

I’m Glad I got Sick

Twenty-seven years ago I got sick. The reason I can remember the date so well is that being sick is what ________ me to choose my future wife. She was just a good friend, but because she ________ to my apartment, brought me medicine, and made me breakfast, I thought for the first time “what a super wife she will ________ for someone.”

I took her out to eat for helping me ________ the flu. After that we became even better friends, but still ________ thought of marriage. A few months later I was going to ________ a new job in the Atlanta area, so Cathy helped me ________ boxes to get ready to leave. We ________ a great time that day and had lunch together. Near the end of that day I ________ a few tears in Cathy’s eyes, so I asked what was ________ .

She said, “I don’t know if I can live ________ you, you are my best friend.” I said, “I know, I’ve been thinking the ________ thing.” That day we decided to get married and we have been married ever since. We have had our ________ times, as many others have had, but we are still best friends!

________I get to the family unit in my Health class and we talk about ________ …I always tell this story. My students seem to love it because they learn that ________ , sharing and caring about others is all that really ________ in life, and that looks, money and other things are not important.

38 the way, my wife is 12 years younger than me, and she is beautiful. We have 2 beautiful children, but we still have dates on ________ weekend.

Cathy is the greatest thing that has ever ________ me! She is a fantastic mother, and the best wife a coach could ever have. Thank God I got sick 27 years ago!

1.A. brought B. resulted C. followed D. caused

2.A. came over B. came out C. came up with D. came back

3.A. develop B. get C. become D. prove

4.A. get up B. get over C. get off D. get away

5.A. much B. more C. less D. no

6.A. take B. give C. hand D. continue

7.A. pick up B. take up C. pack up D. look up

8.A. spent B. had C. took D. cost

9.A. noticed B. observed C. looked D. watched

10.A. right B. terrible C. wrong D. awful

11.A. with B. without C. by D. on

12.A. different B. difficult C. similar D. same

13.A. hard B. happy C. wonderful D. common

14.A. Unless B. Until C. When D.Though

15.A. health B. marriage C. exercise D. hobby

16.A. taking B. supporting C. gaining D. giving

17.A. matters B. works C. helps D. needs

18.A. In B. By C. On D. Off

19.A. any B. some C. all D. every

20.A. contributed to B. came to C. happened to D. led to


Modern festival-goers who worry about ending up with a dead mobile phone battery(电池) after days stuck in a muddy field with no electric plug power points may now have a solution——power boots(靴子).

Mobile phone company European Telco Orange has introduced a phone charging(充电) prototype—— a set of thermoelectric gumboots or Wellington boots with a “power generation sole” that changes heat from the wearer’s feet into electrical power to charge battery-powered hand-helds.

The boot was designed by Dave Pain, managing director at GotWind, a renewable energy company. Pain said the boot uses the Seebeck effect, in which a circuit made of two dissimilar metals conducts electricity if the two places where they connect are held at different temperatures. “In the sole of the Wellington boot there’s a thermocouple and if you apply heat to one side of the thermocouple and cold to the other side it produces an electrical charge,” Pain said. “That electrical charge we then pass through to a battery which you’ll find in the heel of the boot for storage of the electrical power for later use to charge your mobile phone.” These thermocouples are connected electrically, forming an array of multiple thermocouples (thermopile). They are then sandwiched between two thin ceramic wafers. When the heat from the foot is applied on the top side of the ceramic wafer and cold is applied on the opposite side, from the cold of the ground, electricity is made.

But the prototype boot does have one drawback. You have to walk for 12 hours in the boots to make one hour’s worth of charge.

1.The passage is probably taken from _____________ of a website.

A. the business book B. the sports book

C. the science book D. the health book

2.What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. How the boot works to make electricity.

B. How long the boot can be used.

C. Who invented the power boot.

D. The weakness of the boot.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “drawback” in the last paragraph?

A. Benefit. B. Disadvantage.

C. Patience. D. Function.

4.The invention seems to be good news to those___________.

