12.A.Supply your own bags and leftover containers.
B.Keep your car m excellent condition.
C.Plant a tree in your backyard.
D.Support local farmers in daily life.
E.Buy items with less packaging.
F.Try to save energy when you do some washing.

It s easy to living green.Focus on reducing your energy and water consumption and your waste generation,you'11be on your way to reducing your footprints on the planet,"says Malten.
It s best to walk,bicycle,or use mass transit for your daily commuting,but for those who must use their own vehicles,improving the efficiency of your car's fuel mileage(耗油量) is as easy as keeping your tires properly inflated and changing your oil and air filters if necessary.
Using cold water rather than hot in the washer saves electricity and works just as well as hot water with most clothes.Line drying is not only more environmentally friendly,but it also will keep clothes from shrinking and fading.
If you re headed to a restaurant that you know serves king-sized portions,bring a small piece of Tupperware along to take the leftovers home.So that you can keep one fewer styrofoma (泡沫塑料) container from the landfill pile.If you are going to a supermarket,bring your own canvas tote bags( 帆布手提袋)"Although many supermarket recycle used plastic bags,the process still requires much energy to be used to transport and process the materials,says Malten.
Food grown or produced halfway around the world didn't just appear in the supermarket-it was shipped by plane,boat,truck or rail,and no matter what kind of transportation it took,greenhouse gasses were emitted along the way.Pick the apple grown in your state instead of the banana grown in another country.
It seems simple,but just.one tree can consume tons of carbon over its lifetime.If planted properly,it will also provide shade on a sunny day,perhaps reducing the use of energy for air-conditioning in buildings and homes:"While reducing energy will cut our carbon emissions,it is also important to restore more natural‘sinks'that capture carbon,"Malten says,"Planting trees is an easy place to start.
11.The New York Times has reported on a problem that many of us have but are not aware of-Internet addiction.
According to reporter Tara Parker-pope,millions of us are addicted to being online.She says this is a growing writes about various reports highlighting(强调) how technology is changing people. In one,she quotes cyber-psychologist.Dr Elias Aboujaode who says,"More and more,life is like the chat room."He said we are living in"virtual (虚拟的) lifestyles",which is affecting our real-life relationships.
There are various opinions on the subject,especially among those who use the Internet.Some say that the Internet can be addicting.Some have different views.Nicki Bowling,a clinical psychologist from Melbourne University in Australia,concluded in a recent study that ten per cent of young people had what she called"Internet dependence".
Tara Parker-Pope questioned experts in this field on what the signs are of being overly; absorbed in technology.
She came up with seven signs of"tech overload".The first is whether you check your e-mail before doing other things.Another telltale sign is whether you always anticipate and look forward to your next online visit-a sure sign of dependence and addiction.The third point is whether you say,"just a few more minutes"when someone wants you.Parker-Pope found your communication with others also says a lot about how important the Internet is against family and friends; do you lie about how much time you spend online or choose to surf the Net instead of going out with others?Other giveaways include the"online lift"that stops you being unhappy,and when others complain about you always being online.

57.According to the passage,being addicted to the Internet may be referred to as the following EXCEPTD.
A.Internet dependence       B.Internet addiction
C.tech overload             D.online lift
58.According to reporter Tara Parker-Pope,being addicted to being online can leave youA.
A.absent-minded        B.delighted
C.dependent            D.patient
59.Which of the following is a sign that you must be an online addictC.
A.Checking your e-mail often.          B.Spending some time online before going out.
C.Expecting your next online visit.    D.Communicating with others online.
60.The underlined word"anticipate"means_A.
A.expect           B.ignore           C.worry.      D.cheat.
10.Last Friday my brother and I were driving home together after doing some shopping and gave our attention to an interesting conversation.Because of this distraction (分心)my brother took a wrong turn.
Unfortunately,the wrong turn took us towards a bridge and we had no way to turn back.Unwillingly,my brother paid the bridge fee and drove on.He was clearly frustrated by the mistake and the needless waste of 4.We eventually reached an exit and,as we took it,my brother noticed a young fellow pulled over to the side of the road.He came out of his car and tried to phone someone.I was busy trying to figure out which way we would go next but my brother pulled over and asked the guy if he needed any help.And he did.He had a flat tire and needed a tool to get it off.
