17.Former Hollywood child star Shirley Temple died on Monday at home in Woodside,California,from natural causes."she was surrounded by her family and carers,"a statement said.
    With her charm and blonde curls(金色的卷发),she was one of the most popular stars of the 1930s.in hit movies like Bright Eyes and Stand Up and Cheer.Her singing,dancing and acting won over fans worldwide.She was given a special Oscar for child in 1935,when she was just six years old.To this day,she is still the youngest child to receive an Academy Award.
After retiring from films in 1950 at the age of 21,Temple returned to the spotlight as a politician and diplomat(外交家).
    Shirley Temple started her film career at three.Between 1934 and 1938 she appeared in more than 20 feature films and was the top US movie star.She wore a grass skirt and played a ukulele (四弦小吉它)to promote the musical Captain January,directed by David Butler,in 1936.She attended her first big public performance for her film Wee Willie Winkie in Hollywood on 26 June,1937.
    As well as being the youngest receiver of an Oscar(at the age of 6 years and 3 1 0 days),Temple was also the youngest child to present one of the statuettes(小金人).She stood on a chair to give Claudette Colbert the best actress prize for it Happened One night in 1935.At the age of  12 Temple's star burnt out--her parents bought out the remaining time of her contract and sent her to an expensive girl's schoo1.Her final film,A Kiss for Corliss,is available to watch online for free.
This is the star's final ever moment on the big screen.The actress retired from Hollywood in 1950,but she still appeared occasionally on TV.In 1958 she wore a fairy godmother costume to promote her series of dramatised fairy tales,Shirley Temple's Storybook.
    In 2006,she accepted the Life Achievement Award at the 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild

60.Shirley Temple was popular with the world mainly because ofB.
A.her charm and blonde cuffs   
B.her singing,dancing and acting
C.her young age as an actress   
D.her career being a diplomat
61.According to the passage,Shirley Temple was born inA.
62.From the passage we can infer thatA.
A.Temple involved herself actively in political work after she was twenty-one
B.the Life Achievement Award was given to Temple when she was young
C.her parents sent her to an expensive girl's school by contract
D.the film of her first public performance was Captain January
63.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Shirley Temple?C
A.She ever received the Oscar award for the best actress.
B.She was the best child movie star in the world.
C.She was once a presenter at an Oscar Awarding ceremony.
D.She stopped appearing on any kind of media after 1950.
16.IT is safe to say that George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),the Irish-born writer,is more famous for being George Bernard Shaw than he is for his writings today.Few of Shaw's more than 60 plays,novels and essays are performed or read anymore.And yet Shaw genuinely helped make our modern world.Although you'd be lucky to get a chance to see one of his dramas today,in his time he turned the theater into a vehicle for the discussion of social issues,not only in Britain but on the stage of the world.In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture of Britain.
Where the theater had been dominated by entertainment,Shaw used it to teach people the importance of paying attention to the issues of their day.The plight (苦难) of the poor and the working class,the situation of women and the institutions of society,such as the education system----Shaw was among the most well-known figures making these topics central to public debate.His first play,Widowers'Houses (1892),deals with the question of slum (贫民窟) housing.His Mrs Warren's Profession (1893)brought a controversial topic to the stage.
Shaw was an important mover and shaker in new political movements too.He was an early member of the Fabian Society,which argued for the socialist cause in the UK.Shaw was also the founder (in 1895)of one of the now most famous colleges in the world,the London School of Economics.
If few of his works have really stood the test of time,many of his quotations have become part of the furniture of the English language."Youth is wasted on the young,"he wrote.He also knew how to sum up a political philosophy(哲学) in a few memorable words.For instance:"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."

63.Shaw's influence on the modern world comes mainly fromA.
A.the changes he brought to the British culture
B.his philosophies on the role of government
C.his awareness of social problems of his day
D.the support for the London School of Economics
64.Widowers'Houses is a play that mainly focuses onB.
A.the failure of the UK education system
B.the housing problems of poor people
C.robbery incidents in slum areas
D.socialist movements in the UK
65.By describing Shaw's quotations as"part of the furniture of the English language",the author means that Shaw's wordsD.
A.have become the best part of English
B.have greatly developed the English language
C.have made the English language philosophical
D.have become an inseparable part of the English language
66.Which of the following about George Bernard Shaw's works is TRUE?C
A.They should be adapted for modern readers.
