
Recently I spoke to some of my students about what they wanted to do after they graduated, and what kind of job prospects they thought they had.

Given that I teach students who are trained to be doctors, I was surprised to find that most thought that they would not be able to get the jobs they wanted without “outside help”. “What kind of help is that?” I asked, expecting them to tell me that they would need a relative or family friend to help them out.

“Surgery(外科手术), ”one replied. I was pretty alarmed by that response. It seems that the graduates of today are increasingly willing to go under the knife to get ahead of others when it comes to getting a job. One girl told me that she was considering surgery to increase her height. “They break your legs, put in special extending screws, and slowly expand the gap between the two ends of the bone as it regrows. You can get at least 5 cm taller! ”

At that point, I was shocked. I am short. I can’t deny that, but I don’t think I would put myself through months of agony(痛苦)just to be a few centimeters taller. I don’t even bother to wear shoes with thick soles, as I’m not trying to hide the fact that I am just not tall!

It seems to me that there is a trend toward wanting “perfection”, and that is an ideal that just does not exist in reality.

No one is born perfect, yet magazines, TV shows and movies present images of thin, tall, beautiful people as being the norm. Advertisements for slimming aids, beauty treatments and cosmetic surgery clinics fill the pages of newspapers, further creating an idea that “perfection” is a requirement, and that it must be purchased, no matter what the cost is. In my opinion, skills, rather than appearance, should determine how successful a person is in his chosen career.

1.Many graduates today turn to cosmetic surgery to .

A. marry a better man/woman

B. become a model

C. get an advantage over others in job-hunting

D. attract more admirers

2.According to the passage, the author believes that .

A. everyone should pursue perfection, whatever the cost is

B. it’s right for graduates to ask for others to help them out in hunting for jobs

C. media are to blame for misleading young people in their seeking for surgery

D. it is one’s appearance instead of skills that really matters in one’s career

3.What does the author think of his height?

A. He hates to be called a short man.

B. He tries to increase his height through surgery.

C. He always wears shoes with thick soles to hide the fact.

D. He just accepts it as it is.



The Value of an Hour

It was Thanksgiving morning. In the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in clothes and thin little sandals(凉鞋), staying together at the door on the top step.

“Any old , lady?” asked one of them.

I was . I wanted to say “no” until my eye their sandals, which were wet with heavy snow.

and I’ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”

They walked and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the . I served them cocoa and bread with jam to fight the freezing cold outside. I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget for Thanksgiving Day.

The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice,“Lady, are you ?”

I looked at my old sofa covers. The girl put her cup back in its saucer(托盘) and said, “Your cups match your saucers.” Her voice was with a need that no amount of food could supply. They left after that, their papers against the wind. They hadn’t said “Thank you.” They didn’t need to. They had me that I had so much for which to be grateful. Plain blue china cups and saucers were worth five pence. But they matched.

I tasted the potatoes and the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job—these ,too.

I moved the chairs back from the fire and the living room. The muddy(沾上泥的) of small sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to how rich I am.

1.A. before B. while C. when D. as

2.A. worn B. strange C. ordinary D. smart

3.A. clothes B. papers C. cups D. shoes

4.A. sad B. nervous C. busy D. happy

5.A. fell upon B. came at C. went through D. got into

6.A. Stand back B. Turn around C. Get out D. Come in

7.A. over B. out C. off D. on

8.A. door B. floor C. ground D. wall

9.A. about B. against C. for D. in

10.A. Thus B. But C. Then D. So

11.A. rich B. kind C. helpful D. healthy

12.A. curiously B. hopefully C. carefully D. silently

13.A. hungry B. pleasant C. deep D. cold

14.A. turning B. delivering C. pushing D. holding

15.A. reminded B. promised C. persuaded D. told

16.A. really B. even C. well D. only

17.A. matched B. worked C. mixed D. agreed

18.A. decorated B. equipped C. emptied D. cleaned

19.A. lines B. prints C. signs D. steps

20.A. realize B. doubt C. forget D. prove

Honesty is the best policy, as the English saying goes. Unfortunately, honesty often leaves us when no one is watching, British psychologists reported last week.

