

  Has your boss sent out a memo(备忘录)warning all employees to stop logging into sites like Face book, You Tube, and Twitteron company time? You may want to send a memo straight back to him or her with some justification(辩护)for your web surfing time.According to a study from University of Melbourne, workers who are allowed to spend time each day reading news, blogs, product reviews, communicating with friends on social networks and taking part in other non-work-related online pursuits are actually more productive than those who are blocked from doing so.

  The study has showed that people who surf the Internet for fun at work-within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office-are ________ by about 9% than those who don抰.

  Why the seemingly confusing result? According to Dr.Coker, it comes down to our attention spans."People need to let their mind go blank for a bit to get back their concentration," he said."Think back to when you were in class listening to a lecture-after about 20 minutes you can抰 concentrate your attention, yet after a break your concentration was restored."

  When mixed with work time, web surfing allows employees to refresh their minds and come back to the task at hand with more focus and care.

  "Short breaks, such as a quick surf of the Internet, en-able the mind to rest itself, leading to better concentration for a day抯 work, and as a result, increased productivity," Dr.Coker added.

  If your manager can抰 tolerate workplace leisure time, share this insight with him or her and maybe he or her even becomes your Face book friend.

1.What is the main idea of this text?(within 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? You may have enough reasons to argue with your manager you抮e your web surfing time at work.


3.Fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words.(within 5 words)


4.List three kinds of things workers can do during the web surfing time at work.(within 10 words)

①________ ②________-________ ③________

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.



  1.Web surfing makes you a more productive worker./Logging into sites increases productivity.

  2.You may want to send a memo straight back to him or her with some justification for your web surfing time.

  3.more productive

  4.①reading news ②communicating with friends ③reading product reviews




  Recently investors are being offered a new way to support independent media in developing countries.The Swiss private bank Vontobel and the social investment group Ability started the offering last week.

  They say the new product will provide not just a financial return, but “social added value.”They say it is a chance to invest in press freedom with a moderate(稳当的)level of risk.Vontobel spokeswoman Claudia Kraaz says the new financial product will be listed on the Swiss Exchange starting on May the eighteenth.

  The product ________.One is a bond-like(公债)investment.The other is a loan to a New York non-profit organization, the Media Development Loan Fund.

  The announcement said Bank Vontobel and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will guarantee that investors can resell it, if necessary, before the end of the five-year term.

  The media Development Loan Fund will use the money for low-cost financing of projects in developing democracies.The group has financed independent media companies in seventeen countries.

  The money is used for such things as broadcasting equipment, computers and printing presses.The Media Development Loan Fund so far has been out about thirty million dollars in loans.Spokesman Peter Whitehead tells us that loan losses are three percent.

  Sasa Vucinic started the Media Development Loan Fund in 1995.He was chief of independent Radio B-92 in Serbia.He calls the new investment product a “truly revolutionary step.”He says it could provide an example for using private finance to support other social projects around the world.The announcement came on May the third-World Press Freedom day.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

They will make sure that investors can sell the product again within five years if it is necessary.


3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Do you think the investors will benefit from the new project?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  Open Your Eyes And Let's See Who You Are

  Inventors have developed a new way to identify people, using a machine that scans their eyeballs.Developed by eyes scan, this new technology takes advantage of the fact that the iris(虹膜)of each person's eye is unique, and remains unchanged throughout a lifetime.

  The process will replace ________called retina(视网膜)identification, which compared the pattern of veins(静脉)in the back of the eye.Used to control access to nuclear weapons, retina identification has never caught on with the public because it requires the user to put their eyeball right up against a lens.Iris scanning, on the other hand, works from a distance.

  The iris of the eye is photographed from up to one meter away.The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information.Glasses and contact lenses do not interfere with the scanning process, and it takes only a brief moment.

  The new technology will be useful for banking and police work, as well as for the Internet economy.Before long, your computer monitor may be equipped with an iris scanner that can identify you when you shop online, thus preventing fraud.

  There will be no ID cards to carry in your pocket, and no long numbers to memorize.And eyes will be very difficult to counterfeit.

  Did you lose your ID card?No, you didn't.It's still right up there beside your nose.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentences in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

A new way has been improved to identify people, using a machine that scans their eyeballs.


