On the surface, the Hudson River is looking good. The sun on a spring morning shines on the water, off bridges and boats. The blue crabs(蟹)are big,and the striped bass(条紋^) are bigger. On the surface, all these would probably make you think the Hudson was about as healthy as it has been since Indian times.

Sadly,it isn't. A study by the environmental group River-keeper examined an important in?dicator of life of any river,fish,and found discouraging news. Ten of 13 species it examined are reducing, and one―the great and delicious shad(西鲱)一is at a historic low.

  The report blames the usual suspects and a few new ones. The river is getting warmer,and the heat helps starve the water of oxygen. Power plants kill untold millions of fish when they suck up river water to cool their machinery. Invasive species, dirty water and fertilizer runoff and over-fishing in the ocean,where species like shad spend much of their lives,all take their toll.

  Not all fish are struggling. Striped bass are on the increase, as are bluefish and spot-tail shiners. But with other species moving slowly downwards, signs point to a sicker, less stable Hudson ecosystem than many had imagined.

  River-keeper's report shows how little we understand the biology of one of the country's most historic and important estuaries (河口,江口). It is a reminder that even the hardest-fought conservation(对自然环境的保护)victories may look like the easy ones,and that self-satisfaction can be the death of environmental progress.

(   ) 5. As a whole, the purpose of the first paragraph is to      

A.     arouse our interest in the topic of the passage

B.      get us to know the Hudson River is still pretty healthy

C.      sing high praise for the contribution of the local people

D.     call on us to protect the Hudson River

(   ) 6. What's the auther's attitude towards the present situation of the Hudson River?

A. Optimistic. B. Pessimistic.

C. Positive. D. Desperate.

(   ) 7. Which of the following fish seems NOT to enjoy the life in the Hudson River?

A. Bluefish. B. Shad.

C. Striped bass. D. Spot-tail shiners.
(   ) 8. The word "starve" in the third paragraph probably means      

A. get hungry    B. fight against

C. take in    D. get out

 Deserts are found where there is little rainfall or where rain for a whole year falls in only a few weeks' time. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive if the rain is spread throughout the year. If it falls within one or two months and the rest of the year is dry, those plants may die and a desert may form.

Sand begins as tiny pieces of rock get smaller and smaller as wind and weather wear them down. Sand dunes(沙丘)are formed as winds move the sand across the desert. Bit by bit,the dunes grow over the years,always moving with the winds and changing the shape. Most of them are only a few feet tall,but they can grow to be several hundred feet high.

  There is,however, much more to a desert than sand. In the deserts of the southwestern United States, cliffs(悬崖)and deep valleys were formed from thick mud that once lay beneath a sea more than millions of years ago. Over the centuries, the water dried up. Wind,sand,rain,heat and cold all wore away at the remaining rocks. The faces of the desert mountains are al?ways changing―very,very slowly―as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.

  Most deserts have a surprising variety of life. There are plants, animals and insects that have adapted to life in the desert. During the heat of the day,a visitor may see very few signs of living things, but as the air begins to cool in the evening, the desert comes to life. As the sun begins to rise again in the sky,the desert once again becomes quiet and lonely. 

(   ) 1. Where do you often find a desert according to the description of the author?

A.     Where it never rains or snow the whole year.

B.     Where no rivers flow through all the time.

C.     Where you can hardly find any plant and even signs of life.

D.     Where it seldom rains.

(   ) 2. Why does it often take quite a long time for a desert to come into being?

A.     Because the change of climates is very slow.

B.     Because the land is too large to be changed.

C.     Because most deserts come from seas.

D.     Because rocks are hard to be worn down.

(   ) 3. Most living things seemingly tend to be active      

A. in the morning    B. in the afternoon

C. in the evening    D. all day and night

(   ) 4. Which of the following can act as the title of the passage?

A.     How Did the Desert Coming into Being?

B.     All You Should Know of the Dry Land―Desert

C.     The Life around the Mysterious Desert

D.     Desert, the Dead Place for Life

 Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failures in career made him a bad-tempered and disappointed man,often complaining that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so 1 with the city that he had to leave.

  So his family 2 to another city. It was theof a weekend. When Terry and his wife were busily engaged in 4 their new home,the lights suddenly went 5 and they were forced to stop work. Terry regretted 6 to bring along candles and had to wait 7 in a bad mood. Just then he heard light, hesitant 8 on his door that were clearly heard in the quiet night.

  "Who's it?" he wondered. Terry didn't 9 anybody in the new city,and this was the moment he especially hated to be10 . He went to the door and opened it impatiently. At the door was a little girl,asking in a 11 voice, "Sir,do you have candles? I'm your neigh?bor.”"NO”, answered Terry 12 ? He shut the door and the girl went up. "What a nuisance!" he complained over it with his wife. " 13 had we settled down than the neighbor came to borrow things."

  He was angry about it 14the door was knocked at again. He opened it and found the same little girl outside. But this time she was holding two 15   . She said, "My grandma told me the new neighbor 16   might need candles. She sent me here to give you these. " Terry was 17 by what he saw. When he became fully 18 ,he said, "Thank you and your grandma. God bless you!”

  At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his 19in life. It was his coldness and harshness(刻薄)with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was actually 20 else but himself,for his eyes had been covered by his cold mind.

(   ) 1. A. excited    B. pleased C. disappointed    D. puzzled

(   ) 2. A. drove    B. removed    C. moved    D. hoped

(   ) 3. A. morning    B. evening   C. noon    D. midnight

(   ) 4. A. picking    B. tidying up C. turning up    D. throwing up

(   ) 5. A. out    B. away       C. down    D. off

(   ) 6. A. recognizing    B. remembering C. missing    D. forgetting

(   ) 7. A. helplessly    B. hopelessly C. carelessly    D. uselessly

(   ) 8. A. voices    B. shots      C. shouts    D. knocks

(  ) 9. A. find    B. know      C. recognize    D. like

(   ) 10. A. disturbed    B. questioned   C. forgotten    D. discovered

(   ) 11. A. courageous    B. shy     C. brave    D. joyful

(   ) 12. A. quietly    B. pleasantly    C. rudely    D. repeatedly

(   ) 13. A. No sooner    B. Hardly     C. No matter    D. No later

(   ) 14. A. as        B. while     C. before    D. when

(   ) 15. A. bulbs    B. candles      C. lamps    D. lights

(   ) 16. A. upstairs    B. downstairs    C. next doors    D. across

(   ) 17. A. frightened    B. upset     C. annoyed    D. struck

(   ) 18. A. active        B. aware     C. certain    D. lost

(   ) 19. A. business    B. career     C. failure    D. success

(   ) 20. A. everybody    B. somebody     C. anybody    D. nobody

 0  131229  131237  131243  131247  131253  131255  131259  131265  131267  131273  131279  131283  131285  131289  131295  131297  131303  131307  131309  131313  131315  131319  131321  131323  131324  131325  131327  131328  131329  131331  131333  131337  131339  131343  131345  131349  131355  131357  131363  131367  131369  131373  131379  131385  131387  131393  131397  131399  131405  131409  131415  131423  151629 

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