
【题目】More than three billion people are at risk from indoor air pollution because of the heating or cooking fuels they use. Most live in Africa, India and China. They use wood, crop waste, animal waste or coal. These solid fuels may be the least costly fuels available. But they are also a major cause of health problems and death.

The Aprovecho Research Center has been designing cooking stoves for the developing world. People having less money use wood or biomass for cooking; the richer people use oil and gas. It's estimated that wood is running out more quickly than oil and gas.

The group has made stoves using mud, bricks, sheet metal, clay, ceramics and old oil drums. Most of the stoves look like large, deep cooking pots. They have an opening at the bottom for the fire and a place on top to put a pot.

In the late 1970s, Aprovecho produced a popular stove called the Lorena. The Lorena was good at reducing smoke and warming homes. But new tests years later found that it was not efficient. The used twice as much wood as an open fire, and took much longer to heat food. Since then, they have experimented with count-less other designs.

Their goal is to make an inexpensive stove—let's say five dollars— that makes little smoke, and it's safe for health and reduces global warming and deforestation(采伐森林).

Aprovecho has now partnered with a stove manufacturer in China. The company is making Aprovecho's first mass produced stoves. They are said to use 40% - 50% less wood than an open fire, and produce 50% -70% less smoke. A company called Stove-Tec is selling them through its Web site for less than ten dollars. Dean Still says that more than one hundred thousand have been sold so far.

【1】 The underlined word " biomass " ,in Paragraph 2 refers to __________

A. oil and gas B. wood

C. coal D. crop waste or animal waste

【2】 The following sentence is taken from the passage, it is probably placed at the end of __________.

A World Health Organization estimate that over 1,500,000 people a year die from breathing smoke from solid fuels.

A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2

C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4

【3】 Which information about the Lorena mentioned in Paragraph 4is WRONG?

A. It was a popular stove which began to produce in 1970.

B. It was able to be used to bring down smoke.

C. It was good at heating houses.

D. It turned to consume more fuel later.

【4】 Stoves the Aprovecho Research Center has been designing should have the following characteristics :__________.

(1)enormous (2)costly (3)efficient (4)low-carbon (5) cleaner

A. 1. 2. 4 B. 3. 4. 5.

C. 2. 3. 5. D. 1. 3. 4.

【5】 You can probably read the passage in a magazine about __________

A climate change

B. financial crisis

C. an environmentally-friendly life

D. commercial advertisement

【答案】【1】 D

【2】 A

【3】 A

【4】 B

【5】 C

【解析】【1】 猜测词义题。根据 the richer people use oil and gas 可以排除A项。第一段中介绍发展中国家人们使用wood, crop waste, animal waste or coal, biomass 所在的句子为 People having less money use wood or biomass for cooking, 故可排除 B项,煤炭也是需要花钱的,因此不怎么花钱的燃料除了木头就是 crop waste animal waste.

【2】 推理判断题。根据第一段末尾句But they are also a major cause of health problems and death. 可知。

【3】细节理解题。可以运用排除法,根据In the late 1970s, Aprovecho produced a popular stove called the Lorena. 可知 A选项错误。

【4】推理判断题。根据第四段中The Lorena was good at reducing smoke和it was not efficient可知它们需要清洁、高效;根据倒数第二段首句 Their goal is to make an inexpensive stove—let's say five dollars. . . 可知要价廉;根据倒数第二段中it's safe for health and reduces global warming and deforestation可知,设计的炉子应符合现在流行的“低碳”说法。

【5】推理判断题。根据第一段和全文的内容可知,本文话题和环保有联系。D选项具有一定的迷惑性,但本文不是commercial advertisement(商业广告),最后介绍这种炉子销量好的目的旨在说明它的高效、环保和健康。全文的话题是介绍Aprovecho研究中心卓有成效的工作。



Time to give thanks

When it comes to Thanksgiving, turkey may be the first thing that comes to mind. It’s the right picture, but it’s not complete.

Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November every year, Thanksgiving Day is a time for thanksgiving and feasts. It’s about expressing your gratitude to the important people and all the good things in your life.

Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with much warmth and keep many traditional customs. Here we introduce two of the rules Americans typically follow on this day.

1. Time for prayers and paying back

Thanksgiving Day has been associated with prayers in church and in homes for centuries. Attending church prayer services in the morning is the first step of many celebrators on Thanksgiving Day. The churches provide worship (礼拜) services and organize special events for the occasion.

Before Thanksgiving meals, some families gather together and read prayers to thank God for his kindness and the gifts he has bestowed upon (给予) them in the form of friends and family.

Some people also do voluntary community work on this day, as a way of paying back.

2. Family reunions and showing gratitude

Like China’s Spring Festival, preparing a big meal and bringing the family together at home is a long-standing tradition of Thanksgiving. Distances don’t really matter as relatives return home to be with their family, no matter how far away.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对是时候感恩了的想法,内容包括:

(1) 你认为我们中国人有没有必要过“感恩节”?为什么?

(2) 以你自己的经历或者身边的人为例,阐述重视感恩的必要性;

(3) 总结你的观点。


1. 作文中可以使用实例来支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容论述,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。









【题目】Chile is a country of southwest South America with a long Pacific coastline. Santiago is the capital and the largest city. The population of the country is about 11,329,736.

