Here's one very simple but lifechanging piece of advice that I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead, use that hour to read books that could improve your life.

If you're a salesman, google for the best and most useful books on improving your sales.

This applies to all fields, not just the work-related ones. Maybe you want to improve your health, become a more energetic person. Or maybe you want to improve your study, your relations or perhaps do some personal development.

One hour a day is not much. But if you read for one hour a day on weekdays, that's about 260 hours a year. That's a large number of books and a lot of useful advice.

If you follow the ideas, who knows what great things and feelings could come into your life. Also, all that information and advice will start to open up your mind. You will start to see more chances in your life.

Now, you might think something like this:

1. I really don't have the money...

Answer: Visit your public library or search the database. Or look for books that are used in places like

2. I really don't have the time...

Answer: Buy audiobooks and listen to them in the car while driving to and from work. Or copy them to your MP3-player and listen while riding your bike /bus to work or school. Recently selling audiobooks through MP3-downloads has become popular...

Shut off the TV a little earlier and start reading.

1.What is Brian Tracy's lifechanging advice about?

A. Watching TV.

B. Listening to MP3.

C. Surfing the internet.

D. Reading helpful books.

2.Which is NOT true about reading an hour a day?

A. It will open up your mind.

B. You will have about 260 hours a year to read.

C. You will read lots of books and get much useful advice.

D. It will probably bring great things and feelings into your life.

3.What should you do if you really don't have the money to read?

A. To buy some books from

B. To download MP3 free.

C. To visit the public library.

D. To borrow audiobooks and listen to them.

4.What is the writer's idea about audiobooks?

A. They are more useful.

B. Listening to audiobooks is easier than reading books.

C. It's dangerous to listen to audiobooks while driving or riding.

D. Audiobooks are a good solution to the problem of having no time to read.

Le Val de Cantobre, Aveyron (France)

It’s in the grounds of a medieval house. There’s a swimming pool, a river and a pizza restaurant. The scenery around the park is beautiful and great for walking. A week’s stay will cost you about ?280.

For more information please go to

Four Seasons Tented Camp, Golden Triangle (Thailand)

This must be one of the best campsites in the world. Instead of tents, there are “canvas cabins”. And there’s a gourmet restaurant, a spa and a pool. There are only 15 of cabins to rent so you’ll have to book early. The campsite can only be reached by river boat, but once there you can learn to ride an elephant. Unfortunately, it isn’t cheap, and two nights at the Four Seasons will cost you about ?1,500!

For more information please go to

Three Cliffs Bay, Gower (Wales)

The Three Cliffs Bay is in a beautiful part of the country, and it won’t cost you much either: a family tent (2 adults, 2 children) is about ?28 a day. There’s a camp shop where you can buy food and drinks, and there are pubs and restaurants nearby so you won’t even have to cook. You can water-ski from the beach, or go walking along the Gower Way.

For more information please go to

Longitude 131, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park (Australia)

Situated in the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, near the massive red rock formerly known as Ayer’s Rock, this is more like a hotel than a campsite. There’s a restaurant, a pool and even a library. The only problem is that it’s a bit expensive — around ?1,500 a night.

For more information please go to

1.If a couple want to stay in Le Val de Cantobre for two days, they will have to pay about .

A. ?56 B. ?280 C. ?160 D. ?80

2.Visitors can do all the following in Four Seasons Tented Camp EXCEPT .

A. enjoy a spa B. rent a cabin

C. ride an elephant D. visit a pub

3.If families like water-skiing, they can find information on .





4.What do we know about Longitude 131?

A. It is the most expensive. B. It is made of rocks.

C. It is located on a bay. D. It is a real hotel.

Too much eating. Too many unhealthy foods. Too many ads for food. Too few activities. Different reasons are given for America’s weight problem---a problem increasingly shared by other countries. Almost one-fifth of American children and teenagers are overweight.

Schools have been asked to increase physical education, an important tool for public health. However, a recent study has shown an increase in the number of injuries in P.E. classes.

Researchers say one possible reason for this is a decrease in the number of school nurses. Schools without a nurse on duty may be more likely to send an injured child to a hospital.