3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What do you think of the eyeball ID?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  [1]Scientists in the United States are working on a technology that uses human energy to power devices like cell phones, laptop computers, and GPS systems

  [2]Tom Krupenkin, who teaches electrical engineering at the University of Wisconsin and his team want to reduce dependence on costly and polluting batteriesInstead of using batteries for power, they have turned to human beings and have placed a device in a shoe that collects and stores energy from human motion and turns it into electricityOne part of this device is an energy harvesterIt has two small containers filled with thousands of very small drops of liquidThese droplets get pushed back and forth as a person walks and can directly convert it into electric powerOutput of this energy is stored in a regular rechargeable tiny battery of the style that we have in cell phones

  [3]The team has also developed a system to permit use of the stored energy by common mobile devicesIt does not require connections with wires, and can be used to create a wireless signalA cell phone that uses the wireless hotspot from the shoe would use much less power if ________ a wireless telephone networkThe devices are about the size of a credit cardProfessor Krupenkin says the system is always poweredSo unlike a traditional battery, this energy harvester never needs to be recharged

  [4]The professor says he does not expect this invention to replace traditional batteriesBut it will help reduce dependence on themHe says there are a huge number of possible uses for this technologyProfessor Krupenkin thinks the technology would be useful for people in rural areas where there is no electrical power

  [5]He stresses that it makes a lot of sense for people who depend on devices like mobile phones and laptop computersAnd he says the technology could be used by soldiers who must carry batterypowered electronic devices into difficult territory(地区)


1What does the author mainly introduce to us in the text?(no more than 10 words)


2Fill in the blank in paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases(no more than 5 words)


3Why doesn't the energy harvester need to be recharged?(no more than 5 words)


4What does Tom Krupenkin expect this invention to do?(no more than 10 words)


5Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese



  Anger and bitterness may affect your health.According to research, forgiveness may help you keep healthy, both physically and mentally.

  Forgiveness-giving up anger toward another-can greatly reduce your body's anger and stress responses, which affect your mental and physical health.Research conducted by the University of Michigan's institute for Social Research has showed that people who forgive themselves and others experience reduced feelings of restlessness, nervousness and hopelessness.Other researches have found forgiveness can also lower blood pressure and heart rates.

  “Stress exacerbates pain, tightens muscles and interferes with the smooth running of the immune(免疫)system.” says Fred Luskin, director of the Forgiveness Project at Stanford University, “People think they have this unlimited storage of anger that will never do harm to their health, but they are quite wrong.”

  And good news:You don't have to be Gandhi to forgive others or ask for forgiveness.“Forgiveness is a teachable skill, which you can learn it just like you learn to play the piano,” says Luskin.

  Remember these tips when learning to forgive:

  Commit yourself.Do whatever you have to do to feel better.Forgiveness is for you, not ________.

  Get perspective.Recognize that your primary distress comes from the hurt feelings and physical upset you suffer now, not what offended or hurt you two minutes or 10 years ago.

  Meet positive goals.Instead of mentally replaying your hurt, seek a new and positive future.

  Live well.Remember that a life well lived is your best revenge.Stop focusing on wounded feelings-that gives the person who caused your pain power over you.Instead, look for love, beauty and kindness around you.

1.What's the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 8 words.)

2.List three feelings that forgiveness can reduce based on the text.(Please answer within 9 words.)




3.Fill in the blank with proper words to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 6 words.)

4.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Keep in mind that living a good life is of vital significance.

5.Translate the underlined sectence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.


  [1]Peer tutoring(同伴指导)benefits many students in several ways.Peer tutors can help themselves in understanding materials.They have to master the material themselves and come to a deeper understanding to teach others rather than getting taught by a teacher.

  [2]Peer tutors get communication and social skills by tutoring.In order to communicate the meaning of material clearly and make it understood, they must practice the necessary skills to communicate with other people.These skills also carry over socially as it's much easier, especially for shy children to communicate with someone than to communicate with a large group as in a classroom.It's common for the tutor and his student to become friends.Developing leadership skills, confidence and a sense of responsibility is easy for a tutor.The tutor becomes a better student, gains more confidence and understands the teacher's role better.

  [3]Those ________ can also benefit greatly from peer tutoring.Since the tutors are of the same age as the students, it's more comfortable for the children who have trouble with the material and in need of help to get taught by the same age tutors.This will allow them to ask more questions without fear and to come to a better understanding of the material.The tutor may be able to pass on little tips and tricks that helped him understand the material better.

  [4]The process of peer tutoring works for all the related people.It's easy to relate to someone of the same age.The tutor learns to improve skills useful later in life.The teacher has more time to concentrate on students.It's a winning situation for everyone.

1.What is peer tutoring according to the text?(no more than 12 words)


2.What are the benefits of being a peer tutor?(no more than 12 words)





3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)


4.Whom do you prefer to turn to when you have trouble in learning, your teacher or your classmate? Why?(no more than 30 words)


5.What is the author's attitude toward peer tutoring?(no more than 10 words)


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