
As you grow rapidly through your teenage years, you will experience a lot of changes. The changes may seem difficult.   71  . Don’t panic! You will deal successfully with them! You are a young adult now!
With more responsibility, you will find more freedom to make your own choices. This is a time to be well informed about making choices. In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions.   72 You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do. Both situations are fine! Work hard and the right opportunity will present itself to you.
Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices.   73  But try not to shut your family out of your life. You should learn to think of others even though you are old enough to look after yourself.
It is also perfectly natural at this time for you to spend more time with your friends than your family   74 A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.
This period is a part of the life cycle. These are some people who will be with you throughout life’s journey. There will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school can be hard. The reality is that you may not even see all of your classmates again.
You are a young adult. It is your life. No one can live it for you.   75 So making the right choices will be important to you. Life is for living. Enjoy your life wisely!
A.Choose your friends wisely.
B.They will help shape the future.
C.They may seem to happen quickly.
D.You will probably want to be independent.
E. You may appreciate what you have in your own life.
F. The choices that you make from now on will be your choices.
G. Your family has been with you since you came into this world


小题1:由后面的句子Don’t panic! You will deal successfully with them! You are a young adult now!可以知道他们可能好像发生很快,所以选C
小题2:由前面的句子In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions可以知道他们将要帮助塑造未来,所以选B
小题3:由后面的句子But try not to shut your family out of your life.可以知道你将可能想独立,所以选D
小题4:由后面句子A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens可以知道有智慧地选择朋友,所以选A
小题5:由后面的句子So making the right choices will be important to you可以知道从现在开始你所做出的选择就是你的选择,所以选F
Every year Chris Brogan posts his three words for a new year. many others and I have followed his lead for the past three or four years. They helped me a lot. My words for last year were “passion”, “focus” and “delegate” and I stayed true to them. This year, 2013, my goals are more personal and less professional.
Focus is making a repeat appearance on my list this year because I’m too much of a multitasker. The problem is that I have trouble finishing one thing with so many things calling me. When I was working as a writer, all my projects were handled via a schedule, I’m putting a fitness and housekeeping routine into my schedule.
I get so busy taking care of everyone else, and I forget to take care of myself and this has to change. My health suffers and my weight suffers. I have to get my health in check , not only for me but because I promised my 9-year-old son. I’ll make good food and lifestyle choices. I miss being thin, and it’s time to get it back.
What good is having it if I’m not taking time to enjoy it? I have a wonderful job, a happy family, and so much to be thankful for. So how come I spend all my time working? Last summer my family took our first vacation in four years, the best thing I’ve done for myself and my family in a long time. This year, I’m making sure to take time to enjoy life and celebrate its many blessings.
Do you have any words for 2013?
小题1:The underlined word “multitasker” probably refers to a person who          .
A.makes a living by writing
B.always fails to finish a task on time
C.has several things to do at the same time
D.pays more attention to fitness and housekeeping
小题2:Why does the writer have “HEALTH” as one of his three words?
A.He wants to take better care of others.
B.He’s gaining weight and feeling bad.
C.He did not take any exercise in the past.
D.He got the idea from his son.
小题3:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The word “CELEBRATE” can remind the writer to enjoy life.
B.The writer has a vacation with his family every four years.
C.The word “FOCUS” can help the writer focus on his family.
D.The writer used to be overweight for lack of exercise.
小题4:The best title for the passage might be      .
A.Three Words for 2013B.Health Should Go First
C.Keep OrganizedD.Goals for 2013
Some time ago, I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn’t think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended , as there are a whole lot of antique (古董) shops near my home . So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception. I was quite wrong. The man wouldn’t even look at my chair.
The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and, the fourth-so I decided that my approach must be wrong.
I went into the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, “Would you like to buy a chair?” He looked it over carefully and said, “Yes, not a bad chair. How much do you want for it, sir?” “Twenty pounds,” I said. “OK,” he said, “I’ll give you twenty pounds.” “It’s got a slightly broken leg,” I said. “Yes I saw that, it’s nothing.”
