In her new book, “The Smartest Kids in the World,” Amanda Ripley, an investigative journalist, tells the story of Tom, a high-school student from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, who decides to spend his senior year in Warsaw, Poland. Poland is a surprising educational success story: in the past decade, the country raised students’ test scores from significantly below average to well above it. Polish kids have now outscored(超过……分数) American kids in math and science, even though Poland spends, on average, less than half as much per student as the United States does. One of the most striking differences between the high school Tom attended in Gettysburg and the one he ends up at in Warsaw is that the latter has no football team, or, for that matter, teams of any kind.

That American high schools waste more time and money on sports than on math is an old complaint. This is not a matter of how any given student who plays sports does in school, but of the culture and its priorities. This December, when the latest Program for International Student Assessment(PISA) results are announced, it’s safe to predict that American high-school students will once again display their limited skills in math and reading, outscored not just by students in Poland but also by students in places like South Korea, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, and Japan. Meanwhile, they will have played some very exciting football games, which will have been breathlessly written up in their hometown papers.

Why does this situation continue? Well, for one thing, kids like it. And for another, according to Ripley, parents seem to like the arrangement, too. She describes a tour she took of a school in Washington D.C., which costs thirty thousand dollars a year. The tour leader—a mother with three children in the school—was asked about the school’s flaws(暇疵). When she said that the math program was weak, none of the parents taking the tour reacted. When she said that the football program was weak, the parents suddenly became concerned. “Really?” one of them asked worriedly, “What do you mean?”

One of the ironies(讽刺) of the situation is that sports reveal what is possible. American kids’ performance on the field shows just how well they can do when expectations are high. It’s too bad that their test scores show the same thing.

1.According to Paragraph 2, we know that _______.

A. too much importance is placed on sports in America

B. little time is spent on sports in Japanese schools

C. American high schools complain about sports time

D. PISA plays a very important role in America

2.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means _______.

A. American students’ academic performance worries their parents a lot

B. high expectations push up American students’ academic performance

C. low expectations result in American students’ poor PISA performance

D. lacking practice contributes to American students’ average performance

3.The purpose of this article is to _______.

A. draw public attention to a weakness in American school tradition

B. call on American schools to learn from the Polish model

C. compare Polish schools with those in America

D. explain what is wrong with American schools and provide solutions

Jane arrives at Thornfield, having been met at the George Inn. Mrs. Fairfax confuses her a little at first, because she is so informal and welcoming. But in due course Jane discovers that Mrs. Fairfax is the housekeeper.

Jane’s pupil, Adele Varens, is the eight-year-old French child under the legal protection of Mr. Edward Rochester, the owner of the house. (We learn later that her mother had claimed she was his illegitimate daughter. Mr. Rochester is not convinced by this claim, but felt he could not leave the little girl poor when her mother died.)

Adele is a pleasant little girl, even if she is not a particularly eager student. Life goes on very peacefully for three months, until the return of Mr. Rochester. Jane first meets him on his horse, and her description of him is quite fanciful. He takes a fall and Jane helps him, although she does not know who he is until they are both back at Thornfield.

It is obvious to the reader, although not to Jane, that the reason why Mr. Rochester stays at Thornfield much longer than usual is that he finds her company enjoyable. Jane, unknowingly at first, falls in love with him. Their closeness is very apparent. There is something about Thornfield that is mysterious. Jane is encouraged to focus her attention on the servant Grace Poole, who is Mr. Rochester’s mad wife Bertha Mason’s keeper at Thornfield, and whose drunken carelessness frequently allows Bertha to escape and do something violent.

It is clear to the reader, though, that Mr. Rochester’s emotional engagement is immense. When his bed is set on fire, Jane rescues him, but does not understand why the matter is not pursued, despite Mr. Rochester assuring her the criminal is Grace. The next morning Grace behaves as though she has done nothing wrong.