B.They are mostly about the lives of working class.
C.They deal with important social issues of their day.
D.Most of them are still performed on the stage of the world today.
14.The younger daughter of former New York Mayor Richard White has moved her wedding from New Year's Eve to this Thursday so her mother,who has been fighting against cancer for 11years,can take part in the ceremony,a family spokesman said on Wednesday,Oct,12,2013.Elizabeth Lally White,who turns 28on Thursday,will marry Sam Peterson in Spiaggia,a restaurant on North Michigan Avenue.The reception also will be held at the restaurant,which had been previously scheduled to host the couple's engagement party on Thursday.
Lally White's mother,Maggie,68,was reported to have caught breast cancer in 2002.She had an operation in her leg in April and she was hospitalized twice in the weeks following the procedure for treatment of flu-like symptoms that doctors said were not related to the cancer.Maggie,who has used a walker or a wheelchair during most public appearances in recent years,is well beyond the average survival time for someone with breast cancer.
"As the mayor himself has said,she had a pretty difficult summer."said Jacquelyn Heard,who served Mayor White's press secretary for years and followed him to the same international law firm that he joined after leaving office in May."She was not able to get around the way that she normally would do.This year,she has had quite a few setbacks and they've been pretty well documented.Lally White decided to reschedule the wedding so that her mom can participate in the festivities (庆祝活动)."Heard said.Lally White is a doctoral candidate at De-Paul University and plans to work with autistic (孤独症) children,and Sam Peterson works in insurance,Heard said.
Richard and Maggie White married in 1972 and had three children in addition to Lally-Nora,Patrick and Kevin.But Kevin was born with a disease and died in 1981at 33 months.

61.When was Elizabeth Lally White born?C.
A.In 1983.B.In 1987.C.In 1985.D.In 1984.
62.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?D.
A.Maggie,68,is recovering now.
B.Maggie caught breast cancer in 2002.
C.The cancer caused some flu-like symptoms on Maggie.
D.Average breast cancer patients lived a life shorter than Maggie.
63.Why did Lally White reschedule her wedding?A.
A.She was afraid that her mother couldn't participate her wedding on New Year's Eve.
B.She was eager to work with autistic children after wedding.
C.Her family will move out of New York.
D.Her mother will accept operation because of her disease.
64.How many children did the former mayor and his wife give birth to?B.
65.What does the passage mainly talk about?D.
A.The political life of former Mayor.B.The brave wife of former Mayor.
C.The wedding of former Mayor's daughter.D.The family life of former Mayor.
13.First lady Michelle Obama turns 50 on Friday,Jan.17,2014.
Michelle Obama has spent the first half-century of her life breaking barriers and checking off a series of firsts.Now,as she reaches her milestone birthday Friday,the nation will be watching to see in what other areas she will leave her mark.
Five years after moving into the White House,and without a re-election campaign to worry about,she has more room to relax in her role and,political watchers say,possibly become more vocal (声音的) on political issues in the three years left in office.
So far,critics have complained about Michelle's silence on issues where they expected to hear her voice:Last year,at the start of her husband's second term,she disappointed advocates for tighter gun-control measures after she failed to push harder on the issue in response to the massacre (残杀) at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,Conn.She also disappointed some feminists (女权主义者) who wanted her to defend their causes instead of falling back on her self-described role as the nation's"mom-in-chief."Nor did she handle racial issues during her second term,as some had expected.
"The most important thing to remember is,whether you are black,white or Hispanic,you're the first lady and the president of all the people in the United States.That's a huge melting pot,so to reinforce (强化)that she's African American over anything else would not be wise,"said Anita McBride,who directs programming and national conferences on the legacies (遗产) of America's first ladies and their historical influence at American University.
Valerie Jarrett,a top White House adviser and a close friend of the Obamas,said the first lady doesn't want to"spread herself too thin."
"She really wants to have a maximum impact and to do that in fewer areas,"Jarrett told the Associated Press."That,she said,"is better than trying to take on every single possible cause."
But Robert Watson,a Lynn University professor,said he expects Obama to"go a little harder at issues"over the next several years."Second-term first ladies usually feel more at ease to speak more forcefully about issues close to their heart,"he said.
Myra Gutin,a Ryder University communications professor and frequent lecturer on first ladies,said she expects Obama to continue making both of them a priority in her remaining years in the White House,given their success.Michelle launched the"Let's Move"campaign in 2010.It in particular has gained widespread support,ranging from the National Football League to the Sesame Street franchise (特许),which even gave permission to the produce industry to use its licensed characters for free on fruits and vegetables.
