Even at the age of 75, Thelma was still very energetic, attractive and full of life. When her husband passed away,her children 1     that she move to a "senior living community". As a (n)  2      and lifeloving person,Thelma 3      to do so.

  Shortly after moving in,Thelma became a self-appointed activities 4      ,coordinating (协调) all sorts of things for the people in the community to do and quickly became very 5      and made many friends. When Thelma turned 80,her 6      friends showed their 7      by throwing a surprise birthday party for her. When Thelma entered the dining room for 8      that night,she was 9     by a standing welcome and one of the coordinators led her to the head table. The night was 10      with laughter and11     ,but throughout the evening,Thelma could not take her eyes 12      a gentleman sitting at the other end of the table.

  When the 13      ended,Thelma quickly 14      from her seat and 15      over to the man. "Pardon me," Thelma said. "Please 16      me if I made you feel 17      by staring at you all night. I just couldn't help myself from looking your 18      . You see, you look just like my fifth husband.”

"Your fifth husband!" replied the gentleman. "Forgive me for asking, 19      how many times have you been married?"

With that a smile 20      Thelma's face as she responded, "Four." They were married shortly after. 

(   ) 1.A. demanded   B. required   C. persuaded   D. suggested

(   ) 2.A. hopeful   B. elegant   C. optimistic   D. attractive

(   ) 3.A. refused   B. promised   C. decided   D. suspected

(   ) 4.A. official   B. director   C. manager   D. conductor

(   ) 5.A. famous   B. popular   C. smart   D. familiar

(   ) 6.A. newfound   B. newborn   C. newcome   D. newbuilt

(   ) 7.A. satisfaction   B. thanks   C. appreciation   D. dinner

(   ) 8.A. fun   B. party   C. ceremony   D. dinner

(   ) 9.A. provided   B. accepted   C. greeted   D. offered

(   ) 10.A. arranged   B. filled   C. spent   D. designed

(   ) 11.A. relaxation   B. interest   C. entertainment   D. fantasy

(   ) 12.A. off   B. away   C. over   D. upon

(   ) 13.A. birthday   B. celebration   C. conference   D. ceremony

(   ) 14.A. stood   B. lifted   C. raised   D. rose

(   ) 15.A. wandered   B. walked   C. rushed   D. crashed

(   ) 16.A. inform   B. tell   C. forgive   D. remind

(   ) 17.A. uncomfortable   B. unusual   C. unbearable   D. unlucky

(   ) 18.A. seat   B. way   C. position   D. location

(   ) 19.A. and   B. however   C. so   D. but

(   ) 20.A. went through   B. met with   C. came across   D. turned up





2.提示词汇:富民政策rich-peasant policy;



Last weekend, our school organized a social activity.       


一) 写作定性


二) 难点突破


carry out,put ... into practice, social activity, investigate, be covered with,be surrounded with,over the river, across the river,trees and flowers, wider road,environment, big houses, modern furniture, spiritual life, be equipped with, leisure, full of hope, hopeful, smile, live a ...life,energetic, far/much better, to one's surprise/joy/excitement


揭示活动(activity presentation) :用一个复合句导出主题以使开头简洁明了。Last Thursday we had a class meeting to discuss what we could do to help people protect the environment.

描写见闻(knowledge description) :充分运用衔接过渡词和其他连接手段以及名词性从


While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view. How?ever,when we reached the top, what shocked us was that we saw litter here and there. 抒发感想(feeling expression) 用形容词和副词增强语言的表现力。The activity was tiring, but what we have learnt from it is quite valuable.


sb. do sth. (in order) to…某人做某事以便… '

the purpose of doing sth. is to…做某事的0的是......

what surprise/impress sb. is that…让某人惊讶/印象深刻的是......

as a result of sth.  +句子

 Do you have any places to visit during this fall? How about the following two places? Tulum, Mexico

Why You Should Go:Tulum is about an hour and a half south of Cancun,down the Riviera Maya of Mexico. The beaches there have not been developed yet.

Where to Sleep: The most common type of houses in Tulum are small ones with no frills(不实用的装饰) on or near the beach;you'll like the ocean wind,as the small houses nearly don't have air conditioners. Hemingway has waterfront(滨水区的) small houses with gardens.

Where to Eat: You can probably eat at your hotel;the owners often cook. You can also take

a taxi into the center of the city Tulum and eat at Carlos'n Charlie's,which offers live music. Budapest,Hungary Why You Should Go: Budapest is less expensive and less explored than other Western European capitals. It has the beautiful Buda Castle,and the Danube River divides the city Buda from Pest.

Where to Sleep:The Opera House and museums are in central Pest,but staying in Buda can be cheaper. The Hotel Astra ( doubles from $144) is in central Buda. Vadvirag Panzio (doubles from $81) is very cheap in nearby Buda Hills,but you'll have to take a bus into town.

Where to Eat: Have coffee at the popular Ruszwurm. For dinner,try the traditional Tabani Terasz. "It's below scenic Castle Hill and is still unknown to most tourists," says Ben Curtis,a guide from Rick Steves' tour company,Europe Through the Back Door. 

(   ) 5. The purpose of writing this passage is         .

   A.to tell people something about two famous places of interest

   B.to explain to people why they should go to Tulum and Budapest

   C.to attract people to visit Tulum and Budapest

   D.to tell people what they should do when visiting Tulum and Budapest

(   ) 6. If six people book three double rooms in the Hotel Astra, they all together will pay for each night at least. 

