
Most teenagers in the United States spend their time trying to make time for school, family and friends. But some choose bigger goals and make a difference in the world.
At age 15, Winter Vinecki has already had more _________ than most people have in their lifetime. Doctors discovered Winter’s fathers had a rare and _______ form of prostate cancer when she was nine years old. He died 10 months later. “When he was first diagnosed I immediately knew I had to do something to help him. That’s ______ I formed Team Winter for prostate cancer research and ______.” Winter Vinecki has raised almost 500,000 dollars. She has _______ prostate cancer education worldwide from Kenya to Mongolia_________ foot races called marathons, on seven continents. In the United States she travels _______ to talk about prostate cancer and _______ others to act. Winter Vinecki spoke recently at a conference in Los Angeles. “Prostate cancer is much more common, ________ the men don’t want to talk about it. So that’s why a nine-year-old girl had to go out there and start talking it for _______.”
Jack Andraka invented an inexpensive sensor that _______ cancers of the pancreas, ovaries and lungs. Jack is now 17and seeking patents for his latest inventions. He has developed low-cost water quality _______. They help identify and remove heavy metals and poisonous chemical from_____. “I hope to see them _______ in the developing nations.”
Sixteen-year-old Mary-Pat Hector saw a problem in her own community. She says too many young people were ________in gun violence. It kind of made her feel like she had to do something about it. So she started a _________ to educate young people about gun violence. “I just want the world to be a better place,” she said.
Mary-Pat hector, Jack Andraka, and Winter Vinecki say a ________ of supportive parents, the Internet and social media has helped them succeed; but Winter and Jack also created their inner ________. “Ithink the biggest thing for kids and adults is to never let age and gender be a _________ and to not just dream but dream big,” said Vinecki. “ Never let anyone else tell you ______.” Said Andraka. “Always keep going for your dream, so anything is possible.”