Eventually, Mr. Rochester leaves, to go to a house party. He brings everyone at the party back with him, transforming the atmosphere in the house, and delighting Adele. One of the guests is Blanche Ingram, whom Mr. Rochester is confidently expected to marry. However, it is clear from the way she is portrayed in the book that she is too proud; our sympathies are not with her.

Mr. Rochester is called away from the house, and when he returns he chooses to play the role of a fortune teller. It is clear to the reader that one of his motives is to try to turn Blanche against the idea of marriage to him. While he has clearly bothered her, he is unsuccessful.

One afternoon, Jane hears that her cousin John Reed is dead and Mrs. Reed, who is probably on her deathbed, has been asking for her. With strict instructions from Mr. Rochester to return quickly, she sets off to Gateshead. On arrival, she realizes she no longer hates her cousins. However, Mrs. Reed is still bitter towards her, owing to the fact that Jane’s mother was Mr Reed’s favourite sister and this resulted in him apparently favouring Jane over his own children.

A short time later, Mrs. Reed gives Jane a letter from her uncle, John Eyre, that was written three years earlier. It explains how he planned to adopt Jane and allow her to inherit his fortune. Mrs. Reed never handed the letter over because of her bitterness. Jane tries once more to seek reconciliation (和解), but without success; her aunt dies that night.

1.Who does the underlined word “she” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. Jane. B. Mrs. Fairfax.

C. Adele Varens. D. Grace Poole.

2.The story of Adele Varens mainly indicates that ______.

A. women have a low social status

B. Mr. Rochester is sympathetic

C. Mr. Rochester is irresponsible

D. girls are often abandoned by their parents

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Mr. Rochester expects Blanche to marry him.

B. Mr. Rochester plays the role of a fortune teller to attract Jane.

C. Jane and Mr. Rochester enjoy each other’s company in Thornfield.

D. Grace Poole often gets drunk and does something violent.

4.Why is Mrs. Reed bitter towards Jane?

A. Because Jane inherited Mr. Reed’s fortune.

B. Because Jane didn’t get along well with her cousins.

C. Because Jane’s mother was more beautiful than Mrs. Reed.

D. Because Mr. Reed loved Jane more than his own children.


请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

What is eco?fashion? Eco-fashion is about making clothes that take into account the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry. It is a complex phenomenon and the common use of the fashionable terms—‘ecological’ and ‘ethical’. Ecological fashion usually refers to textile (织物) and clothing production processes and the environmental issues surrounding them;ethical fashion generally relates to the working conditions involved in the producing processes.

What are the problems with fashion? A closer look at the fashion industry points out many problems that are common practices in the creation of our fashions from the field to the factory. Firstly,the production of textiles pollutes the environment heavily. Cotton?planting uses pesticides;sheep?farming and wool?cleaning contribute to global warming;synthetics?making (人造纤维生产) brings about waste which does harm to our environment. Secondly,every stage of clothing production has a significant effect on the environment. They all use a great deal of energy,and some also involve chemicals which evidently do harm to the surroundings. In addition to this,there is a lot of waste produced in the process,especially in the form of polluted water. Thirdly,growing consumption levels and our shopping habits further worsen the bad effects. We are now buying clothes in increasing quantities without realizing the scale on which it affects natural environment,and we are also quick to throw away clothes that have been worn only a couple of times.

Then,how to solve the problems? Other industries that design products are ahead of the fashion industry when it comes to choosing sustainable materials, designing for minimum waste, choosing energy efficient manufacturing and creating products for longevity. The fashion industry has been slow to adopt these changes and part of the problem is the very nature of fashion. To a large degree,it is the fashion producers that really have the power and the responsibility to shape our future. There are numerous ways in which these producers can reduce their ecological footprint,from switching to green energy and reducing energy use,through selecting sustainable materials and choosing local suppliers,to recycle and minimize waste. On the other hand,as consumers we can all make contributions by selecting environmentally friendly clothing and reducing clothing consumption.

