My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up to situations,who is hesitant to try new things. When with close friends, she becomes a leader who laughs loudly and chants, “Girls rule, boys drool.” But when that comfort zone is not around her, she is shy and nervous.

This has been challenging for me at times. “Shy” is not a word that I think has ever been used to describe me. But this has been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence. This year she moved to lap lane in swimming where she was preparing for a swim team. This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels. And this year she completed her first kids’ triathlon (三项全能) .

On Saturday, with a thunderstorm coming soon and my son’s birthday party later in the day, we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon. We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her, we got all the equipment she’d need, and we kept talking about the race. But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn, she held my leg a little harder and told me she loved me a few too many times. She was nervous but trying to keep it together.

And then it was her turn. From the second she jumped into the water, my heart soared. My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen. She dominated(主宰) that swim, crushed that bike ride and ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.

I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life. It wasn’t because she did

a sport or anything like that. It was because she was afraid of something and conquered(克服) that fear with confidence and a fire I hadn’t seen before.

All day I would find myself just looking over at her and smiling. She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day. I won the chance to see my girl shine.

Shine on, sweet baby.

1.Kelly is nervous when ________.

A. situations are new to her

B. boys are around her

C. she changes into a leader

D. she is away from her mom

2.We can know from Paragraph 3 ______.

A. the race began in the early morning

B. the whole family gave Kelly support

C. Kelly was eager for her turn in the race

D. Kelly prepared for her brother’s birthday party

3.Seeing Kelly’s performance in the race, the author felt ______.

A. excited and proud B. anxious and uneasy

C. curious and concerned D. worried and hesitant

Guide dogs help blind people who cannot get around by themselves.Although Yorkshire terriers and poodles are good companion dogs,guide dogs are chosen from lager breeds(品种)such as German shepherds,golden retrievers,and Labrador retrievers.The young dogs are raised by families until they are eighteen months old.During this time,they get lots of love and attention,but they are also taught to obey.Then the dogs go to a special school where,for four months,they work with a sighted trainer,an individual who can see.The dog forms a close relationship with this person who teaches it how to follow directions such as right,left,straight ahead,and stop.The young dog also learns to watch out for dangerous traffic and wait until it is safe to cross a busy street.

When the dog is two years old,it starts training with the blind person it will live with. The dog and its new owner make many trips from downtown to where the blind person lives so the dog becomes familiar with the normal atmosphere.During the training,a sighted trainer always remains with them. A blind person who is getting a guide dog for the first time will train for about a month. If the individual has had a dog before,the training takes about three weeks.After the training,the blind person depends on the guide dog for between seven and twelve years.At that point,the working dog become a family pet and the owner needs to train with a younger guide dog.

1.Which breed would NOT be trained as a guide dog?

A.A Yorkshire terrier. B.A golden retriever.

C. A German shepherd. D.A Labrador.

2.What does the guide dog learn to do during the training?

A.Associate directions with food.

B.Play with young children.

C.Stay away from busy streets.

D.Look out for traffic problems.

3.Who gives the dogs training at the special school?

A. A sighted trainer. B.Other blind people.

C.A traffic peliceman. D.The school director.

4.What’s this passage mainly about?

A.The time spent training a guide dog.

B.The importance of having a guide dog.

C.The process of training a guide dog.

D.The way of choosing a guide dog.

Clive Roberts,a director at ELS Educational Services,says English tests are changing greatly in response to the global growth in the use of English as a lingua franca— the common language used among people with different native languages.For that reason,a lot of new tests are being developed while old tests are being improved to meet the needs of universities and employers worldwide.

Changes in language testing

“A lot of tests are now delivered online,all four skills are being tested,in some cases,by computer,in particular speaking and writing skills,which are the most difficult to assess on a computer environment,”says Mr.Roberts.

Computer testing will reduce the length of time required for testing,because the tests adjust to the test-taker’s ability.These computer-adaptive tests also increase accuracy in scoring.Computer-adaptive tests change depending on the test-taker’s responses.They can become more or less difficult during the testing session.For this reason,the set of correct answers will be different for each test-taker.

Cultural sensitivity

Another change to language testing relates to cultural sensitivity.The term refers to material on a test that is based on a certain culture or is hard for test-takers from different cultures to understand.

Mr.Roberts says test development companies are now hiring people with intercultural communication backgrounds to review test items.The companies want to make sure the test does not upset test-takers.

Proficiency(精通程度)in language

Changes to English proficiency tests make them better at measuring the learners’ ability.However,Mr.Roberts says the changes may mean the tests are more difficult for some students.

“The tests have become more proficiency-oriented.The items are being designed in such a way that they test real-world proficiency and not simply sort of an artificial environment or a specific set of skills that are taught in a classroom.So a lot of authentic texts,a lot of authentic listening passages are being used.”

The changes mean students have to be able to understand English the way it is used in everyday life, not just in textbooks.

1.Which of the following can best replace the underlined words“a lingua franca”in Paragraph l?

A. a universal language B.a second language

C.a native language D.a mother tongue

2.Which of the following is true about online English tests?

A.Listening is more difficult to be tested online than speaking.

B.Online English tests need more time.

C.Online English tests make scoring more accurate.

D.Online English tests are more difficult.

3.Why is proficiency stressed in language testing?

A.To make the test more difficult.

B.To get learners to learn textbooks well.

C.To test learners’speaking ability.

D.To test learners’ real ability to use the language.

4.Which words can best describe the new English tests?

A. More accurate but easier.

B.Less practical but harder.

C. Better but harder.

D.Less popular but easier.

