19.A burial site at 22,000 feet is giving scientists the best look at horrible Incan sacrificial ceremonies.By modern standards,the dangerous peak of Mount Llullaillaco,in the Argentine Andes,is no place for kids.The ancient Inca saw things differently though,some 500years ago,three children arrived at the slopes of the 22,000feet peak.The three had spent time at the 17,000feet level,taking part in some ceremonies that can only be guessed at.Then,accompanied by a group of adults,they moved steadily upward.They would not return.Once at the peak,the children-two girls and a boy,between eight and 15years old-would be ceremonially  sacrificed and buried beneath 5feet of broken rocks.They may even have been buried alive.
And there the story might have ended but for the tireless efforts of Johan Reinhard,an independent archaeologist (考古学家) funded by the National Geographic Society.Reinhard's specialty is climbing up the Andes in search of sacrificial remains; he had already located 15bodies,including the famed ice maid he found in 1995.But these three,whose discovery he announced last week,are by far the most impressive.They were frozen solid within hours of their burial.Two of the bodies are almost perfectly preserved; the third was damaged by lightning.The children's inside organs are not only undamaged but also still contain blood.Says Craig Morris,an expert at New York City's American Museum of Natural History:"It is truly a fantastic discovery."
What makes it so fantastic is not just the bodies themselves,but also the wealth of works of art that were buried along with them:36gold and silver statues,small woven bags,pottery,a small camel figure and seashell necklaces.Reinhard says,"One of the girls has a beautiful yellow,geometrically designed cover laid over her."Her head wears a feather and a golden mask.Some of the bodies were surrounded with food wrapped in camel skin,which indicates that the children came from the Incan social leadership-not surprising,since only people of high status would have been considered worthy of sacrifice.Little is known about the sacrificial ceremony itself; these objects,along with others found at the lower camp,should tell archaeologists plenty.
The preserved bodies,meanwhile,will give scientists a look at Incan physiology(生理) firstly.The Argentine military took them away to the nearby town of Salta.There,experts will analyze their organs for information about their diet and their DNA to try and establish their relationship to other racial groups.Reinhard will head back into the mountains.There is no telling how many more bodies remain to be found.

67.From the first paragraph we learn thatB.
A.the peak of Mount Llullaillaco was not dangerous in the past
B.ancient Incans used to hold sacrificial ceremonies on top of the mountain
C.burying children alive was a common practice in ancient Incan society
D.the three children made the mountain climbing by themselves
68.What do Craig Morris'words mean:"It is truly a fantastic discovery"?C
A.Johan Reinhard works with the National Geographic Society.
B.Archaeological discoveries depend on the independent work of archaeologists.
C.The Andes is a treasure for archaeologists in search of sacrificial remains.
D.Andean archaeology focuses on unearthing human bodies.
69.Rehinhard's discovery shows thatD.
A.ancient Incans were masters of body-preservation
B.the children suffered a lot before they were buried
C.Incan children from rich families were often made sacrifices
D.ancient Incans had grasped a high level of craftsmanship
70.We can draw a conclusion from the text thatA.
A.Johan Reinhard's discovery will throw light on the study of ancient Incans
B.Reinhard will find a lot more bodies in the future
C.experts can now describe the sacrificial ceremony in detail
D.Argentine military are also interested in archaeological activities.
17.When dolphins get caught accidentally in fishing nets,the outcome is usually terrible.They either get injured or spend their lives in captivity (被关起来) entertaining humans.But while  13-year-old Sampal's story began that way,it has a perfect fairy-tale ending.
     Sampal's story began in 2011,when she was accidentally caught by fishermen in the waters off South Korea.However,instead of letting her go,the men sold her to an aquarium.Here,she was placed in a small pool where she spent her days performing tricks for visitors.
Sampal was not destined to spend  her life in captivity.it Shocked by the conditions she was living in,South Korean animal advocates began to help her get free.In 2013,the country's highest court issued a release order for not just Sampal,but also another two dolphins at the Korean Zoo.
      At the end of May,the dolphins were handed to the Korean Animal Welfare Association where experts began their work to set the dolphins free,a two-month process that involves placing them inside a sea pen in the open waters.However,Sampal was too impatient to wait that long.On June 22nd,the clever little dolphin found a tiny tear in the net and escaped.
.For those of you wondering if Sarupal may have been a little hurried in her departure,here is some better news.Researchers recently tracked her down 60 miles from where she had escaped and found she was swimming happily with 50 0ther dolphins that they believe were members of the group she was originally swimming with three years ago.
      As for the others'?One of them is reportedly hanging out with two dolphins from its original  group,while the other still seems to be looking for the right group to join.The best news is that all  of them seem to have forgotten their captivity experience and appear to be playing happily!
46.According to the author,Sampal's story isC
A.common                               B.puzzling
C.unusual                               D.annoying
47.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?D
A.Sampal didn't like spending her life in a pool.
B.Sampal would have to lose her freedom.
C.Sampal's life was brought back to normal.
D.Sampal would certainly be helped by people.
48.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.Sampal lived a happy life in the aquarium.
B.The process of setting a dolphin free is long.
C.The order of Koreran highest court was intended for Sampal.
D.Sampal was found weeping in the net before she escaped.
49.What was Sampal doing when researchers found her again?C
A.She was trying to escape from the net.
B.She was waiting impatiently for her companions.
C.She was swimming with her group members.
D.She was looking for the right group to join.
50.We can infer from the last paragraph thatA.
A.dolphins like living in groups          
B.dolphins like playing games
C.dolphins are forgetful                  
D.dolphins are good at looking for partners.
16.I was on my way home to Cincinnati from a business trip to New York,one day later than planned.My wife was admitted to (21)Athat afternoon for surgery,and I was (22)Dabout getting back as soon as possible.
    When I(23)Aat the ticket counter to board the flight,the agent(24)Cme that I would be responsible for my own luggage when I(25)Cplanes at Kennedy Airport.I had a(26)B,a briefcase with books and a case of equipment (27)Dfor my job as an engineer."What about the entire luggage?"I (28)C,"I'll have only a few minutes to make my connecting (29)B.""The airport bus won't be far away,''she said.
    I (30)Cthe plane and while it ran on the runway I figured anxiously.Finally I bowed  my(31)B and prayed,"Lord,please help me make my connecting flight.My wife is (32)Dme."I took a deep breath and tried to relax during the 45-minute trip.
    Upon (33)A,I saw the airport bus in the distance and struggled with my luggage.I  can't(34)Bthat plane!
"Sir,"someone said behind me,"it looks like you need (35)B.''A skycap(搬运工)!"We'll get you right on the bus,''he said,(36)Chis dolly(推车)with my luggage.He  rolled it along while I walked(37)Abeside him.
    As he put my luggage in the airport bus.(38)Dfor my wallet to tip him and thank  him.But when I (39)D,he was gone."What happened to that skycap?',I asked the official next to me."Skycap?",he said,looking(40)C.‘‘The man who helped you is the  director of the airport."

