Say you meet with difficulty: What's the first thing you do? Call your best friend and ask for help? It turns out that doing this may be better for you than you think. Researchers find that friendship has a big influence on your health,wellbeing and business.

One study from scientists recently found that old people with a large circle of friends were22%less likely to die during a10-year period than those with fewer friends. Other researchers discovered that having a strong social network could im?prove brain health as we age.

Even more interesting,feeling close to your friends may give you a different view on things. Researchers gathered 34 college students outside and asked them to estimate the steepness of a hill after climbing it. Those standing with friends gave lower estimates,and the longer the friends had known each other,the less steep the hill appeared.

What is the reason that friends can make obstacles seem less difficult? "People with stronger friendship networks feel that there is someone they can turn to," said Karen A. Roberto,director of the centre of the hospital at Virginia Tech. "Friend?ship is a valued resource."

It is truly the fact. Friends make your life better. They provide support in hard times. They inspire you to make changes in your life,encourage you to set goals and cheer you on every step of the way until you reach them.

1. According to the author,if you've lost your job you should       ,

   A. turn to your best friend

   B. ask for advice from your teacher

   C. face it bravely by yourself

   D. ask your parents for help

2. We can learn from the study in Paragraph 2 that       .

   A. people with a lot of friends can stay away from illnesses

   B. people with many friends may enjoy a longer life

   C. 22 %of the people who have fewer friends have a short life

   D. those who have fewer friends may die 10 years earlier

3. The underlined word "obstacles" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to something

   A. that you are hoping to achieve by a plan

   B. that happens to you when you are working

   C. that makes it difficult for you to achieve something

   D. that you have been trying to do

4. The last paragraph was probably meant to tell us that       .

A. only friends can help us out   B. true friendship lives long   C. friendship has changed us   D. friendship is of great value

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