【小题1】C名词辨析。根据文章第一段(总起段落)的最后一句话可知,整篇文章讲的是出类拔萃的美国青少年,从文章第二段开始例举,Winter Vinecki 是第一个例子。所以该句句意:“15岁的Winter Vinecki比许多人终其一生所取得的‘成功’还要多。”,故正确答案为C.
【小题2】C形容词辨析。A. passive “消极的,被动的”;  B. sensitive“敏感的,易怒的”; C. aggressive“侵略的;有进取心的”; D. negative“否定的,消极的”,根据该句的下一句“ He died 10 months later.”,显然她父亲的病情很严重,故选 aggressive“侵略的”,来作定语进行修饰, “a rare and aggressive form of prostate cancer ”意为:“一种罕见的侵略性的前列腺癌”。
【小题4】D名词辨析。A. development“发展”; B. threat“恐吓,威胁”; C. panic“恐慌,惊慌”; D. awareness“认识,意识”,该处for + n.表示Winter团队的价值理念所在,除了对于前列腺癌的研究,还有就是针对与对癌症的‘认识’了。
【小题5】A动词辨析。A.take有“讲授,带领”之意,其结构为“take sth/ take sb (for sth)”,例如:The head teacher usually takes us for French.校长通常给我们上法语课。B. received“收到”; C. searched“搜寻”; D. tested“测验”,该句句意:“她在世界范围内‘进行’前列腺癌的教育。”,故正确答案为A.
【小题6】A 介词辨析。A. through“通过…”; B. off“离开,偏离”; C. over“在…之上”;D. beyond“超出…”,而该句句意:“她在世界范围内进行前列腺癌的教育是‘通过’马拉松长跑的这种方式。”故正确答案为A.
【小题7】B副词辨析。A. officially“官方地,正式地”; B. continually“不断地”; C. peacefully        “和平地,平静地”; D. temporarily“暂时地,临时地”,该句句意:“在美国,她‘频繁地’旅行,宣讲前列腺癌的知识,敦促(力劝)其他人行动起来。”,故正确答案为B.
【小题8】C动词辨析。A. promise“承诺”; B. pay“花费”; C. urge“力劝,敦促”; D. prefer“更喜欢”,此处句意:“‘力劝’人们行动起来。”,故正确答案为C.
【小题9】D连词辨析。A. for“因为”; B. before“在…之前”; C. unless“除非”; D. but“但是”,该句句意:“前列腺癌虽然司空见惯,‘但是’男人们都不愿谈及此事。”即两句间的逻辑关系是“转折”,故正确答案为D.
【小题11】D动词辨析。A. cures“治愈”; B. improves“改良,提高”; C. prevents“防止,预防”; D. identifies“识别”,因为该空所在的定语从句所限定的先行词是sensor“传感器,感应器”,故定语从句的谓语动词应选D. identifies识别。该句句意:“他发明了一种廉价的能‘识别’胰腺癌、卵巢癌和肺癌的感应器。”
【小题12】B名词辨析。A. experiments“实验,试验”; B. devices“装置”;C. trials“试验”;D. data“数据,资料”,所选的名词要作动词develop的宾语,且根据下一句话所介绍的该名词的作用“help identify and remove”(帮助识别和清除…)可知,正确答案为B.
【小题13】B名词辨析。根据上文中提到的该装置为“water quality devices”水质装置,所以它的功能显然是把重金属物质和有害物质从“水中”去除掉。故正确答案为B.water.
【小题14】C动词辨析。 A. carried“携带”; B. exposed“使…暴露于/处于/面临…”; C. employed“雇佣;使用”; D.handled“拿/抓(某物);处理/管理(事情/情况)”,该处的动词要非谓语化作宾语补足语,且根据该句句意:“我希望看到它们(我的发明设备)‘被应用’到发展中国家。”故正确答案为C.employed “被使用”。
【小题15】D动词辨析。A. failing“失败”; B. fleeing “逃跑”; C. declining“减少;衰退,衰落”; D. dying“死”,根据该句的状语部分“in gun violence”(在枪击暴力中),too many young people 为主语,所以谓语应选D. (was)dying.该句句意:“她说,太多的年轻人在枪击暴力中丧生。”
【小题16】D名词辨析。A. revolution“革命,变革”; B. discussion“讨论”; C. business“生意,业务;事情”; D. campaign“活动;战役”,该句句意:“她还发起了一场教育年轻人声讨枪击暴力的‘运动’”,故正确答案为D.
【小题17】A名词辨析。A. combination“联合”; B. convenience“便利,方便”; C. competence “胜任,能力,资格”;D. consideration“考虑;体谅”,该句句意:“是能给予帮助的父母、网络和社会媒体‘共同’帮助他们取得了成功。”故该处主语应选A.
【小题18】C名词辨析。A. harmony“和谐”; B. satisfaction“满足”; C. selves“自我”; D. impressions“印象”,该句句意:“但是,Winter和Jack也创造了内在的‘自我’”,故正确答案为C.
【小题19】A名词辨析。A. barrier“障碍;栅栏”; B. favor“赞同,支持;偏爱;善行”; C. benefit“利益,好处”; D. difference“不同”,该句句意“我认为,对于孩子和成年人来说最大的事情是永远不要让年龄和性别成为‘障碍’。”,故正确答案为A.


When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. ______, it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadn’t been so ______.

As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly ______ cold — very cold. Alice’s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move ____ that she didn’t hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also ______. Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something ______. Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “Hello, dear, ” said the old lady. “I need ______. I’m afraid I’m lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes. ”

“Airport? You ______ are lost, ” Alice said. “You need to go back five kilometers ______ you reach the T-junction. Turn left and ______ for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the ______ to the airport. But I’m afraid there’s no ______ you’ll get there in five minutes!”

“Thank you very much, dear, ” replied the old lady. “Don’t worry — I’ll ____ in time. ”

The ______ moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it ______ and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something ______ happened. The car began changing. First, its color ______ from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, ______ just above the ground. As the car ______ into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling ______, the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief…

