If you choose a hot tourist spot for your holiday, you are likely to be drowned by a great number of tourists, noise and long lines. At this point you might wonder why you ever left home. Here are some tips to deal with crowds and avoid the trouble that might ruin your trip.

Book Tickets In Advance

Buy tickets online before you leave home, and skip the crowds and endless lines at your destination(目的地). Smart travelers can avoid the queue when visiting abroad with online ticket sales.

Talk To People

You can ask the travel agency and the hotel for help. Ask questions, get maps, ask about taxis, restaurants and the sites you wish to visit. These people are experts and can save you lots of time trying to find things out for yourself.

Sign Up For Special Tours

If there are any special events or tours being offered for your vacation, buy them in advance. Firstly they are usually cheaper bought in advance and secondly it makes sure you get booked in before they are sold out.

Visit During the Weekdays

We all know that most sites and events are less crowded during the week than on weekends when people are off work and the kids are out of school. Flights are also usually cheaper on weekdays than they are on weekends.

Watch The Weather

Mother nature controls a lot of what we do especially for outdoor activities. Check the weather forecasts and plan your indoor and outdoor activities according to the weather ahead of time.

1.How do you feel when you are drowned by a lot of tourists?

A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Cool. D. Upset.

2. Which of the followings is Not mentioned(提及) in the passage?

A. Book Tickets In Advance

B. Sign Up For Special Tours

C. Talk To People

D. Visit During the Weekends

3. What does “mother nature” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Mother. B. Time.

C. Weather. D. Nature.

4.The text probably comes from .

A. a news report

B. a travel guide

C. a science fiction

D. a book review

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold.

This song expresses a nice rule: increasing friends. Sometimes things actually work out that way. I’ve met adults who’ve said, “We’ve been friends since kindergarten!” A friend who has known you forever is a treasure. But friendships don’t always last — especially for children.

When I was growing up, my family moved about every three years. The advantage of this was that I got to see different parts of the world, and it made my family very close. I also learned to be pretty good at making new friends, and, to keep in touch with old friends, I became a great letter writer. But I always admired those kids who stayed in one place and kept their friends for a long time. I didn’t learn that children’s friendships can disappear even when no one moves until I was much older, with children of my own.

Sometimes friendships end in quarrels and hurt feelings. But perhaps the most painful end to a friendship is the one-sided rejection — one friend turns away, or chooses someone else as a close friend, and the other child is left feeling sad and wondering why this thing happened. The end of a friendship is often sad, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Often the end of one friendship makes more room for other friendships to grow.

1.What does the children’s song really mean?

A. Friendships don’t last forever.

B. New friends are more important.

C. Only old friends are important.

D. Old friends are as important as new ones.

2.When his family moved often, the author couldn’t .

A. make friends easily

B. become a good letter writer

C. stay with his friends for a long time

D. see many different places

3.What is the most painful end to a friendship?

A. Friends quarrel with each other.

B. Friends each have grown up.

C. Friends stand apart.

D. One friend ends friendship himself.

I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it when Mother sat doing letters. Looking at the ink bottle, pens and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother, “But the desk,” she said again, “is for Elizabeth.”

I never saw her get angry, and never saw her cry. I knew she loved me, and she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened and a gulf opened between us. I was “ too emotional (易动感情的) ”, but she lived “on the surface”.

As years went by, I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know that she did forgive (原谅) me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer, but it didn’t come. I wondered if the letter had even got to her. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of her desk told me that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work, though she had never been able to. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside … a photo of my father and a one-paper letter, folded (折叠) and refolded many times.

Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.

1.The writer began to love her mother’s desk .

A. when she was a child

B. when mother gave it to her

C. after mother died

D. before she became a writer

2.The passage shows that .

A. the mother wrote to her daughter in careful words

B. the mother cared much about her daughter in words

C. the mother was cold on the surface but kind inside to her daughter

D. the mother was strict with her daughter

3. What did mother do with her daughter’s letter asking for forgiveness?

A. She often talked about the letter.

B. She had never received the letter.

C. She read the letter again and again until she died.

D. She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in her life.

4. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. My Letter to Mother

B. Talks Between Mother and Me

C. My Mother’s Desk

D. Mother and Children

How did people in ancient China change their luck? Most of them would take the exam, Keju, which began during the Sui Dynasty and lasted for 1,300 years before it was ended in the Qing Dynasty.

Keju, the early “gaokao”, played a very important role in choosing qualified persons to work for the king.