My brother gave him a wrench,and then began to help him change the flat.The young man said that this had been a bad week for him:earlier he had gotten into a minor car accident,and now this flat on his way home from work.But he called us"a breath of fresh air"and kept thanking us because he really would have been stuck if we hadn't come along.
After we finished the job he thanked us again and pulled outfrom his pocket and tried to give it to us."No,"I said."We were never supposed to even get on that bridge,we took a wrong turn.But now we know why we did.It was to help you.Thank you for turning our mistake into an opportunity to serve."
What I loved most was that my brother was able to see a chance to help.His reaction in the situation is a lesson for everyone and we felt so good the rest of the day.
56.When did the author and his brother notice the young man who had a flat tire?B
A.Before they arrived at a bridge.
B.When they were passing through an exit.
C.When the young man stopped them for help.
D.After they came back to the right road.
57.We can learn from the text that the writer's brotherB.
A.didn't know the roads well
B.was a warm-hearted young man
C.made the turn to help the young man
D.regretted making a wrong turn all the way home
58.What did the young man mean by calling the writer and his brother"a breath of fresh air"?D
A.He had been in the hot sun waiting for help for so long.
B.His car's air conditioner was broken.
C.They calmed him down by offering him a cold drink.
D.They changed his bad luck and the bad mood he was in.
59.Which of the following sentences best describes the writer's experience?D
A.It's no use crying over spilt milk.
B.God helps those who help themselves.
C.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
D.If you light a lamp for somebody,it will also brighten your path.
8.Steve Jobs,the former chief executive of Apple,announced his resignation as head of Apple on Aug.24,2011.The following is the letter from Steve Jobs to the Apple board.
    To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:
    I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO,I would be the first to let you know.Unfortunately,that day has come.
    I hereby resign as CEO of Apple.I would like to serve,if the Board sees fit,as Chairman of the Board,director and Apple employee.
    As far as my successor(继任者)goes,I strongly recommend that we execute(执行)our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.
    I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative(创意改革的)days are ahead of it.And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.
    I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple,and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.
    Tim Cook,the newly appointed CEO of Apple,sent an email to the troops after Steve Jobs stepped down.Below is the full text of the email.
    I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as CEO of the most innovative company in the world.Joining Apple was the best decision I've ever made and it's been the privilege of a lifetime to work for Apple and Steve for over 13 years.I share Steve's optimism for Apple's bright future.
    Steve has been an incredible leader and mentor to me,as well as to the entire executive team and our amazing employees.We are really looking forward to Steve's ongoing guidance and inspiration as our Chairman.
    I want you to be confident that Apple is not going to change.I cherish and celebrate Apple's unique principles and values.Steve built a company and culture that is unlike any other in the world and we are going to stay true to that-it is in our DNA.We are going to continue to make the best products in the world that delight our customers and make our employees incredibly proud of what they do.
    I love Apple and I am looking forward to diving into my new role.All of the incredible support from the Board,the executive team and many of you has been inspiring.I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to make Apple the magical place that it is.
    Cook,50,once served in IBM and Compaq before he joined Apple in 1998.He was promoted to the chief operating officer in 2007 and has been the real CEO responsible for most of Apple's day-to-day operations during Job's medical leaves.
It's believed that the replacement will not affect Apple's business at least in short term,but it is unclear whether Apple's innovation and operational efficiencies will continue unabated.

41.Which of the following is conveyed in Steve Jobs'letter to the Apple board?A
    A.He announced his resignation and the Apple's succession plan.
    B.He recalled his best years of working alongside his best friends at Apple.
    C.He expressed his expectation of Apple's new successor Tim Cook.
    D.He showed his regret for being unable to meet his duties as CEO.
42.What message does Cook mainly intend to communicate in his email to the team?C
    A.Joining Apple is a best decision.   B.Unique guidance makes Apple a success.
    C.Apple isn't going to change.       D.Optimism brings Apple a bright future.
43.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
    A.Cook has been in charge of Apple's daily operations since 2007
    B.Cook is proud of his promotion and regards it as a lifetime honor
    C.Steve Jobs refused to provide ongoing guidance because of his health problem
    D.Steve Jobs and Tim Cook share the same belief in Apple's future
44.According to Tim Cook,what makes Apple the magical place that it is?A
    A.Apple's unique culture,principles and values.
