10.Selfies(自拍)have become an increasingly common way to capture memorable moments.When it comes to taking selfies,knowing the following tips can directly affect the quality of your final product.
(36)CLights can help avoid shadows and create soft features on your face,so turn your face toward the main light source.If you want to be creative,play with light angles by turning your body,but make sure the photo is properly exposed and your face is lit from the front or the side.(37)GIn addition,natural light possesses a warmth that makes you look like you're glowing.
When taking selfies,angles also matter a lot.Hold the camera away from your face,and try to take photos both horizontally and vertically.(38)FIdeally,the universal selfie angle is 45 degrees above your head.But you should study your face at different angles because finding your best angle requires you having seen all of them.(39)AYou can always do more to show others your best side.Try to simplify the background by taking selfies outdoors or in spacious areas.Document yourself engaging in interesting activities-hiking with family members,visiting landmarks,or working out with friends.(40)DYou can also download some photo apps that allow you to adjust the lighting and contrast.Some apps offer useful filters,which can change your skin tone and remove pimples(粉刺)on your face.   

A.One problem with selfies is that most have distracting backgrounds.
B.The art of the selfie is one that lots of people have practiced and perfected in recent years.
C.The use of light is vital to improving image quality.
D.At least,you can make the photo appealing by getting rid of your outstretched arm or a background that's too busy.
E.Nowadays,Selfies are popular with teenagers.
F.If not,your face might look bigger than usual.   
G.Besides,avoid taking selfies against the main light source or with overhead lighting.
9.When God created the first two people,Adam and his wife Eve,they lived in a beautiful garden-like paradise called Eden.They experienced close and loving fellowship with God all of the time.There were many(61)wonders(wonder) in Eden,especially the food and God said that Adam and Eve were free(62)to eat(eat) any of those things except the fruit of a special tree called"the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".Satan,(63)a notorious angel who had rebelled (反叛) against God,hated God so much that he wanted to destroy the re lationship between them.Finally,he had both of them look at the fruit of the tree and said,"Doesn't that look delicious?"Sadly,both Adam and Eve took Satan's advice and ate the(64)forbidden (forbid) fruit.(65)Instantly(instant),their special relationship(66)withGod was broken,and they became spiritually separated from him.They were so aware of their new condition that they even tried to hide from God.This(6)7separation (separate) was more than just a bad feeling.Not only did Adam and Eve's first sin(罪)corrupt their own hearts,but also it corrupted all who came after them.The second sin followed quickly after the first,and many (68)more(much) followed af ter that.The tendency to rebel against God's perfect standards of right(69)andwrong became a part of mankind's nature and(70)has been passed(pass) on from generation to generation ever since.
8.Building Trust in a Relationship Again
Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences,(36)C.Trust is a risk.But you can't be successful when there's a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.
Unfortunately,we've all been victims of betrayal.Whether we've been stolen from,lied to,misled,or cheated on,there are different levels of losing trust.Sometimes people simply can't trust anymore,(37)B.It's understandable,but if you're willing to build trust in a relationship again,we have some steps you can take to get you there.
l(38)F having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.
l (39)GIf you've been betrayed,you are the victim of your circumstance.But there's a difference between being a victim and living with a"victim mentality".At some point in all of our lives,we'll have our trust tested or violated.
l  You didn't lose"everything".Once trust is lost,what is left?Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle,look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.(40)AInstead,it's a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.

A.Thinking positively doesn't necessarily lead to your turning a blind eye to things happening to you.
B.They've been too badly hurt and they can't bear to let it happen again.
C.Remember that you can expect the best in return.
D.We may get confident in ourselves.
E.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.
F.Learn to really trust yourself.
G..Don't think of yourself as the hurt person.
7.With the year coming to an end,a vacation is inescapable.Travelling in winters is never easy.Though air travel might sound as the most convenient way for winter travel,it also has its own shortcomings.The season of cold sometimes interrupts your travel plans.(36)DWe bring to you tips to keep in mind if you are air travelling in winters.
Early flights are on time
Early morning flights have been found to be more on time than the ones later in the day.(37)EAny delay in the flight schedule during the day leads to a series of delay,the best way to avoid it is to fly early.(38)B
Partner airlines can help you in times of delayed flights.Some airlines work in association with its partner airlines.In case your flight gets cancelled or delayed you can ask for a seat in the partner airline,provided that your airline supports it.
Join a club(39)G
When your flight gets delayed for hours you can access those clubs in the airport rather than being stuck in the terminal.Also,accessing to different travel agents is easier from the clubs as they assist you with various options available.
Consider a travel agent
At times when you are stuck with situations where your flight is delayed or cancelled,instead of dealing directly with the airline staff,it is best to lay the responsibility on your travel agent.(40)F

A.Remember to phone bravely
B.Partner airlines can help
C.A member of a club is the best choice for most flyers on the whole
D.Flights get cancelled or delayed beyond what you have to deal with
E.Though you would have to wake up very early,yet it would rid you of a lot of troubles.
F.Your travel agent will act on your behalf and solve the issues so you needn't solve the issues yourself.
G.Joining a club will sure make you pay some money,but if you are a frequent flyer it is the best choice for you.
4.Aunt Polly was sitting napping(打盹),the cat on her lap,when Tom came in.She was surprised to see him; she had expected him to have deserted his work a long time ago.
"Can I go and play now,Auntie?"he asked.
"What?Already?How much have you done?"
"It's all done,Auntie."
"Don't lie to me,Tom."
"I'm not lying,Auntie.Honest.It's all done."
Aunt Polly still did not believe him.She got up and went out to see for herself.When she saw the perfect white fence,her astonishment was indescribable.
"Well,I never!You can certainly work when you want to!Yes,of course you can go and play."
She was so overcome by his splendid work that she took him into the kitchen and gave him one of the best apples.As he was running down the garden,he saw Sid and managed to hit him with a few hard pieces of earth before disappearing over the fence.
"Just to teach him a lesson for telling about the black cotton."he said to himself.
Walking past Jeff Thatcher's house,he saw a new girl in the garden.She had long yellow hair and blue eyes and was dressed in a white summer dress.She was the most beautiful creature Tom had ever seen.A certain Amy Lawrence immediately went out of his heart:he thought he loved her more than anything else in the world-in fact,he had only won her a week before.Then,in one instant,he forgot her completely.When this angel(天使) noticed him,Tom began showing off in all sorts of ways to impress her-doing unbelievable gymnastic performances.When she threw a flower over the fence,Tom ran to pick up and put it inside his shirt,next to where he thought his heart must be.
But he didn't leave the fence.He remained there,hoping to see her at the window,but in vain.
After supper he went out again.At ten o'clock,he stood under the upstairs window with a lighted candle,lay down on the grass and decided to die at her feet.Suddenly a bucket(水桶) of water was poured upon him.Tom arrived home wet all over.
25.Why was Aunt Polly surprised to see Tom come in?B
A.Tom had given up his work half way.
B.Tom had worked so long.
C.Tom was lying to her.
D.Tom should have done his work earlier.
26.What had Tom been asked to do before he was allowed out?C
A.Cook in the kitchen.B.Do gymnastics performances.
C.Paint the fence white.D.Hang out with his girl friend.
27.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.Aunt Polly quite appreciated whatever Tom did
B.Tom enjoyed making fun of Sid
C.Tom was deep in love with Amy Lawrence
D.Tom's new love didn't seem to go well.
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