There is some concern that eco-friendly fashions are just a trend that we will eventually grow tired of but we can make sure that doesn't happen. Now many people are beginning to shop for organic food products because the benefits of eating food free of chemicals are straightforward and immediate. They relate directly to our personal health. In fact, choosing eco?fashion can also contribute to our personal health, though it is mostly done by way of keeping the health of the planet.

Why choose eco-fashion?

1. of fashion


Textile & clothing production processes;

Issues related to 2.


Working 3. involved

Problems with fashion

Textile 4.

Cotton-planting: use of pesticides;

Sheep?farming & wool?cleaning: global warming;

Synthetics-making: 5. waste

Clothing production

Producing a lot of waste;

Using chemicals;

6. a great deal of energy

Consumption levels & shopping habits

New clothes: bought in increasing quantities

Old clothes: 7. away quickly

8. to problems

Fashion producers

Ways to recycle and 9. waste:

Switching to green energy;

Reducing energy use;

Selecting sustainable materials;

Choosing local suppliers


Selecting environmentally friendly clothing

Reducing clothing consumption

Choosing eco?fashion can contribute to our personal health.

Grant Wood’s American Gothic caused a stir(轰动)in 1930 when it was exhibited for the first time at the Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of 300 dollars. Newspapers across the country carried the story, and the painting of a farmer and a younger woman posed before a white house brought the artist instant fame.

In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in the small southern Iowa town of Eldon. Wood was so fascinated by it that he decided to paint the house along with the kind of people he thought should live in that house. In the painting, the farmer is modeled on his dentist. Dr. Byron McKeeby. His younger sister Nan served as a model for the woman (imagined to be the farmer’s wife or daughter). Wood wanted to give a description of the traditional roles of men and women as the man is holding a pitchfork (干草叉) symbolizing hard labor. Each element was painted separately; the models sat separately and never stood in front of the house. The Gothic style of the house inspired the painting’s title.

American Gothic remains one of the most famous paintings in the history of American art. The painting has become part of American popular culture. Some believe that Wood used it to satirize(讽刺) the narrow-mindedness that has been said to characterize Midwestern culture. The painting may also be read as a praise of the moral virtue or rural America or even as a mixture of praise and satire. American Gothic is one of the few images to reach the status of cultural symbol, along with Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

1.What can we learn about American Gothic?

A.It won a prize of £300.

B.The two characters in it posed before the White House.

C.It was the first painting by Grant Wood.

D.It was on show at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1930.

2.From the passage we can infer Iowa is in __________.

A.the southern town of Eldon

B.the Midwest of the United States

C.a European country

D.the city of Chicago

3.Grant Wood chose the two models __________. describe traditional roles of men and women praise the moral virtue of rural America make his dentist and his sister famous carry the story across the country

4.The title of the painting is based on __________.

A.the name of a small town

B.the man and the woman

C.the Gothic style of the house

D.the pitchfork symbolizing hard labor

When early colonial settlers went to America, they took many forms of dance to their new home. Square dancing, one of the oldest forms of American folk dancing, developed from several different Old World group dances, mainly English country dances, and the French quadrille(四对方舞).

In the American version of square dancing, four couples form a square and dance to music. An American addition to square dancing is the caller. What do you think a caller does?

The callers---someone who calls out the dance steps in time to the music--- was a completely American invention. At first dancers memorized all the steps for a particular dance, but eventually the dances became so complicated that it was necessary to have someone call out cues (提示) so that dancers didn’t have to remember so many steps. The caller didn’t just call out “do-se-do your partner”; a good caller also came up with colorful sayings or witty lines that he said in between the cues such as “Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid. Swing on the corner in a waltz promenade (步伐).” A caller might also come up with new dance steps and routines.

