
16.IT is safe to say that George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),the Irish-born writer,is more famous for being George Bernard Shaw than he is for his writings today.Few of Shaw's more than 60 plays,novels and essays are performed or read anymore.And yet Shaw genuinely helped make our modern world.Although you'd be lucky to get a chance to see one of his dramas today,in his time he turned the theater into a vehicle for the discussion of social issues,not only in Britain but on the stage of the world.In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture of Britain.
Where the theater had been dominated by entertainment,Shaw used it to teach people the importance of paying attention to the issues of their day.The plight (苦难) of the poor and the working class,the situation of women and the institutions of society,such as the education system----Shaw was among the most well-known figures making these topics central to public debate.His first play,Widowers'Houses (1892),deals with the question of slum (贫民窟) housing.His Mrs Warren's Profession (1893)brought a controversial topic to the stage.
Shaw was an important mover and shaker in new political movements too.He was an early member of the Fabian Society,which argued for the socialist cause in the UK.Shaw was also the founder (in 1895)of one of the now most famous colleges in the world,the London School of Economics.
If few of his works have really stood the test of time,many of his quotations have become part of the furniture of the English language."Youth is wasted on the young,"he wrote.He also knew how to sum up a political philosophy(哲学) in a few memorable words.For instance:"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."

63.Shaw's influence on the modern world comes mainly fromA.
A.the changes he brought to the British culture
B.his philosophies on the role of government
C.his awareness of social problems of his day
D.the support for the London School of Economics
64.Widowers'Houses is a play that mainly focuses onB.
A.the failure of the UK education system
B.the housing problems of poor people
C.robbery incidents in slum areas
D.socialist movements in the UK
65.By describing Shaw's quotations as"part of the furniture of the English language",the author means that Shaw's wordsD.
A.have become the best part of English
B.have greatly developed the English language
C.have made the English language philosophical
D.have become an inseparable part of the English language
66.Which of the following about George Bernard Shaw's works is TRUE?C
A.They should be adapted for modern readers.
B.They are mostly about the lives of working class.
C.They deal with important social issues of their day.
D.Most of them are still performed on the stage of the world today.

分析 本文主要讲述了英国著名的作家George Bernard Shaw 的事迹,以及他对英国文化的影响,文中同样提到了他的作品对英国文化的影响以及他的作品的特点.

解答 63.A推理判断题,由文章第一段最后一句In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture of Britain.可知他的最大影响是对英国现代文化的影响,故选A
64.B细节理解题,由第二段His first play,Widowers'Houses (1892),deals with the question of slum (贫民窟) housing.可知这本书是反映贫民窟里的住房问题的,故选B
65.D推理判断题,由最后一段第一句If few of his works have really stood the test of time,many of his quotations have become part of the furniture of the English language."Youth is wasted on the young,"he wrote.可知如果他的话经历了时间的考验,他的语录就成为了英语的一部分,依然说明他对英国文化的影响,故选D
66.C推理判断题,由第二段Where the theater had been dominated by entertainment,Shaw used it to teach people the importance of paying attention to the issues of their day.可知他的作品通常教育人们要注意所在年代的一些重大事件,也就是关于他那个年代的重要社会问题,故选C

点评 考点:本文考查学生的记叙类阅读的水平,需要学生认真阅读原文,仔细查找文中细节,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能根据文章进行合理推断.


I went to the store to get some balloons and wrapping paper for a present for my daughter’s birthday. I went to stand in line and saw a lady trying to get her kids to come to the register,______them as they were taking their time picking out something. I _______to let her go before me, but she ______declined. She tried again to get her two children to get a move on. I could hear the ______in her voice.______I was paying for my items, I asked the_______if she could hold my balloons for a second.

Then I heard the _____of the lady as I guess she thought I was taking too long. What she didn’t ______was that I asked the cashier to hold the ______for me so I could get a $20 bill out for her. I turned to her and ______her the $20. At that time her kids finally got in line and were obviously_______. I advised the lady to buy some ______for herself to make her not that depressed. I told the kids to make sure mommy got flowers and they _____ . She so appreciated this random act of ______. I was happy and left the store.

Once outside the store, I was at my car_______my daughter’s gift as I would be going straight to her home as soon as I was done. This lady ______to me and asked me if she could take a picture of us ______. I agreed and she got a picture and was so ______to me. I gave her a ______and told her to be ______to herself.

