
15.-The boys are not doing a good job at all,are they?
-_________.(  )
A.I guess not soB.I don't guess
C.I don't guess soD.I guess not

分析 --这个男孩做的一点也不好,不是吗?

解答 D.考查交际用语.I guess not相当于I guess they aren't doing a good job at all.  这里是一种习惯用法.通常,只有think才用于I don't think so.中. 所以答案选D.

点评 英语口语交际并不是一个简单的过程,它需要交际者本身具有多方面的能力和知识水平及其它内在因素,社会关系至关重要,所谓语言用得得体与否,不仅指语音、词汇、语法包括语言本身是否无误,而且指是否适应它的社会环境.

3.AIDS researchers say they still have much work to do on a vaccine (疫苗)against HIV.But the first reports of some success have raised hopes.(33)C 
The study was designed to test for two abilities.One was the ability of the vaccine to prevent HIV infections.The other was its ability to reduce the amount of virus in the blood of people who became infected during the study.
Volunteers received vaccinations over a period of six months and were tested for HIV for an additional three years.The study began in 2003.It was the largest AIDS vaccine trial yet.(34)F    Half received the vaccine.The other half received a placeho,an inactive substance (物质).The volunteers did not know which they were getting.
Seventy-four people in the placeho group became infected during the study.(35)D  Doctor Supachai Rerks-Ngarm,who led the study for the Thai Ministry of Public Health,called it a scientific breakthrough.
The National Institutes of Health also took part.Doctor Anthony Fauci at NIH called the findings an important step forward.(36)G But he also said additional research was needed to better understand how the vaccine reduced the risk in those individuals.
The vaccine did not lower the amount of virus in the blood of volunteers who became infected during the study.The study was based on versions of HIV commonly found in Thailand.The volunteers received a combination of two vaccines.(37)A  The second,or booster,vaccine was developed by VaxGen.The nonprofit group Global Solution for Infectious Diseases now has rights to it.
Neither vaccine had been successful by itself when tested earlier.More detailed results of the study are expected to be presented at an AIDS vaccine conference in Paris next month.

A.The first,or prime,vaccine came from the Sanofi Pasteur company.
B.The AIDS vaccine raises hopes for those who get infected and will defeat the disease thoroughly.
C.Scientists say an experimental vaccine reduced the risk of infection in humans by thirsty-one percent and was safe.
D.The researchers say that was compared with only fifty-one of those who received the vaccine.
E.AIDS is a very serious phenomenon in Thailand.
F.It involved more than sixteen thousand adults in Thailand.
G.He said it represented the first time an investigational HIV vaccine had shown some ability to prevent infection.
4.Norm Pethrick,a 36-year-old man in Australia's northern city Darwin,was praised on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodile's back to save his wife Wendy at Litchfield National Park,a popular tourist spot southwest of Darwin,a local newspaper reported.
Ms Pethrick was standing on a river bank Wednesday afternoon when the saltwater crocodile lunged (扑),locking its jaws on both her legs as it tried to drag her underwater.
Norm Pethrick,who with his wife had been collecting water,immediately went to help her.He jumped onto the back,poked (戳) the eyes of the crocodile and finally got his wife free.
Ms Pethrick was later taken to Royal Darwin Hospital for a medical treatment.The doctors said she was suffering eight puncture wouds (伤口) in her right leg,a puncture wound in her left leg and a serious cut to one of her fingers.
"This could have been a fatal and tragic situation,"said the general manager of Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH),Dr Len Notaras,according to a local report.
He said Ms Pethrick was saved by her husband's"quick and diligent actions".
Dr Notaras also said she would remain in hospital for three to four days and have an operation to clean the wounds,which are easy to get infected because of bacteria (细菌) on the teeth of the crocodile.

5.This passage is most likely to be found inB.
A.a travel guide   B.a newspaper    C.a textbook     D.a novel
6.The crocodile attacked Ms Pethrick when she wasB.
A.swimming in the river
B.standing on the river bank
C.watching the crocodile
D.fishing in the water
7.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ms Pethrick?C
A.Her eyes were badly poked.
B.She had eight wounds altogether.
C.One of her fingers also got hurt.
D.One of the crocodile's teeth was found in her leg.
8.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?B
A.The husband should save the wife
B.A man saves wife's life from crocodile's jaws
C.A crocodile is not so dangerous as people imagine
D.Human beings can beat crocodiles sometimes.

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