We,re going to cut science class today. I know you want to come with us. Let's go!” Maybe you’ve 41 one of the popular kids at school say 42 like this. So what do you do? Do you just give in and do what the other kids 43 ,or do you go to class no matter what they 44 ?

       Situations like this 45 come up. And it is not easy to make your own 46 when your friends want to do something you,re not quite sure about. Sometimes,you feel you should do something 47 everyone else is doing it,and it is 48 to go against the majority(大多数) .This is called “peer

pressure” because peers are pressuring you to do what they 49 .

       Some people 50 peer pressure because they want to be more popular. Some 51 that others will make fim of them 52 they. don't go along with the group. The ’53 that “everyone is doing it” makes them follow the crowd (人群) . Sometimes peer pressure can be 54 if your peers encourage you to be a better person. But most peer pressure 55 you to do something you don't really want to do. And it affects almost everyone without exception. So what can you do to 56 it?

     First of all,you should 57 your own feelings and beliefs and be self-confident. When you are self confident,you can say “no” to the people 58 to pressure you. It 59 helps to have a good friend who respects (尊重) your beliefs. That way you won’t  be 60 when you stand up to peer pressure.

41. A. made  B. helped   C. felt   D. heard

42. A. something   B. everything    C. anything   D. nothing

43. A. complete   B. control    C. suggest   D. avoid

44. A. say   B. believe    C. need   D. receive

45. A. even   B. soon   C. just   D. often

46. A. friends   B. rules   C. search   D. decision

47. A. so   B. because     C. and   D. but

48. A. slow   B. hard   C. clear   D. useful

49. A. hate   B. find   C. want   D. fear

50. A. give in to   B. pay attention to    C. make fun of   D. take note of

51. A. remember   B. advise   C. wish   D. worry

52. A. unless   B. until     C. if   D. although

53. A. doubt   B. idea      C. hope   D. promise

54. A. good   B. common     C. serious   D. strong

55. A. trains   B. allows    C. pushes   D. warns

56. A. affect   B. show     C. deal with   D. talk about

57. A. change   B. use       C. improve   D. follow

58. A. failing   B. trying    C. learning   D. refusing

59. A. also   B. just         C. once   D. again

60. A. alone   B. lucky       C. quiet   D. popular

     If you' ve ever wondered how dancers would tell the story of a man and a woman's love for each other through dance moves,you should watch people dance the Rumba. 36 And it is considered the most passionate(富有激情的) ballroom dance.

Like many Latin dances,the Rumba has its roots(根源) in Africa. When the Spanish first moved to the New World,they brought African slaves to work for them. 37 When they were finished with a hard day's work,they would sometimes find the person they were in love with and dance the Rumba. 38 They wanted to dance the Rumba in public! .

      The dance slowly spread and grew in popularity. Then,in the 1930s,the famous dance teacher Monsieur Pierre saw the Rumba being danced in New York and he decided it was so exciting and interesting it should be danced in London'too. 39

    Today there are several types of Rumba people dance. Some dance a type of Rumba that is

very fast and features (以…为特点) big movements. 40 No matter what type of Rumba people dance,the story the dance tells is still the same: the love between a man and a woman.

   A. From there,the Rumba spread across the world.

   B. This popular dance is from the island nation of Cuba.

   C. Others dance a slow type of Rumba and use small steps.

   D. When slave masters saw this dance,they were impressed.

   E. Slaves worked long hours and had very few ways to relax.

   F. When the Rumba was first danced,it referred to a dance party.

   G. This dance became *a formal dance done in public with a partner.


       It's often hard to find family holidays that everyone will enjoy. Cruises (海上航游) can be fun,but may offer activities either for small children or adults,with not much for teenagers.

       Fifteen-year-old Josh Sandford and his 13-year-old sister Rowena took a cruise last year,on a ship called the Rega. ‘ Before we left,I'd spent ages looking at the brochure (宣传册) , and all the activities on offer,so I was really looking forward to it/ says Josh. 'When we got on,I could see they had activities that teenagers could join in,so we couldn't really say the brochure was wrong. But they were a bit boring — things like old movies we’d seen before. I wish there’d been somewhere for people my age to just hang out together. My parents really enjoyed it,but they were disappointed that we didn’t. 