A long time ago, Chile belonged to Spain, a European country, because it was colonized by Spain in 1541,Many of Chileans, how-ever, did not want to be ruled by Spain.

Led by Bernardo O'Higgins, some of them formed a small army. They attacked the Spanish soldiers at different times and different places.

This made the King of Spain very angry. He sent more soldiers to Chile to deal with them.

Although there were far more Spanish soldiers than freedom fighters, they refused to surrender and fought bravely.

At last, however, in 1814,they were forced to retreat to the town of Rancagua near Santiago. There, O'Higgins and his men were surrounded by the Spanish army and O'Higgins was wounded by an enemy bullet.

It seemed as if their fight for freedom were over. But O'Higgins refused to surrender. Even though he was wounded, he ordered his men to collect as many mules, cows, sheep and dogs as possible. Shouting at the top of his voice, he rode into the animals. Frightened, they began to run. They ran straight at the Spanish soldiers. Now it was the Spaniards' turn to be frightened. They turned and run away from the animals as fast as they could, allowing O'Higgins and his men to escape to the mountains.

There he built up his army, and in 1818 he defeated the Spanish and the country declared its independence. He then became the first president of the new, free nation in the same year.

【1】 The first paragraph is written mainly to __________.

A. show the location of Chile

B. offer supporting details

C. stress the importance of capital

D. give a general introduction and lead to the topic

【2】 According to the passage, Spanish governed Chile for about __________ years.

A. 1541 B. 273

C. 277 D. 400

【3】 Which description about Chile is NOT right?

A. Spain ruled Chile at one time.

B. Chile borders on the Pacific.

C. Chile lies in the southwest of South America.

D. Chile is one colony which belongs to Spain.

【4】 We can infer from the passage that __________.

A. Bernardo O'Higgins became the first president of the new Chile

B. Bernardo O'Higgins was not only brave but also intelligent

C. Bernardo O'Higgins was good at raising animals

D. Rancagua is far from Santiago

【5】 What doesn't happened in 1818?

A. O'Higgins broke through the enemy by using terrible animals.

B. Eventually, O'Higgins defeated the Spanish army,

C. Chile broke away from the rule of the King of Spain.

D. O'Higgins turned the first president of the free country.


Bissel is a small village of the West Sahara. It lies next to a 1. 5square-kilometer oasis (绿洲), from where three days and nights are generally required to go out of the desert. However, before Ken Levin discovered it in 1926, none of the Bissel villagers had ever walked out of the desert. Reportedly, they were not unwilling to leave this barren land. Many had previously tried but failed, always somehow finding themselves back at the oasis after several days of trying to walk out.

When interviewed by Ken Levin, an expert at the British Royal College of Sciences, the villagers explained that no matter which direction they walked it always brought them back to the village.

Why couldn't the Bissel villagers walk out of the desert? Levin was very puzzled. He had, by himself, managed to walk north from the village and reach the nearest town in three and a half days. He decided to carry out an experiment to solve the mystery. He and a Bissel villager called Argutel, would walk out of the desert together. They prepared enough water for a half-a-month journey and two camels. But this time Ken Levin didn't bring his compass. Levin would follow Argutel.

Ten days later, they had walked for about 500 miles but were still in the desert. On the 11th morning, an oasis came into their view. They were back at Bissel. Levin now understood why the Bissel people couldn't escape the desert. They had no knowledge of the North Star, which had for centuries provided sailors and other travelers with a point of direction. In the desert, if a person goes forward relying only on their senses, they will not be able to travel in a straight line. Rather they will travel in a very large circle and eventually track back to where they began. Levin explained to Argutel the function of the North Star and said, "As long as you rest in the daytime and walk towards the brightest star at night, you would be able to walk out of the desert. " Argutel did as he was told. Three days later, he came to the edge of the desert.

Now in the West Sahara, Bissel has become a bright pearl, where tens of thousands of tourists come every year. Argutel's bronze statue stands in the center of the town. On its base are the words: __________.

【1】Villagers in Bissel had never walked beyond the desert because __________.

A. they had no method to find their way out

B. they were discouraged by their failures

C. they had a fear of the outside world

D. they had no desire to leave the oasis

【2】Ken Levin asked Argutel to walk to the north in order to __________.

A. see how far away Bissel was to the edge of the desert

B. prove that people could walk out of the desert

C. tell people not to walk in circles

D. show Argutel was a great person

【3】According to the passage, Ken Levin __________.

A. knew Argutel before he came to the village

B. came to Bissel to do experiments on behalf of his college

C. became the first man to walk out of the desert from Bissel Village

D. taught Bissel villagers knowledge of the North Star when he first arrived

【4】It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A. Ken Levin didn't walk south because it would take more days

B. the use of a compass was necessary to walk out of the desert

C. tourism in Bissel has been greatly developed and improved

D. Argutel became the leader of Bissel after his return

【5】Which of the following can most probably be found at the base of Argutel's statue?

A. Two heads are better than one.

B. Where there is a will, there is a way.

C. A long journey starts with the first step.

D. A new life starts from the fixed direction.

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