   A.  $144   B.  $288      C.  $576   D. $432

(   ) 7. What do we learn about Budapest from the passage?

   A.It is very expensive to travel there.

   B.It is a combined city.

   C.There is a beautiful castle in Pest.

   D.The Danube River divides the city from north to south. 

(   ) 8. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A.Tabani Terasz hasn't been discovered by many tourists

   B.lots of tall buildings can be seen near the beach in Tulum

   C.Ruszwurm only offers people coffee

   D.Tulum is to the north of Cancun

 If you are ever lucky to be invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,remember that the French have their own way of doing things,and that even your finest manners may not be " cor?rect" by French custom. For example, if you think showing up promptly at the time given on the invitation,armed with gifts of wine and roses,complimenting your hostess on her cooking, laughing heartily at the host's jokes and then leaping up to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest, think again.

Here Madame Nora Chabal, the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris,explained how it works.

The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours. And,the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.

Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift. They may also be sent afterwards with a thank-you note. It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand,there?by forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is too busy to do that. See,that's the logic!The type of flowers sent has a code of its own,too. One must never send chrysanthe?mums because they are considered too humble a flower for occasion. Carnations are considered bad luck,and calla lilies are too reminiscent(令人联想) of funerals(葬礼) .A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic intent. Don't send those unless you mean it,and never to a married hostess. And though the French love wine,you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party. Why,it's as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand,and that's an insult. You may,however, offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.

If an invitation is for eight o'clock,the considerate guest arrives at 8 : 15. Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are mere thoughtless ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details and crises. The "correct" guest arrives between 15 to 20 minutes after the hour because dinner will be served exactly 30 minutes past the time on the invi?tation.

(   ) 1. According to Madame Nora Chabal, which of the following is polite?

   A.Offering a box of chocolate to the hostess.

   B.Holding a gift of flowers in hand when you arrive at the host's home.

   C.Taking a bottle of wine to a dinner party.

   D.Bringing a friend with you to go to the host's home together.

(   ) 2. The underlined word "complimenting" probably means         .

   A. making comments on   B. playing jokes on

   C. singing praise of   D. sharing opinions with

(   ) 3. If an invitation is for 5 p. m. , the guest had better arrive at         .

   A. 5:15 p.m.   B. 4:55 p.m.

   C. 5:00 p.m.   D. 5:30 p.m.

(   ) 4. What is the passage mainly about?

   A.Dining in Paris.

   B.Going to a dinner party in a foreign country.

   C.Different countries have different manners.

   D.Good manners at a French dinner party.

  Philadelphia, which means "brotherly love", is the 4th largest city in the US. It was 1      by William Penn in 1682. So to the Americans, Philadelphia is a city of 2       impor?tance. The City Hall was officially 3       in 1901. Until 1908 it was the 4       building in America. Covering an area of 427 mu, the building is bigger than the US Capital(美国国会大廈) ,with a style 5       the Louvre(卢浮宫) in Paris.

  The whole building houses 600 6      . On the 2nd floor is the Mayor's Reception Hall,where the mayor welcomes 7       guests and meets people. Among the very important people 8      ,there have been kings,queens, 9       and prime ministers from many countries.

  Around the walls are portraits of former mayors. 10       mayor's portrait is 11       when he leaves office. Tourists are 12       to have a tour round the City Hall. They are sure to be 13       by the giant statue of William Penn,the 14       of Philadelphia, which is 37 feet tall and 15       55,348 pounds. The hat brim(帽檐) measures 23 feet 16       and the fingers are 2. 5 feet long. In the City Hall Tower, 17       can enjoy a wonderful view of the city in all directions.

Parks,squares, rivers are lying 18       . The fast-running 19       look like little moving match boxes. The broad streets stretch as 20       as the eye can see.

(   ) 1.A. named   B. visited   C. discovered   D. founded

(   ) 2.A. social   B. technical   C. historic   D. tourist

(   ) 3.A. completed   B. started   C. rebuilt   D. repaired

(   ) 4.A. oldest   B. highest   C. modernest   D. newest

(   ) 5.A. after   B. by   C. in   D. from

(   ) 6.A. doors   B. windows   C. stairs   D. rooms

(   ) 7.A. honored   B. old   C. noble   D. friendly

(   ) 8.A. received   B. visited   C. accepted   D. known

(   ) 9.A. emperors   B. workers   C. presidents   D. businessmen

(   ) 10.A. One   B. Certain   C. Either   D. Each

(   ) 11.A. photoed   B. taken   C. covered   D. painted

(   ) 12.A. permitted   B. invited   C. welcome   D. ready

(   ) 13.A. surprised   B. wondered   C. impressed   D. dumbfounded

(   ) 14.A. founder   B. discoverer   C. mayor   D. pride

(   ) 15.A. has   B. costs   C. bears   D. weighs

(   ) 16.A. around   B. wide   C. tall   D. long

(   ) 17.A. mayors   B. foreigners   C. visitors   D. citizens

(   ) 18.A. across   B. down   C. below   D. under

(   ) 19.A. passengers   B. trains   C. boats   D. cars

(   ) 20.A. much4guy   B. far   C. wide   D. long

 0  131411  131419  131425  131429  131435  131437  131441  131447  131449  131455  131461  131465  131467  131471  131477  131479  131485  131489  131491  131495  131497  131501  131503  131505  131506  131507  131509  131510  131511  131513  131515  131519  131521  131525  131527  131531  131537  131539  131545  131549  131551  131555  131561  131567  131569  131575  131579  131581  131587  131591  131597  131605  151629 

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