Since the time when the Romans first settled on the Danube River and built one of their most important central European forts (堡垒), Vindobona, the city we now know as Vienna, has played a very important role in European history. Austria grew up around the city and developed into a strong empire (帝国). The capital became a famous place during the rule of the Habsburg dynasty.

Today, Vienna is one of the most popular tourist spots in Austria as well as a major center of modern business and culture. Many different cultures have fused their cultural identities to produce the amazing Viennese culture. It is said that the most beautiful German is spoken in this old city.

A city of music, cafes, waltzes, parks, cakes, and wine — that's Vienna. Famous composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert made Vienna into a city of music. Vienna also has a lot to offer in art and architecture. Yet the bars and clubs make a trip to Vienna an unforgettable experience. Vienna's cooking diversity is also impressive. Dumpling soup, tender boiled beef and apple rolls are typical Austrian dishes.

The face of the city has changed time and again due to war, victory, defeat, the death of an empire and the birth of a republic, foreign occupation (占领), and the passage of time. Fortunately, the Viennese character —a strict devotion to the good life — has remained solid.

1.What can we know about Vienna in the past?

A. It used to be a business center.

B. People there had beautiful voices.

C. Austria developed around this city.

D. There were some forts in this city.

2.What does the underlined word "fused" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Melted.B. Learned.C. Referred.D. Protected.

3.Which of the following items about Vienna are mentioned in this passage?

①music ②culture ③weather ④history ⑤food ⑥government ⑦art

A. ①④⑤⑥B. ②④⑤⑦C. ④⑤⑥⑦D. ②③④⑤

A newspaper, a publication usually issued on a daily or weekly basis, has the main function of reporting news. Many newspapers also furnish their readers with other pieces of useful information, such as weather reports, television schedules, and stock prices. They provide commentary (评论) on politics, economics, and arts and culture. In nearly all cases and in varying degrees, newspapers depend on commercial advertising for their income.

Newspaper publishers estimate that nearly six out of ten adults in the United States and Canada read a newspaper every day, and seven out of ten read a paper each weekend. By the time they see a newspaper; most people have already heard about breaking news stories on television or on the radio. Readers rely on newspapers to provide detailed background information and analysis (分析) which television and radio rarely offer. Newspapers not only inform readers that an event has happened but also help readers understand what led to the event and how it will affect the world.

The staff of a large newspaper works under the constant pressure of deadlines to bring news to readers as quickly as their minds, bodies and the technology they use permit. Reporters, photographers, artists, and editors compile (编写) articles and graphics — sometimes in just a few hours. Page designers combine articles, photos, advertisements, and eye-catching headlines into page layouts (版面), then rush their work to the printer. Printing technicians may work through the night operating printing presses that can print out more than 60,000 copies per hour.

1.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How many people read newspapers.

B. Why many people read newspapers.

C. How a newspaper comes into being.

D. How newspapers affect us.

2.According to the passage, why do people read newspapers?

A. People want to know what happened.

B. Newspapers are cheaper than any other news medium.

C. Newspapers are more convenient than any other news medium.

D. Newspaper can supply us with more detailed information.

3.The underlined word in Paragraph 1 means "________".

A. offerB. reviewC. foundD. produce

4.According to the passage, what affects the pace of a newspaper's publication?

A. The editors.

B. The printers.

C. The newspapers’ human resources and technology.

D. The reporters.

Reach for the stars at the Euro Space Center. Find out everything you need to know about space — from the origins of the universe (宇宙) to the future space exploration plans. Light, sound and special effects help to bring your space journey to life. Throughout your tour, our specially trained guides will answer your questions and provide you with any information you require.

Begin your tour with our exhibition about the planets, then move on to the Space Laboratory and see some of the experiments carried out in space. Visit our international space station, where you can climb into our full-scale Space Shuttle model and experience life on board as an astronaut (宇航员).

You will know all about space by now and to help you further, our Space Center astronaut will tell you about how young people train as astronauts in our own training school. Finally, you can watch our amazing Space Show in our IMAX cinema, which will help you understand everything you have learned during your visit better.

Outside we have an outdoor exhibition including a giant solar system, full-size rocket models and outdoor games. Don’t worry if it rains — much of this is under cover.

After that, why not visit our restaurant Resto Space for food and drink on a space theme (主题)? And don’t forget our Space Shop, offering you a lot of gifts to take home.

