
  Last evening I was watching the evening news on television. The news was about a prize for scientific 1      . I forgot what it was. The announcer,whose name was Ralph Story,said something that caught my 2      . "All great discoveries," he said? "are made by people be?tween the ages of twenty-five and thirty. " Being a little over thirty myself,I wan?ted to 3        with him. Nobody wants to think that he is past the age of making any discovery. The next day I happened to be in the public library and spent several hours looking 4        the ages of famous people and their discoveries. Ralph was 5      . First I looked at some of the 6        discoveries. One of the earliest discoveries,the 7        experiment that proved that bodies of different weight fall at the same speed,was made by Galileo when he was 26,Madam Curie started her research that 8        to the Nobel Prize when she was 28.        Einstein was 26 when he 9        his world-changing theory of relativity. Well,enough of that. Yet I 10        if those "best years" were true in other 11      . Then how about the field of 12     ?Surely it needs the wisdom of 13 to make a good leader. Perhaps it does,but look when these people 14        their ca?reer. Winston Churchill was elected to the House of Commons at the age of 26.Abraham Lincoln 15        the life of a country lawyer and was elected to govern?ment. At what age? Twenty-five.

  But 16        don't best years come after thirty? After thirty,I 17     ,most people do not want to take risks or try 18        ways. Then I thought of people like Shakespeare and Picasso. The former had wonderful works at the ripe age of fifty,19        the latter was still trying new ways of painting when he was ninety!Perhaps there is still 20        for me.

1. A. invention   B. progress   C. experiment   D. discovery

2. A. mind   B. idea   C. attention   D. thought

3. A. disagree   B. deal   C. talk   D. fight

4. A. for   B. into   C. up   D. at

「) .A. clever   B. right   C. different   D. simple

6. A. modern   B. scientific   C. wonderful   D. old

7. A. practical   B. further   C. famous   D. boring

8. A. led   B. fell   C. stuck   D. referred

9. A. challenged   B. learned   C. mastered   D. published 

10. A. believed   B. thought

   C. wondered   D. understood 

11.A. fields   B. countries   C. people   D. ages 

12.A. agriculture   B. politics   C. industry   D. society 

13.A. thinking   B. living   C. knowledge   D. age 

14.A. finished   B. went   C. started   D. failed 

15.A. devoted   B. gave up   C. began   D. turned over 

16.A. why   B. how   C. when   D. what 

17.A. say   B. know   C. guess   D. count 

18.A. strange   B. difficult   C. best   D. new 

19.A. but   B. while   C. or   D. so 

20.A. space   B. problem   C. wish   D. hope


1. D从后面出现的great discoveries可知答案。

2. C catch one's attention引起某人的注意。

3. A作为30岁出头的"我","我"不同意他的看法。没人愿意相信他自己已经超过了能够进行创造的年龄。

4. C第二天"我"恰巧在公共图书馆,于是花了几个小时的时间查阅了名人的年龄和他们的发现。

5. B结果发现Ralph说的是对的。

6. B由下文所举的例子可知,本段主要叙述了"一些科学发现"。

7. C证明不同重量的物体以相同的速度下落是伽利略在26 岁时所做的一项著名的实验。

8. A lead to导致。

9. D爱因斯坦在26岁时发表了他的改变世界的相对论理论。 

10. C然而"我"想知道那些适合创造的"最佳年龄"是否在其他领域也适用。 

11. A由下文可知,此处应为fields。field领域。

12. B根据后文的leader及'Winston Churchill和Abraham Lincoln的例子可知选B. 意思是"在政治领域情形又如何呢?" 

13. D这里的意思是"一个好的领导需要岁月(积累) 的智慧"。 

14. C这些人什么时候开始他们的事业。 

15. B林肯放弃律师职业,被选人政府时是26岁。 

16. A为什么适合发明创造的最佳年龄不在30岁以后呢? 

17. C "我"猜想,大多数人在30岁后不想冒险或尝试新的思维方式。 

18. D解析见上题。 

19. B此处while表示前后两种情况的对比。前者在50岁时才有精彩的作品,而后者在90岁时还在尝试新的W法。 

20. D通过 下面文学和绘画艺术领域的例子,作者有了信心,觉得自己也许还有希望。


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