Think about the last time you felt afraid.Was it a fear of height?Did you oversleep on a weekday and fear you’d get into trouble at the office?In any case,you know what it feels like to feel fear.

But one woman doesn’t.The woman,code-named“UM”,gave her first-ever interview after years of being studied by a team of researchers.The woman is given a code name because the researchers want to protect her from anyone who would take advantage of her inability to feel afraid.

UM can’t tell you what fear is because she’s never experienced it.“I wonder what it’s like to actually be afraid of something,”she said.The formal name for the disease is Urbach-Wieth disease,which is characterized by a hoarse(粗哑的)voice,small bumps around the eyes,and calcium deposits(钙沉积的)in the brain.

In the case of UM,the disease has transformed the part of her brain that controls the human response to fear.In the interview,UM talks about an event in her life where she was held at knifepoint and gunpoint,“I was walking to the store,and I saw a man on a park bench.He said.‘Come here,please,’so I went over to him.He grabbed me by the shirt,put a knife to my throat and told me he was going to cut me.I told him,‘Go ahead and cut me,’I wasn’t afraid at a11.And for some reason,he let me go.”

Doctors who have been studying UM’s condition for years have been trying different things that could strike fear into her.They finally figured something out—increasing UM’s carbon dioxide levels.Extra carbon dioxide concentration in the blood is known to cause fear and panic in health individuals.Increasing UM’s carbon dioxide levels did manage to give her a fright.

1.The text starts by_______.

A.challenging the reader

B.solving daily problems

C.1isting situations explanations

2.Why is the woman with Urbach-Wieth disease given a code name?

A.To tell her case from other patients.

B.To respect her privacy.

C.To meet the researchers’demands.

D.To ensure her safety.

3.From UM’s case,we can know that Urbach-Wieth disease may________.

A.stop the brain from functioning normally

B.1ead to a decrease in calcium deposits

C.stop the brain from responding quickly

D.1ead to an increase in carbon dioxide

4.What will probably happen to UM?

A.Dying of the Urbach-Wieth disease.

B.Getting the sense of panic.

C.Experiencing another danger.

D.Speaking with a hoarse voice.



Feb.5 was a bad day for me.My doctor ________me and my parents that I had ________ cancer and that I had only a few months to live.I became so sad that I immediately ________ .

Now I am actually ________ for all that has happened to me.I realize I would have never had to reflect and rethink about the purpose of my ________ if I had never been so close to ________·

Had I not been ________to this limit,I would not have developed a deep ________of the beautiful gift of life and of everything around me.I also would not have thought about how I wanted to ________the people around me in a positive way before leaving the world.

This is no ________ ;I don’t even think it is sad in the ________ way to be honest.I’ve been so ________in my life.I’ve lived in Paris,served the Peace Corps in Peru,fallen madly in love with the most ________ girl,have the most fantastic ________ and friends anyone could ever ask for…and the ________just goes on.

I ________believe everything happens for a reason.If terminal cancer had not ________ to me,I would not have been able to ________ my closest friends and family to appreciate the beautiful gift of life a little more and live more appreciative and ________ lives with my story.This is the purpose of my life I had been ________all of my life.In fact,that is the reason I’ve decided to write this article and go public with my story as well.It is also the reason why I am,after all that I’ve been through in the past few months,thankful for terminal cancer.

1.A.inspected B.informed C.insulted D.interviewed

2.A.typical B.sensible C.supreme D.terminal

3.A.cried B.burst C.barked D.numbed

4.A.cheerful B.scared C.grateful D.glad

5.A.1ife B.soul D.growth

6.A.burden B.chaos C.creed D.death

7.A.hooked B.pushed C.dragged D.marched

8.A.gratitude B.perseverance C.appreciation D.romance

9.A.seize B.affect C.flatter D.dominate B.tolerance C.mercy D.tragedy

11.A.slightest B.highest C.farthest D.1ongest

12.A.excited B.blessed C.interested D.declined

13.A.exotic B.courageous C.sensitive D.amazing B.acquaintance D.citizen

15.A.deed B.1ist C.doom D.scene

16.A.strongly B.decently C.generally D.approximately

17.A.belonged B.attached C.happened D.appealed

18.A.inspire B.suggest C.command D.demand

19.A.negative B.objective C.subjective D.positive

20.A.searching for B.caring for C.accounting for D.applying for

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