Researchers at UK’s Newcastle University set up an experiment in their psychology department’s coffee room.

They set a kettle, with tea, coffee and milk on the counter and hung up a sign listing the price for drinks. People helping themselves to a cup of tea were supposed to put a few cents in the box nearby.

The scientists hung a poster above the money box, and changed each week between pictures of gazing eyes and pictures of flowers. The researchers found that staff paid 2.76 times more for their drinks when the image of the eyes was hung.

“We were shocked by the size of the effect,” said Gilbert Roberts, one of the researchers.

Eyes are known to be a powerful perceptual (知觉的) signal for humans, scientists say.

“Even though the eyes were not real, they still seemed to make people behave more honestly,” said Melissa Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study.

Researchers believe the effect throws light on our evolutionary past. It may arise from behavioral characteristics that developed when early humans formed social groups to strengthen their chances of survival. For social groups to work, individuals had to co-operate, rather than act selfishly. “There’s an argument that if nobody is watching us, it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when we’re being watched we should behave better. So people see us as co-operative and behave the same way towards us,” Bateson said.

The new finding indicates that people have a striking response to eyes. That might be because eyes and faces send a strong biological signal we have evolved to respond to, Bateson said.

The finding could be put to practical use. For example, images of eyes could ensure ticket sales on public transport and improve surveillance(监视) systems to deter anti-social behavior.

1.In the experiment, a poster was hung above the money box to ________.

A. give a harmonious atmosphere

B. remind people the drinks were not free

C. prove the actual effect of different pictures

D. see how honest people are in different situations

2.From the result of the experiment, we can conclude that ________.

A. people might pay more for the drinks at the image of gazing eyes

B. people may be dishonest when no one is watching them

C. no one would pay for the drink unless they are told to

D. just a image of flowers is not enough to remind people to pay for a drink

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A. You're being watched!

B. Pay for your drink, please!

C. Mind your behavior in public!

D. Look out for electronic surveillance equipment!

4.Which of the following English proverbs can be best used at the beginning of the passage?

A. Once a thief, always a thief

B. Lies have short legs

C. Honest is the best policy

D. An honest look covers many faults

Tayka Hotel De Sal

Where: Tahua, Bolivia

How much: About $95 a night

Why it’s cool: You’ve stayed at hotels made of brick or wood, but salt? That’s something few can claim. Tayka Hotel de Sal is made totally of salt—including the beds (though you’ll sleep on regular mattresses (床垫) and blankets).The hotel sits on the Salar de Uyuni, a prehistoric dried-up lake that’s the world’s biggest salt flat. Builders use the salt from the 4,633-square-mile flat to make the bricks, and glue them together with a paste of wet salt that hardens when it dries. When rain starts to dissolve the hotel, the owners just mix up more salt paste to strengthen the bricks.

Green Magic Nature Resort

Where: Vythiri, India

How much: About $240 a night

Why it’s cool: Ridding a pulley(滑轮)-operated lift 86 feet to your treetop room is just the start of your adventure. As you look out of your open window—there is no glass!—you watch monkeys and birds in the rain forest canopy. Later you might test your fear of heights by crossing the handmade rope bridge to the main part of the hotel, or just sit on your bamboo bed and read. You don’t even have to come down for breakfast—the hotel will send it up on the pulley-drawn “elevator”.

Dog Bark Park Inn B&B

Where: Cottonwood, Idaho

How much: $92 a night

Why it’s cool: This doghouse isn’t just for the family pet. Sweet Willy is a 30-foot-tall dog with guest rooms in his belly. Climb the wooden stairs beside his hind leg to enter the door in his side. You can relax in the main bedroom, go up a few steps of the loft in Willy’s head, or hang out inside his nose. Although you have a full private bathroom in your quarters, there is also a toilet in the 12-foot-tall fire hydrant outside.

Gamirasu Cave Hotel

Where: Ayvali, Turkey

How much: Between $130 and $475 a night.