Frank Lloyd Wright is often called the father of American modern architecture.He designed buildings and homes across the United States for more than 70 years.He created most of his works from 1900 through the 1950s,but his open-living spaces and imaginative designs still appear very modern today.

Last week,the United States nominated(提名)10 of his buildings for the UN Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization—or UNESCO—the World Heritage List.The World Heritage List recognizes the most,important cultural and natural sites worldwide.

The 10 buildings,titled.“Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright,”were built between 1906 and 1969.They include several of his personal homes and studios,churches,government buildings,private residences,and one very famous museum—New York City’s Guggenheim Museum.

The Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum is one of the most visited sites in New York City.About one million people visit it every year.Frank Lloyd Wright worked on it from 1943 to 1959.It was designed to create a new type of space for new types of art.The museum remains an international symbol of modern architecture that represents Wright’s unique design.

Many of Mr.Wright’s modern buildings and homes in the U.S.Midwest have also become symbols of modern American architecture.Richard Longstreth is the president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy.He calls Mr.Wrisht“the father of modern architecture,fundamentally redefining the nature of form and space during the early 20th century that would have enduring impacts of modern architecture worldwide.”

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee will announce its decision in mid-2016.If Frank Lloyd Wright’s 10 buildings were chosen for the list,they would be the first World Heritage listings for modem U.S.architecture.The World Heritage List already includes 22 other American sites,including the Grand Canyon,Yellowstone National Park and the Statue of Liberty.

1.We can learn from the passage that_____.

A.Mr.Wright’s designs are out of style today

B.Mr.Wright’s designs have been widely recognized

C.Mr.Wright’s designs on modern buildings and homes are a failure

D.Mr.Wright is the owner of ten buildings

2.Which of the following statements about Guggenheim Museum is true?

A. It is a masterpiece showing Mr. Wright’s unique design.

B.It is a good example of traditional design.

C.It is the most famous site in New York City.

D.It is the symbol of New York City.

3.In which section of the newspaper can you probably find this article?

A.News B.Science

C.Biography D.Economy

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Frank Lloyd Wright—the Father of American Modern Architecture

B.The World Heritage List—Cultural Collection Worldwide

C.Guggenheim Museum—International Symbol of modern Architecture

D.Frank Lloyd Wright’Buildings—On the way to World Heritage List


The Effects of Stress

There is a famous expression in English:“Stop the world,I want to get off!”This expression refers to a feeling of panic,or stress,that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing,try to relax,and become calm again 1. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life.Too much stress results in physical,emotional,and mental health problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress.2. It can increase the pulse rate,make the heart miss beats,and can cause high blood pressure.Stress can affect the respiratory system.It can lead to asthma.It can cause a person to breathe too fast,resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide.Stress cilia affect the stomach.3. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress.People suffering from stress often feel anxious.They may have panic attacks.They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress,they often overreact to little problems.For example,a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice.4.

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious-mental illnesses.Depression,an extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness,can be the result of continued and increasing stress.Alcoholism and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress.Eating disorders are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress.5.

A.Stress can make people angry, moody or nervous.

B.“Stress”means pressure or tension.

C.It can cause stomach aches and problems digesting food.

D.It is obvious that stress can cause physical problems.

E.Stress can affect the heart.

F.So stop the world and rest for a while.

G.If stress is allowed to continue,then one’s mental health is put at risk.



“Ring ! Ring! Ring!” The telephone rang for a long time in Bill Hewlett’s house.Bill was the director of a large ________ company called Hewlett-Packard.At that time,computers had already ________ but they were huge machines that cost a lot of money.

Bill answered the telephone ________ .He did not like being disturbed while he was reading his newspaper.A young-sounding ________ on the other line said,”My name is Steve Jobs.I in a________ of the Hewlett-Packard Explorers’Club.I went on a fieldtrip to one of your company’s laboratories and was ________ by the 9100A computer.I’ve never seen anything so splendid!”He ________ for a while and continued.”I in looking for some computer ________to build a frequency counter.Well.I thought you might be able to________ me.”

There was________ .Then,Bill asked the young boy for his ________.Steve revealed that he was twelve.There was another silence. ________ by the boy’s enthusiasm,Bill invited Steve to his office.

A few days later,Bill Hewlett gave Steve what he needed.Steve was also offered a ________ job in one of his laboratories.

Eight years later,Steve Jobs set up a ________ with his close friend,Steve Wozniak.Their first step was to find a ________ for the company.Steve Jobs loved apples and had worked off an apple ________ before.Although there was no ________ between apples and computers, ________ thought‘Apple’would be a catchy name.”I like the name.We’11 be in a great ________ in the telephone directory,”Steve Wozniak said confidently.That was how Apple was ________ in 1976. B.machine C. fruit D. telephone

2.A.arrived B.gone C. 1eft D. existed

3.A.quickly B.sadly C. angrily D. happily

4.A.scientist B. voice C. girl D. man

5.A.member B.adviser C. teacher D. technician

6.A.met B.delighted C. hurt D. amazed

7.A.thought B.1ooked C. paused D. talked B.experts C. games D. programs C. teach D. 1ead

10.A.1aughter B.sound C. excitement D. silence

11.A.address B.number C. age D. money

12.A.Impressed B.Woken C. Troubled D. Puzzled

13.A.permanent B.night-time C.full-time D. vacation

14.A.factory C. 1aboratory D. club B.manager C. place D.designer B.tree C.factory D. store B.dialogue C. friendship D. connection

18.A.each B.both C. some D. all

19.A.position B.relation C. field D. moment

20.A.managed B.saved C. created D. bought

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