The Euro Space Center is open every day during school holidays, and also during other times except Mondays. Opening times are 10:00-5:00. For entrance fees, call our booking service on + 32-61-650133. Or you can email us for up-to-date entry information at

1.Anyone who goes to the Euro Space Center will ________.

A. visit there for free

B. become a true astronaut

C. feel as if he was in space

D. do any space experiments he wants

2.In the Space Shuttle, visitors can ________.

A. enjoy food and drink

B. watch an amazing space show

C. learn about space experiments

D. know how astronauts live in space

3.On school day Mondays, the Euro Space Center ________.

A. will be open all day long

B. will be open only for 5 hours

C. will be closed for the whole day

D. will have a space show in the IMAX cinema

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. Learn to be an astronaut

B. Welcome to Space Shop

C. Come and take a space walk

D. Show your talent for science


What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food?

Many people do not have time to eat home-cooked food. 1. There’re more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States itself, and over 8,000 KFCs in 80 countries. In most cities, it is not difficult to find hamburgers and pizza.

Advantages of fast food

2. Eating fast food helps working people and students to get back to work as quickly as possible. Besides, many love the look, smell and taste of it. Perhaps the greatest advantage is the price. 3. If one lives alone, then it is cheaper to buy a meal at the supermarket than cook it at home.

Disadvantages of fast food

The greatest disadvantage of fast food is the bad effect that it has on one’s health. Many people feel that fast food is unhealthy because it contains a lot of artificial ingredients (人造成分). Some even think that it is addictive (上瘾的) because of these ingredients. 4. Fast food may lead to obesity in the American population.

5. I believe that it can be a good thing, as long as people do not eat it too often, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and also do plenty of exercise to keep in shape.

A. Fast food does raise health concerns.

B. It is often cheaper than other kinds of restaurant food.

C. In short, fast food has both advantages and disadvantages.

D. Fast food probably makes people much fatter than before.

E. More and more fruit and vegetables are offered in fast food.

F. The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time.

G. Because of our non-stop modern lifestyle, fast food is popular almost everywhere.


Last August, I flew to Columbia, Missouri to continue my education at the University of Missouri. At first I thought I was brave to deal with any 41 in a foreign country. 42 during my first semester here, I always felt so 43 . Being silent was my 44 to interact with Americans. Although I wanted to make 45 , I didn’t know how to approach them. I was afraid that they wouldn’t understand my English and I 46 to be careful not to make anyone angry. Therefore, I always 47 others to talk to me.

In fact, I found that a lot of American students are 48 me. They also don’t know how to interact with international students, so they choose not to be 49 . Obviously, two passive persons 50 have a chance to communicate with each other. And that’s why people from the same country like to 51 themselves from others. They feel more 52 with their own people and they are used to their own ways of behaving. 53 , they build barriers (障碍) for themselves.

However, I 54 to approach Americans gradually. Since I had the 55 to come to this country, I told myself, there was no reason for me to be 56 of approaching and communicating with Americans. When I showed kindness to them, most of them 57 my kindness. I found Americans are actually fun and 58 . Now I am glad that I’ve made some good American friends here. I try hard to 59 my attitudes and my world has become brighter. Being an open-minded and brave person makes my life more joyful. I was 60 , but I found my way.

1.A. fightB. challengeC. decisionD. mistake

2.A. ForB. SoC. ButD. Or

3.A. anxiousB. happyC. lonelyD. lazy

4.A. dutyB. wayC. taskD. advice

5.A. plansB. achievementsC. jokesD. friends

6.A. forgotB. refusedC. rememberedD. wanted

7.A. sent forB. waited forC. called onD. depended on

8.A. likeB. againstC. besideD. behind

9.A. activeB. politeC. friendlyD. kind

10.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. neverD. sometimes

11.A. protectB. freeC. separateD. save

12.A. specialB. comfortableC. successfulD. busy

13.A. At firstB. At presentC. By the wayD. In the end

14.A. fearedB. helpedC. pretendedD. started

15.A. timeB. moneyC. courageD. power

16.A. afraidB. proudC. gladD. fond

17.A. hatedB. wastedC. spreadD. repaid

18.A. hard-workingB. easy-going

C. self-centeredD. broken-hearted

19.A. holdB. takeC. explainD. change

20.A. lostB. hurtC. bornD. late

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