
I’m Glad I got Sick

Twenty-seven years ago I got sick. The reason I can remember the date so well is that being sick is what ________ me to choose my future wife. She was just a good friend, but because she ________ to my apartment, brought me medicine, and made me breakfast, I thought for the first time “what a super wife she will ________ for someone.”

I took her out to eat for helping me ________ the flu. After that we became even better friends, but still ________ thought of marriage. A few months later I was going to ________ a new job in the Atlanta area, so Cathy helped me ________ boxes to get ready to leave. We ________ a great time that day and had lunch together. Near the end of that day I ________ a few tears in Cathy’s eyes, so I asked what was ________ .

She said, “I don’t know if I can live ________ you, you are my best friend.” I said, “I know, I’ve been thinking the ________ thing.” That day we decided to get married and we have been married ever since. We have had our ________ times, as many others have had, but we are still best friends!

________I get to the family unit in my Health class and we talk about ________ …I always tell this story. My students seem to love it because they learn that ________ , sharing and caring about others is all that really ________ in life, and that looks, money and other things are not important.

38 the way, my wife is 12 years younger than me, and she is beautiful. We have 2 beautiful children, but we still have dates on ________ weekend.

Cathy is the greatest thing that has ever ________ me! She is a fantastic mother, and the best wife a coach could ever have. Thank God I got sick 27 years ago!

1.A. brought B. resulted C. followed D. caused

2.A. came over B. came out C. came up with D. came back

3.A. develop B. get C. become D. prove

4.A. get up B. get over C. get off D. get away

5.A. much B. more C. less D. no

6.A. take B. give C. hand D. continue

7.A. pick up B. take up C. pack up D. look up

8.A. spent B. had C. took D. cost

9.A. noticed B. observed C. looked D. watched

10.A. right B. terrible C. wrong D. awful

11.A. with B. without C. by D. on

12.A. different B. difficult C. similar D. same

13.A. hard B. happy C. wonderful D. common

14.A. Unless B. Until C. When D.Though

15.A. health B. marriage C. exercise D. hobby

16.A. taking B. supporting C. gaining D. giving

17.A. matters B. works C. helps D. needs

18.A. In B. By C. On D. Off

19.A. any B. some C. all D. every

20.A. contributed to B. came to C. happened to D. led to

A strange thing happened to me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day ________ I drove to go for a look in the country.

On the way back home, my ________ stopped. It was out of gas on a ________ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone ________ could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile ________ I finally found a house near the ________ . I was glad to see it because it was getting dark.

I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair ________ . She said, “I’ve been ________ for you here for a long time. Come in. ________is almost ready.”

“But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldn’t ________ what she was talking about.

“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You ________tea,” said she.

I quickly ________ that my car was out of ________ , but she didn’t seem to listen to me. She just kept ________ me Alfred and talking about how long it had been ________ she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I ________ .

________, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my ________, he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t ________ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and ________ came back because of the war.”

1.A. and B. so C. but D. that

2.A. car B. bus C. bike D. truck

3.A. narrow B. lonely C. crowded D. busy

4.A. what B. whom C. who D. how

5.A. before B. after C. while D. as

6.A. street B. path C. way D. road

7.A. came B. answered C. opened D. appeared

8.A. asking B. looking C. calling D. waiting

9.A. Gas B. Coffee C. Tea D. Lunch

10.A. consider B. understand C. accept D. think

11.A. like B. love C. used to like D. enjoy

12.A. answered B. explained C. refused D. promised

13.A. gas B. tea C. strength D. energy

14.A. calling B. call C. to call D. called

15.A. until B. before C. since D. when

16.A. could B. can C. would D. should

17.A. Unfortunately B. Absolutely C. Fortunately D. Seriously

18.A. accident B. event C. experience D. surprise

19.A. hit B. injure C. hurt D. frighten

20.A. never B. ever C. yet D. still

Everyone knows that eating too much junk food is not good to our health. Yet, what is it about junk food that is so completely irresistible(无可抗拒的)? For one thing, it’s everywhere. From chips in fast food restaurants to candy in supermarkets, junk food always seems available. Thankfully, science is now providing new clues to help us reduce snacking.

Make friends with dainty(讲究的) eaters.

Studies have found that people tend to increase or reduce the amount of food they eat depending on what their companions are taking in.

See happy movies and always get the smaller bag of popcorn(爆米花).

According to some experts, people eat up to 29% more popcorn if they are watching a sad or serious movie, compared to when they are watching a comedy. Viewers consumed almost 200 calories more when snacking from a large bucket, as opposed to when given a medium-sized container.

Eat breakfast.

Nutritionists have gone back and forth(来来回回)about the question of how much to eat in the morning, but new studies suggest that consuming a good breakfast is a must. Surveys on long-term weight-loss show that two key factors in keeping weight down are eating breakfast and exercising.

Divide your food and conquer overeating.

Any kind of dividing your food into portions slows down your eating. Any kind of marker makes you aware of what you’re eating and of portion size. Researchers advise reallocating(再分配)snack foods into small plastic bags. It sounds simplistic, but it works.

1.Why do people eat too much junk food though it is bad for our health?

A. It’s delicious from chips to candy.

B. Because it’s available here and there.

C. It’s easily taken everywhere.

D. It’s easily bought in fast food restaurants.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. If people are watching a tragedy, they eat up to 29% more popcorn.