1.A. scolding B. rushing C. ordering D. dragging

2.A. offered B. promised C. refused D. hoped

3.A. anxiously B. proudly C. patiently D. politely

4.A. tiredness B. sorrow C. depression D. excitement

5.A. Although B. As C. Because D. Until

6.A. cashier B. seller C. assistant D. waitress

7.A. shout B. sob C. scream D. sigh

8.A. ignore B. admit C. realize D. imagine

9.A. balloons B. items C. bag D. basket

10.A. dropped B. delivered C. handed D. threw

11.A. thrilled B. amazed C. frightened D. disappointed

12.A. flowers B. gifts C. food D. clothes

13.A. approved B. discussed C. hesitated D. agreed

14.A. beauty B. kindness C. carefulness D. spirit

15.A. A. wrapping B. cleaning C. decorating D. repairing

16.A. pulled up B. carried on C. came up D. turned out

17.A. alone B. together C. soon D. later

18.A. devoted B. kind C. friendly D. grateful

19.A. glance B. talk C. hug D. look

20.A. gentle B. mean C. faithful D. good

Driver Wanted
Drive for busy restaurant some evening and weekend work
All meals are free
Ring 33335678
House for Sale
¥150,000,built in 1995
The house with 3bedrooms,a bathroom,a living room,a kitchen and a breakfast room.It's on the south side of the city.
Yingbin Supermarket,the biggest shopping centre in our city will open on July 8,2013.Everybody with today's Tianjin Daily will get a small present that day.You are welcome.
Add:No.6Huanghe Road,Tianjin Daily June 1,2013
Rose's Special Concert
Time:2p.m.,July 3,Saturday
Place:People's Stadium
Ticket Price:150yuan for adults; 70yuan for students
June 25,2013
31.If you work as a driver in the restaurant,you mayA.
A.never pay for meals 
B.pay a little for meals
C.work on weekends 
D.work in the afternoon
32.If you buy the house,youD.
A.may pay more than¥150,000for it
B.must have breakfast in the kitchen
C.have to take a bath in the public bathroom
D.may live on the south side of the city
33.Any customer with a Tianjin Daily of June 1,2013will get a small present fromD.
A.every supermarket
B.People's Stadium
C.Tianjin Daily              
D.Yingbin Supermarket
34.When will the concert be?C
B.June 8,2013
C.July 3,2013
D.June 25,2013
35.If two adults and two students want to go to the concert,the tickets will cost RMBB.
4.On Nov.18,1995,Itzhak Perlman,the violinist,came on stage to give a concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.
If you have ever been to a Perlman concert,you know that getting on stage is no small achievement for him.He was stricken with polio(小儿麻痹症)as a child,and so he has braces(支架)on both legs and walks with the aid of two crutches(双拐).
He walks painfully,yet majestically,until he reaches his chair.Then he sits down,slowly,puts his crutches on the floor,undoes the clasps on his legs,tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward.Then he bends down and picks up the violin,puts it under his chin,nods to the conductor and proceeds to play.
But this time,something went wrong.Just as he fmished the first few bars(小节),one of the strings on his violin broke.You could hear it snap(嘣断)---it went off like gunfire across the room.There was no mistaking what that meant.There was no mistaking what he had to do.
We figured that he would have to get up,put on the clasps again,pick up the crutches and limp his way off stage-to either find another violin or else find another string for this one.But he didn't.Instead.he waited a moment,closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin again.
The orchestra began,and he played from where he had left off.And he played with such passion and such power and such purity as they had never heard before.
When he finished,there was an awesome silence in the room.And then people rose and cheered.He smiled,wiped the sweat from this brow,raised his bow to quit us,and then he said in a quiet tone."You know,sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left."

46.By saying"getting on stage is no small achievement for him",the author really meansB.
A.it's very difficult for Itzhak Perlman to play the violin with three strings
B.it's not easy for Itzhak Perlman to get on the stage because he is disabled
C.it's not easy for ltzhak Perlman to face such a large audience
D.it's really great achievements for ltzhak Perlman to play the violin with three strings.
47.When one of the strings broke,people thought Itzhak Perlman wouldC
A.go on playing with the remaining three strings
B.give up playing
C.change or repair his violin
D.get off the stage with shame
48.Itzhak PerlmanCwhen one of the strings of the violin broke.
A.gave up playing
B.didn't know what to do
C.went on playing the same piece of music
D.went on playing a different piece of music
49.What did the audience feel when Itzhak Perlman finished playing?C
A.Surprised.    B.Disappointed.    C.Moved. D.Satistied.
50.Itzhak Perlman can be best described as a man who isB.
A.clever    B.strong willed    C.humourous   D.quite skilled.

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