[20巧郑州一模] We use robots for tasks like building cars and sorting mails,but can we use them as stand-up comedians (单日相声演员) in the fu?ture? One robot called RoboThespian has been trying out some jokes.

  Researchers from Queen University of London organized Robothespian's performances to test whether it could be as funny as a human.

  The electronic comedian went on stage for a show with British comedians An?drew O'Neill and Tieman Douieb,performing the same jokes as Douieb but with a few changes―it is a robot after all. The robot has some advantages over human comedians,too.

  "We used computer vision and audio software to notice the response of each au?dience member,something a human comedian cannot do”, said Kleomenis Katevas,the robot's programmer. "The machine used this information to decide who to look at and which gestures to use.” The robot also has other advantages over human comedians. Impressions of other people and sounds are very popular ways for performers to get laughs,and according to New Scientist reporter Celeste Biever? the robot can perform recorded sound by simply playing it back. It can also act out programmed pieces from Shake?speare or just about anything else.

 Another of the robot's advantages is more surprising. Because I feel less em?pathy (同感) for RoboThespian than for the human comedians,I feel more relaxed during his performances," Biever added. And of course,RoboThespian is unlikely to feel as nervous as other comedians,or be affected too badly by an audience member shouting at it. 

  The Queen Mary researchers say they're most interested in how audiences can be part of live performances. So in the future,we may be watching robots perform?ing exactly the show we want to see. Do you think it's time for the robot to write some more jokes?

1. Why was RoboThespian originally developed?

   A. To help human comedians perform better on stage.

   B. To find out if robots could understand human jokes.

   C. To see if robots could perform like human comedians.

   D. To assist human comedians to make up some better jokes.

2. When RoboThespian gave performances on stage,it      .

   A. imitated the audience's voices to make them laugh

   B. was affected easily by an audience member shouting at it

   C. performed completely different jokes from human comedians

   D. recorded each audience member's reaction and acted accordingly

3. What does Celeste Biever think of robot comedians?

   A. He believes the future of comedy lies in them.

   B. He considers their jokes as rather poor and boring.

   C. He thinks they aren't suitable for live performances.

   D. He feels more comfortable watching their performances.

4. What is the article mainly talking about?

   A. The robot comedian RoboThespian and its advantages.

   B. Robot technology used to help us with our daily tasks.

   C. Predictions of the comedy of the future and concern about it.

   D. A comparison between human comedians and robot comedians.

  Last evening I was watching the evening news on television. The news was about a prize for scientific 1      . I forgot what it was. The announcer,whose name was Ralph Story,said something that caught my 2      . "All great discoveries," he said? "are made by people be?tween the ages of twenty-five and thirty. " Being a little over thirty myself,I wan?ted to 3        with him. Nobody wants to think that he is past the age of making any discovery. The next day I happened to be in the public library and spent several hours looking 4        the ages of famous people and their discoveries. Ralph was 5      . First I looked at some of the 6        discoveries. One of the earliest discoveries,the 7        experiment that proved that bodies of different weight fall at the same speed,was made by Galileo when he was 26,Madam Curie started her research that 8        to the Nobel Prize when she was 28.        Einstein was 26 when he 9        his world-changing theory of relativity. Well,enough of that. Yet I 10        if those "best years" were true in other 11      . Then how about the field of 12     ?Surely it needs the wisdom of 13 to make a good leader. Perhaps it does,but look when these people 14        their ca?reer. Winston Churchill was elected to the House of Commons at the age of 26.Abraham Lincoln 15        the life of a country lawyer and was elected to govern?ment. At what age? Twenty-five.

  But 16        don't best years come after thirty? After thirty,I 17     ,most people do not want to take risks or try 18        ways. Then I thought of people like Shakespeare and Picasso. The former had wonderful works at the ripe age of fifty,19        the latter was still trying new ways of painting when he was ninety!Perhaps there is still 20        for me.

1. A. invention   B. progress   C. experiment   D. discovery

2. A. mind   B. idea   C. attention   D. thought

3. A. disagree   B. deal   C. talk   D. fight

4. A. for   B. into   C. up   D. at

「) .A. clever   B. right   C. different   D. simple

6. A. modern   B. scientific   C. wonderful   D. old

7. A. practical   B. further   C. famous   D. boring

8. A. led   B. fell   C. stuck   D. referred

9. A. challenged   B. learned   C. mastered   D. published 

10. A. believed   B. thought

   C. wondered   D. understood 

11.A. fields   B. countries   C. people   D. ages 

12.A. agriculture   B. politics   C. industry   D. society 

13.A. thinking   B. living   C. knowledge   D. age 

14.A. finished   B. went   C. started   D. failed 

15.A. devoted   B. gave up   C. began   D. turned over 

16.A. why   B. how   C. when   D. what 

17.A. say   B. know   C. guess   D. count 

18.A. strange   B. difficult   C. best   D. new 

19.A. but   B. while   C. or   D. so 

20.A. space   B. problem   C. wish   D. hope

 0  131834  131842  131848  131852  131858  131860  131864  131870  131872  131878  131884  131888  131890  131894  131900  131902  131908  131912  131914  131918  131920  131924  131926  131928  131929  131930  131932  131933  131934  131936  131938  131942  131944  131948  131950  131954  131960  131962  131968  131972  131974  131978  131984  131990  131992  131998  132002  132004  132010  132014  132020  132028  151629 

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