

Before I turned 29, my parents moved to Queensland, where I arrived for a visit six months later. I upon my mother with hugs, and for the first time in my life I said, “I love you, mom!” Then I gently , expecting some kind of reciprocation. But it never came. Instead, she appeared in horror.

When I was back at work, I overheard a workmate on a call to her mother and she concluded it with “I love you, Mum.” As as that. Why wasn’t it like that in mine? Something had to be done about this situation once and for all.

My came the next Sunday during my weekly phone call to my mother. After we had shared our usual pleasantries and , I took a deep breath and asked, “Do you love me, Mum?” After a short , she replied, “I love you. Don’t be silly. You know we never said things like that in my family.”

“Well, I want it to be said in ours. From now on I want to our conversations with ‘I love you.’”

In May 2000 my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was to hospital, and I phoned every day to her. One evening when I rang, a nurse answered the phone and regretfully informed me that my mother’s condition had rapidly worsened. She wasn’t expected to it through the night.

Knowing I couldn’t get a flight in time, I asked the nurse to put the phone next to my mother’s ear so I could talk to her. “She’s conscious,” the nurse replied. “It’s unlikely she’ll hear you.” But I didn’t care. I wanted to do it .

she’d placed the phone by my mother’s ear, I started and telling Mum over and over again that I loved her. At first, all I could hear was “Hmmmm”—but then, like a miracle, with a deep she said, “Love you … love you, darling.” It was the last thing she said before drifting into .

Although I was overwhelmed by her death, the surprising part was how well I . Of course, losing a parent is extremely painful and I shed many tears, but receiving those lovely last words made it much more . I had closure in the best possible way.

1.A. fell B. struck C. relied D. depended

2.A. pushed off B. turned up C. pulled away D. looked on

3.A. deserted B. frozen C. guilty D. clumsy

4.A. simple B. sacred C. apparent D. original

5.A. stress B. crisis C. emergency D. love

6.A. potential B. opportunity C. inspiration D. choice

7.A. interests B. secrets C. expectations D. updates

8.A. preparation B. friction C. hesitation D. identification

9.A. end B. start C. continue D. hold

10.A. permitted B. admitted C. allowed D. sentenced

11.A. check on B. attend to C. call on D. see to

12.A. take B. face C. make D. cool

13.A. entirely B. absolutely C. slightly D. barely

14.A. therefore B. otherwise C. anyway D. somehow

15.A. Before B. Once C. Unless D. Since

16.A. whispering B. yelling C. screaming D. sobbing

17.A. sigh B. conversation C. thought D. sleep

18.A. calmness B. unconsciousness C. hardness D. sickness

19.A. prayed B. clarified C. coped D. concluded

20.A. authentic B. arbitrary C. precise D. bearable

Many people influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments, and values. I have been fortunate to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures. But of all the people I have known in my life, the person I admire most is my father.

As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy’s little girl”. While I grew up, it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children’s lives. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel, so I could accomplish my work outstandingly among my people. Whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice. From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others’ needs ahead of your own, but you should make sure you are not taken advantage of by others. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and he is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on, no matter how tiny it is. I highly respect him for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, compassion for people, and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved man, but to everybody’s surprise, he has a great sense of humor, and always knows how to put a smile on the faces of his wife, his children and his friends.

Living in his affection and instruction, I am very proud of my father. He also professes how proud he is of his children, and is still there to support us in whatever we are involved in.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. How my father loved me

B. My father—the person I admire most

C. I am the apple on my father’s palm

D. My father—the one who influenced me most

2.Which of the following could not be used to describe the author’s father?

A. Considerate and humorous

B. Affectionate and open-minded

C. Knowledgeable and sociable

D. Energetic and helpful

3.Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “excel”?

A. Do better than others. B. Show off.

C. Be cleverer than others. D. Keep healthy

4.What can we infer about the author?

A. She appreciated her father because he solved all the problems for her.

B. She considered her father humorous and was often made to laugh by him.

C. She had sympathy for the fatherless.

D. She was outstanding in work because her father pushed her hard.

Tired of all the pushing in supermarkets? Fed up with waiting in endless lines to pay for what you have bought? Angry at wasting time in traffic jams only to find no parking spaces when you eventually arrive at the store? If this is you, then online shopping is the answer to your dreams of trouble-free shopping. Or is it?

Online shopping brings its own challenges. Here are a few things to bear in mind when browsing (浏览) various websites. The claim made by online sites is that shopping online is a safe and secure way to make purchases. The evidence challenges this. In any case, you only have to be the victim of fraud (诈骗) once to experience all the problems that come with this form of stealing. Use only sites that have a trusted history and an excellent reputation.