Everything was going according to plan and I was getting excited. “What will you do with it?” I asked. “Oh, it will be easy to sell once the repair is done.” “I’ll buy it,” I said. “What do you mean? You’ve just sold it to me,” he said.  “Yes, I know but I’ve changed my mind. I’m sorry. I’ll give you twenty-seven pounds for it.” “You must be crazy,” he said. Then, suddenly the penny dropped. “I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair.” “You’re right,” I said. “And what would you have done if I had walked in and said, ‘Would you mend this chair for me’?” “I wouldn’t have agreed to do it,” he said. “We don’t do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble. But I’ll mend this for you, shall we say for a five?” He was a very nice man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.
小题1:We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer     .
A.was rather impolite B.was warmly received
C.asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair D.asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair
小题2:The expression “the penny dropped” in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper     .
A.changed his mind B.saw the writer’s purpose
C.accepted the offer D.decided to help the writer
小题3:How much did the writer pay?
小题4:From the text, we can learn that the writer was         .
A.smart B.careful C.honestD.funny
“Get out of the plane!” Justin shouted. Teddy and he dropped to the ground,….
When Kathy and Victor reached the edge of the grassland, flames(火焰)were shooting more than five meters into the air.
Kathy couldn’t believe what she was seeing. One glance told her they needed medical attention immediately. She questioned Justin, “ Is there anyone in the plane?”
“No,” he said.
“Where are you able to radio for help?”
“There was no time.”
“ I’m a distance runner.” Kathy said, “I’ll go for help.” Looking at the seriously injured men, she said, “It may take me several hours to get out.” She started out.
When she was 23, Kathy set a women’s-course record in a Marathon. She had run 42 kilometers. But now she was running the race of her life. She had nearly 30 kilometers of hard wilderness to cover to get help.
Kathy had been running for two hours. This was far back into the wilderness. The trail(小径) grew unclear. She stopped to take a quick compass(指南针) reading. She had run for more than 20 kilometers. Her heart fell, her muscle(肌肉) aching. Finally she saw her car in the distance.
She jumped into the car and sped away. She reached a holiday house and called the police.
During the wait she walked around, relaxing her legs and drinking water. It took almost two hours for a helicopter to reach her. They needed her for one more task.
小题1:“Now, she was running the race of her life” means that ________________.
A.she would set up a new record
B.she was running for the lives of others
C.she would run a race without others
D.she couldn’t rely on Victor this time
小题2:Why did Kathy stopped to have a look at her compass? Because ______________.
A. she didn’t trust her memoryB.she had lost her way
C. The trail grew vagueD.Of the wilderness
小题3:Why did she walk around, relax her legs and drink water? Because ______________.
A.She was too tired
B.she felt thirsty
C.she wanted to regain lost energy
D.nothing else could be done then
小题4:What do you think of her final task was?
A.Giving the injured food and drinks.
B.Taking them to the nearest hospital.
C.To show the police where the injured was.
D.To go back to put out the big fire.
I’m lying on my back in my grandfather’s orchard (果园),looking up at the branches above me. It is one of the last days of summer. Already the days are shorter and the nights are cooler. Some kinds of apples are already ripe(成熟的).Others will be ready to pick soon. I think of my grandmother’s apple pie,and how I used to make it with her. She died last year,before the apple harvest,and I have not had her pie since. I really miss her. I hear bees busily humming about,visiting the late summer flowers. The gentle hum of their wings nearly sends me to sleep.
The sky is as blue as my grandfather’s eyes. Above me,big white clouds race across the sky like pieces of cotton blowing in the wind. School starts in another week,and time seems to have slowed down.
“Sophie!” calls my grandfather. “Is that you?”I stand up,take his hand,and tell him all about my day as we walk through the orchard. We talk about apples,and bees,and Grandma. He tells me that he misses her too.
He puts his rough,brown farmer’s hand around my shoulder and pulls me close. “You know,Sophie,”he says,“I spent the morning in the attic(阁楼),and you’ll never guess what I found. It’s the recipe (烹饪法) for Grandma’s apple pie. I used to help her make it sometimes. I can’t do it all alone,but you used to help her too. Maybe between the two of us,we can work it out. Want to try?”