    B.Apple's best quality products in the world.
    C.Apple's successful sales promotion strategies.
    D.Apple's great efforts to satisfy its employees.
45.The public seem to take a(n)B attitude towards Apple's future in the long run.
    A.supportive       B.uncertain        C.pessimistic      D.optimistic.
7.I have a friend Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro.He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.
The last time I was there he introduced me by saying,"I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house.It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant(游荡的) horse trainer who would go from stable to stable,race track to race track,farm to farm and ranch to ranch,training horses.As a result,the boy's high school career was continually interrupted.When he was a senior,he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up."
"That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of owning a horse ranch someday.He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch,showing the location of all the buildings,the stables and the track.Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch."
"He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to the teacher.Two days later he received his paper back.On the front was a large red F with a note that read,‘See me after class.'"
"The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked,‘Why did I receive an F?'"
"The teacher said,‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.You have no money.You come from an itinerant family.You have no resources.Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.You have to buy the land.You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud(马群)fees.There's no way you could ever do it.'Then the teacher added,‘If you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal,I will reconsider your grade.'"
"The boy went home and thought about it long and hard.He asked his father what he should do.His father said,‘Look,son,you have to make up your own mind on this.However,I think it is a very important decision for you.'"
"Finally,after sitting with it for a week,the boy turned in the same paper,making no changes at all.He stated,‘You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.'"
Monty then turned to the assembled group and said,"I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch.I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace."He added,"The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.When the teacher was leaving,he said,‘Look,Monty,I can tell you this now.When I was your teacher,I was something of a dream stealer.During those years I stole a lot of kids'dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.'"
Don't let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your heart,no matter what.
56.What is the best title of the passage?C
   A.A dream-stealer              B.An unforgettable experience
   C.Fly with your belief         D.Struggling of life
57.The teacher thought Monty's dream was unrealistic becauseC.
A.He lived in a poor family.
B.The boy didn't have enough ability to do that.
C.The dream was too far away from him.
D.All of the above
58.What does the teacher mean by saying the underlined words in the last paragraph?B
A.The teacher was too greedy to steal many things from the kids.
B.The teacher failed to help many kids to achieve their goals.
C.The teacher always refused to praise kids.
D.The teacher treated the kids in an unfair way..
59.Why did Monty tell others his experience?C
A.He wanted other people to know more about his life experience.
B.He wanted to tell others his house was a best place to put on the events to raise funds.
C.He hoped people could understand what was important to help young people to achieve their goals.
D.He thought his story was good enough to attract others.
60.Which of the following can best describe my friend?C
A.stubborn and brave                B.intelligent but rebellious
C.farsighted and determined         D.rich and knowledgeable.
6.Nowadays,it's not easy being a teenager,nor is it easy being a parent.Parents are(26)A advice for their children on what to learn,but when it comes to"(27)D"to live,as a matter of fact,they often have (28)B to say.As a result,children may grow up with good manners and much(29)A,but without any idea how to(30)Ctheir life.Here are some basics to help.
Firstly,build proper relationships."No man is an island."So(31)Dwith friends and a sense of belonging will not (32)B  from loneliness,whose ill effects have been(33)A among the elderly.If the young are surrounded by friends and relatives,they are more(34)C to recover from their illnesses.
Then,try to be honest.Children must be taught to stay honest.It takes courage and training to be honest when people are getting away with cheating and(35)D all around.
Be (36)D of money.Explain to children that credit cards must be used (37)A  and that when buying something using a credit card,they can easily end up paying two or three times more than in cash.Suppose your child (38)Ba new bicycle that costs 150.(39)Cpaying the cash,give him some(40)Cpocket money.And by putting aside 15each week,he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.
Another thing to keep in mind is to expect a lot from your child,just not everything,which is also (41)A.So give your child space to(42)D.If your child is(43)B  to discuss something,don't force him to do that.Instead,let him(44)C  to solve things by himself.At the same time,(45)A him that you're always there for him if he seeks advice or help.

26.A.full ofB.short ofC.proud ofD.afraid of
39.A.In favour ofB.In spite ofC.Rather thanD.In return for
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