     Josh's parents had almost decided they'd never take their family on a cruise again when they heard about some new cruises that were specially for families with teenagers. So earlier this year the Sandford family set off again,this time on a ship called the Flora. ^We did some tours organised by the Flora when the ship stopped in different ports (港口) ” says Josh. ‘We went off and explored some old ruins. I was worried it 'd  be boring,but I have to admit the mins were actually quite cool.

      ‘The biggest difference was the activities on board,though,like a great gym and two pools. There was a fantastic rock-climbing wall,too, although lots of the teenagers on board didn’ t seem to want to try it. Maybe they were too scared (害怕的) ,as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed to get all the way up it'so I just had to do the same!'

     Josh and Rowena’ s family had such a good time on their last cruise that they're thinking of going again 一 in fact,they re already saving up for it!

32. It seems that the Rega.

   A. provided wrong information in the travel brochure

   B. didn't offer satisfying activities for teenagers

   C. only provided activities suitable for adults

   D. didn’ t satisfy the needs of Josh's parents

33. After the trip on the Rega,Josh's parents

   A. considered giving up cruise holidays

   B. started to look for adventurous cruises

   C. found it hard to get along with teenagers

   D. decided they would never take children along

34. What did Josh think of the tours organised by the Floral

   A. He found them a little boring.

   B. He didn't think they were special

   C. He was surprised to find he enjoyed them.

   D. He was worried that his parents wouldn't love them.

35. What does the text mainly talk about?

   A. Teen cruises.                       B. Family holidays.

   C. Difficult teenagers.                  D. Special families.


     Did you know that something as simple as the wallpaper on your computer can tell people a lot about you? According to researcher Donna Dawson,our computers say something about what we’ re like because they are part of our “personal space."

     A picture of a child or family on the sceen often means the person cares deeply about their loved ones. A photo of the person surrounded by friends shows they value their popularity and probably work well with other people. On the other hand,pictures showing examples of past successes,like winning a prize may mean a person is only interested in themselves.

     Pictures of nature and natural scenery tell people that you are driven to succeed and use the pictures to relax and remove the presswre (压力) in your life. Cityscapes,pictures of cities or towns,show that you enjoy travel and adventure. Most people with cityscapes as their wallpaper are optimistic(乐观的) ,happy people who feel even better thinking about the places they,ve visited or want to visit.

Pictures of animals show that you are optimistic and kind-hearted. You are often happy and you enjoy life and act young. Cartoons(漫画) or drawings show that you are a multitasker,sonicone who does many things at once. You h^ve many responsibilities,but you deal with them well.

      That's one reasqp you!like having something to smile about wheft yoii look at your computer wallpaper.

Then,what does plain blue wallpaper tell us about a person? According to Dawson,a person with plain blue wallpaper probably values their privacy and keeps work from becoming too personal.

29. A prize photo as wallpaper suggests someone

   A. cares only about himself or herself

   B. has a strong wish to succeed

   C. is confident about himself or herself

   D. works very well with others

30. Those who look on the bright side of things are likely to have wallpaper like .

   A. pictures of nature and natural scenery

   B. pictures showing their past successes

   C. city views or pictures of animals

   D. photos of staying with friends

31. What can be the best title for the text?

   A. Where to Look for Your Computer Wallpaper

   B. Computer Wallpaper Shows Your Personality

   C. How to Place Wallpaper on Your Computer

   D. Computer Wallpaper Interests Everyone


     Arx animal that is of great importance to the jOTlftieaifcem coast of Oman is the abalone,a shellfish that has become the center of the nation' s multi-million-dollar industry. Once,abalone shellfish were brought to the surface in the hope that their bodies had beautiful pearls. Today,the shellfish are caught for a' different reason —

restaurant menus!The fresh white shellfish has a pleasant taste and is the most highly valued product from Omani waters.