The Keju exams were mainly based on classical literature(文学) and philo- sophy. Poetry was very important in earlier Keju exams, and later Keju focused more on writing.

All candidates had to write an article explaining ideas from those books, which was called Eight Part Essay. Two sentences were required at the start of the article, about the main idea of the title, which was called “to clear the topic”. The exams also focused on more practical matters.

Most candidates in ancient China had to go a long way to the capital city for the exam. As transportation in ancient times was not developed, they usually went to the capital on foot, and some took several months to reach the capital.

The exam was held once every three years and it was made up of four levels: the county examination, provincial examination, academy examination and palace examination. Candidates had to first pass one level in order to take part in the next level. Each examination would take from one to three days to finish, and they were locked in a small room and received cold meals.

On the exam day, candidates had to first go through safety check. They had to let their hair loose so that it could be checked and their trouser legs, shoes and socks, even bottoms were also checked.

1.Keju was held for the kings to .

A. test people’s luck

B. focus more on writing

C. choose the best people in the country

D. write an article explaining ideas from those books

2. What does the underlined word “candidates” probably mean?

A. People who take the exam.

B. People who help choose the qualified persons.

C. People who are officials in the government.

D. People who have a better understanding of the exam.

3.Candidates used to walk to the capital because .

A. they were too poor

B. they didn’t have developed transportation

C. they wanted to build up their body

D. they had much time

4.What do the last two paragraphs tell us?

A. How Keju was organized.

B. Where Keju took place.

C. When people took Keju.

D. What Keju was made up of.


Want to be happy and enjoy your life? Here are four ways to bring you happiness.

● Share appreciation

Tell someone how much you appreciate(欣赏)them. Thank them sincerely for being part of your life. 1. . When you share with someone your appreciation, they will not forget you.


One of the best ways to strengthen new ideas in your mind is to share them with others. The more often you share what you've learned, the stronger that information will become in your memory. Sharing knowledge also provides solutions to problems. The more knowledge we share, the more knowledge we receive in return.

● Share friendship

Let your friends know that you are willing to be there when they need you. Introduce two friends who don't know each other. 3. .

● Share experience

Keep written or photo journals of your life. 4. . Share a happy memory. Also share the difficult times that have helped you become stronger and wiser. When shared, the value of these experiences multiplies.

5. . We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

A. Share knowledge and ideas.

B. Record successes and failures.

C. We succeed with the help of others.

D. Happiness is not so much in having as sharing.

E. You can spend time with the people that you love.

F. Feeling appreciated is one of the most important needs that people have.

G. If you'd like to have many friends, share friendship with others generously.


How military(军事的) training makes us confident

The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat(汗水)was pouring off our backs and faces. We stood still without any noise, all hot and tired. But everyone kept standing as as trees.

It was most high schools give to new Senior One students – military training. We four days in a closed environment. we couldn’t go home at night and the training was and difficult, our humorous young drillmaster (教官) with a funny accent was a real of our days. We laughed his jokes, sat in rows singing different songs and him telling true stories about his life. He gave us the feeling that and sweat were not the only things that military training .

After this journey, We were more than we had imagined and we were much braver than we had . Girls who looked pale rested for a little while, then came back to the team. Boys who were being punished to the playground at once and began to run. Sweat flowed down our faces we thought about how to shout than other classes.

Military training taught us perseverance (坚持不懈) and determination. On the last day of our training, the confidence could be in our faces. We shouted so loud that our could be heard across the heavens. With eyes like burning torches(火炬), we walked into the future. Now the sun is at all of us.

1.A .crying B. making C. sending D. telling

2.A. right B. tall C. bent D. straight

3.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

4.A. wasted B. spent C. kept D. took

5.A. Because B. If C. Although D. After

6.A. strict B. curious C. interesting D. normal

7.A. success B. pleasure C. worry D. wonder

8.A. at B. in C. to D. with

9.A. referred to B. devoted to C. turned to D. listened to

10.A. sunlight B. wealth C. desire D. health

11.A. received B. helped C. offered D. happened

12.A. concerned B. determined C. interested D. surprised

13.A. expected B. expressed C. disliked D. rescued

14.A. just now B. so far C. right away D. at present

15.A. escaped B. moved C. rode D. rushed

16.A. so B. when C. or D. until

17.A. larger B. stronger C. louder D. lower

18.A. seen B. heard C. smelt D. touched

19.A. thoughts B. feelings C. opinions D. voices

20.A. traveling B. falling C. setting D. smiling

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