"There's no such thing as a traditional first lady,not anymore in this technology-filled world.Is Mrs.Obama cutting edge?Is she an activist?No.As first ladies go,I think she's been politically careful because she does not want there to be a major flare-up that would require her husband to use his political capital to clean up,"she said."But she's not exactly just sitting in the White House pouring tea and having receptions,either."

62、Critics were disappointed with Michelle becauseD.
A.she didn't put gun-control measures into effect
B.she failed some feminists to stand out to be a career woman
C.she didn't solve some racial problems
D.she failed to voice her opinion on some issues
63.According to the professors or advisers,which of the following statements is NOT true?D
A.It's not wise to reinforce Michelle is African American over anything else.
B.It's better for Michelle to have a maximum impact than to take on every possible cause.
C.It's expected for Michelle to go a little harder at issues.
D.It's a tradition for first ladies to stay out of political issues.
64.What does the underlined phrase"spread herself too thin"in Paragraph 6mean?A
A.Try to do a lot of work at the same time.
B.Get very tired.
C.Try to improve physical fitness.
D.Move herself away from others.
65、In Paragraph 9,the campaign"Let's Move"might be aiming to help peopleC..
a.gain widespread support
b.become more physically active
c.have access to healthier foods
d.raise awareness about gun control
A.a,c   B.a,b   C.b,c   D.c,d.
12.Oprah Winfrey,born in 1954,is all American talk show host,best known for her multi-award-winning talk show.She is also,according to some assessments,the most influential woman in the world.It's no surprise that her endorsement(认可)can bring overnight sales fortune that defeats most,if not all,marketing campaigns.The star features about 20products each year On her"Favorite Things"show.There's even a term for it:the Oprah Effect.
Her television career began unexpectedly.When she was 16year old,she had the idea of being a journalist to tell other people's stories in a way that made a difference in their lives and the world.She was on television by the time she was 19years old.And in 1986she started her own television show with a continuous determination to succeed at first.
TIME magazine wrote,"People would have doubted Oprah Winfrey's swift rise to host of the most popular talk show on TV.In a field dominated by white males,she is a black female of big size.As interviewers go,she is no match for Phil Donahue.What she lacks in journalistic toughness,she makes up for in plainspoken curiosity,rich humor and,above all understanding.Guests with sad[stories to tell tend to bring out a tear in Oprah's eye.They,in turn,often find themselves exposing things they would not imagine telling anyone,much less a national TV audience."
"I was nervous about the competition and then I became my own competition raising the bar every year,pushing,pushing,pushing myself as hard as I knew.It doesn't matter how far you might rise.At some point you are bound to fall if you're constantly doing what we do,raising the bar.If you're constantly pushing yourself higher,higher the law of averages,you will at some point fall.And when you do,I want you to know this,remember this:there is no such thing as failure.Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction"as Oprah addressed graduates at Harvard on May 30,2013.

35.The Oprah Effect refers toA
A.the effect on a business     
B.the power of Oprah's opinions
C.the impact on talkshows    
D.the assessment of Oprah's talk show
36.What can be inferred about Oprah's television career?D
A.She once gave up on her choice
B.Her swift success has been expected.
C.It lives up to her parents'expectation.
D.She must have been challenged by white males.
37.The message from Oprah to graduates at Harvard is thatB.
A.success comes after failure
B.failure is nothing to fear
C.there is no need to set goals too high
D.pushing physical limits makes no sense
38.Which of the following best describes Oprah Winfrey?C
A.Dull and pushy.
B.Honest but tough.
C.Caring and determined.
D.Curious but weak.
10.He's not just a pretty face!Famous actor Josh Duhamel leads a group of youngsters in a two-mile charity beach run.He may be an attractive movie star,but there's more to Josh Duhamel than a pretty face.The 40-year-old actor led a youth charity fun run for the third year running on Sunday,in aid of the Red Cross giving a hand to countries and places suffering natural disasters.
Josh sported the charity's T-shirt and black baseball cap with black jogging bottoms as he joined a group of youngsters in the two-mile effort on Santa Monica Beach.Josh was clearly enjoying himself today,sprinting across the finish line raising both arms in a victory salute.