Why it’s cool: This is caveman cool! Experience what it was like 5,000 years ago, when people lived in these mountain caves formed by volcanic ash. But your stay will be much more modern. Bathrooms and electricity provide what you expect from a modern hotel, and the white volcanic ash, called tufa, keeps the rooms cool, about 65℉in summer.(Don’t worry—there is heat in winter.)

1.What is the similarity of the four hotels?

A. Being expensive. B. Being beautiful.

C. Being natural. D. Being unique.

2.What does the underlined part “Sweet Willy” refer to?

A. The building of Dog Bark Park Inn B&B.

B. The name of a pet dog of the hotel owner.

C. The name of the hotel.

D. The name of the hotel owner.

3.Which of the hotel makes you have a feeling of living in the far past?

A. Tayka Hotel De Sal B. Green Magic Nature Resort

C. Dog Bark Park Inn B&B D. Gamirasu Cave Hotel


According to legend, a young man while wandering the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he ________ his leather container so he could bring some to a tribal elder who had been his teacher.

After a four-day journey he ________ the water to the old man who took a deep drink, ________ warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy ________ .

Later, the teacher let another student ________ the water. He spat it ________ , saying it was awful. It ________ had been no longer fresh and ________ unpleasant to drink because of the old leather container.

The student challenged his teacher: “Master, the water was smelly. Why did you ________ to like it?”

The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water. I tasted the _______ . The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be ________ .”

I think we understand this lesson best when we receive ________ gifts of love from young children. ________ it’s a tray or a bracelet, the ________ and proper response is ________ and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.

Gratitude doesn’t always come naturally. ________ , most children and many adults value only the thing given ________ the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and ________ our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. ________ , gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.

1.A. packed B. filled C. took D. carried

2.A. in B. away C. back D. up

3.A. presented B. mailed C. delivered D. showed

4.A. said B. laughed C. smiled D. nodded

5.A. heart B. mind C. moment D. occasion

6.A. smell B. watch C. taste D. feel

7.A. away B. out C. off D. on

8.A. apparently B. still C. sadly D. quickly

9.A. however B. instead C. nevertheless D. therefore

10.A. change B. pretend C. determine D. agree

11.A. sweat B. sense C. promise D. gift

12.A. clearer B. fresher C. sweeter D. purer

13.A. simple B. innocent C. worthless D. meaningless

14.A. Whether B. If C. Whatever D. Whichever

15.A. pretended B. lovely C. abnormal D. natural

16.A. devotion B. comfort C. imagination D. appreciation

17.A. Unfortunately B. Frankly C. Strangely D. Possibly

18.A. other than B. rather than C. better than D. more than

19.A. persuade B. teach C. improve D. advise

20.A. In a word B. Otherwise C. Thus D. After all


One of my next-door neighbors is a sweet 92-year-old Polish lady. A few days ago, I came back home from a trip. As I was my clothes in my room, I heard a(n) ,violent knock on the door. It was 10:30 pm, and I wasn’t sure who it could be. I went downstairs and the peephole(猫眼), and saw that it was our sweet next-door neighbor.

I quickly the door, and she seemed really distressed and kept , “please help me, I need your help. The fire alarm won’t go off. Please help me.” I told her that everything would be okay, and her to her house to see what was going on the fire alarm.

She that the alarm had been going on and off inconsistently for the past two hours, and that her to call her daughter to come and fix it was fruitless. So I took a chair from her dining room table, it, and looked at the fire alarm.

After twisting the fire alarm off, I blew into it, because sometimes causes it to make strange noises. She seemed but was exactly shaking out of fear. I asked her she was okay, and she said she was , so I gave her a hug. I felt her shaking in my embrace, and held her for a few minutes until she stopped shaking and sighed a breath of relief.

We then and talked for ten minutes, until I felt that she was okay, and safe to sleep. She was so generous with for being with her, but I thanked her for me that hugs are indeed good tools! So, sometimes, a(n) hug is a good and powerful way to hold someone going through a difficult period.