Another problem is the appearance of items in reality is often quite different from what you see on your computer screen. This might not be a problem if you are buying washing up powder but could be a major disappointment when that beautiful blue dress you ordered turns up in green. Also, product descriptions are sometimes simply untrue. Perhaps the wisest plan is to purchase items where design and color are not essential to customer satisfaction.

Some even argue that online shopping indirectly contributes to global warming. Yes, your car can stay parked but how are online goods delivered? Often by some large vans pouring out carbon monoxide and adding to our already desperate traffic problems. You are also by now becoming increasingly irritated (使烦恼) by the fact that the delivery is late and you have wasted the leave from work you have taken to receive it!

Without question, online shopping is here to stay and it has its benefits. However, perhaps it is not as wonderful as some of its supporters claim it to be.

1.The author lists several questions in Para. 1 to .

A. support online shopping

B. collect answers from readers

C. show his dislike of going shopping

D. introduce the topic of the passage

2. By what can online shoppers avoid fraud?

A. Using only trusted websites.

B. Choosing big websites.

C. Collecting shopping evidence.

D. Seeking advice from the police.

3.The author agrees with the fact that ______.

A. customers are never satisfied with products

B. online shopping is a safe way to make purchases

C. online shopping has nothing to do with global warming

D. delivery delay often makes online shoppers unhappy

4.What is the author’s attitude towards online shopping?

A. Very popular. B. A wise choice.

C. Not trouble free. D. A waste of time.



I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. I’m left ________ .Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other ________ ?

I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, ________ children from different races and religions played and studied ________ in harmony. At that time my family lived a stone’s__ ________ from Ismail’s. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hindu-we just ________ our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well ________ or otherwise.

We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, we’d ________ the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to ________ the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his ________.

When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismail’s family later returned to their village, and I ________ touch with him.

One spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I ________ my destination. The driver acknowledged my ________ but did not move off. Instead, he looked ________ at me. “Raddar?”he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号). I was astonished at being so ________ addressed(称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two ________ we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something ________to describe.

If we can allow our children to be ________ without prejudice, they’ll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be ________ their side through thick and thin. On such friendships are societies build and ________ we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote, “we happy few, we band of brothers”.

1.A. interested B. pleased C. puzzled D. excited

2.A. parties B. cities C. villages D. races

3.A. why B. which C. how D. when

4.A. together B. around C. alone D. apart

5.A. drop B. throw C. move D. roll

6.A. refused B. made C. sought D. accepted

7.A. paid B. meant C. preserved D. treated

8.A. explore B. search C. discover D. desert

9.A. get through B. deal with C. come across D. take away

10.A. arrival B. choice C. effort D. company

11.A. lost B. gained C. developed D. missed

12.A. stated B. ordered C. decided D. chose

13.A. attempts B. instructions C. opinions D. arrangements

14.A. anxiously B. carelessly C. disappointedly D. fixedly

15.A. familiarly B. strangely C. fully D. coldly

16.A. departures B. months C. years D. decades

17.A. possible B. funny C. hard D. clear

18.A. them B. themselves C. us D. ourselves

19.A. from B. by C. with D. against

20.A. still B. otherwise C. then D. instead

The prisoner had waited many months for help, but none had come. Now he felt he would do something to gain his freedom, to be free again to go about the world as he wished. But he could think of no way to run away.

He spent many hours thinking of his life before he was captured, regretting the mistakes he had made and dreaming of the joys he had known. And over and over he said to himself that he was being punished for no reason. He was guilty of no crime, but he had not been given a chance to explain the events which made him guilty.

Then one night the guard who sat outside the prisoner’s door fell asleep. When he noticed this, the prisoner was struck by a feeling of hope. Perhaps he could steal the keys while the guard was sleeping.

Silently the prisoner moved toward the guard. Very gently he lifted the ring of keys from the guard’s belt. Then he turned and crawled toward the door. Could he work the lock from the inside? The key turned and the door was opened. Within two minutes he had crossed the yard and climbed the wall. Then he ran across the field, free at last, a smile of joy beginning to spread across his face.

1.The prisoner had a wish .

A.to be excused

B.to go away freely with his family

C.to be a free man in the prison

D.to be helped out of the prison

2.He thought he .

A.was not a killer

B.was being treated well

C.had done nothing wrong

D.would be guilty

3.In the third paragraph, “the prisoner was struck by a feeling of hope” means that________________________________.

A.he felt hopeless B.he was unable to move

C.he kept on hoping D.he was very excited

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