Dear Grandma,

It was nice seeing you at Christmas. You looked so happy!

After losing two grandparents within the past year, I have taken some time to reflect on(反思) what is most important.I want to let you know what a positive influence you have been on me.I am the person I am because of you.

I remember being on your farm a lot when I was younger.I remember the projects you planned for us.We painted rocks to represent our family members.We made doll clothes out of colorful socks. We made many "playhouses" in the woods.

We learned that if you left a bucket of soybeans in the rain, you would soon have a bucket of growing beans.We learned that if we helped pick the strawberries in the morning, we'd have them on our ice cream in the afternoon.We learned that some plants have funny names, like the elephant ear plant.We learned that you could make do with what you had.We learned that making things out of paper and cardboard was more fun than what came inside the packaging.We learned it was OK to get dirty, but Grandma would wash us up before Mom came.

You once made models of everyone's houses, which made me want to be an architect.Another time, you made quilts for all of the grandkids.I still use mine every night.The edge has worn out.

But you taught me how to fix it.

I love and respect you.You are always patient, with a quiet determination.

Grandma, thank you for everything you have taught me.I hope that I am able to pass on all these memories and skills to my children and grandchildren.

Love always,


1.After losing two grandparents, the author began to _____.

A.become a person like her grandma

B.realize her grandma's effect on her

C.write to her grandma regularly her grandma very much

2.From the passage, we can see that Kelly's grandma ______.

A.was willing to help others

B.was skilled in making things

C.wanted Kelly to be an architect

D.disliked the kids' bad behaviors

3.Kelly wrote this letter mainly to ______. love, respect and thanks to her grandma

B.send her grandma best wishes for Christmas

C.recall her happy life on the farm

D.ask her grandma for help

A lot of the time celebrities have a team of people telling them what to wear for every different occasion. However, a naturally style savvy (精通时的) celebrity is not unheard of.

Kate Moss

Rising to fame in the mid-1990s, Kate Moss is one of the biggest supermodels ever and a fashion veteran (老手). According to Forbes magazine, Moss has since earned more money than ever before.

Emma Watson

Born in 1990,well-known for starring in the Harry Potter films, Emma Watson is known for her beauty, and flawless style and grace on and off the red carpet. An advocate (倡导者) of eco-friendly fashion, Emma’s worked with Italian designer Alberta Ferretti in 2011 on a collection of organic clothing featuring a series of environmentally friendly dresses.

Victoria Beckham

Well known for being real trendsetter(潮人), It’s not novel that Victoria Beckham is among the list of style savvy (精通时尚的) celebrities . Indeed it was only a matter of time for her to start designing her own collection. The former Spice Girl had her own fashion brand, dvb, in 2007. Her designing works, ranging from clothes to fragrances(香水), have been well received.

Justin Timberlake

A global music superstar, Justin Timberlake also earned the respect of fashion gurus (大师)—not only for being one of the most stylish celebrities but also for being a promising designer. Justin has managed to incorporate (使融入) his sense of style into the clothing line, which is best known for its jeans.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Kate Moss is a supermodel as well as a singer in the group---Spice Girl.

B.Emma Watson worked with Italian designer---Alberta Ferretti when she was 21.

C.Justin Timberlake has put his sense of style into the clothing line which is best known for shirts.

D. Victoria Beckham is a real trendsetter but has no designing works yet.

2.Which of the following word can best replace the underline word “novel” in para.4 __________

A.fiction B. normal C.unsual D.common

3.Which might be the best title of the article?

A.Fashion days

B. Learn to be a stylist from some celebrities

C. Fashionable pop singers

D. Some style savvy celebrities

An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son.

Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched on the tree near their window.

The father asked his son, ''What is this? ''

The son replied, ''It is a crow. ''

After a few minutes, the father asked his son the 2nd time, ''What is this? ''

The son said, ''Father, I have just now told you 'It's a crow'. ''

After a little while, the old father again asked his son the 3rd time, ''What is this? ''

''It's a crow, a crow, a crow.'' said the son loudly.

A little after, the father again asked his son the 4th time, ''What is this? ''

This time the son shouted at his father, ''Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this? ''

A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary, which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary:

''Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel annoyed; I rather felt affection for my innocent child. ''

1. In what tone did the son say to his Father ''It's a crow, a crow, a crow. ''?

A. concerned B. anxious

C. impatient D. astonished

2.Why did the Father ask his son the same question again and again?

A. Because he couldn't understand what his son said.

B. Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be.

C. Because he wanted to make his son angry.

D. Because he was too old to remember anything.

3.How old was the old man when his son asked him 23 times ''What is this''?

A. 80 years old. B. 45 years old.

C. 35years old. D. 38 years old.

4.Where is the article most probably taken from?

