
There have been many great inventions that changed the way we live.The first great invention was one that is still very important today—the wheel.This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances.For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel.Then in the early 1800's the world started to change.There was little unknown land left in the world.People did not have to explore much anymore.They began to work instead to make life better.In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made.Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio.These all became a big part of our life today.

The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions.The helicopter in 1909.Movies with sound in 1926.The computer in 1928.And jet planes in 1930.This was also a time when a new material was first made.Nylon came out in 1935.It changed the kind of clothes people wear.The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over disease.They worked very well.They made people healthier and let them live longer lives.By the 1960's most people could expect to live to be at least 60.By this time most people had a very good life.

Of course new inventions continued to be made.But man now had a desire to explore again.The world was known to man but the stars were not.Man began looking for ways to go into space.Russia made the first step.Then the United States took a step.Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their steps into space.In 1969 man took his biggest step away from the earth.Americans first walked on the moon.This is certainly just a beginning though.

New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.

1.Camera was invented after ________.

A.1850 B.1950

C.1800 D.1900

2.Why did the world start to change in the early 1800's?

A.Because there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel for hundreds of years.

B.Because there was little unknown land left in the world.

C.Because people did not have to explore much anymore.

D.Because people began to work to make life better instead of exploring unknown world.

3.In Paragraph 2, the word “They” in the sentence “They worked very well” refers to ________.

A.helicopters, computers, jet planes, nylon

B.new ways to help people get over disease

C.new materials


4.Why did man have a desire to explore again?

A.Man wanted to move to other stars.

B.Other countries wanted to catch up with America.

C.Other countries wanted to follow Russia.

D.Going into space is a dream for man to realize.

5.The possible title for the passage might be ________.

A.Great Inventions of the 20th Century

B.How Wheels, Cameras and Computers Were Invented

C.People's Attitudes Towards Inventions

D.Great Inventions Influence Our Way of Living



If you are a sleep deprived(被剥夺) teacher, you may not be aware of the term woodpeckering(啄木鸟式点头), but you’ve probably done it. It happens the day following a bad night’s sleep. You’re sitting in a long meeting and you can barely keep your eyes open, so you support your head up with your hand. Next thing you know, you are moving your sleeping head back to its upright position. Do this a few times and you are woodpeckering.

I thought I knew sleep deprivation when I did my medical internship(实习) in hospital. That year I frequently went 36 hours with no sleep. When I finished my stay in neurology(神经内科), I welcomed the promise of full nights of sleep ever after. It went pretty well for the next 10 years until I became a school teacher and experienced a whole new level of sleep deprivation.

Teachers’ working hours go far beyond the 8 am to 5 pm schedule of kids in school. There are hours spent at staff meetings, correcting homework, preparing for the next day- and then there is the worrying. What I did in a hospital emergency room required no more intensive mental energy than what is need to keep 30 kids attentive enough to learn what I was teacher.

Good teachers are like magicians keeping a dozen balls in the air to come at right time, with alarm set for 6 am to finish grading papers, memories of the day that’s gone- including the students who didn’t understand something, forgot their lunch or were embarrassed by wrong answers. All these will become sleep-resistant barriers. And also with some financial stress, you’ll have a cycle of insomnia(失眠) with unwelcome consequences.

With inadequate sleep comes irritability(易怒), forgetfulness, lower tolerance of even minor annoyances, and less efficient organization and planning. These are the very mental useless that teachers need to meet the challenges of the next day. In wanting to do a better job the next day, the brain keeps bringing up the worries that deny the rest it needs.

1.After a bad night’s sleep, usually the direct effect for the next day is to ______.

A. keep one’s eyes open all the time

B. move head back and forth

C. raise one’s head in upright position

D. keep nodding like a woodpecker

2.The writer’s new level of sleep deprivation began since he _____.

A. did his medical internship in hospital

B. began to teach in a school

C. left hospital ten years ago

D. went 36 hours with no sleep

3.From paragraph 3 we can infer that ____.

A. teachers’ work is comfortable

B. correcting homework needs less time

C. working in hospital is even tougher

D. teaching needs more mental energy

4. Good teachers’ sleep problems are mainly due to the _____.

A. common sleep-resistant barriers

B. embarrassment for wrong answers

C. diligence and devotion to teaching

D. misunderstanding of their students

5. What does the writer really want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. Unfavorable effects of inadequate sleep are various

B. Lay down worries and sleep well first for the next day.

C. Teachers should often practice mental muscles.

D. Better job has nothing to do with inadequate sleep.


What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red? 1.. Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference, as well as the effect that colours have on human beings. 2.. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

3.. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. 4. . A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀) than any other bridge in the area---until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

5. . It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.

A. On the other hand, black is depressing.

B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite colour as grow up --- we are born with our preference.

C. The rooms are painted in different colours as you like.

D. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

E. Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active.

F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colours.

G. Colours do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it

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