1.A. collecting B. designing C. unpacking D. setting

2.A. continual B. flexible C. rhythmic D. impressive

3.A. looked through B. made out C. cut up D. turned to

4.A. closed B. moved C. locked D. opened

5.A. thinking B. repeating C. complaining D. screaming

6.A. frequently B. briefly C. immediately D. roughly

7.A. required B. accompanied C. inspected D. observed

8.A. for B. to C. by D. with

9.A. predicted B. warned C. mentioned D. proved

10.A. attempt B. suggestion C. responsibility D. permission

11.A. pressed B. revolved C. crashed D. climbed

12.A. power B. dust C. paper D. switch

13.A. determined B. terrified C. relieved D. devoted

14.A. when B. how C. why D. if

15.A. afraid B. tired C. sleepy D. pleased

16.A. casually B. tightly C. automatically D. abruptly

17.A. broke down B. sped up C. sat down D. turned around

18.A. suffering B. regret C. shame D. gratitude

19.A. advising B. reminding C. encouraging D. advocating

20.A. simple B. special C. official D. Sudden

Everybody should have some level of first aid ability, because accidents and medical emergencies can happen anywhere at any time. St John First Aid courses give you the knowledge and confidence to provide effective first aid whenever it’s needed.

First Aid Level 1

Ideal(理想的) for anyone who wants to learn basic first aid or needs to renew their first aid qualification(资格).Courses can be held at St John or your workplace.

Fee: $162(includes GST)

Duration(持续时间):Eight hours

First Aid Level 2

Includes all course content from First Aid Level One, plus an additional half day. Ideal for special first aiders, health and safety managers and anyone who needs a first aid qualification.

Fee: $235(includes GST)

Duration: 12 hours

Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC)

Advanced training for first aiders who already hold unit standards 6400 and 6402. Ideal for people who require advanced first aid skills or a pre-hospital emergency care (PHEC) qualification for their work.

Fee: $635(includes GST)

Duration: Three days

Child First Aid

Idea for parents, grandparents and other family caregivers. A recognized qualification for childcare workers.

Fee: $65(includes GST)

Duration: Four hours

Outdoor First Aid

First aid response for accidents and medical emergencies in the wilderness. For groups of eight or more.

Duration: One to two days depending on experience

Sports First Aid

First aid response for common sporting injuries and medical emergencies. Includes ACC injury prevention advice.

Duration: Eight hours

1.If you want to learn basic first aid, you need to .

A. know a little first aid

B. take the course at St John

C. have a first aid qualification

D. spend 8 hours on the course

2.Pre-Hospital Emergency Care teaches people about .

A. first aid in childcare

B. basic emergency care

C. advanced first aid skills

D. injury prevention methods

3.If you are going to camp, which course should you choose beforehand?

A. Child First Aid B. Sports First Aid

C. First Aid Level 1 D. Outdoor First Aid

4.The main purpose of the text is to .

A. introduce the courses of first aid

B. teach people knowledge of first aid

C. change people’s attitude towards first aid

D. let people renew their first aid qualification

The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two ______ systems on the whole.

The ______ of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River _____ the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own _____. Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture _____ went overseas to Japan, _____ into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same ______.

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was ______ on the Mesopotamian Plain ---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known ______ the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also ______ waters. When the colonists(殖民者) of England _____ in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn't _______ from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the difference of the language systems _______ the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one I’m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, ______ the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no _____ with the other.

1.A. connected B. separate C. ancient D. remote

2.A. preservation B. development C. resource D. origin

3.A. if B. until C. while D. as

4.A. styles B. habits C. ways D. means

5.A. hurriedly B. gradually C. unfortunately D. suddenly

6.A. made B. emerged C. mixed D. applied

7.A. culture B. nation C. influence D. system

8.A. brought up B. brought out C. brought about D. brought along

9.A. after B. as C. for D. of

10.A. crossed B. drunk C. swam D. plunged

11.A. touched down B. put down C. got down D. settled down

12.A. evolve B. judge C. distinguish D. rise

13.A. adds to B. results to C. turns to D. takes to

14.A. as to B. as for C. as a result of D. in spite of

15.A. impact B. difference C. connection D. familiarity

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