Although popular for years, square dancing seemed to be going out of style and fading away until the early 1930s, when Henry Ford helped revive(复苏)interest in it. Ford, the automobile manufacturer, used to vacation at the Wayside Inn in Massachusetts, where he enjoyed the dance programme run by a man named Benjamin Lovett. Ford asked Lovett to come to Detroit and teach dances, but Lovett said he couldn’t because he had a contract with the inn. Ford solved that problem by buying the inn and Lovett’s contract. He took Lovett back to Detroit, where together they established a programme for teaching squares and rounds. Square dancing was updated and groups began forming all over the country.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Different Steps of Square Dancing

B. The Origin and Development of Square Dancing

C. Who Was the Inventor of Square Dancing?

D. Why Did Square Dancing Go Out of Style?

2.What does the underlined part “their new home” refer to?

A. The United Kingdom. B. France.

C. Africa. D. America.

3.Why did the caller call out the steps for the dancers?

A. Because the dance was invented by the caller.

B. Because the dancers didn’t know the names of the steps.

C. Because the steps were very particular.

D. Because it was hard for the dancers to remember all the steps.

4.What can we learn about Henry Ford in the last paragraph?

A. He was the man who made the first car.

B. He was very fond of dancing.

C. He helped make square dancing popular again.

D. He taught people how to dance.

Almost every day we come across situations in which we have to make decisions one way or another. Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people in the world. In rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something wonderful but hard to get, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, a false idea created by companies and advertiser, hoping to sell their products.

The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people’s lives. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away, or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted. Recent studies in England have shown that many electrical goods bought in almost every family are not really needed. More difficult decision-making is then either avoided or trusted into the hands of the professionals, lifestyle instructors, or advisors.

It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products come on the market. Advances in design and production help quicken the process Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The typical example is computers, which are almost out-of-date once they are bought. This indeed makes selection a problem. Gone are the days when one could just walk with case into a shop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety.

1.What does the author try to argue in Paragraph 1?

A. The exercise of rights is a luxury.

B. The practice of choice is difficult.

C. The right of choice is given but at a price.

D. Choice and right exist at the same time.

2.Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety?

A. Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable product.

B. People are likely to find themselves overcome by business persuasion.

C. Shoppers may find themselves lost in the broad range of items.

D. Companies and advertisers are often misleading about the range of choice.

3.By using computers as an example, the author wants to prove that .

A. advanced products meet the needs of people

B. products of the latest design fold the market

C. competitions are fierce in high-tech industry

D. everyday goods need to be replaced often

4.What is this passage mainly about?

A. The variety of choices in modern society.

B. The opinions on people’s right in different countries.

C. The problems about the availability of everyday goods.

D. The helplessness in purchasing decisions.

Mr William Shakespeare and the Internet

Explanation of Contents

This is the fourth edition of these pages. It is hard to believe, but once again they are new and improved. My motive in publishing these pages remains to help and stimulate others in Shakespeare studies, and especially those who might contribute their work to the Internet. The spirit of altruism (利他主义) that originally built the Internet is not quite gone, though, sadly, through the pressure of time and profit has lessened.

A major new addition to the pages is a Shakespeare Timeline, which is an online biography mounted at this site. The problems with searching for Shakespeare resources using the available Search Engines are:

---- It is difficult to focus most searches so that you get a manageable number of relevant hits;

---- It is impossible by simply reading an abstract(摘要) to make any distinction between the output of a Junior High School student and that of a professional researcher.

Another change in these pages over previous editions is the “What’s News” page. If you come away from these pages with the feeling that they are very useful but slightly pedantic (学究的), I will have realized my goal.

An Apology

I am continually apologizing to the many who have written me requesting revisions of the pages. We are all too busy. I simply have not had the time to dedicate to these pages that I wish. But I love the material and so have, at long last, made some time to update them.

A Reminder to Young Students

These pages contain the best links I can find to Shakespeare on the Internet. As a reminder, I would say I very much enjoy hearing from people who view and use these pages. If you want to do Shakespeare research using the web, this page is a great starting point, and I keep it as current as I can. The web is in its infancy(初期in bringing good, scholarly content to students. Don’t forget the best, if not quickest, resources are still in your library.

1.The passage is written to ________.

A. introduce the fourth edition of these pages

B. make an apology to readers

C. show off these pages to readers

D. let Shakespeare researchers buy these pages

2.When searching for Shakespeare resources using Search Engines, you ________.

