Antarctica is the southernmost place on Earth, and it is larger than the United Sates and 95% of it is covered with ice. The ice is 5 kilometers thick at places and it never melts. At least that is what we thought, but let us keep it that way for now.
The ice seems to be alive as it works its way towards the sea. It forms an ice shelf over the water. The edge breaks away from the shelf and falls into the sea. From here it drifts. Now big pieces of ice become icebergs that can be 160 km long. They now drift north until they finally melt and become part of the ocean. This process is part of a bigger process which in turn forms a cooling system for Earth. This is so important that no country is allowed to control this area. The treaty (agreement) signed by 12 countries at first and later joined by more, was to prevent any country harming the planet with irresponsible behavior.
The treaty basically states that:
Antarctica can be used for peaceful purposes only.
No country may build a military base there.
No country may do a nuclear test there.
No country may dump nuclear waste there.
Scientists working there will share their information.
Some other rules are there to protect the penguins and seals.
No dogs may run loose.
No planes may land near large groups of animals.
No guns, explosives, or tractors may be used near the animals.
Most important is that every member can inspect any of the other bases if he suspects that the treaty rules are being broken.
While the treaty is not foolproof(万无一失的), it does play a very important part in the protection of Antarctica. The more people realize the effects that pollution has on this continent, the bigger the pressure will be on Governments to change the way they look at pollution.
69. Why was it important to sign a treaty for Antarctica?
A. Because the ice on Antarctica will finally melt into the ocean.
B. Because Antarctica is covered with 5 kilometers thick ice.
C. Because Antarctica balances the temperature of Earth.
D. Because there are many big icebergs in Antarctica.
70. What is the process of the movement of ice in Antarctica?
A. Ice shelf---sea water---iceberg---ice.
B. Sea water---ice---iceberg---ice shelf.
C. Iceberg---ice shelf---ice---sea water.
D. Ice---ice shelf---iceberg---sea water.
71. What is included in the Antarctica treaty?
A. There is no secret research information in Antarctica.
B. Dogs are not allowed to be raised in Antarctica.
C. Waste can’t be thrown away in Antarctica.
D. People can’t bring their guns to Antarctica.
69. CDA

Have you ever walked outside thinking it was one temperature but quickly discovered it felt colder? That is because of the “wind chill” effect.
Wind chill is how cold people and animals feel when they are outside, not the actual temperature on the thermometer(温度计). It is based on how quickly your body loses heat when it is exposed to wind and cold. When the wind is strong, your body quickly loses heat, making the temperature of your skin drop.
When scientists first started calculating wind chill, they used research conducted in 1945 by explorers to Antarctica who measured how quickly water froze outside.
But water freezes faster than exposed skin, so the wind chill index based on that data wasn’t accurate.
In 2001, the US government began to measure wind chill more precisely by testing how quickly people’s skin froze.
Twelve volunteers were placed in a chilled wind tunnel. Equipment was stuck to their faces to measure the heat flow from their cheeks, forehead, nose and chin while they walked three miles per hour on a treadmill(跑步机).
The experiment revealed how quickly exposed skin can be damaged, particularly unprotected areas like your fingers, toes, the tip of your nose and your ear lobes. In fact, 40 percent of your body heat can be lost through your head! Signs you might have frostbite(冻疮) are when the skin turns white or pale and you lose feeling in that area.
The information collected from the volunteers helped scientists work out the math to compute wind chill. It involves wind speed and air temperature.
If, for example, the temperature outside is zero degrees Fahrenheit and the wind is blowing at 15 miles per hour, the wind chill is calculated at 19 degrees below zero. At that wind chill temperature, exposed skin can freeze in 30 minutes.
You can find a calculation table at www.nws.noaa.gov/om/windchill/index.shtml.
Experts advise in cold weather that you wear loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing, worn on top of each other. Air caught between the clothes will keep you warm. The best cold-weather coats have head coverings made of woven material that keep out water. So next time the temperature drops and you want to play outside, listen to your parents when they tell you to wrap up warm!
【小题1】 According to the text, wind chill _______.
A.means how fast exposed skin freezes |
B.doesn’t affect your head as much as other body parts |
C.changes according to the temperature on the thermometer |
D.changes from person to person depending on their health |
A.When his skin turns red and he loses feeling in that area. |
B.When he is running faster and he is losing strength quickly. |
C.When his face is exposed and quickly loses heat even indoors. |
D.When his skin turns pale and he has no feeling in that area. |
A.A person’s body temperature and will speed. |
B.Wind speed and a person’s strength. |
C.Air temperature and wind speed. |
D.The location and air temperature. |
A.It was in 1945 that scientists first began to calculate wind chill. |
B.Compared with water, people’s exposed skin freezes more slowly. |
C.The wind chill index based on Antarctica data is considered a standard. |
D.With the development of technology, many previous researches have been proven wrong. |