Another possible reason for more injuries is a change in the traditional idea of physical education. This “New P.E.” expands the kinds of sports that are taught. But activities that some schools offer now, like rock climbing and skateboarding, can also increase the risks, says Cheryl Richardson, who is with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education(NASPE).

She also says not all states require P.E. teachers to be specially trained. Untrained teachers could be less likely to recognize unsafe conditions.

Cheryl Richardson points to one of the study’s findings –that injuries are often the result of contact with a person or a structure. This tells her that the teachers were not giving each student enough space to move around safely.

Six activities produced seventy percent of all injuries: running, basketball, football, volleyball, rugby and gymnastics.

The researchers say larger class sizes are another possible reason for the increase in injuries. Larger classes can mean less supervision(监督). The National Association for Sport and Physical Education says twenty to thirty students in a P.E. class should be the limit.

1.What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. What leads to the weight problem in America.

B. Whether students should have more P.E. classes.

C. Why there have been more injuries in P.E. classes.

D. What kinds of activities are safe for school students.

2.We can know from the third paragraph that__________.

A. nurses are paid more in hospitals than in schools in America.

B. many nurses in American schools don’t have good skills.

C. fewer people choose to become a nurse in America.

D. American schools need more school nurses at present.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. P.E. classes become more dangerous for students now in America.

B. Fewer and fewer students are interested in P.E. classes in America.

C. The number of P.E. teachers in schools must be increased now.

D. P.E. classes follow the traditional ideas in physical education.

4.According to Cheryl Richardson,____________.

A. students should do more exercise when they are at school

B. teachers are partly responsible for injuries in P.E. classes

C. the equipment for P.E. classes must be improved in all schools.

D. P.E. teachers should give students more freedom in their classes


Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp ,an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm. 1.

What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. 2.

When it is spring in the northern part of the world, it is fall in Australia. 3. The strong winds sweep over Australia like huge vacuum cleaners, collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish. 4.

Although they seem unusual, fish-falls occur quite frequently in Australia. When Bill Tapp was asked to describe the scene of fish, he remarked, “They look like millions of dead birds falling down.” 5. The wonders of the natural world are as common as rain. Nature, with its infinite wonders, can create waterfalls that flow upward and fish that fall out of the sky.

A. Strong winds may carry these bits of nature for many miles before dropping them on fields, houses, and astonished people.

B. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm.

C. How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof.

D. How happy he must have been when he saw a rain of fish covering his farm.

E. Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and rains flood the land.

F. His statement is not surprising.

G. Throughout the summer season, rainstorms flood the land.



Last night it was still light out when I returned home from work. My new neighbors and his _________ were in their favorite place, outside in the yard, playing baseball. The young boy always reports to me how many "home runs" he hits and I always clap and _________ for him.

These guys are special. Where you see one of them, the other is not far away. The dad is always talking with the child face to face, _________ on the child… not talking on a cellphone or walking ahead of the boy so that he has to run to _________ him. This guy is really great. It _________ my heart to see a father and son enjoying each other's _________ like they do.

As they were returning to their upstairs apartment, I_________ the dad if his son had a _________ . The boy was far ahead and couldn't hear us. He said no. I _________ no time going to the store and I was beside myself with excitement as I _________ a new bike in a style that most kids like. I_________ the bike into my car carefully and off I went.

At home, I took out the bike and carried it upstairs to their _________ and left it outside the door. Not an easy _________ for a 50-year-old woman! About five minutes later, they were at my door, with the boy dancing up and down with _________ , the dad humble (谦卑的)and _________ . I told the dad that I needed to get rid of a bike that I was _________ for a friend, and he was happy to take it from me. Now the two of them have another_________ they can do together.

I told the dad _________ proud I was of him for valuing quality time with his son. It's something the boy will _________ throughout his life. For me, it's one of life's _________ to see them together.