A. can easily recognize what the abstract means

B. will waste some time in finding what you want

C. will often come into the “What’s News” pages

D. will find something special on your computers

3.Which of the following can best conclude the last paragraph?

A. The writer will often read letters from those who use these pages.

B. The writer of the passage is very selfish.

C. The web was just created four years ago.

D. Shakespeare researchers should first of all refer to these pages.


Making Peace with Your Parents

As a teen, you’re going through big changes physically and mentally. Your interests are increasing. 1. . Here is the challenge: Kids need to explore the world in new ways, and parents need to protect them from the dangers that are all out in that world. These conflicts can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm houses. Sometimes conflicts can’t be avoided. But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships, you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.

For instance, try to find a time to talk when your parents are not angry, tired, distracted or hungry. A good time to talk is when you’re all relaxed. Timing is everything. If the conversation begins to turn into an argument, you’d better calmly and coolly ask to stop the conversation for now. 2. . Listen to what your parents are saying, and repeat it back to them. This shows them that you’re listening. 3. . Respect is the building block of good communication. People who respect each other and care about each others’ feelings can disagree without getting things ugly. 4. . How do you build trust? Trust comes by actually doing what you say you’re going to do. Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships. Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rule-maker—they’re interestingpeople who like to watch movies and go shopping—just like their teenagers!

What do you do if you are trying your best, but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky? 5. You can find supportive adults, such as a teacher or a coach, who can lend an ear. Remember you can only change your own behavior. Your parents are the only ones who can change theirs.

A. It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you’re not on the same page.

B. You can pick it up again when everyone’s more relaxed.

C. And then you’ll be able to accept what your parents say.

D. Faced with the challenge, children don’t know what to do

E. You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if

your parents believe in you.

F. And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.

G. You may consider seeking outside help.


It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold.I have always been an early bird and my morning walks have been the _________ for the last 7 years, so I put on my shoes to __________ for my first walk of the New Year.

There was complete __________ outside.Litter could be seen everywhere.It seemed that everyone had an all-night_ _________ .It was too cold to_ _________ anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the morning.I was__________ to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.

I was about to leave__________ I saw Sam cleaning the garden.He is an employee of our society association and is_________ to take care of the walkways and the garden.I walked up to Sam as it was a(an) _ _________ to see him there cleaning at this time.He saw me and politely__________ me, "Happy New Year!"

“How come you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a new year?” I asked. Sam answered_ _________,“It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and special. For me, today is like any other__________ day and my job starts with the _________ .”

It was good to see someone so__________ at heart. Like other staff members, Sam could have taken a day_ _________ , but he woke up early and came for all of us. I suddenly realized life does not _________ when the clock strikes twelve at midnight and a New Year begins. We__________ all night, the surround is dirty.Life goes on and others need to__________up early and clear the garbage.Isn't the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbage? Why can't we also keep our_ _________ clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day? It is true that small things can make a big_________ in our lives.

1.A.manner B.trend C.routine D.procedure

2.A.look B.send C.long D.head

3.A.waste B.freedom C.silence D.absence

4.A.celebration B.tradition C.decoration D.pollution

5.A.order B.expect D.catch

6.A.tired B.scared C.puzzled D.annoyed

7.A.because B.though C.unless D.when

8.A.advised B.promoted C.supposed D.determined

9.A.pleasure B.success C.surprise D.honour

10.A.suggested B.wished C.asked. D.congratulated

11.A.coldly B.hopefully C.casually D.calmly

12.A.dirty B.narrow C.busy D.cold

13.A.beginning B.same C.special

14.A.devoted B.cautious C.honest D.polite

15.A.over B.out C.up

16.A.change B.improve C.return D.happen

17.A.sleep D.clean

18.A.put B.stay C.wake D.pick

19.A.surroundings B.conditions C.background D.location

20.A.decision' B.difference C.promise D.suggestion

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