
It’s been a difficult year. My daughter, my dog and I lost our home. We’ve depended upon the kindness of others to provide temporary shelter.

1. At one point, I felt as though my daughter might be better off without me. If she were placed with a rich family, she would have a good life. I was unable to provide a good life for her. However, she never complains, although she has every right to. She went from having a beautifully decorated bedroom of her own, to having temporary shelter. 2.

I dug through the change at the bottom of my purse and bought her a lollipop at the store today. She’d had her eye on it the entire time we were in line to pay for our purchase. It was an old-fashioned one that cost $1.00.3. It was the end of the month and I only had $1.35 left to my name. However, she’d been such a good girl, and I really thought she deserved a special treat.

I reached into my purse and counted out enough for the lollipop. You would have thought I gave her the key to the magic kingdom! “Thank you, Mommy! You’re the best mommy!”4.

All at once, the cloud of despair that had hung over me lifted.5. I was ready to continue my journey, willing to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

A.I really couldn’t afford it.

B.I became upset at my loss.

C.I could see tears shining in her eyes.

D.I wouldn’t have any money coming until the first of next month.

E.She screamed with joy as she hugged me with all her strength.

F.I knew without a doubt in that very instant that I was the family that my little girl needed.

G.She doesn’t complain that I can’t afford to give her the extra things she would love to have.

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