B. People are likely to eat more food when staying with friends.

C. Nutritionists have the same opinion about how much to eat in the morning.

D. People prefer to snack from a large bucket.

3.What will he or she do if he or she wants to lose weight?

A. To eat nothing in the morning.

B. To get up early and to go to bed late.

C. To eat breakfast and exercise.

D. To snack from a medium-size bucket.

What does it mean to say that we live in a world of persuasion? It means that we live among competing interests. Your roommate’s need to study for an exam may take priority(优先)over pizza. Your instructor may have good reasons not to change your grade. And the object of your romantic interest may have other choices.

In such a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair and favorable consideration to our point of view. When we persuade, we want to influence how others believe and behave. We may not always prevail — other points of view may be more persuasive, depending on the listener, the situation, and the merits of the case. But when we practice the art of persuasion, we try to ensure that our position receives the attention it deserves.

Some people, however, object to the very idea of persuasion. They may regard it as an unwelcome interruption into their lives. Just the opposite, we believe that persuasion is unavoidable — to live is to persuade. Persuasion may be ethical(合乎道义的)or unethical, selfless or selfish, inspiring or degrading. Persuaders may enlighten our minds or catch our vulnerability(弱点). Ethical persuasion, however, calls on sound reasoning and is sensitive to the feelings and needs of listeners. Such persuasion can help us apply the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make. Therefore, the most basic part of education is learning to resist the one kind of persuasion and to encourage and practice the other.

Beyond its personal importance to us, persuasion is necessary to society. The right to persuade and be persuaded is the bedrock of the American political system, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution(美国宪法).

1.According to the passage, persuasion means ________.

A. changing others’ point of view

B. exercising power over other people

C. getting other people to consider your point of view

D. getting people to agree with you and do what you want

2.The underlined word in the second paragraph “prevail” means“________”.

A. fail B. win C. speak D. listen

3.The passage states that some people object to persuasion because they think it is ________.

A. unwelcome behavior B. difficult to do well

C. a danger to society D. never successful

4.The passage mainly discusses ________.

A. people’s different opinions towards persuasion

B. the reasons why people persuade

C. that persuasion is both good and bad

D. that persuasion is important and it is all around us

My transportation was unexpectedly smooth and I arrived at the meeting half an hour earlier. I kept my eyes on the restaurant door. Several customers entered, but not my friend. At 6:00 pm, she sent me a text message: “Urgent work to finish. Will be 20 minutes late.”

I had left my book in the office, so I spent the time thinking of my experiences of being late in China. On my first visit in 1985, punctuality was deeply rooted in the Chinese hearts. There were no traffic jams then.

As a teacher in Canada, I always insisted on punctuality. I would open the classroom door to a late student for the first time and the second, but not the third. During the six years I worked for CCTV, I had a Chinese friend whom I often saw at lunch time, or after work. We used to meet at the subway station nearby. He was always late by 10-20 minutes. To my question, “You were busy?” he would surprisingly answer, “ No.” Once I asked him to check the clock in his office, he smiled.

In March 2015, I got permanent residence (居住权) in China. The ceremony was scheduled for 9:00 am at the Public Security Bureau on the Second Ring Road. I told my driver I had to get there by 8:40 am. “No problem,” he replied. But he thought he had time to drop someone off at the airport before picking me up. I desperately waited for him. Then, to rub salt into my wound, he had to stop at the exit of a gas station. Finally, I entered the room at 9:07 am ── the last guest to arrive!

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The author is always late for work or any activities.

B. The author dislikes making friends with unpunctual persons.

C. The author hates being late from the bottom of heart.

D. The author can do something to deal with unpunctuality.

2.If the author’s student comes late for the third time, _______.

A. he will let him/her remain outside

B. he will open the door for him/her again

C. he will shout at him/her loudly

D. he will tell him/her to take care next time

3.How did the Chinese friend feel when the author asked him to check the clock?

A. Excited. B. Embarrassed.

C. Satisfied. D. Shocked.

4.Why didn’t the author arrive at the ceremony on time?

A. Because the gas was running out.

B. Because his driver met a guest at the airport.

C. Because there was a big traffic jam on the road.

D. Because the driver estimated the time wrongly.


Wrong Reasons for Going to College

A college education can be priceless. 1. If any of these following factors had a big influence on your decision, you’re probably right to second-guess yourself.

Because all your friends are going.

In only a few weeks’ time, the whole friend group will be scattered to a half dozen different colleges in a half dozen different places. Not to go will set yourself apart. 2.

Because someone else expects it from you.

Perhaps you come from a family where everyone goes to college, or maybe you’re the kid that everyone is proud to believe will be the first to get there. 3. It’s become so much a part of the air you breathe that you’ve never stopped to consider whether you want to go or whether you’re ready to go.


It’s been tough to find even a summer job. You don’t have an alternative plan. Everyone else is doing it (see above). You think you might as well go to school. That is the lamest(无说服力的)of reasons to spend $ 20,000 or more in the next year.

Because you are afraid you’ll regret it if you don’t go.

Your uncle tells you that he regrets that he didn’t go to college. Others tell you they could have gone so much further in their career if only they had a college education. 5. So this is not a persuasive reason for you to go to college.

A. Because you don’t want to work.

B. Friends will wonder what’s wrong with you.

C. Because you don’t know what else to do.

D. Everyone seems more excited than you are.

E. It seems that for years everyone has just thought that of course you’ll go.

F. Whatever the story is, there are always people who regret decisions they’ve made.

G. But maybe in your heart you know that you are going for the wrong reasons.

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