1.A. daughter B. son C. sister D. brother

2.A. call B. care C. cheer D. prepare

3.A. focusing B. depending C. carrying D. passing

4.A. put up with B. keep up with C. look up to D. look forward to

5.A. breaks B. burns C. hurts D. warms

6.A. company B. benefit C. respect D. hope

7.A. told B. demanded C. asked D. suggested

8.A. doll B. toy C. car D. bike

9.A. saved B. wasted C. spent D. had

10.A. picked out B. gave out C. broke out D. figured out

11.A. sent B. filled C. charged D. put

12.A. apartment B. office C. shop D. hotel

13.A. effort B. duty C. task D. road

14.A. courage B. excitement C. calmness D. disappointment

15.A. active B. careful C. serious D. thankful

16.A. repairing B. producing C. storing D. hiding

17.A. activity B. interest C. movement D. experiment

18.A. why B. how C. what D. whether

19.A. imagine B. expect C. follow D. remember

20.A. purposes B. dreams C. pleasures D. secrets

Mr. White was born in a small village. His parents worked hard on their farm but they couldn’t get enough food for the family. Of course, he couldn’t be sent to school and his uncle who worked in a school taught him at home. And he learned a lot before he left there. When he was sixteen, he found work in a factory. As an abled worker, the boss liked him and seven years later the boss married his daughter to him and with his help, Mr White had his own factory after another seven years passed.

Mrs. White liked her husband very much. So she was always afraid he loved the other women. She often asked him a lot of questions. He wouldn’t make her angry and was more careful.

One evening Mr. White was very busy and he told his secretary to help him. When they finished the work, it was ten in the evening. He had to see her home. That night his wife felt unwell and told him to take her to a hospital. He helped her to get on the car and started. But soon after that he found there was a shoe in the car. He had a look at his wife. The woman seemed to be asleep. He picked it up gently and threw it out of the window.

Soon they got to the hospital. As he was going to help her to get off, suddenly the woman called out, “Where’s my shoe?”

1.Why could Mr. White not be sent to school?

A. His parents were both farmers

B. He was born in a poor family

C. He could learn all subjects by himself

D. They were often worried about food

2.How old was Mr. White when he had his own factory?

A. sixteen B. twenty-three C. thirty D. forty

3.Mr. White tried to be careful,because he was afraid .

A. he would be sent away

B. his wife wouldn’t help him

C. he would be busy

D. his wife would be unhappy

Cocoa Beach /Jupiter Surf Camp — Summer

Summer Surf Camp is centrally located on the Best Western seashore in Cocoa Beach & Jupiter at Carlin Beach Park with accommodations(住宿) at the Holiday Inn Express in Juno Beach.

Summer Surf Camp Dates:

● Surf Camp — Session 1 May 27th—30th Family Surf Week (All Ages)

● Surf Camp — Session 2 June 2nd—6th Family Surf Week (All Ages)

● Surf Camp — Session 3 June9th—13th Team Week (Ages 12—17)

● Surf Camp — Session 4 June16th—20th Family Surf Week (All Ages)

● Surf Camp — Session 5 June23rd—27th Adults Only (18 and over)

● Surf Camp — Session 6 June30th—July 3rd Family Surf Week (All Ages)

● Surf Camp — Session 7 July 7th—11th Family Surf Week (All Ages)

● Surf Camp — Session 8 July 14th—18th Women’s Camp (18 and over)

● Surf Camp — Session 9 July 21st—25th Family Surf Week (All Ages)

● Surf Camp — Session 10 July 28th—August 1st Adults Only (18 and over)

* A 20% discount will be applied to the 4-Day Surf Camp Weeks.

* Parents are always welcome to sign up and join their children during the teen week surf camp sessions.

Summer Camp Details:

● Use coupon(优惠券) code: “Camp5” at checkout to get the 5% discount

* Daily Rate: $125.00 / person

* Surf Camp Runs: 9:30 am — 2:30 pm

● Please note: We don’t supervise(监督) the campers after 2: 45 pm.

* Directions to Camp: click here

Contact us: 888-672-4887

1.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. C. A website. D. A book.

2.If the Smiths with their 11-year-old son want to join in the Summer Surf Camp, they’d better go there on .

A. June 10th B. June 23rd C. July 22nd D. July 29th

3.If Mr and Mrs Brown have a “Camp5” coupon and want to join in the Summer Surf Camp from June 30th to July 3rd, how much should they pay?

A. $600. B. $760. C. $800. D. $950.

4.What can we know from the form?

A. The campers are supervised all day.

B. A couple can sign up and join in the Camp by fax.

C. Parents can take part in Session 3 together with their children.

D. An adult can join in the Summer Surf Camp on any day in June.

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