“But it won’t be the same without Grandma,” I tell him.
“That’s true,”he says,“but nothing is the same without Grandma. Still,I don’t think that she would want us never to have another apple pie. What do you say?” I nod yes,and we walk towards home...towards an afternoon in the farmhouse kitchen,making Grandma’s famous apple pie.
小题1:We learn from the passage that Sophie          .
A.likes to watch clouds in the attic
B.comes to the orchard after school
C.enjoys Grandma’s apple pie very much
D.picks many apples in the orchard
小题2:Sophie’s grandfather spent the morning in the attic        .
A.looking for Grandma’s recipe for apple pie
B.helping Sophie’s grandmother make apple pie
C.trying to make apple pie all alone for Sophie
D.talking about apples,and bees,and Grandma with Sophie
小题3:The underlined  part in the last paragraph shows          .
A.how much Sophie’s grandmother loved Sophie
B.how much Sophie’s grandfather likes apple pies
C.how much Sophie loves her grandfather’s orchard
D.how much Sophie’s grandfather misses Grandma
小题4:Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.My grandfather’s orchardB.My grandmother’s apple pie
C.A morning in the atticD.The last days of summer
Apollo 11, carrying Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins, was launched on 16 July, 1969. Five days later they stepped down onto the moon.
Neil Armstrong
On the way there: Of all the wonderful views we had, the most impressive to me was on the way to the Moon when we flew through its shadow. We were still thousands of miles away, but close enough so that the Moon almost filled our window. The moon appeared blue-grey. It seemed almost as if it were showing us its roundness, its similarity in shape to our Earth, in a sort of welcome. I was sure it would be a hospitable(好客的) host. It had been waiting for its first visitors for a long time.
After touch down: The sky is black, you know. It’s a very dark sky, but it still seemed more like daylight than darkness as we looked out the window. It’s a very strange thing but the surface looked very warm and inviting. It seemed to be tan(棕褐色). It’s hard to explain that, because later when I held the material in my hand, it wasn’t tan at all. It was black, grey and so on.
Edwin Aldrin
On the Moon: The blue color of my boots has completely disappeared now into this soil—still don’t know what color to describe this other than grayish(灰色的) cocoa.
Back on board: The moon was a very natural and pleasant environment in which to work. On the Moon, in one-sixth gravity, you have a strong feeling of being somewhere. As we did our experiments, some objects we threw away would go in a slow, lazy manner.
小题1:What impressed Neil Armstrong most?
A.The moon filling their window.
B.Seeing the shape of the moon
C.Flying through the shadow of the moon.
D.The five—day flight to the moon.
小题2:What did Armstrong find very strange on the moon?
A.The color of the sky.B.The surface of the moon
C.The gravity on the moon.D.The daylight on the moon.
小题3:Edward Aldrin described the soil as ________.
A.tanB.grayC.blackD.grayish cocoa.
小题4:What can be said about Edward Aldrin?      
A.He landed on the moon alone.
B.He was sent to the moon by Apollo 11.
C.He didn’t notice the gravity of the moon.
D.He found it impossible to work on the moon.
You may never connect the words “good” and “eco-friendly”with plastic.It’s time to do a rethink on that as we say hello to hemp(大麻)plastic.Traditionally,plastics have been made from petrochemicals,which are mainly poisonous.Plants,on the other hand,are also a source of cellulose(纤维素),which can be used to make biodegradable (生物所能分解的)plastic.As hemp happens to be one of the richest sources of cellulose,it is only natural that scientists will support its use,considering its ecological benefits.
Hemp plastic is biodegradable and recyclable.If you thought being eco-friendly reduced its solidity,you couldn’t be more wrong.The hard level of hemp plastic can match that of regular plastic.Hemp plastic is resistant to heat;however,the most outstanding feature of a few varieties of hemp plastic is that they are flame resistant too.Finally,if Henry Ford could imagine creating a car with this material,we can perhaps believe that it indeed is“ten times stronger than steel”.