1.A. However B. BesidesC. ThereforeD. Otherwise

2.A. braveB. excitedC. curiousD. stubborn

3.A. fellB. seemedC. provedD. grew

4.A. asideB. aroundC. forwardD. backward

5.A. arrivedB. stoppedC. stayedD. started

6.A. gathered B. existedC. droppedD. moved

7.A. help B. gasC. restD. water

8.A. necessarilyB. normallyC. basicallyD. certainly

9.A. ifB. untilC. unlessD. as

10.A. driveB. walkC. followD. march

11.A. addressB. signsC. noticesD. guidance

12.A. doubtB. roomC. timeD. way

13.A. have itB. get itC. make itD. finish it

14.A. doorB. windowC. headlightD. wheel

15.A. passedB. rushedC. turnedD. continued

16.A. strangeB. sensitiveC. imaginableD. horrible

17.A. developedB. appearedC. spreadD. faded

18.A. rollingB. floatingC. drawingD. flashing

19.A. pointedB. returnedC. brokeD. rose

20.A. tuneB. voiceC. soundD. tone


During the 19th century, women’s education was not considered important in the United States. Supporters of advanced education for women faced many problems. States did require each town to provide a school for children, but teachers were often poorly prepared. Most young women were not able to continue on with their education in private schools. If they did, they often were not taught much except the French language, how to sew (缝制) clothing, and music.

Mary Lyon felt that women’s education was extremely important. Through her lifelong work for education she became the most famous woman in the 19th century America. She believed that women were teachers both at home and in the classroom. And she believed that efforts to better educate young women also served God. If women were better educated, she felt, they could teach in local schools throughout the United States and in foreign countries.

In 1837, Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women. Only four teachers and the first class of eighty young women lived and studied in the building when the school opened. But Mary knew the importance of what had been established (建立) — the first independent school for the higher education of women. The school continued to grow. In 1893, under a state law, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became a college. Mount Holyoke College was the first college to offer women the same education as was offered to men.

People who have studied Mary Lyon say she was not fighting a battle (战争) of equality between men and women, yet she knew she wanted more for women. Her efforts led to the spread of higher education for women in the United States. Historians say she was the strongest influence on the education of American young people during the middle of the 19th century.

1.What did Mary Lyon think would be a result of better education for women?

A. They could be teachers in local schools in the USA and in foreign countries.

B. They could help their children with the homework.

C. They could help their husbands with the work.

D. They could help their parents with the housework.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

A. Teachers were poorly prepared in the 19th century.

B. Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women was the first independent school for the higher education of women in the United States.

C. Mount Holyoke College only taught women French.

D. Young women studied French, sewing and music in private schools in the 19th century.

3.What contributions did Mary make to education?

A. She taught a great number of young women.

B. She made the law protect men’s right to education.

C. She was responsible for the spread of higher education for women in the USA.

D. She succeeded in developing her own education system.


Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are ___36___ than housewives. Evidence shows that ___37__ are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows ___38___ the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly (相应地) by 2%. All this ___39__ one point: Work is helpful to health.
Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, __40___ loneliness and solitude (孤独). Researches show that people feel __41__ and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are ___42___. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as ___43___ between man and reality. By work, people __44_ each other. By collective  activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work __45__ the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him liable to (易于)___46__.
__47__, work gives one a sense of fulfillment (充实感) and a sense of ___48_. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When ___49__ finishes his writing or a doctor successfully __50___ a patient or a teacher sees his students ___51__, they are happy __52__.
From the above we can come to the conclusion ___53_ the more you work, __54___ you will be. Let us work hard, __55__ and live a happy and healthy life.
36. A. more healthier   B. healthier      C. weaker         D. worse
37. A. career women   B. the busy         C. the jobless   D. the hard-working
38. A. that whenever   B. whether       C. that though   D. since
39. A. comes down to  B. equals to      C. adds up to    D. amounts to
40. A. /                  B. off                 C. in touch with  D. away from
41. A. happy, interested              B. glad, joyful
C. cheerful, concerned            D.unhappy, worried
42. A. busy               B. free           C. lazy              D. empty
43. A. a river                   B. a gap         C. a channel       D. a bridge
44. A. come across                 B. come into contact with
C. look down upon               D. watch over
45. A. means              B. stands        C. equals           D. matches
46. A. success                B. death       C. victory              D. disease
47. A. Besides               B. Nevertheless C. However      D. Yet
48. A. disappointment  B. achievement  C. regret    D.apology
49. A. a worker       B. a farmer        C. a writer        D. a manager
50. A. manages       B. controls      C. operates on    D. deals with
51. A. raise              B. grow        C. rise                 D. increase
52. A. in a word       B. without a word C. at a word      D. beyond words
53. A. that                B. which            C. what            D. /
54. A. the lonelier and weaker                B. lonelier and weaker
C. happier and healthier       D. the happier and healthier
55. A. study well                     B. studying well 
C. study good                    D. studying good

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