
12.Dear Sara,
Can you please help me improve my relationship with my mother?She is in her late 70s,and will probably need me to care for her in the future.I am willing to take on this responsibility but I find seeing her and talking to her stressful because I am so angry ab out what she and my father did to my elder sister.
My sister was born"out of wedlock"in the 1950s.My sister's father disappeared and never turned up again.My mother loved my sister a lot even if she was an unwanted baby.But then my mother met and married my father.A few years later I was born.
But my father didn't love my sister and my mother failed to protect her.We moved frequently,and my sister was not allowed to come along.She never came on holiday with us; instead she was sent to holiday camps.As she grew up,she started to use drugs and became an alcoholic.
My sister is now in her mid-50s,jobless,living on benefits and mixing with a crowd of drunks.She has no partner,no children,no possessions and no company except for her dog.Her health is ruined,though she no longer drinks.I support her financially,but our relationsh ip is rocky as she hates the fact that my father loved me.She has no contact with my mother and is to this day excluded (排除)from any family event,including my father's funeral.
My mother refuses even to mention my sister.I hate her because I think that if she could manage to apologize to my sister,things might be a little better.But there is absolutely no chance of this.How will I be able to take care of my mother with this always standing between us?

56.The author writes the passage for the purpose ofD.
A.Telling us how to get along with family members
B.Calling on mothers to love their children
C.Saying sorry to her sister
D.Asking for some advice
57.Why does the author hate her mother?B
A.Because her mother didn't love her.
B.Because her mother didn't treat her sister well.
C.Because her mother got married again.
D.Because her mother never took her on holiday.
58.According to the passage,the author's sisterC.
A.is in her late 70s now
B.is an alcoholic now
C.didn't attend the au thor's father's funeral
D.Never went to holiday camps when young
59.What can we infer from the passage?C
A.The author won't take care of her mother.
B.The author has no contact with her sister.
C.The author's sister is living a hard life now.
D.The author's mother will apologize to her sister.

分析 本文作者 Annie主要通过写信的方式就改善她和母亲的关系问题向Sara征求意见.作者在文中讲到了由于自己的父母不照顾她的非婚生姐姐,而使得姐姐过着一无所有,非常艰难的生活,因此使得作者对父母产生怨气.尤其是在母亲年纪大了,需要她照顾的时候,她总感觉不能原谅母亲,但又不能不照顾母亲,因此写信向Sara求助.

解答 答案:56-59 DBCC
56.D   推理判断题   根据本文的格式"Dear Sara,…Annie"和文中第一句"Can you please help me improve my relationship with my mother?你能帮我改善一下我和母亲的关系吗?"以及最后一句"How will I be able to take care of my mother with this always standing between us有这件事横在我们中间,我如何能照顾我的母亲?"可知,本文作者 Annie 是通过写信的方式向Sara征求意见;故选D
57.B   细节理解题   根据最后一段"I hate her because I think that if she could manage to apologize to my sister,things might be a little better.我恨她,因为我认为如果她能设法给姐姐道歉,事情可能会好一些"可知,作者恨她母亲的原因是母亲不去(因对姐姐不好)向姐姐道歉,;故选B
58.C   细节理解题  根据第四段"She has no contact with my mother and is to this day excluded (排除)from any family event,including my father's funeral.她和我母亲没有任何联系,至今都拒绝参加家庭活动,包括我父亲的葬礼"可知,她没有参加作者父亲的葬礼;故选C
59.C   推理判断题  根据第四段"My sister is now in her mid-50s,jobless,living on benefits and mixing with a crowd of drunks.She has no partner,no children,no possessions and no company except for her dog.Her health is ruined,though she no longer drinks.我姐姐现在50多岁,没有工作,靠救济金生活,和一群酒鬼混在一起.她没有配偶,没有孩子,没有财产,除了她的狗没有人作伴.尽管她不再喝酒了,但是她的健康毁了"可知,作者的姐姐现在过着艰难的生活;故选C

点评 做本题时,首先要通读全文,把握文章的大体意思:即根据文章的格式,以及第一句与最后一句可知本文主要以书信的格式向他人征求意见;另外要结合短文后面的问题,并通过细节阅读,在文中相应段落找到或概括出正确答案.