It is a pity that with so many useful qualities,we don’t see hemp plastic being used in our everyday life,the way it ought to be.Hemp plastic can easily take the place of the exiting plastic in products like cell phone chargers(充电器),laptop covers,etc.Currently,hemp plastic is being used to produce audio(音响设备),video,toys,automobile parts and packaging materials.
Hemp fiber is one of the strongest natural fibers known to us.As scientists keep looking for ways to solve the ecological damage that traditional plastics have caused,here is a material that can be produced to be 100% biodegradable.Hemp plastic is known to be several times durable as compared to polypropylene(聚丙烯)plastic,and it comes without all the health and safety threats,It really has long useful life.
Plastics keep reminding us of the damage that we have done to our planet,all under the excuse of convenience.As hemp products have become a new choice into our daily life,Please take a green plan now and make your effort to protect the environment.
小题1:Plastics produced in the traditional way are______.
A.harmfulB.made from plants
C.good and eco-friendlyD.biodegradable
小题2:According to Para.2,hemp plastic_____.
A.is all resistant to flameB.doesn’t have enough solidity
C.will take the place of steelD.can be used again after being processed
小题3:What does the underlined word“durable”mean in Para.4?
A.Very useful of important.
B.Costing little money or less money.
C.Staying in good condition for a long time.
D.Existing in large numbers or in many places.
小题4:Which aspect of hemp plastic isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A.Features.B.Production costC.Applications.D.Advantages.
小题5:What can we know from the passage?
A.Using hemp plastic is inconvenient.
B.People haven’t made the most of hemp.
C.Hemp fiber is a kind of strong man-made fiber.
D.Scientists have already known how to solve ecological damage.
Molly was a peasant girl. Her parents did not have much money and Molly did not have many nice clothes.
One day Molly’s father said to her, “Molly, take this pot of milk to market and sell it. You may keep the money.”
Molly was very happy. She put the pot of milk on her head and started her journey to market. While she was walking alone she began to think. “I will get quite a lot of money for this milk,” she thought. “What will I do with the money? I will buy a lot of eggs. I will take the eggs home with me. One of our hens will sit on them. Then there will be lots of little chickens. I will not sell the chickens. They will grow into hens. Then there will be more eggs. And these eggs will give me still more chickens. Soon I will have hundreds of hens. Then I will sell them all. They will bring me a lot of money. I will be rich. I will buy lots of new clothes. I will always wear nice clothes. Then a rich man will marry me. We will have a beautiful house, a big car and nice children...”
Molly was very happy. She jumped into the air. The pot of milk fell from her head onto the road. And that was the end of all her dreams.
In English there is a proverb. It says: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched(孵化).
小题1:Molly was happy to go to market because ________.
A.she liked to go thereB.she wanted to buy nice clothes
C.she could have the money of her ownD.she wanted to buy some eggs
小题2:On her way to market, Molly began to________.
A.count her eggsB.have a happy dream
C.think of her happy family lifeD.think how to sell the milk
小题3:What was the end of all Molly’s dreams?
A.She jumped up and fell onto the ground.B.She was happy about her house.
C.She woke and found the milk on the road.D.She married a rich man.
小题4:The proverb: “Do not count your chicken before they are hatched.” means ____.
A.one must count his chicken after they are hatched
B.it is foolish to make plans
C.one must depend more on what is in real life
D.one must make plans before they begin to work
The united States has about 475,000 school buses — all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel (柴油) fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June.
Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools are not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled. Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law.
Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance.
But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.
小题1:What does this passage mainly tell us?
A.High fuel prices’ influences on school buses.
B.New measures to transport school students.
C.The safest form of student transportation.
D.The origin of Walk to School Day.
小题2:In order to cut down transportation cost, many schools take the following measures EXCEPT_____.
A.changing some bus routes
B.stopping some bus routes
C.asking parents to drive children to and from school
D.using other types of fuels
小题3:The National Center for Safe Routes to School encourages more children to walk or bike to school in order to ____.
A.save more fuels and diesel for the country
B.keep the children safe on their way to school
C.make the children live a simple life
D.keep the children healthy and the environment clean

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