32.A.thinking aboutB.caring aboutC.worrying aboutD.counting on
39.A.spoke outB.set upC.set outD.looked up
13.Playing a violin with three strings
On Nov.18,1995,Itzhak Perlman,the violinist,came on stage to give a concert.The audience sat quietly while he made his way across the stage to his chair and began his play.But this time,something went wrong.Just as he finished the first few bars,one of the strings on his violin broke.We thought that he would have to stop the concert.(25)Beyond everyone's expectation,he waited a moment,closed his eyes and then signaled (26)the conductor to begin again.
The orchestra began and he played with such passion and such power and such purity
(27)as they had never heard before.
Of course,anyone knows that no one (28)can play a harmonious work with just three strings.I know that,and you know that,(29)but that night Itzhak Perlman refused to know that.When he finished,there was an awesome silence in the room.And then people rose and cheered.He smiled,wiped the sweat from his brow and then he said in a quiet,sacred tone,"You know,sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with (30)what you have left."
This powerful line has stayed in my mind ever since I heard it.And who knows?Perhaps that is the definition of life-not just for artists but for all of us.
He has prepared all his life to make music on a violin of four strings,but all of a sudden,in the middle of a concert,he finds himself with only three strings; so it is with three strings
(31)that he makes music,and the music he made that night with just three strings was more memorable than any that (32)hadbeenmade (make) before.
12.Dear Sara,
Can you please help me improve my relationship with my mother?She is in her late 70s,and will probably need me to care for her in the future.I am willing to take on this responsibility but I find seeing her and talking to her stressful because I am so angry ab out what she and my father did to my elder sister.
My sister was born"out of wedlock"in the 1950s.My sister's father disappeared and never turned up again.My mother loved my sister a lot even if she was an unwanted baby.But then my mother met and married my father.A few years later I was born.
But my father didn't love my sister and my mother failed to protect her.We moved frequently,and my sister was not allowed to come along.She never came on holiday with us; instead she was sent to holiday camps.As she grew up,she started to use drugs and became an alcoholic.
My sister is now in her mid-50s,jobless,living on benefits and mixing with a crowd of drunks.She has no partner,no children,no possessions and no company except for her dog.Her health is ruined,though she no longer drinks.I support her financially,but our relationsh ip is rocky as she hates the fact that my father loved me.She has no contact with my mother and is to this day excluded (排除)from any family event,including my father's funeral.
My mother refuses even to mention my sister.I hate her because I think that if she could manage to apologize to my sister,things might be a little better.But there is absolutely no chance of this.How will I be able to take care of my mother with this always standing between us?

56.The author writes the passage for the purpose ofD.
A.Telling us how to get along with family members
B.Calling on mothers to love their children
C.Saying sorry to her sister
D.Asking for some advice
57.Why does the author hate her mother?B
A.Because her mother didn't love her.
B.Because her mother didn't treat her sister well.
C.Because her mother got married again.
D.Because her mother never took her on holiday.
58.According to the passage,the author's sisterC.
A.is in her late 70s now
B.is an alcoholic now
C.didn't attend the au thor's father's funeral
D.Never went to holiday camps when young
59.What can we infer from the passage?C
A.The author won't take care of her mother.
B.The author has no contact with her sister.
C.The author's sister is living a hard life now.
D.The author's mother will apologize to her sister.
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