and they can purchase the songs on music websites,or rent new movies on movie websites etc.
If Facebook keeps trying to stick in useless applications to attract advertisers,it may sink in the future.But if it allows users to go to music or movie websites directly from their friends profiles,it may become the new social networking search engine that people use to look through their friends stuff when they need advice about what to buy.If they include a feature like favorite stores to shop at,they will definitely expand on the possibilities.
3.Dogs can bring joy and companionship into our lives.Coming home to a wagging tail and an eager smile creates a feeling of love and happiness.In fact,having a pet can reduce stress,lower blood pressure and relieve depression.Here are tips for handling,training,and owning dogs.
Choosing the right dog for you.Here you can see we have a German Shepherd (牧羊犬),a Boxer (拳师犬),and an English Bulldog.A Shepherd is a guarding dog; the Boxer is more of a working dog; A Bulldog likes to hang out,which is kind of a couch potato,if you're a laid back person and don't want to run down the beach with a dog,the perfect dog is a Bulldog.
Approaching an unfamiliar dog.The first thing about approaching an unfamiliar dog,is that if you're going to reach your hands towards the dog,you need to do it from underneath,so your hand is not given to the dog in a threatening manner,which can be interpreted as being hit.You let them smell you first.When they smell you,don't flinch (畏缩),or take a sudden move,because you can scare the dog,and get bitten.You're to show your friendly side to the dog.
Pet food.The first thing about buying pet food is what's the right type of food for your dog.Usually cheap pet foods are not good for dogs,they tend to have more health problems throughout their life.So starting on a healthy food is important.Look for food with no fillers,and no artificial flavors,or dyes.When feeding them,it's good to give them a metal bowl.A lot of times the plastic bowls can cause anger to their mouth.
Exercising your dog.Walking is always a great form of exercise,good for you,great for dogs.And swimming is another great form of exercise for you too.And sometimes what you should do is get on the bicycle,and let them get a good run on,and that allows you to maintain your position as leader in front of them.Exercising them also keeps them from getting into bored behaviors like chewing and digging and that sort of thing.
Biting dog.If you have a biting dog,the best thing to do,along with a firm no,is trying not to be emotional about it.Just be firm.Give it a little pop beneath the chin (下巴) to close its mouth,and it'll remember the result.You can trap it into putting its mouth on you.And then make it close the jaw,creating that pop sound,which it doesn't like.
46.A bulldog may be good as aD.
A.hunter B.guard  C.worker D.companion
47.When approaching an unfamiliar dog,you'd better beB.
A.brave and prepared to hit it  B.friendly and let it smell you
C.careful and ready to run awayD.playful and feed it to the mouth
48.What is the right thing to do in keeping your dogC?
A.Feeding your dog with cheap food.B.Offering pet food in a plastic bowl.
C.Cycling with your dog running behind.D.Training the dog chewing and digging.
49.To keep your dog from the bad habit of biting things,you canD.
A.shout at it with a loud"no"B.pretend to hit it with a stick
C.just be firm and ignore itD.put its jaw to a sudden shut.
2.Luo Gang was just five years old when he was kidnapped on his way to kindergarten by a couple he thought were friends of his parents.
   The bewildered(困惑的) young boy was plucked from his home in Yaojia Village and taken 900 miles away to Sanming,on the other side of China.
   There his new mum and dad changed his name,and he grew up with a sister instead of his biological brother.
   But he never forgot his first family and as an adult spent many years trying to track them down-despite being unable to remember his parents'names or that of the village where he was born.
   Incredibly 23 years later-thanks to the power of the Internet and a team of volunteers-he has found them."Fallen leaves will always find their way back to their roots,"he says,reciting a Chinese idiom.
   Luo,28,vowed not to marry until he had found his birth family but now he's set to wed his long-term girlfriend next year.
   And in another extraordinary twist,he says that both families will be invited.
   Luo's story is widespread and his remarkable power of forgiveness has moved people around the world.
"My adoptive family raised me for 23 years,"he says."But my biological family are also my family.I will spend time with both."
   For the first five years of his life Luo was called Huang Jun,living in his village in Sichuan Province with his father Huang Qingyong,a builder and his shopkeeper mother Dai Fang.
   It was in 1990 that he became one of the thousands of children abducted (诱拐)every year in China,where the country's one-child policy and lax adoption laws have fuelled a black market in trafficked children.

56.What happened when Luo Gang was young?(within 8 words)He was kidnapped on his way to kindergarten.
57.What made it possible for Luo Gang to find his way back to his birth family?(within 10 words)The power of the Internet and a team of volunteers.
58.Why is Luo Gang planning to marry next year?(within 7 words)Because he has found his birth family.
59.Why did people get moved after hearing about Luo Gang's story?(within 7 words)Because he has remarkable power of forgiveness.
60.Whom did Luo Gang decide to live with?(within 8 words)His biological family and his adoptive family..
1.Annie,a neighbor's daughter,was away for her first semester at college this school year.She is a very sweet girl but just a bit shy.When her birthday came around,I found out she was feeling a bit (11)A.
    Her family is quite poor and (12)B are tight,so there wouldn't be any birthday visitors.I wanted to (13)C her a card and maybe a small gift to (14)D her day a bit.I got her school(15)C from her mom and planned to pick something up.Then I got a(n)(16)A!
    I(17)B perhaps a bit more birthday cheer was needed here.I bought some balloons,birthday hats,and (18)Cnovelties(新颖小巧而廉价的物品) at a store.I took a small (19)Cand asked three other people in my area at work to (20)B"Happy Birthday"and send some birthday wishes to her.It was such fun making the recording!Other people (21)Dwhat we were doing and (22)Atheir voices,so it really sounded like we had a party going on!
    Then I bought her a small present and a card as (23)Bplanned.The real fun was packing them to be sent.I (24)Ceverything so it was like opening a mini birthday party!At the last minute I added a pack of cupcakes and a box of birthday candles (25)Dsending them off.I got a call a few days later.Annie said her roommates and one of their neighbors in the (26)Agot together with her and held a party for her the moment they arrived.She sounded so (27)Band I was so glad that she had some friends to (28)Cher special day with.
It was such an easy and (29)Cthing to do.The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it.And Annie (30)Dme it was the most fun birthday she would remember!

21.A.took outB.set outC.gave outD.found out
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