第二节阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) Our Fun Ways to Explore the Garden Ecosystem with Children

A garden is full of wildlife such as insects,worms,and birds that delight kids. 51 Dig Digging in the garden dirt will unearth many small creatures for your children to explore. Equipped with small spades and curious fingers,we routinely find earthworms,centipedes (蜈蚣) and beetles in our garden. CXir raised beds are full of rich composted (施过肥的) soil which is a wonderful environment for these animals,but if your dirt needs some nourishment here is a fun activity: dig in a bit of chopped up banana peels,dried leaves and coffee grounds,and water it well. In a few days to a week you may discover lots of creepy erawlies (小爬虫) under that composting humus (腐殖质) for your children to observe.


Plant a variety of fruits,vegetables and flowers to attract wildlife. Bees,butterflies,moths (飞蛾) , even ladybugs find nourishment from the nectar (花蜜) and pollen (花粉) in flowers. 53 Our garden is an ever-changing ecosystem playground for my kids. And at ages two and four,they love seeing and learning about all of these animals.

Add a Bird Feeder or Two Adding bird feeders to your garden will interest the birds and your children. We recycled an old metal mailbox,with little holes for the seeds,painted it a bright colour and filled it with birdseed (鸟食籽) .Then we hung it on a part of the fence safe for the birds. We can even see it from our dining-room window. 54 As my daughter began to learn more about birds in pre-school,we were able to name some of the different species with her.

Use Bug Viewers and Microscopes My kids were given two bug viewers this year and those,along with our oversized,kid-friendly microscope,have enriched our fun with creatures in the garden. 55 Children are thrilled by the outdoor world,especially the animals living in it. These activities provide endless ways for exploration and inquiry in the garden ecosystem.

   A. Snails and slugs (缓步虫;蛞蝓) consistently munch (用力阻嚼) on most of our plants,and spiders often hide in the leaves waiting to lure prey into their webs.

   B. Plant a Variety

   C. In a few days to a week you may discover lots of creepy crawlies under that composting humus for your children to observe.

   D. Children can examine the differences between insects and spiders,see up close the patterns on butterfly and moth wings,and count the spots on ladybugs.

   E. Here are four fun ways to explore the garden ecosystem with children.

   F. You can search for bug viewers and microscopes on the Internet or at your local toy store.

   G. Watching birds visit and eat the seeds while we eat breakfast has become a lovely ritual for our family.

51.  52.  53.

54.  55.

Bullying is surprisingly common among humans— happening not only on school playgrounds but also,in the workplace and even,among so-called friends. However,hearing that it may happen in the animal world is a little surprising,especially considering that bullies are none other than the friendliest of all marine mammals- dolphins!

That according to a scientist Peter Wallerstein and director of El Segundo's Marine Animal Rescue program can be the only reasonable explanation for a lonely dolphin that has been swimming around in circles in Southern California's Bolsa Chick Wetlands since Thursday,April 26th,2012.

When they first found the marine mammal (海洋哺乳动物) alone,the staff from Marine Animal Rescue program thought that it was just a dolphin which fall behind and tried to drive it off into the Pacific Ocean. However,as soon as it tried to swim away,it was greeted by two violent dolphins that began trashing violently in the water,forcing the 250-pound animal called “Bolsa Chick Bob”,to come back into the wetlands.

Dennis Kelly,chairman of the Marine Science Department of Orange Coast College disagrees. The dolphin expert who has been working with these wonderful animals for 34 years,believes that while dolphins sometimes get impatient and smack (拍打) each other with their tails,they do not bully one of their own.

He thinks that this aggressive behaviour is similar to a time out and therefore,a short-term punishment for a dolphin that was probably not paying attention and falling behind,when the rest of the animals was trying to leave.

Whatever it is,the good news is that the bullied or punished dolphin is safe. There is plenty of fish to eat and its health seems fine. While experts are constantly keeping an eye on it,they are hoping that it will finally find the courage to venture out and join the rest of its group. They will,however,plan on a rescue task if it becomes necessary.

46. From the first paragraph we can infer .

   A. there were few examples of bullying among animals

   B. humans seldom bully animals in the oceans

   C. dolphins are friendly to humans very much

   D. bullying happens in no other than playgrounds

47. What does the underlined word “that” refer to?

   A. schools are where bullying usually happens

   B. bullying happens in the animal world

   C. friends can sometimes bully each other

   D. dolphins are the friendliest of all marine mammals

48. Why DIDN’T Bolsa go into the ocean?

   A. Because it found many fish in the wetlands.

   B. Because it was impatient to look for his pods.

   C. Because it was attacked by two other dolphins.

   D. Because it was frightened by the violent water.

49. According to Dennis,two dolphins bullied Bolsa to.

   A. keep it safe in the wetlands

   B. bully it to death in the end

   C. leave it behind for ever

   D. punish it for its mistake

50. What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

   A. Do animals bully each other too?

   B. Are animals punished for their behaviour?

   C. Is a dolphin brave enough to go back?

   D. Will people be kind to animals?

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