In March last year and January of 2010,Josh led thousands of runners and raised over $200,000 for both Japanese and Haitian earthquake relief efforts.And donations collected at this year's Youth Run will go towards the American Red Cross PrepareSoCal campaign which helps Southern Californians get ready for disasters.
"I do the youth run because I feel that younger people may not be able to donate a lot of money but that doesn't mean that they can't contribute and make a difference,"Josh told the Red Cross website."Bringing students of L.A.together for these events not only raises a lot of money,but also raises the spirits of those affected by any disaster and helps everyone young and old."
Duhamel had won the title of Male Model of the Year in an International Modeling and Talent Association competition in 1997.Duhamel began his acting career as an extra in the music videos for Donna Summer's song,"I Will Go With You"in 1998.Later that year,he won the role of Leo Pres on the ABC soap opera"All My Children". He then began appearing in films,and his acting in the film"Transformers"as well as its sequels was so successful that he became a pop film star.
56.Josh Duhamel led the beach run to help the Red CrossA
A.raise money for places suffering from disasters
B.raise money for people suffering from diseases
C.find more young volunteers especially teenagers
D.build up a fame of having the spirit of entertainment
57.How did Josh Duhamel feel about his joining in the beach run?D
A.He felt it the best way to kill time especially on weekends.
B.He disliked it when there were reporters coming here.
C.He thought it a best chance to make himself famous.
D.He found it enjoyable and exciting to be a member.
58.What will the received donations of this year be used for?B
A.Helping Japanese and Haitian defeat earthquakes.
B.Helping Southern Californians get ready for disasters.
C.Helping Northern Californians get ready for disasters.
D.Helping relieve Southern Californians defeat earthquakes.
59.What is the aim of the youth run of L.A.?C
A.To persuade more young people to keep the earth green.
B.To make the young realize the influence of famous people.
C.To inspire those affected by disasters and give them a hand.
D.To raise as much money as possible to help the old and young.
60.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?D
A.The importance of the youth run started by the Red Cross.
B.The methods to join in the youth run led by Josh Duhamel.
C.The reason why Josh Duhamel leads the youth run.
D.The experiences and achievements of Josh Duhamel.
9.There is a story about a man who lost his legs and left arm in an accident.After the accident,only a finger and thumb on his right hand remained.
He was a brilliant,creative,and educated man.He had gained a lot of experience while traveling around the world,so he became very depressed after his accident.He was afraid that he would spend the rest of his life suffering and would no longer be able to spend his life in a meaningful way.Then,he realized that he still had partial function of his right hand and could still write even though it was very difficult.An idea occurred to him."Why not write to other people who need encouragement?"
He wrote to the prison ministry about sending letters to the prisoners.The prison minister replied,"Writing to the prisoners is acceptable,but your letters will not be answered."
    Filled with excitement,the man knew he could write his letters.He began sending one-way messages of God's love,hope,strength,and encouragement.He wrote twice a week,testing his strength and ability to the limit.He poured his heart and soul into his words and shared his experience,sense of humor,optimism,and faith.
    It was difficult to write those letters,especially without hope of a reply.One day he received a letter from the prison ministry.It was a short note from the officer who monitored and checked the prison mail.
    The letter said,"Please write on the best paper you can afford.Your letters are passed from cell to cell until they literally fall to pieces!"
No matter what circumstances life may present,we all have unique experiences,abilities,and God-given talents.We can discover ways to reach others who desperately need messages of encouragement and strength.
56.Before the man had the accident,heA.
A.had toured around the world
B.had visited local prisons
C.had tried doing exercise to recover himself
D.had been friends with the prison minister
57.In order to live in a meaningful way,the man began toB.
A.receive the school education
B.write to other people who need encouragement
C.meet the people who are depressed
D.help other people who lost arms and legs
58.According to the prison minister,C.
A.the man was not allowed to write to the prisoners
B.the man couldn't go to see the prisoners himself
C.the prisoners were not allowed to answer the letters
D.he was not sure if the prisoners liked receiving the letters
59.From the officer's short note we are told thatD.
A.the man would be offered free paper to write letters on
B.some of the prisoners were not satisfied with his letters
C.the prisoners eagerly wanted to write back to the man
D.his letters were very popular among the prisoners
60.What can be the best title for the passage?C
A.Stories about a humorous Person
B.Popularity of Special Letters
C.Special letters of Encouragement
D.Relationship between writers and prisoners.
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