    Abalone live in shallow (浅的) sea waters. Young abalone live in small groups,holding on to the undersides of rocks,while the adults live in larger groups together in rocky cracks. They can only survive successfully in areas where cold,rich water rises from the sea bed. There,in the shallow,brightly lit conditions,the abalone shellfish live.

    The environmental requirements for cool water conditions are seldom met and,as a result,abalone fisheries worldwide are very restricted. Until recently,there was a three-year official order against abalone fishing in Oman and now fishing is only allowed from October 20 to November 15 each year.

       The coast of Dhofar in Oman is one of the friendly environments that support abalone populations. The southern coast of Oman experiences (季风) winds across the surface of the sea from April to September. As these winds blow across the surface,the rich cold water from the depths of the Arabian Sea can easily rise and move towards the coast.

     After the monsoon period,fishermen jump into the sea,reaching a depth of 10 meters. Groups of up to ten men search for abalone living on rocks and remove the shells using a knife,before coming up for air. A good fisherman searches for large adults and will get up to 600 abalone a day.

25. Why do Omani fishermen catch abalone nowa- nowadays?

   A. They are good pets.

   B. They are very delicious.

   C. There are pearls in their bodies.

   D. Their shells are beautiful and useful.

26. What do we know about abalone?

   A. They prefer the darkness.

   B. They live under the sea bed.

   C. They face bad rocky conditions.

   D. They need special environments.

27. What does the underlined word “restricted” in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Strange. B. Controlled.

   C. Unpopular. D. Underdeveloped.

28. What influence do monsoon winds have on abalone?

   A. They are helpful for abalone's survival.

   B. They carry abalone to the surface.

   C. They bring abalone to the coast.

   D. They help abalone to move.

         Since he was nine,Babar Ali has been running his own school in Bhabta,a small village in West Bengal,India,passing on to the children of poor families the knowledge he has acquired(学到) at his school during the day.

        It began when children in his village asked him questions about what he learned at the 1,000-rupee-a-year school their parents could not afford.

       “It started without much effort,”hesays. aThere were lots of children who had dropped out of school,or never been to school at all. They were "always asking questions about my lessons and I would repeat everything for them.

      “There used to be just eight pupils,and my friends helped me with the teaching. We worked on the standard of teaching. The word spread to nearby villages,and gradually we took on more and more students."

Five years later,the school has a total of 1C teachers,all of whom are studeiits at school,and 650 pupils.

         On a typical(典型的) day,Babar will rise ai 5 am,do housework,then take a bus to school in a

village three miles away. From 10 am to 4 pm,he focuses on(集中注意力于) his own studies,then he races back to his village to welcome his students at 5 pm. He teaches until 8 pm. The

teaching doesn’t make hin) tired,he says,but gives him more strength to keep up his busy life.

       His parents are filled with pride. His father,Nasiruddin,was shocked when he first discovered

his son was teaching. “I couldn’ t believe it. He always rushing from place to place and I was worried it might affect his studies. So I visited his school. Seeing his dedication(奉献) to teaching cleared my doubts,he says.

    In 2009,Babar was npied the “youngest headmaster in the world by BBC. From then on,his story appeared in many textbooks,and now he is regularly invited to speak at many meetings all over the world. 

21. Babar started teaching the children nearby

   A. because he wanted to make money to pay for his studies

   B. when they went to his school to ask him questions

    C. because their parents asked him to do so   

    D. when he was quite a young boy

22. As time went by,Babar.

   A. is planning to set up more schools

   B. had to ask some teachers to help him

   C. gradually made his school bigger and bigger

   D. had to drop out of school to teach other children

23. Why does the author describe Babar's typical day?

   A. To show he works very long hours.

    B;To explain why he feels tired at the end of a day.

   C. To show he works much harder than other teachers.

   D. To explain why he has no time to stay with his family. 

24. How did Babar's father react to his teaching at first?

   A. He was very surprised.

   B. He was proud of Babar.

   C. He had doubts about Babar's ability.

   D. He was unhappy about Babar's decision.

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