A. who like traveling in the wild

B. who work at home

C. who study at school

D. who work at an office

Everyone wants to achieve true happiness in life. But the biggest factor holding most of us back is actually our ownselves. The Huffington Post released a list of seven mistakes we need to let go of in order to become happier people. Let’s take a look.

1.Placing too much emphasis on fulfillment (成就感)

Those who put a lot of pressure on themselves to be happy feel more lonely on a daily basis than those who do not, according to research conducted at the University of Denver, US.

2. Keeping it all in

Keeping it all together during tough times can hurt you. Crying is the body’s emotional response to outside triggers (诱因).By suppressing it, you may be damaging your mental and physical health.

3. Looking at your smart phone all the time

Connecting with others may be the key to happiness, but a recent University of Michigan study found that the more time participants spent on social networking sites, the less happy they felt.

4. Not moving

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is a big part of happiness. Something as simple as a walk can help you increase your creativity and expose you to essential vitamins.

5. Not reflecting on the past

In a 2013 study on nostalgia (怀旧) and emotion, participants reported a higher sense of physiological comfort when they looked back on the past. Affection for heartwarming memories helps people relate their past experiences to the present in order to create a greater sense of meaning.

6. Resisting change

A study on the psychology of choices shows that the human brain naturally tries to avoid loss—but that resistance can cause stress. Whether it’s fear of the unknown or fear of losing what you currently have, the pressure to hold on to the present can harm your future life satisfaction.

7. Not being mindful

Setting aside time for meditation (沉思) allows your body to relax, cultivates an attitude of gratitude and lowers your stress level, according to researchers at University of California, Los Angeles, US.

1.What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To inform readers of the benefits of being happy.

B. To explain why our happiness depends on our own actions.

C. To point out the things we do that prevent us from being happy.

D. To discuss some typical characteristics of happy people.

2.The underlined word “suppressing” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to .

A. speaking of B. holding back

C. thinking about D. taking no notice of

3.According to the article, to be a happy person, it is important for us to .

A. set goals and achieve as much as we can

B. avoid recalling the past

C. do exercise in our spare time

D. spend more time on social networking sites

4.According to the article, meditation is helpful mainly because .

A. it increases our creativity

B. it makes us less afraid of the unknown

C. it helps us relax and thus reduce our stress

D. it allows us to relate our past experiences to the present

Answering the Community Needs of Our City

The Silver City Council recognizes that citizens have certain needs.To better meet your needs,we have made several changes to community facilities in 2014.The followings show how we have tried to make your life better.


☆Three stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service.

☆20 new buses for the southern line were purchased in January.

☆50 per cent of city bus stops have been upgradeD.


☆Broadband cable is now av ailable to all parts of the city.

☆All of the new Government buildings are smart wired for better computer service!

Medical Facilities

☆The new state of the art Nightingale Hospital was opened in June.

☆To overcome a shortage of trained medical staff at Dover Hospital,10 doctors have been employed from overseas.

☆Some facilities at Station Street Hospital have been upgradeD.


☆Textbooks will be free to all primary students in 2014!

☆Rental for private schools has been reduceD.

Protection and Security

☆Extra police now patrol(巡逻)the tourist areas.

☆50 new police officers graduated in July and have taken up duties in the city areA.

Entertainment / Recreation

☆The new Central Community Building opened in May.

☆5,000 new fiction books were bought for the Silver City Library.

1.What is the purpose of the changes in Silver City?

A. To satisfy all the needs of the citizens.

B. To make public service improveD.

C. To better the citizens’life.

D. To meet the needs of the Silver City Council.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Travel books are provided in the new library.

B. More bus lines and stops are bought in Silver City.

C. Free medical treatment is available at Station Street Hospital.

D. There are more police officers on duty now.

3.The public notice is from _______.

A. the community

B. the local government

C. the Silver City Library

D. a travel agency

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