7.Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems.While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful,problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves.University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller,lighter and more efficient.
"To provide enough power,we need certain methods with energy density(密度),"said Jae kwon,assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU."The radioisotope(放射性同位素) battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries."
  Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery,resently the size and thickness of a penny,intended to power various micro/nanoelectromechanical systems(M/NEWS).Although nuclear batteries can cause concerns,Kwon said they are safe.
"People hear the word‘nuclear'and think of something very dangerous,"he said."However,nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices,such as pace-makers,space satellites and underwater systems."
  His new idea is not only in the battery's size,but also in its semiconductor(半导体).Kwon's battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor.
"The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy,part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶格结构) of the solid semiconductor,"Kwon said."By using a liquid semiconductor,we believe we can minimize that problem."
  Together with J.David Robertson,chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor,Kwon is working to build and test the battery.In the future,they hope to increase the battery's power,shrink its size and try with various other materials.Kwon said that the battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.

71.Which of the following is true of Jae Kwon?C
A.He teaches chemistry at MU.
B.He developed a chemical battery.
C.He is working on a nuclear energy source.
D.He made a breakthrough in computer engineering.
72.Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4B.
A.to show chemical batteries are widely applied
B.to indicate nuclear batteries can be safely used
C.to describe a nuclear-powered system
D.to introduce various energy sources.
73.Liquid semiconductor is used toD.
A.get rid of the radioactive waste
B.test the power of nuclear batteries
C.decrease the size of nuclear batteries
D.reduce the damage to lattice structure
74.According to Jae Kwon,his nuclear batteryC.
A.uses a solid semiconductor
B.will soon replace the present ones
C.could be extremely thin
D.has passed the final test
75.The text is most probably aA
A.science news report
B.book review
C.newspaper ad
D.science fiction story.
17.When dolphins get caught accidentally in fishing nets,the outcome is usually terrible.They either get injured or spend their lives in captivity (被关起来) entertaining humans.But while  13-year-old Sampal's story began that way,it has a perfect fairy-tale ending.
     Sampal's story began in 2011,when she was accidentally caught by fishermen in the waters off South Korea.However,instead of letting her go,the men sold her to an aquarium.Here,she was placed in a small pool where she spent her days performing tricks for visitors.
Sampal was not destined to spend  her life in captivity.it Shocked by the conditions she was living in,South Korean animal advocates began to help her get free.In 2013,the country's highest court issued a release order for not just Sampal,but also another two dolphins at the Korean Zoo.
      At the end of May,the dolphins were handed to the Korean Animal Welfare Association where experts began their work to set the dolphins free,a two-month process that involves placing them inside a sea pen in the open waters.However,Sampal was too impatient to wait that long.On June 22nd,the clever little dolphin found a tiny tear in the net and escaped.
.For those of you wondering if Sarupal may have been a little hurried in her departure,here is some better news.Researchers recently tracked her down 60 miles from where she had escaped and found she was swimming happily with 50 0ther dolphins that they believe were members of the group she was originally swimming with three years ago.
      As for the others'?One of them is reportedly hanging out with two dolphins from its original  group,while the other still seems to be looking for the right group to join.The best news is that all  of them seem to have forgotten their captivity experience and appear to be playing happily!
46.According to the author,Sampal's story isC
A.common                               B.puzzling
C.unusual                               D.annoying
47.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?D
A.Sampal didn't like spending her life in a pool.
B.Sampal would have to lose her freedom.
C.Sampal's life was brought back to normal.
D.Sampal would certainly be helped by people.
48.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.Sampal lived a happy life in the aquarium.
B.The process of setting a dolphin free is long.
C.The order of Koreran highest court was intended for Sampal.
D.Sampal was found weeping in the net before she escaped.
49.What was Sampal doing when researchers found her again?C
A.She was trying to escape from the net.
B.She was waiting impatiently for her companions.
C.She was swimming with her group members.
D.She was looking for the right group to join.
50.We can infer from the last paragraph thatA.
A.dolphins like living in groups          
B.dolphins like playing games
C.dolphins are forgetful                  
D.dolphins are good at looking for partners.

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