




Lots of people usually discard the skin when they eat fruit and vegeta?bles. However, the skin of some fruit can provide more nutrients (营养物) and health benefits.

Bananas―When you eat bananas, don't just throw away the peel. If you are feeling down and blue? it will help you to get into a lighter mood. Taiwanese researchers found out banana peel contains serotonin(血清素),a chemical that balances the mood. 丁o use it, simply boil banana skin in wa?ter for about 10 minutes. You can drink it when it's cool.

 Citrus (W橘属类)fruit—I know lots of people love oranges and lem?ons. But they usually throw away the peel and just eat what's inside. The juice also contains antioxidants (抗氧化剂),but the peel has higher concen?tration (浓度)of them. In fact, the peel has 20 times more antioxidants than the content! Antioxidants help fight off the bad LDL cholesterol(低密度脂蛋白胆固醇).So if you want your body to be free of bad cholesterol, don't throw away all the orange peel !

Apples―I know a lot of people eat apples with their peel on. So, just a reminder: apple peel contains about 87 per cent more nutrients that help to fight cancer, according to a study by Comer University.

Potatoes—Potato skin is rich in nutrients like fibre, iron and vitamin C. Just wash the whole potato thoroughly and cook with the skin on, whether you are going to mash (捣碎)or bake the potato. In addition, potatoes help in preventing cancer and heart disease* since they also have antioxidants in them.

1.  The underlined word "discard" in the first paragraph probably means

  A. take in                        B.  look for

 C.cut up                        D,  throw away

2.  Which of the following is TRUE, according to the third paragraph?

  A.  People like oranges because of the nutrients in their peel.

B.  The peel of citrus fruit contains more antioxidants than its juice.

C.  Antioxidants help to increase the level of LDL cholesterol.

D.  If you have bad LDL cholesterol, don't eat orange peel.

3.  Apple peel contains nutrients that can help fight .
A. cancer                         B.  high cholesterol
C. heart disease                  D. sadness

4.  According to the text, potato skin_____ .

A. is not good for people with heart disease

  B.  that has been baked cannot be eaten

C.  has the same benefits as banana peel

D.  contains a lot of nutrients

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