A. Travel journal B. a collection of poetry

C. Newspaper D. a short story collection

How to Be a Good Friend

A good friend, who wouldn’t want one? Ever felt like yours just not good enough but don’t know where to improve?__ 1.___ I used to annoy a lot of my friends before, just for the sake of having fun and from that, I’ve learned how to be a good friend, and stay as a good friend.


No one likes being interrupted when they’re talking. So, when someone talks, keep yourself quiet and listen to them, especially if they’re feeling down, you need to be the shoulder for them to cry on. If you have any comment to make, be sure that you word it in a way where you don’t sound too negative.__ 2.__ When you just don't share the same interest or you’re not in the mood to listen to them, politely let them know and ask them to understand.

Always smile.

_3.___ The least you can do is, whenever you see your friends, smile and say hello. That way, if they had a bad day, you can make them feel better with your smile along with your ear, and maybe, you can share something funny to cheer them up.

Don’t ever lie.

Everyone would hate being lied to, especially if it’s by your own friend, so don't lie! It might seem alright to lie occasionally, but once you lose your friend’s trust, you may lose them forever. __4.____

Keep secrets.

Make sure you can keep a secret. If not, tell your friends straight away you cannot help yourself when it comes to secrets. Otherwise, when you let them tell you about their secrets and you “accidentally” share it with someone else, you’ll have your friends hating you for the rest of your life. __5.____ Secrets are not meant to be shared, so don’t even try.

A.Everyone has their bad days, and it’s unavoidable.

B.And that is something you surely do not want to happen.

C.They’ll probably call you “big mouth”.

D.A few people seem upset at you for being so direct.

E.Otherwise, they may just take it as you are trying to put them down.

F.This same thing happened to a good friend of mine.

G.Well, you’ve come to the right place.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind _________ your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only _________ seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “_________ am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I _________ to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She _________ in a car accident and now was on her way for _________ .

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to _________ that Kathy would not be able to _________ herself. I considered _________ to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too _________ to offer a service to a _________. But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more _________ than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and __________ she was uncomfortable to accept, she_________ as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart _________, and the _________ was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached _________ my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love _________ flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us _________ . When we stretch to serve ___________ , we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

1.A. losing B. changing C. taking D. giving

2.A. comfortable B. available C. suitable D. favorable

3.A. No way B. No problem C. Nowhere D. No doubt

4.A. decided B. wanted C. regretted D. promised

5.A. was B. would be C. had been D. used to be

6.A. business B. travel C. pleasure D. treatment

7.A. know B. say C. recognize D. realize

8.A. eat B. choose C. feed D. support

9.A. stopping B. needing C. offering D. trying

10.A. far B.impolite C. close D. fast

11.A. stranger B. neighbor C. passenger D. girl

12.A. unusual B. direct C. important D. shameful

13.A. although B. when C. since D. as

14.A. refused B. wondered C. did D. cried

15.A. had cheered B. had jumped C. had broken D. had warmed

16.A. life B. time C. money D. energy

17.A. below B. through C. across D. beyond

18.A. seldom B. sometimes C. hardly D. never

19.A. unhappy B. independent C. silent D. separate

20.A. another B. ones C. other D. the other



With global warming and melting ice, it isn’t easy being a polar bear anymore. Some studies have predicted that polar bears could die out by the end of the century. The good news is not all researchers think the bears are absolutely disappearing. Scientists at the American Museum of Natural History(AMNH) have published a new paper indicating that things might not be as bad for polar bears as some scientists expect.

To understand the reason for the researchers’ cautious optimism, we must first understand the factors that are threatening the polar bear’s existence. Polar bears consume a diet of mainly young seals. In order to hunt these seals, polar bears need to rest at the top of sea ice---the same ice that is increasingly melting for most of the year thanks to climate change. In another 50 years, experts expect that the Arctic will be too warm for sea ice to form for half of the year, leaving polar bears without a reliable food source and in serious danger of starvation.

As it turns out, alternative food sources for the polar bears aren’t completely out of the question. For as long as biologists have tailed after the animals, they’ve seen polar bears eating animals found on land like caribou(驯鹿) and snow geese---as well as the snow geese’s eggs.

Can polar bears actually survive off these alternative food sources for long periods of time? To figure this out, researchers calculated the nutrients that a caribou and snow geese diet would provide. They found that even adult male polar bears would be able to obtain more calories than they would burn in hunting these meals. Moreover, the food would provide the food necessary to avoid starvation during the summer months.

Unfortunately, not all polar bears have tended to seek food on land. That said, the researchers expect that necessity would push more polar bears to hunt on land to avoid starvation. They also expect that the bears could learn from their fellow bears how to hunt on land until the practice becomes second nature.







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